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近年来在国际经济环境不景气和国内需求乏力的背景下,为了保持经济稳定增长、社会安定,地方政府纷纷采取了天量的投资计划。然而,在地方政府庞大的经济刺激背后,却是主要以土地相关收入作为偿债保障的地方债务规模的急剧扩大,风险日益突出。本通过描述了当前的土地财政现状,并分析了其风险来源,希望引起地方政府的重视。  相似文献   

近年来在国际经济环境不景气和国内需求乏力的背景下,为了保持经济稳定增长、社会安定,地方政府纷纷采取了天量的投资计划。然而,在地方政府庞大的经济刺激背后,却是主要以土地相关收入作为偿债保障的地方债务规模的急剧扩大,风险日益突出。本通过描述了当前的土地财政现状,并分析了其风险来源,希望引起地方政府的重视。  相似文献   

地方政府的债务融资对发展中国家的城市化进程具有非常重大的意义,但是在债务融资的过程中必须控制地方政府的债务风险。我国地方政府高度依赖土地出让收入偿债使得土地财政的风险与地方债务的风险交织在一起,增加了地方政府债务风险控制的难度。本文对地方政府债务融资的运行情况和地方政府依靠土地经营城市的发展模式进行了分析,发现以土地为杠杆借债融资的模式可能由于国内外经济形势的变化暴露出显性风险,而在完善地方政府债务融资的法律和监管机制的同时需要启动相应的财政和税收体制改革,使地方政府的融资行为走上更加理性和规范的道路。  相似文献   

地方财政隐性债务风险问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会主义市场经济条件下,经济领域的各种公共风险都有可能转化为财政风险,直接关系到国民经济持续、快速、健康的发展。尤其是地方财政隐性债务风险,已经严重影响到地方财政的正常运转。此文通过对地方财政隐性债务风险的形成机理、传导机制和表统形式的研究,探讨防范和化解风险的政策性和制度性措施,对我省防范财政隐性债务风险有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

财政风险是指由于财政运行环境发生变动,而导致政府无力提供基本公共产品和公共服务以及发生法律支付违约的可能性。本文借助风险矩阵将地方财政风险分为直接显性负债、直接隐性负债、或有显性负债和或有隐性负债,在此基础上分析了或有债务的内涵及其形成财政风险的机理,并提出防范建议。  相似文献   

在政府运行中,债务风险和财政风险的防范要以区分风险差异为切入点,明确风险要点,制定可行的风险防范策略。本文分析了政府债务风险与财政风险的区别与联系,并提出风险防范策略。  相似文献   

目前各县乡地方政府债务数额巨大,包袱沉重,财政风险进一步扩大,也然影响到县乡政府行政的正常运转。加强政府性债务的管理和化解对建设诚信社会、诚信政府具有重要的基础性作用。本文从县乡地方政府性债务规模巨大带来的财政运行风险出发,分析了地方政府性债务产生的原因,继而提出债务管理和化解的对策。  相似文献   

目前各县乡地方政府债务数额巨大,包袱沉重,财政风险进一步扩大,也然影响到县乡政府行政的正常运转.加强政府性债务的管理和化解对建设诚信社会、诚信政府具有重要的基础性作用.本文从县乡地方政府性债务规模巨大带来的财政运行风险出发,分析了地方政府性债务产生的原因,继而提出债务管理和化解的对策.  相似文献   

本文结合建筑施工企业的债务特点,提出了建筑施工企业债务风险管控思路,并从确定合理债务比率、优化债务结构、增强偿债能力、强化成本费用控制等方面论述了建筑施工企业债务风险管控的具体措施。  相似文献   

为保证渐进式改革顺利向深层次推进,同时维持财政预算平衡,我国政府以隐性担保这样的准财政补偿活动替代政府预算内的财政补偿活动,从而使我国财政表.现出了较低的显性负债水平.但这种补偿替代策略的实施使政府积累了越来越多的隐性负债和或有负债,同时由于隐性担保缺乏有效的激励约束机制,道德风险的蔓延将进一步提高我国的财政风险.为有效控制财政风险,政府必须进行财政创新并对传统的隐性担保机制进行彻底的改造.  相似文献   

地方债放行:制度配套与有效监管   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地方政府发债问题在讨论数年后再一次成为人们关注的焦点。本文从评价2009年财政部代发2000亿元地方债制度设计入手,介绍了地方债监管制度较为成熟的美国和日本的经验做法。在此基础上,系统阐述了我国地方政府直接发债所需的技术准备与制度配套,并从法律监督、行政监控和市场监管三个层次构建了地方债运行的风险防范体系,最后提出了基于我国国情的地方债渐进式开放模式。  相似文献   


We study the capital structure of multinationals and expand previous theory by incorporating international debt tax shield effects from both internal and external capital markets. We show that: (i) multinationals’ firm value is maximized if both internal and external debt are used to save tax; (ii) the use of internal and external debt is independent of each other; and (iii) multinationals have a tax advantage over domestic firms, which cannot shift debt across international borders. We test our model using a large panel of German multinationals and find that internal and external debt shifting are of about equal importance.  相似文献   

吕炜  刘晨晖 《财贸经济》2012,(12):21-30
本文在对全国30个省份房地产市场投机泡沫进行测算的基础上,采用系统GMM方法分析了财政因素对房地产投机泡沫的影响。研究发现,在房地产市场上,我国绝大多数省份都从2003年起开始出现明显的投机泡沫,且各地的泡沫均从2005年开始出现剧增的情形。随后,以财政支出和土地财政为重点的对影响房地产投机泡沫变化的财政因素进行的实证研究表明,土地财政已成为当前我国房地产投机泡沫积累起来的重要原因。  相似文献   

地区竞争、土地供给结构与中国城市住房价格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮亚彬  李超 《财贸经济》2020,(5):116-130
为了分析地区竞争下地方政府间土地供给结构的策略互动及其对住房价格的影响,本文在归纳梳理中国土地供应法规特征的基础上,构建一个同时考虑居住用地需求和工业用地需求的两城市模型,探讨地方政府干预土地供给结构的动机及其经济后果,并基于2006—2015年城市面板数据对提出的理论假说进行检验。研究发现,在城市建设用地总量受约束的条件下,地方政府有激励以减少居住用地为代价提高工业用地供给,进行招商引资竞争;与市场起主导作用的情形相比,地方政府干预土地供给结构时,工业用地的供应量更高,居住用地的供应量则偏低,工业地价与居住用地的价格差异增大;地方政府对土地供给结构的干预,从供给和需求两方面共同推高了房价。此外,地方政府干预土地供给结构会影响到相邻地区的供地策略。研究对加快推进房地产市场长效机制改革、从供给侧解决高房价问题具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Existing research on the financial implications of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for firms has predominantly focused on positive aspects of CSR, overlooking that firms also undertake actions and initiatives that qualify as negative CSR. Moreover, studies in this area have not investigated how both positive and negative CSR affect the financial risk of firms. As such, in this research, the authors provide a framework linking both positive and negative CSR to idiosyncratic risk of firms. While investigating these relationships, the authors also analyze the moderating role of financial leverage of firms. Overall, analysis of secondary information for firms from multiple industries over the years 2000–2009 shows that CSR has a significant effect on the idiosyncratic risk of firms, with positive CSR reducing risk and negative CSR increasing it. Results also show that the reduction in risk from positive CSR is not guaranteed, with firms having high levels of financial leverage witnessing lower idiosyncratic risk reduction.  相似文献   

我国公司理财的风险管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司在理财过程中经常面临多种制约因素,不同的公司治理结构模式、理财战略以及理财理念等都会给公司理财带来收益的不确定性。面对这些理财风险,公司必须加强业务人员培训,理顺公司治理结构与理财目标的关系,防范金融机构可能出现的道德风险,建立有效的风险管理组织体系和风险报告制度,才能确保最终理财目标的实现。  相似文献   

It is undeniable that the global financial crisis (GFC) has been a catalyst for regulatory change. Whether these policies and regulatory changes are good or bad, whether they will help or hinder growth, and whether they can effect proper balance between growth and effective risk management, the reality is that significant regulatory changes have been proposed and many have already been adopted and implemented. Business leaders may argue that the proposed policy and regulatory choices are both bad policy and bad economics, but the conclusions reached from the GFC is that the status quo was unworkable, and is certainly now politically unpalatable. Corporate governance reforms have arisen as a result of the global financial crisis. This article examines a slew of trends and changes in the wake of the GFC.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the interaction between a bail-out loan decision of a bank to a sovereign borrower and the adequacy of the bank's capital. The new loan is granted on two conditions: First, it must improve the likelihood of repayment of the outstanding loan; second the bank should have adequate capital.We find that in general a positive relationship exists between capital and the bail out loan and between existing debt and the new loan. However, under certain circumstances a negative relationship exists between the bank's capital and the new loan. Empirical results support the main implications of the theoretical model.  相似文献   

The year 2000 saw a sudden rise in failures of prominent Japanese retailers. With problems of corporate finance and governance being pointed out as early as the 1970s, the recent problems as well as the continuous rise of companies up to then have to be explained. This article contends that a major explanatory factor is the weakening of the existing stable relationships between retailers and financial institutions. Banks functioned as lenders, shareholders and providers of management resources. Changes in the banking sector led to changes in the relationship at the end of the 1990s. Problems in corporate governance surfaced that might result in a major reorganization of the Japanese retail scene.  相似文献   

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