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This article investigates the empirical link between international consumption risk sharing, financial integration, and financial development for a group of twenty-nine developed and developing countries in the G7, the Euro area, and the OECD. Estimation results indicate that (1) risk sharing in the Euro area is higher than those in the G-7 and the OECD, and (2) a higher degree of risk sharing is associated with a greater degree of financial integration and a lower level of financial development. These results suggest that more financially integrated countries might be better able to insure themselves against idiosyncratic income shocks and countries with more developed financial markets might tend to engage in less consumption risk sharing with other countries thanks to their own sophisticated financial markets. Holding financial integration and financial development equal, countries in the Euro area engage in significantly more risk sharing than the ones in the G7 and the OECD.  相似文献   

This paper discusses major initiatives from regulation in global financial markets in response to the current crisis. From the perspective of emerging markets a few issues of significance may include: whether shortcomings in innovations in structured financial market products will limit the scope of their development in the emerging markets, and restrict the scope of financial growth? Could more flows be expected to emerging markets from Western banking centres looking for productive opportunities? Are there opportunities for emerging markets finance to invest in good companies with strong balance sheets that are available at relatively cheap valuations. Will the Middle East emerge as a power centre in global finance?  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情在全球快速蔓延后,美国等国家金融市场出现大幅度震荡,历史罕见。金融市场震荡是疫情影响投资者信心,金融市场本身的风险需要释放,以及经济基本面悲观预期等因素共同作用的结果。目前来看,疫情对实体经济造成冲击,疫情应对情况也在很大程度上决定了金融市场震荡是否演化为全球金融危机,国外金融市场震荡对国内金融市场的传导需要审慎理性处理。  相似文献   

终极股东特征、公司多元化与融资约束   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
理论研究表明公司多元化经营形成的内部资本市场有助于缓解公司所面临的融资约束,不同的终极股东特征可能由于代理问题或由于加强内部资本市场功能而减弱或增强缓解公司融资约束的作用。本文以2004~2009年中国上市公司作为样本,实证考察不同终极股东特征下,非国有控制公司与国有控制公司多元化经营战略缓解公司融资约束的作用是否存在显著差异。实证结果表明当终极股东现金流权与控制权不偏离,或者当终极股东控制链层级较多时,非国有控制公司多元化缓解融资约束的作用显著强于国有控制公司。然而,当终极股东现金流权与控制权偏离,或者当终极股东控制链层级较少时,国有控制公司多元化缓解融资约束的作用并没有显著强于非国有控制公司。  相似文献   

本文在总结金融危机传导机制的基础上,从国内与国外两个角度分析了美国金融危机如何从房地产市场传导至信贷市场、从信贷市场传导至资本市场、由金融市场传导至实体经济、由国内传导至全球的路径。最后得出简要结论。  相似文献   

FDI、金融结构与福利分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过构建一个古诺竞争的扩展模型,分析FDI对国内金融结构的反射作用机制,并运用动态GMM估计方法实证检验了FDI作用于国内金融结构对社会福利的影响。结果表明,FDI对金融结构存在弥补作用,但不存在优化作用;FDI作用于金融结构对社会福利的影响是不确定的,此取决于国内金融融资和FDI两种手段的融资成本等多种外部因素。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机与金融制度重构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
美国次贷危机暴露出的种种问题表明,系统性风险的来源已经发生了变化,而金融基础制度的安排,无论是国际金融风险监测预警框架,还是监管制度、会计标准和评级体系,却未跟上金融市场的发展。为了恢复投资人信心,提升金融市场效率,亟需重构金融制度。  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom suggests a negative relation between financial distortions and economic growth. This paper incorporates the financial premium, a good proxy for the degree of restrictions on financial transactions, into a standard AK-type endogenous growth model. The analytical results suggest that such a relationship does not exist. Economic growth is insulated by the financial premium, contrasting with previously held beliefs. Agents' patience and the attitude of relative risk aversion are noteworthy in explaining the effects of external distortions on economic growth. Our findings may apply to economies with parallel exchange markets.  相似文献   

近期的金融危机使得很多人开始质疑企业在提供服务方面的表现,而对于消费者金融市场中存在的问题,监管机构的处理能力也同样受到质疑。本文论述了消费者金融监管问题,重点对市场失灵的监管、金融决策中有限消费理性的监管进行全方位深入地探讨。本文引用了三个案例:按揭市场、发薪日贷款以及退休消费融资,通过案例分析来说明监管的必要性及有限性。我们认为,只有当监管是针对具体问题所设定,并以监管干预的有效性评估研究为辅助,那么此项监管才会是有益的。  相似文献   

GAO(2002)的研究报告指出,投资者对财务报告的信心是证券市场有效运作的重要保证。近年来,财务重述现象在国内外呈现出蔓延局势,国外一系列研究表明财务重述对公司价值产生负面影响,而比短期的市场价值受损更可怕的是投资者对重述公司的信任度大打折扣,对整个资本市场的信心下降。中国上市公司的重述现象也不容乐观,但是对于财务重述经济后果的研究相对较少。因此本文主要考察重述报告对重述公司的盈余反应系数的影响,通过理论分析与数据检验投资者对财务重述公司盈余信息的反应程度,研究发现重述公告使重述公司特别是涉及核心会计指标重述公司盈余反应系数降低。以期通过本文的研究为上市公司敲响警钟,并为监管部门对财务重述行为进行规范监管提供经验证据。  相似文献   


The source of financial development is less investigated in the literature, especially the role foreign direct investment (FDI) plays on financial development. Using data from 50 countries joining the Belt and Road Initiative, this article at first time tests the impact of FDI on financial development in a host country. Empirical results show that FDI can significantly improve the development of financial sector, especially the development of financial markets. FDI is found to be a stronger driver of financial development for countries with higher quality institutions. Moreover, FDI not only increases financial deepening, but also enhances financial function.  相似文献   

China's economy has maintained a rapid growth rate over the past two decades; however, its stock market has exhibited a very different level of performance during financial crises. In this paper, we try to explain this phenomenon and answer two important questions: Is there financial contagion in China? Can economic integration aggravate financial contagion? We construct a composite index of economic integration by reviewing the incremental reform and opening-up process in China's financial markets. We utilize a dynamic conditional correlation model to capture the correlations between stock returns of China and those of other important markets around the world. The empirical results provide positive evidence for the aforementioned two questions.  相似文献   

从本次金融危机对国际金融监管体系提出的新挑战出发,本文探讨了金融国际化与金融监管体系改革的关系,以及金融危机对金融监管体系改革的影响。未来,金融监管将日趋国际化,更加注重风险性监管和对创新业务的监管,重视金融机构的内部控制制度和同业自律机制,而统一监管将成为监管体系发展的趋势。在此基础上,本文提出中国金融监管体系改革应走综合监管、统一监管之路,以适应混业经营发展和金融创新的需要;要加强宏观金融审慎监管,保证整个金融系统的稳定;注重保护投资者的合法权益;并不断完善与金融监管体系改革相配套的其他制度与措施。  相似文献   

金融危机后有关金融监管改革的理论综述   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文从九个角度综述了金融危机后全球主要金融监管当局关于金融监管改革的代表性文献,包括系统性风险与宏观审慎监管、顺周期性、资本充足率和杠杆率、期限转化和流动性、薪酬激励机制、金融安全网措施和对问题机构的处置机制、信用证券化和信用衍生品市场、信用评级机构、金融监管的理论基础等。本文旨在梳理金融监管改革的最新进展,力图提炼出有待深入研究的课题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between financial regulation and financial inclusion in Kenya. Employing Probit regression on cross-sectional household level survey data and fixed effect regression on banks panel data, we find that: (i) agency banking regulations and financial literacy could improve formal financial access, and (ii) know-your-customers rules and capital and liquidity macro-prudential regulations could harm financial inclusion. Results are robust to alternative specifications. Given our findings, Kenya should boost financial literacy efforts, relax customer identification requirements in specific instances where they may jeopardize financial inclusion efforts, and stabilize macroeconomic environment to mitigate unintended adverse effects of macro-prudential regulations.  相似文献   

金融创新、金融风险与中国金融监管模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
金融创新对宏观政策的制定、金融市场运行、商业银行透明度均有影响,它能够管理和控制金融风险,也能增大金融风险,还将对金融稳定性产生很大的负面影响。中国的金融监管应建立健全银行、证券、保险监管机构间以及与宏观调控部门的协调机制,通过中国金融监督管理委员会与国际性金融监管组织的合作,积极参与国际金融监管准则的制定,借鉴国外金融监管经验,不断提高金融监管的专业化水平。  相似文献   

全球金融监管的托宾税视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岳华  顾丽雅 《税务与经济》2006,153(5):73-77
金融全球化进程中,加强金融监管必不可少,其中托宾税就是理论和实践关注的热点之一。托宾税是对全球货币交易征税,其目标是追求市场稳定、效率及保持各国货币政策的独立性。它是引领国际金融走向公平、公正与民主的路径,其巨大的税收收入可用以解除世界贫困。两级托宾税制能有效控制资本的过度流动,并具有可操作性。托宾税思想超越了传统经济学理论,如果国际社会能就具体问题早日达成共识,必将开创国际金融监管的新格局。  相似文献   

Asian equity markets have grown significantly in size since the early 1990s, driven by strong international investor inflows, growing regional financial integration, capital account liberalization, and structural improvements to markets. The development of equity markets provides a more diversified set of channels for financial intermediation to support growth, thus bolstering medium-term financial stability. At the same time, as highlighted by the May–June 2006 market corrections, the increasing role of stock markets potentially changes the nature of macroeconomic and financial stability risks, as well as the policy requirements for dealing with these risks.  相似文献   

We use a survey of individual investors disclosed by the Portuguese Securities Commission (CMVM) in May 2005 to study the impact of investors’ levels of financial literacy on portfolio diversification. We consider distinct aspects of financial literacy, and control for socioeconomic and behavioral differences among individual groups of investors. Our results suggest that investors’ educational levels and their financial knowledge have a positive impact on investor diversification. The information sources used by retail investors to gather information on markets and financial products also have a significant impact on the number of different assets included in a portfolio.  相似文献   

金融自由化实践的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庄晓玖 《金融论坛》2007,12(9):10-16
金融自由化对发展中国家是一把"双刃剑",它在为发展中国家带来了好处的同时,也引发了很多负效应.原因在于发展中国家对金融自由化普遍缺乏足够的准备而仓促实施改革,国内金融制度与监管体系不健全,而金融市场过度开放又导致国际短期资本大量涌入.与发展中国家不同的是,发达国家的金融自由化改革却取得了较好的成效.与之相比,发展中国家目前处于两难的选择困境:如果不继续进行自由化,则在国际经济舞台上会更被动;如果进行自由化,却又由于前期的改革失败而无法准确把握好今后的战略措施.对此,发展中国家惟一正确的选择应当是结合国情,坚决地顺着金融自由化的方向走下去,不改革是没有出路的.  相似文献   

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