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学术界对高层管理团队(Top Management Team,TMT)认知和团队自反性的研究大都只局限于二者对企业绩效的影响。为弥补该部分研究的不足,本文通过分析以往相关研究结果,将TMT认知界定为认知需要和认知能力两个维度,以长三角288家企业高管团队作为样本进行实证分析,综合考虑团队自反性分别对TMT认知二维度的调节作用,分析TMT认知对企业绩效的影响。结果表明,团队自反性对TMT认知需要和认知能力与企业绩效的正向关系存在着显著调节作用,高自反性团队的认知需要和认知能力比低自反性的对企业绩效的正向作用效果更加显著。  相似文献   

本文在文献回顾的基础上构建了高管团队自反性研究模型,并采用案例分析的方法分别研究了轻度、中度和深度的高管团队自反性对TMT特征、TMT行为整合、TMT效能和企业绩效的影响。研究结果表明高管团队自反性演化受到企业性质、发展规模、任务类型及高管团队的组成特征等因素的影响,是多种因素综合作用的结果;轻度、中度和深度的高管团队自反性对TMT特征、TMT行为整合、TMT效能和企业绩效的内在作用机制表现出差异化的特征;高管团队自反性演化过程可以通过采取一定的措施正确地加以引导,以更好地服务于企业。  相似文献   

高层管理团队(Top Management Team,TMT)是企业发展和创新的灵魂部分,其作用的发挥关系着企业的当前绩效和今后的命运。面对金融危机,我国企业中的TMT增强自主创新意识,保持产学研自主创新联盟突出绩效,是当前最迫切的任务。TMT是推动产学研自主创新联盟的关键。只有充分发挥TMT作用,真正做到产学研三方的无缝对接,才能实现优势互补和技术共享,使企业形成一个完整的自主创新链条,逐步进入平衡的发展阶段。  相似文献   

将社会网络理论与资源基础理论、能力理论相结合,在彭罗斯资源—能力—成长理论框架下研究物流服务供应链网络各类子网络通过网络能力促进物流服务集成商绩效成长的作用机制,可以证实网络能力的中介效应。物流服务集成商只有充分利用各种物流服务供应链网络资源,注重网络能力的规划、构建、管理与组合,才能更好地提高成长绩效。为此,物流服务集成商需要充分意识到通过物流服务供应链网络获取资源的重要性,以网络化视角寻找物流合作伙伴,对物流企业进行网络布局和规划,使企业获得竞争优势;需要根据企业发展需求,评估各类物流服务供应链子网络所需要的投入及其潜在价值,利用企业有限的精力发展最需要的关系网络,获取网络资源;需要重视企业网络能力的中介作用,通过企业对网络资源规划、构建、管理、组合能力的提升,实现物流服务供应链网络中各类资源的优化配置,促进企业的成长。  相似文献   

本研究通过对杭州市下沙高校大学生创业情况的实地调研,分析社会支持网络的精神支持、物质支持、信息支持以及服务支持对大学生创业行为中的创业机会识别、创业资源获取以及团队能力发挥的影响,以提出建设性意见,从而提高下沙高校学生的创业绩效.  相似文献   

企业高层管理者所处的地位决定了他们对于企业社会回应行为的实施具有重要作用,然而很少有文章从高管团队(TMT)角度分析其特征及行为对企业社会回应行为的影响。因此,文章从TMT视角出发,在Ackerman和Bauer提出的企业社会回应三阶段模型基础上将其改进为四阶段模型,来更好地研究TMT的社会回应行为,通过分析TMT组成及互动过程来研究其对企业采取社会回应行为的影响,并最终反映在对企业利润、竞争力、均衡利益相关者利益的效应影响方面。同时,建立了TMT组成与互动过程对企业社会回应过程及效应的影响关系模型,为进一步研究TMT企业社会回应行为打下了基础。  相似文献   

本文运用多元统计回归模型研究了高层管理团队( TMT)特征及其异质性对公司绩效的影响,利用2010年沪深两市创业板企业中符合要求的样本进行实证检验,得出相关结论:TMT的平均任期、平均受教育水平和平均薪酬与企业绩效正相关;TMT的年龄异质性和任期异质性与企业绩效负相关;行业特征与TMT特征及其异质性相互作用,在企业TMT特征及异质性对企业绩效的影响中起负向调节作用.  相似文献   

社会资本对新创企业绩效的影响已成为创业网络研究关注的热点,但关于社会资本的作用机理研究明显薄弱。本文基于影响创业成功的MAIR模型核心要素,通过构建整合模型阐述社会资本影响新创企业绩效的路径,对两种不同类型的创业动机与社会资本利用水平关系进行推理,依据创业想法的创新程度提出社会资本利用方式的不同,剖析社会资本网络结构特征不仅影响创业资源获取的效率效果,而且通过提升创业学习来强化创业者创业能力,同时创业能力可以正向调节创业资源与新创企业绩效关系,深化基于社会资本视角的创业研究。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化和企业规模的不断扩大,以前那种单枪匹马式的领导方式已很难使企业占据优势,取而代之的是高效的团队领导模式。TMT由于控制着整个企业的经营管理决策,这在很大程度上决定着企业的绩效和未来的发展,而TMT的异质性又影响最终决策的作出,因此TMT的异质性会在很大程度上影响着组织绩效。  相似文献   

文章不仅探讨了高管团队内部不同层级之间、同行业之间的高管薪酬差距对企业绩效的影响,而且注意到高管行为会同时受到内外部薪酬差距的影响,考察了内外部薪酬差距共同作用下对企业绩效的影响,同时较为全面的梳理了各外部治理因素对高管内外部薪酬差距、薪酬差距与企业绩效关系的影响,为外部治理环境影响薪酬契约、薪酬业绩敏感性提供了新的研究视角。  相似文献   

Forgotten or not? Home country embeddedness and returnee entrepreneurship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Building on the social network and strategic entrepreneurship literature, we investigate the overall relationship between returnee entrepreneurs’ networks in different periods and locations, domestic resource acquisitions and firm performance. While the labor mobility literature emphasizes the “gone but not forgotten” networks in the prior location of migrants, other studies argue that returnees suffer from a lack of local networks. Our findings show that returnee entrepreneurs are different in the extent of their home country embeddedness while they are overseas, which indicates different degrees of enduring networks in the home countries. The effect of home country embeddedness improves the performance of returnee entrepreneurship via domestic resource acquisition, and this effect could be substituted by pre-overseas local ties and the presence of local top management team (TMT) members. This study extends returnee research by shedding light on the importance of network maintenance in determining whether the home country’s network endures or decays and by highlighting the interactions of ties in the different periods of pre-overseas, during overseas, and after return.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore how top management team (TMT) process affects strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR), and in turn, how strategic CSR influences firm performance. In addition, this article examines whether CSR mediates the relationship between TMT process and firm performance. The sample consists of 203 hotels from the tourism and hospitality industry in the southeast China. TMT processes assessed are communication and cohesion. Results indicate that (1) corporate social responsibility is positively related to firm performance, (2) top management team process (communication and cohesion) is positively related to corporate social responsibility, and (3) corporate social responsibility fully mediates the relationship between top management team process and firm performance. Results highlight upper echelons mechanisms that underpin the TMT process–firm performance relationship. This study contributes to understanding how TMT process affects firm performance both directly and indirectly, through strategic CSR.  相似文献   

雷红生  陈忠卫 《财贸研究》2008,19(2):99-105
根据对企业高层管理者访谈和163份有效问卷,重点分析高管团队内情感冲突、高管团队企业家精神和公司成长性绩效间的关系。实证研究发现:高管团队内情感冲突和公司成长性绩效显著负相关,高管团队内情感冲突与高管团队企业家精神显著负相关,高管团队企业家精神与公司成长性绩效显著正相关。并且,高管团队企业家精神在高管团队情感冲突对公司成长性绩效的影响过程中起着中介作用。  相似文献   

Strategic leadership and corporate sustainability have recently come together in conspicuously explicit fashion through the emergence of top management team (TMT) positions with dedicated corporate sustainability responsibilities. These TMT positions, commonly referred to as “Chief Sustainability Officers,” have found their way into the upper echelons of many of the world’s largest corporations alongside more traditional TMT positions including the CEO and CFO. We explore this phenomenon and consider the following two questions: Why are corporate sustainability positions being installed to the TMT? What effects do corporate sustainability TMT positions have at their organizations? We consider these questions through strategic leadership and neoinstitutional theoretical frameworks. Through the latter, we also engage with Weberian considerations of bureaucracy. We find that the reasons why corporate sustainability TMT positions are installed can be in response to a crisis at the corporation for which its legitimacy is challenged. We also find the corporate sustainability TMT position can be installed proactively in an effort to realize external opportunities that may have otherwise gone unrealized without concerted attention and coordination afforded by a strategic level position. Regarding effects, we determine the position can relate to the establishment of bureaucratic structures dedicated to corporate sustainability within the corporation through which formalized processes and key performance indicators to drive corporate sustainability performances are established. In the face of our finding that many corporate sustainability TMT positions are being removed despite having only relatively recently been introduced to their respective TMTs, we find that the successful implementation of bureaucratic machinery can help considerations to sustainability extend beyond the tenure of a corporate sustainability position within the TMT.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(3):271-283
Over the last decade, explicit emphasis on the creation of social value has grown in profit-seeking firms as well as nonprofits and has even led to the emergence of a new legal organizational classification known as for-benefit corporations. Like financial value, social value is dynamic and therefore subject to perpetual changes in the firm’s external environment, changes that yield opportunities and threats for the firm. Although social entrepreneurship researchers have begun to study the identification and exploitation of opportunities to create social value, this research has taken place primarily within the context of startup organizations. In contrast, corporate entrepreneurship research has emphasized value creation within existing firms, but focused primarily on the identification and exploitation of opportunities to create financial value. Combining the two, we examine the creation of social value within the firm by proposing the social corporate entrepreneurship scale (SCES), a new instrument that measures organizational antecedents for social corporate entrepreneurship and offers managers an opportunity to analyze whether the perceived environment is supportive of corporate entrepreneurial behaviors intended to create social as well as financial value. The article concludes with a discussion of the instrument’s potential contribution to managerial practice.  相似文献   

Corporate entrepreneurship is a process of strategic renewal and development of an existing business through the creation of new products, services, and activities, as well as new competitive postures and independent ventures. The performance of this process, which leverages the creativity and the initiative spirit of employees and managers, thus relies on the capacity of the organization to create favorable conditions for the emergence of such latent entrepreneurial potential. The development of participatory innovation models and collective intelligence offers new insights for conducting research on factors enabling corporate entrepreneurship. In particular, the internal company ‘crowd’ can be investigated with the purpose of studying the conditions under which the corporate entrepreneurship process can be successfully nurtured and conducted. In such view, this article moves from an extended review of corporate entrepreneurship and organizational innovation literature to define the concept of crowdventuring and to present an assessment tool aimed at evaluating the maturity of the crowdventuring process within an organization. The tool, which captures both individual and organization-related factors, is also used for an illustrative application into a multinational IT company. Some implications are drawn at the theory and practitioner levels.  相似文献   

张精  丁溢桢 《江苏商论》2021,(2):117-119
公司绩效是企业价值最直观的表现,提高企业绩效是公司发展的重要目标,在提高公司绩效过程中,管理层扮演着重要的角色.高管人员是企业众多的人力成本当中最重要的,他们是公司的决策层,企业运营的核心人物,制定着公司的发展战略,执行董事会的目标,一定程度上决定了公司未来的发展方向,优秀的高级管理人员是企业核心竞争力的重要构成因素....  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of CIO’s presence in an organization’s top management team (TMT) on the contribution of information technology (IT) to corporate innovation. A new theoretical model is proposed based on the literature review. Through a survey of 120 CIOs of Chinese companies, we examine a series of hypotheses developed based on this model. Our findings reveal significant influences of CIO’s presence in the TMT on IT’s contribution to corporate innovations. The findings also suggest that such impacts are mediated by TMT’s IT knowledge. Furthermore, we find the significant moderating role of TMT’s risk appetite, i.e., when the executives are more willing to take risks, the relationship between CIO’s participation in TMT and the importance of IT to innovation is more significant. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of these findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the role played by external and internal network embeddedness in the headquarters entrepreneurial orientation of multinational enterprises (MNEs), and the role of the latter in MNE performance. Drawing on responses from CEOs in a sample of 143 European MNEs, our study offers evidence for the antecedent role of network embeddedness on headquarters entrepreneurial orientation on the one hand, and for the positive impact of headquarters entrepreneurial orientation on international performance on the other. Our findings contribute to the network view of MNEs in the international business and international entrepreneurship literature by disentangling the complex phenomenon of entrepreneurship in MNEs, partly explained by its multiple embeddedness in external and internal networks, and by studying its impact on international performance.  相似文献   


Strategy formulation is commonly understood as the match between a firm’s internal resources and skills and its external environment. Marketing strategy performance is the function of a dynamic, interactive process incorporating internal firm resources, external environmental factors, and competitive actions. The study aims to assess the impact of competitor actions on marketing strategy performance. We develop a model that accommodates the effects of 29 variables (comprising internal marketing strategy variables, external environmental factors and competitors’ marketing mix variables) on business performance. We empirically test the model using simultaneous equation modelling of time-series data on UK car manufacturers collected from publically available resources and annual reports. The results show that external factors, in particular competitors’ marketing mix elements, have a greater influence on a company’s business performance than internal (marketing and non-marketing) strategy variables. Implications for marketing theory and management are discussed.  相似文献   

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