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We extend the Bucci and Tenorio (1996) model of illegal immigration by constructing a two-country, one-good, two-factor model, and use a Cobb-Douglas production function to analyze political issues not considered in their work. We consider the case where capital is immobile between the two countries, as well as the case in which capital is mobile. Our main result is that the host country's government can, under some circumstances, optimally enforce employer sanctions in order to maximize the host country's welfare under both capital mobility and immobility. 相似文献
研究有同事效应的双方匹配博弈的稳定性。利用拒绝-接受算法证明了,当工人具有F-字典偏好而企业具有替代性偏好时,稳定匹配一定存在。同时,给出了F-对应偏好的定义,得出在F-对应偏好下,企业一方存在一个最优稳定匹配,工人一方存在一个稳定匹配将每一个工人与他最偏好的企业匹配。 相似文献
全球化造就了大批国际移民并加剧了移民问题。欧洲一体化过程作为经济全球化的微缩样本,展示了移民问题在超国家治理方面的经验和智慧,进一步显示了非政府组织和公民社会参与的必要性。欧盟移民问题已经成为涉及政治、经济、文化、民族、宗教和社会的复杂问题。由移民所引发的混乱正在打破民族地域界限向全球扩散,形成了非传统安全对传统主权的拆解,需要一种崭新的跨国主义治理模式以强化其有效性。 相似文献
内蒙古生态移民不仅关系到解决日益突出的草畜矛盾,恢复草原生态系统,而且有可能从根本上改变牧民的生产和生活条件。生态移民机制良性运行将涉及到如何对生态移民的合理化补偿问题。现行补偿机制科学论证不充分,缺乏夯实的经济分析理论基础,特别是没有将非经济成本纳入成本与收益的分析之中,加之社会某些不公因素,阻碍了生态移民政策真正成为一项利国利民的系统工程。内蒙古牧区生态移民补偿机制的合理化、标准化,要求政府构建各利益主体之间的协调机制、科学完善移民补偿制度,缓解各社会利益群体矛盾,使生态移民成为能够取得实际效果的公共政策。 相似文献
Given that the flow of immigrants from a developing country to an industrialized country increases with the gap in living standards, a welfare version of a Heckscher–Ohlin–Samuelson model is developed in which the equilibrium level of per capita utility in the developing country is some fixed fraction of that in the industrialized country. In searching for an optimal combination of immigration to the industrial country and capital transfer to the poorer country in order to raise that country's standard of living and reduce the number of emigrants, it is found that the international optimum is a corner solution with zero immigration and a positive capital transfer. 相似文献
美国养老金成功发展的重要基础之一就是政府税收政策的支撑,而目前制约我国养老金发展的重要原因恰恰是税收制度的不健全。因此,文章通过对美国养老金的税收政策的基本特点、经验进行归纳总结,探讨我国如何为养老金的发展提供更好的税收政策的保障。 相似文献
企业在引入ERP的过程中,不但要注意ERP能给企业带来的效益,还要注意可能给企业带来的训练成本、整合与测试成本、资料转换成本、资料分析成本等,否则,合给企业带来的不是效益而是成本迅速增长,从而导致企业信息化的失败。 相似文献
Using data from the 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 Censuses and the American Community Survey five-year sample for 2006–2010, we examine the impacts of immigration inflows on the migration patterns of co-ethnic natives in the United States. We explore whether the outcomes are driven by changes in labor market returns in the receiving cities or sociocultural benefits of being surrounded by co-ethnics. We find that a higher ethnicity-specific immigrant population share within a city increases the population share of both co-ethnic natives who remain in the receiving cities and co-ethnic natives who migrate into these cities, relative to natives of other ancestries. All baseline results survive robustness and falsification tests, and instrumental variable estimations. Through the heterogeneous effects, we find that the sociocultural benefits, such as language and ethnic goods that immigrants bring to receiving cities, are the potential channels that attract co-ethnic natives to migrate towards those enclaves. 相似文献
This paper elicits consumers' preferences associated with attributes of a very popular food product in Asia: red ginseng concentrate. The results of a choice experiment suggest that an asymmetric information problem can cause consumers' preferences and valuation for red ginseng concentrate to be significantly influenced by objective information about the product's attributes. The results imply that while objective information can result in differential changes in valuation for different product attributes, it can increase consumers' willingness to pay for red ginseng concentrate. The paper also discuss important policy and marketing implications from the results of the study. 相似文献
公共政策效能是政府运用公共政策对政策目标群体所产生的影响。从政策网络视角解析政府政策效能实现的路径是一个新的研究视角。政策网络研究视角不仅是制度主义研究视角和行为主义研究视角之间的纽带,还超越了多元主义研究视角的局限。在政策网络视阈,政策网络的开放程度以及政策网络的集成程度是政府政策效能释放的关键因素。提高政策网络的集成程度,有效解决政策执行传导环节的“中梗阻”现象,扩大政策网络的开放程度,有效解决政策执行基层落实环节的“最后一公里”现象,从而实现公共政策的整体效能。 相似文献
在对国民储蓄率的影响因素进行分析后,对经典的生命周期模型进行了拓展,引入了人口结构和社会保障两因素,从而构建了一个新的生命周期模型。在此基础上,对我国的国民储蓄率进行实证研究后发现,我国的人口结构确实会对国民储蓄率产生较显著的影响,而社会保障水平却对其影响不显著。 相似文献
基于最优货币政策规则的研究框架,本文从非线性总供给曲线和中央银行非对称偏好的角度来阐述货币政策规则中非对称性的理论形成,并利用GMM方法估计和检验了我国货币政策反应函数中的非对称性。研究结果表明非线性总供给曲线可以作为解释我国货币政策非对称反应的一种来源,更重要的是,中央银行对通胀缺口存在负向偏好,且这种负向的通胀偏好可以很好地解释我国“后金融危机时代”的通货膨胀偏差,但对产出缺口的非对称偏好并不显著。此外,不同通胀目标的稳健性研究表明,中央银行都存在负向的通胀偏好,而且该负向偏好随着通胀目标的降低而逐渐减弱。 相似文献
This paper provides new evidence supporting the hypothesis that patriotism and nationalism influence personal trade policy preferences in addition to the typical economic determinants. It also examines the interaction of the 9/11 terrorist attacks along with patriotism and nationalism on policy preferences. Using the Heckscher-Ohlin model as a theoretical framework, ordered probit estimations were applied to survey responses from an International Social Survey Program survey question about preferences towards limiting imports. Extensions of the model were sequentially estimated to investigate the impact of national identity on policy preferences. The model was augmented to test how feelings of nationalism and patriotism influenced personal trade policy preferences. Data from the International Social Survey Program surveys administered in 1995/1996 and 2003/2004 also allowed us to reflect on the impact of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on trade preferences in the U.S. We found that prior to the 9/11 attacks, nationalism was associated with increased inclinations towards limiting imports while patriotism had no statistically significant impact on trade preferences. The 9/11 attacks made U.S. survey respondents less open to imports. Further, the 9/11 attacks served to reduce the impact of nationalism on the tendency to limit imports while it enhanced the desire to do so through patriotism. 相似文献
文章首先把行为经济学的发展历程划分四个阶段,并分别阐述了每个阶段的主要理论贡献。其次,文章认为,行为经济学对经济学的理论贡献可以归结到两个方面:一是有限理性;二是社会偏好。有限理性有可能替代新古典经济学的理性经济人假说,而社会偏好理论则通过引入人的社会性,一改新古典经济学完全忽略人的社会性的做法,从而将经济学引入一个崭新的方向。从这个角度讲,行为经济学在未来完全有可能成为经济学发展的引领者。 相似文献
实验经济学对传统经济人假设的系统反驳促使社会偏好理论应运而生.社会偏好理论的各个模型试图在维持理性假设下,通过将基于心理学和社会学的诸如公平、互利等与“自利”假设有着明显涵义辨识度的一些人类社会性情感因素纳入到效用函数中来进而修正经济人假设,并以博弈论为基本的分析工具力图构建新的博弈均衡来解释实验经济学所揭示的一系列悖论.本文围绕社会偏好在已有文献的基础上对其产生的背景、模型、测度、外溢以及检验等问题作了一个详细而系统的梳理 相似文献