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金融监管的博弈论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑德权  杨文奇 《商业研究》2003,(11):126-128
金融监管理论是金融监管实践的总结,它的产生和发展对金融监管实践有着前瞻性的指导作用。从不同的角度对金融监管理论进行阐述,会使我们更加全面地把握金融监管实践的发展脉络。据此,从博弈论的角度对这个问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Synthesizing self‐regulatory theories, we provide new insights into the antecedents of abusive supervision. We, from the perspective of supervisor's self‐regulatory resources depletion or impairment, introduce supervisor hindrance stress as an underlying mechanism of the subordinate deviance–abusive supervision relationship: this mediated relationship will be intensified at the level of high subordinate job performance. In addition, we develop a complex contingency model and propose a three‐way interaction (i.e., subordinate deviance, job performance, supervisor outcome dependence) to obtain the complete understanding of the subordinate deviance–abusive supervision relationship facilitated through the supervisors’ hindrance stress. To test our moderated moderated mediation model, we gathered time‐lagged and multisource data from a large food service company located in southern China. We collected data at two different points (i.e., Time 1 and Time 2) from supervisors and their direct reports (N = 298 responses from 68 supervisors and 298 direct reports), and findings provide support for the hypothesized moderated moderated mediation model of our study. We highlight the implications of our study for theory, research, and practice.  相似文献   

从GPS和“北斗”两套卫星导航系统入手,建立了低空空域监管系统,分为GPS定位、“北斗 ”卫星通信、低空空域飞行器机载设备、地面控制中心四大模块。随着新一代“北斗”卫星 导航系统的组网和完善,可以完全摆脱GPS,只利用“北斗”系统来实现低空空域的导航与 检测,建立一个产权自主、功能完善、管理便捷的监管系统,在解决高空交通拥堵难题的同 时创造巨大的社会经济效益。  相似文献   

信息化进程中的组织变革与IT治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何建佳  葛玉辉  张光远 《商业研究》2006,16(17):117-120
信息技术对组织的技术性嵌入,改变了组织的内部与外部环境,若要使组织的信息化取得预期的效果,组织的变革是必需的。传统的理论认为,这种变革必然导致组织架构的扁平化、分散化及柔性化。但是在实践中发现,事实并非一定如此,由于监管的困难及委托代理问题的存在,信息化有可能因为人为的因素而导致组织的层级结构得到加强。这就需要组织实施有效的IT治理,使组织变革朝有利于组织发展的方向进行。  相似文献   

As research in the areas of unethical and ethical leadership grows, we note the need for more consideration of the normative assumptions in the development of constructs. Here, we focus on a subset of this literature, the “dark side” of supervisory behavior. We assert that, in the absence of a normative grounding, scholars have implicitly adopted different intuitive ethical criteria, which has contributed to confusion regarding unethical and ethical supervisory behaviors as well as the proliferation of overlapping terms and fragmentation of research. Accordingly, we offer a definition of unethical supervision grounded in the normative theories and develop a framework of unethical supervision by analyzing the constructs associated with unethical supervision from a normative perspective. Our analysis suggests a heavy emphasis on violations of the right to dignity. We also note that utilitarianism and certain forms of rights as well as justice have been largely overlooked in the unethical supervision literature. We conclude by considering the implications of our conceptualization for theory on the antecedents and consequences of unethical supervision and by explaining how our approach extends to the larger literature on unethical and ethical leadership.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential of Weber’s Protestant Work Ethic (PWE) to illustrate the growth, development and business philosophy of J & P Coats, a thread manufacturer from Paisley. The company grew from humble beginnings in 1826 to dominate the world thread market in a comparatively short period of time. The article will begin with a synopsis of the key arguments from the PWE, before moving to a summary of many of the debates, both past and recent, which have been put forward both for and against Weber’s work. The review of this body of work will highlight the continued relevance of Weber’s thesis. The brief history of the J & P Coats firm, and the main family members involved in its rise and progress will be provided, which will then provide a background against which Weber’s theories can be examined. Finally, the article will conclude that Weber’s thesis provides a rationale for understanding the development of the company, and the behaviour of its owners, which will in turn offer more contemporary validation of Weber’s theories.  相似文献   

In light of the lack of empirical evidence regarding issues of internationalization as they affect small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from newly-industrialized economies (NIEs), this study aims to expand the applicability of existent internationalization theories. So far, such theories have largely been developed with MNCs from industrialized economies in mind. In examining a 1996 sample of 1,419 Taiwanese SMEs, we found that the relationship between internationalization and performance could be graphically depicted as one of inverted U-shaped curvilinearity, and that a specific level of internationalization corresponded to maximum profitability. Our empirical findings also confirmed a relationship of U-shaped curvilinearity between advertising investment and performance, indicating that a minimum level of investment is required in order for advertising to be effective. Investments in research and development (R&D) were also shown to be positively associated with firm performance. The external validity of our internationalization theories regarding SMEs from NIEs was generally supported, though some modifications allowing for consideration of the particular context of individual SMEs will ultimately become a necessity.  相似文献   

Until two years ago, it was believed that the financial system as a whole was self-correcting and that modern tools of stabilization policy—monetary policy in particular—were sufficient to prevent severe economic contractions. We now know that we need a robust system of regulation and supervision that will recognize and prevent financial excesses before they lead to crisis, while at the same time maintaining an environment conducive to financial innovation. This address traces the causes of the crisis and the role of the Dodd-Frank Act in providing a framework for preventing recurrence. It then describes what must be done to identify emerging systemic financial risk, the tools and implementation of macroprudential financial supervision that must be developed, and the role of coordination between monetary policy and macroprudential supervision. Prevention of crises will not be easy—particularly because it will be necessary to walk a tightrope between prevention of catastrophe and keeping too tight a hold on the financial system.  相似文献   

我国明确规定了关于食品生产许可的相关法律法规,但由于市场上制作糕点的企业越来越多,糕点的质量令人担心,这就需要对糕点制作企业生产过程的质量进行监督审核。本文利用HACCP七项原则对糕点生产进行质量监督,找出出现质量问题的主要原因,对糕点质量安全起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

巴塞尔Ⅲ以资本要求、监管检查、市场约束为三大支柱,主要侧重第一支柱的改革,在重视资本监管的同时,将流动性风险提升到信用风险同等重要的高度;在第二支柱和第三支柱上也有所调整,引入了宏观审慎监管,将其与微观监管手段相结合。中国银行监管当局明确了宏观审慎与微观审慎兼顾、资本监管和流动性监管并重、资本数量和质量同步提高的改革方向,并提出同步推进实施巴塞尔Ⅱ和巴塞尔Ⅲ。2008年金融危机之后,中国宏观经济基本面复苏强劲,为中国银行业顺利推行巴塞尔Ⅲ创造了良好的外部环境,中国银行业在危机中的损失较小、其自身各项经济指标相对稳健也为推行巴塞尔Ⅲ创立了有利的先决条件,但是当前监管工具和银行自身存在的诸多问题仍会影响巴塞尔Ⅲ实施的进程和效果。  相似文献   

鉴于我国签署的自由贸易协定未明确允许自由贸易区原产地规则在上海自贸试验区适用,区内的企业难以真正享受自由贸易区的零关税或优惠关税政策。这不仅会抑制自贸实验区吸引外资、引进技术、扩大就业的政策预期,也不利于上海建设国际性物流中心和贸易中心。应通过原产地规则的立法完善尽快推进自由贸易区原产地规则在上海自贸试验区的适用,让区内从事进出口业务的企业获得出口退税、进口保税和自由贸易区优惠关税等更多的叠加性政策支持,加快政策的衔接应用。  相似文献   

美国证券上市监管法律制度评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈岱松 《财贸研究》2008,19(3):142-146
美国是当今世界上证券市场最为发达的国家,也是当今世界上证券法律制度最为完备的国家,其证券上市监管法律制度一直是各国竞相效仿的典范。介绍和评价美国证券上市监管立法基础与法律体系,寻找证券上市监管法律制度的发展趋势,应该能对我国的证券法律制度以及相应的配套制度的制定和实践有所帮助。  相似文献   

Although workplace bullying is common and has universally harmful effects on employees’ outcomes, little is known about workplace bullies. To address this gap in knowledge, we draw from the tenets of social exchange and displaced aggression theories in order to develop and test a model of workplace bullying that incorporates the effects of employees’ individual differences (i.e., entitlement), perceptions of their work environments (i.e., felt accountability), and perceptions of supervisory treatment (i.e., perceptions of abusive supervision) on their tendencies to bully coworkers. The results of mediated moderation analyses that examine responses from two samples of working adults (n Sample 1 = 396; n Sample 2 = 123) support our hypotheses. Specifically, we find evidence of an indirect relationship between entitlement and coworker bullying through perceptions of abusive supervision that is stronger for employees who report lower levels of felt accountability than employees who report higher levels of felt accountability. This study makes important theoretical and practical contributions to abusive supervision research, bullying research, and organizational efforts to promote ethical work environments devoid of interpersonal mistreatment by providing novel insight into how employees’ entitlement and felt accountability combine to influence their tendencies to perceive themselves as victims of abusive supervision and culprits of coworker bullying.  相似文献   

李灵 《中国海关》2012,(2):20-39,15
2012年,国家进出口贸易管制政策做了新一轮调整,共涉及13个部委联合公告和15个进出口监管证件管理目录。主动调整商品目录"主动调整商品目录"是指管制商品范围有变化的目录。进口许可证增设起重运输设备类商品,并将6种商品由工程机械类划分至起重运输设备类,分别为龙门式起重机(编码8426193000)、门式装卸桥(编码8426194100)、集装箱装卸桥(编码8426194200)、有轨巷道堆垛机(编码8427101000),  相似文献   

This article integrates marketing and social psychology theories and findings into a conceptual model that describes the conditions for which idealized advertising images induce positive (or negative) consumer outcomes. Extending Bessenoff's moderated mediation model, the authors propose that: (1) effect of social comparison on the relationship between exposure to idealized advertising images and psychological/emotional outcomes will be moderated by internalization of ideals and self-discrepancy; (2) effect of psychological/emotional outcomes on the relationship between social comparison and consumer vulnerability will be moderated by attainability of ideals; and (3) product claims should moderate the relationship between psychological and emotional outcomes and consumer vulnerability.  相似文献   

基于2007~2013年我国商业银行面板数据,检验审慎监管指标与银行效率和风险的关系,从银行发展的视角对审慎监管有效性进行实证分析.研究发现;较高的资本充足率在降低银行信贷风险的同时,也导致其成本效率和利润效率下降;拨备覆盖率的增加有利于降低银行信贷风险,但却显著地提高了银行成本效率;存贷比监管不仅不能降低银行信贷风险和经营风险,还显著地增加了银行成本效率和利润效率,流动性比率对银行风险和银行效率的影响均不显著.这些结论表明,不同审慎监管工具对银行风险和效率的影响存在差别,部分审慎监管工具在降低银行风险的同时,也降低了银行效率,审慎监管的目标在效率和风险之间存在一定的取舍.  相似文献   

Brexit is not only a historical chapter of the British — EU relationship, but it also carries immense challenges for fi nancial market stability in the short and medium run for the 28 member states of the European Union. The scale of these challenges depends heavily on the outcome of EU-UK negotiations. The European Systemic Risk Board plays a critical role in macroprudential supervision, a crucial policy challenge for the EU. However, there are doubts as to whether it will fulfill its mandate. The EU27 faces major problems in terms of prudential supervision after Brexit since a very large part of their wholesale banking markets are in the UK and thus will not be regulated by the EU after 29 March 2019. Indications point to a considerable risk of a new transatlantic banking crisis in the future.  相似文献   

世界资本市场的发展历程表明,资本市场与一国经济社会发展相伴相生,脱离经济社会需求的金融发展会带来灾难;资本市场代表着市场化资源配置方式,但诚信缺失和非理性因素也会带来市场失灵;金融危机对全球化时代的资本市场发展和监督提出了新的挑战,对世界经济金融格局将产生深远影响。我国的资本市场存在着市场发展水平不高、投资回报未能充分体现、法制建设和监管需要加强、国际竞争力不强等问题,应该采取措施完善市场体系,加快场外市场建设;提高监管水平,改革监管体制;强化投资者保护机制,加强投资者教育;推动社会保障和养老体系与资本市场的良性互动发展。  相似文献   

People have substantially differing attitudes towards consumption. Anti-consumers are negative towards consumption. In contrast, pro-consumers view consumption in a positive light. We posit that people's attitudes toward consumption at the societal (macro) level are impacted by the implicit theories they hold about whether society can solve the problems it faces. We identify two different implicit theories consumers hold regarding how solvable larger societal problems are. Social optimists believe that we will solve the problems that are emerging as we evolve at the societal level. In contrast, social pessimists believe that societal evolution is creating problems too large to be solved. We developed a macro attitudes model where social optimism and pessimism were posited to impact people's macro attitudes towards consumption. We present the results of a study that found that social optimists have more positive attitudes towards consumption and social pessimists have more negative attitudes towards consumption. We also found that this model provided a superior fit in comparison to three other plausible models relating implicit theories and attitudes towards consumption. These findings have implications for anti-consumption research, consumer research on implicit theories, and social marketing designed to address problems associated with overconsumption.  相似文献   

随着金融全球化发展趋势,我国金融业已初步实践混业经营,造成分业监管不太适应我国金融业 的现状,为了应对我国加入WTO后金融形势的最新变化,金融统一监管将成为一种必然,我国最终会 建立一种具有中国特色的全新金融监管体系。  相似文献   

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