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This study discusses various influences on firms to provide additional environmental disclosure and empirically measures and analyzes the extent of actual environmental disclosures included in the annual reports of firms in the U.S. and Canada. The environmental disclosure content provided in the annual reports of firms is evaluated based on environmental reporting guidelines published by the American Institute of Public Accountants and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. In general, the results indicate that U.S. firms provided a significantly higher level of environmental disclosure than did Canadian firms. Also, firms in each nation varied significantly in the amount of environmental disclosure provided in each of four annual report sections.  相似文献   

Firms increasingly are utilizing outsourcing to enhance or maintain their competitiveness. Prior research shows that capital markets value a firm's decision to outsource. This study uses a sample of firms announcing outsourcing arrangements in a press release to examine which factors are associated with the subsequent decision to voluntarily provide or withhold information about outsourcing in their annual report. The paper also examines whether annual report disclosure is a reliable signal of future market performance. We find that underperforming firms, larger firms, and firms experiencing negative outsourcing announcement market returns and negative long-term market returns are more likely to disclose outsourcing in their annual reports. There is also evidence that firms' disclosure of outsourcing in the annual report signals an improvement in market performance that is credible to the capital markets. We contend that the disclosure and subsequent firm performance issues we investigate apply to any type of outsourcing arrangement, and therefore our results are relevant to future information systems research on this subject. Our findings also suggest that regulatory standards could reduce private information search costs for investors by providing a common disclosure methodology for outsourcing activities.  相似文献   

We investigate the credibility of forward-looking performance disclosures (FLPDs) in the narrative sections of annual reports, as perceived by investors. Our proxy for these disclosures is an index of statements about future performance. We find that companies issue more FLPDs when raising debt or conveying bad news in the financial statements. In the presence of these managerial incentives, investor reliance on FLPDs increases with the quality of earnings reported in the audited financial statements. Our results suggest that firms derive a benefit in terms of higher credibility for their narrative disclosures from having a reputation for high quality earnings.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relation between the quality of corporate narrative disclosure and the timeliness of goodwill impairments. We combine five measures of the linguistic content of annual report narratives to generate a proxy for narrative disclosure quality. To measure the timeliness of impairments, we deploy a model that relates observed goodwill impairments to the main determinants of impairments identified by prior literature, focusing especially on current period negative stock returns. We hypothesise and find that the impairments of firms with low-quality narrative disclosures are less timely than the impairments of firms with high-quality disclosures. In addition, using a signalling argument, we hypothesise, and find that the market response to goodwill impairments is more negative for firms with low disclosure quality.  相似文献   

Starting from 2006, UK listed companies are required to analyse their performance by using key performance indicators (KPIs) in specific sections of their annual reports and the UK Accounting Standard Board (ASB) provides companies with guidelines for the best practice regarding KPI disclosure. Motivated by the possible effects of the KPI disclosure quality, we examine their potential economic consequences for a sample of UK listed firms for the period 2006 to 2010. Our sample consists of 448 firm-year observations. We first develop a measure for the quality of the KPI disclosure based on the ASB's guidelines. We then test the economic consequences of financial and nonfinancial KPI disclosure quality both separately and combined into one variable. Our findings, after conducting various sensitivity tests, suggest that only the disclosure quality of financial KPIs matters. We find a significantly negative (weakly positive) relationship between disclosure quality of financial KPIs and the implied cost of capital (firm value). These results inform regulatory bodies as well as the academic literature about the potential economic consequences of this type of disclosure.  相似文献   

Annual reports are the main sources of information for outside investors’ investment decisions and enable shareholders to supervise the management. Difficulties with the readability of these reports may therefore have serious consequences. Using 19,221 firm-year observations of Chinese A-share listed firms from 2001 to 2015, we investigate the association between annual report readability and corporate agency costs, where readability is proxied by report file length and/or file size. We find that firms with better annual report readability experience lower agency costs, and the negative association between readability and agency costs is more pronounced in firms with higher external audit quality, internal control quality or analyst coverage. These results hold after several robustness checks. The positive effect of annual report readability is stronger in private firms than in state-owned enterprises, and becomes stronger after the implementation of new accounting standards in 2007. Readable annual reports can help in monitoring corporate insiders’ opportunistic behavior and thus reduce agency costs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of corporate governance on the level of voluntary disclosures of forward-looking statements in the narrative sections of annual reports. It also examines whether the forward-looking statements that are driven by governance are informative about future earnings. This analysis is drawn from a large-scale sample of UK FTSE All-Share companies for financial years ending within the period January 1996–December 2007. We find that corporate governance influences companies’ decisions to voluntarily disclose these statements. The main drivers are directors’ ownership, board size, board composition, and the duality of the CEO’s role. These results suggest that better corporate governance improves reporting practice. We further find that the forward-looking statements of well governed firms improve the stock market’s ability to anticipate future earnings. Our findings have important implications for policy makers and regulators because they confirm that the effectiveness of corporate governance in the practice of disclosure is a function of certain characteristics and that the voluntary forward-looking statements of well governed firms contain value relevant information for investors.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a country’s regulatory environment interacts with firms’ institutional corporate governance arrangements to affect the disclosure that these firms provide in their annual reports. Prior literature indicates that firms with stronger corporate governance arrangements demonstrate higher levels of disclosure. We investigate whether this effect varies with the legal environment. The transparency-increasing effect of strong corporate governance might be reinforced by a strong legal environment, suggesting a complementary relationship between these two factors with respect to transparency. However, strong corporate governance arrangements may serve as bonding mechanisms in weak legal environments, suggesting a substitutive relationship between corporate governance and the regulatory environment. Using a sample of listed firms from 16 European countries, we find evidence suggesting that corporate governance arrangements and the legal environment substitute with respect to their effects on corporate disclosure.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between firm-level business strategy and the readability of narrative disclosures in annual reports. As business strategy affects the information environment and financial performance of firms, we expect the readability of narrative disclosures to vary with the particular business strategy that a firm pursues. In accord with this expectation, we find that firms with prospector-type business strategies produce less readable narratives, while those with defender-type business strategies produce more readable narratives. We also document that the association between strategy and readability is partially mediated by organisational performance, although the mediation effect is rather modest. These findings are robust when subjected to a series of sensitivity tests.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of increased shareholder oversight and disclosure about executive remuneration on the pay–performance relation, while controlling for contemporaneous changes in corporate governance practice. Our sample consists of 240 ASX-listed firms with annual reports available for each year over the period 2001–2009, a period which straddles the timing of regulatory change. We initially document the conjectured improvements in remuneration disclosure and shareholder oversight in the form of the advisory vote on the remuneration report. Following, we find as predicted a general strengthening of the pay–performance relation over the study period, with the increased sensitivity of reported CEO remuneration to firm performance being primarily related to enhanced remuneration disclosure and the non-binding shareholder vote on the remuneration report. Our results lead us to conclude that enhanced oversight over executive remuneration arrangements brought about by regulatory change has positively impacted the executive remuneration process by strengthening the pay–performance relation and making the process appear more accountable.  相似文献   

Annual report readability, current earnings, and earnings persistence   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
This paper examines the relation between annual report readability and firm performance and earnings persistence. I measure the readability of public company annual reports using the Fog index from the computational linguistics literature and the length of the document. I find that: (1) the annual reports of firms with lower earnings are harder to read (i.e., they have a higher Fog index and are longer); and (2) firms with annual reports that are easier to read have more persistent positive earnings.  相似文献   

Although much has been discussed about voluntary disclosure of human capital in annual reports there has been limited examination of the motivations behind such disclosure. This study uses the perspective of the political economy of accounting to understand motivations. Using the method of content analysis, this paper examines human capital disclosure practices in annual reports of a sample of firms in Sri Lanka, a developing nation. Eleven case study interviews from the sample explore the motivations behind the disclosure practices of firms. Findings reveal that firms use disclosure to reduce tension between firms and their constituents, in the interest of further capital accumulation.  相似文献   

We show that increased audit effort is associated with lower annual report readability to compensate for a perceived increase in the risk of financial misstatement for United States (US) firms. In particular, we find that lower annual report readability is associated with longer audit delays and higher audit fees for Form 10-K for US auditors, suggesting that auditors spend more effort auditing clients when annual reports have lower readability. We also find that low readability increases the likelihood of auditors using more explanatory language in unqualified audit reports.  相似文献   

本文采用文本分析技术提取年报研发文本信息,并从分析师预测角度解读其信息价值.研究发现:(1)R&D文本信息显著降低了分析师预测偏差及分歧度,而且信息透明度发挥了中介效应.(2)R&D文本信息披露越多,未来三年的创新产出以及政府研发补助越多,说明企业倾向于选择性披露有利于企业的研发信息.(3)企业披露动机越强,分析师获取私有信息的能力越弱,R&D文本信息对分析师预测偏差和分歧度的降低作用越显著.以上结论说明我国年报R&D文本信息具有一定信息含量,对分析师来讲“多说有益”.本文从研发文本视角以及分析师预测角度验证了我国年报文本信息的积极效应,有助于丰富R&D以及分析师预测文献.  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of plain English on the length of annual reports for the sample of 20-F forms which are annually filed by foreign firms listed on NYSE and NASDAQ. We found out that foreign firms have better complied with plain English in their disclosures over time with shorter sentences, less jargon, and readable writing styles; however, there was a significant increase in the length of 20-F from 2004 to 2013. We also recognize the impacts of plain English on the length of annual reports are mixed. The issuers may completely improve the readability of annual reports without significantly increasing the length of annual reports if they sophisticatedly combine all four elements of plain English in their disclosures. Additionally, the usage of passive voice and jargon in firms’ disclosures negatively influences the liquidity of stocks. There are significant differences in behaviors of issuing annual reports among countries. After the financial crisis in 2009, annual reports become longer and less readable.  相似文献   

We report on the comprehensiveness of voluntary corporate governance disclosures in the annual reports and management information circulars of Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) firms. We focus on disclosure of the corporate governance practices implemented by our sample of TSE 300 firms vis‐à‐vis the 14 guidelines set out in the TSE's report on corporate governance Where Were the Directors? Our analysis indicates that only a very few firms disclose that they have fully implemented the TSE guidelines, and that the extent of disclosure of corporate governance practices implemented varies widely among the firms. We then test factors associated with the comprehensiveness of such disclosures and the choice of disclosure medium using simultaneous equations multivariate analysis. We also assess the influence of publicized corporate governance failures on disclosure. Overall, our results suggest that the choices of disclosure medium and the extent of disclosure are made concurrently, and are influenced by the strategic considerations of management.  相似文献   

We examine the perceptions and characteristics of users of corporate financial statements in Iran. We provide evidence based on a survey of seven different user-groups. Our results suggest that annual reports are regularly used as a basis for making investment and other economic decisions. As in many developing countries, users depend more heavily on information obtained from the published annual reports than on advice from stockbrokers and acquaintances or on tips and rumors. While respondents differed in their rating of the importance of different sections of the annual report, the overall results showed that they ranked the income statement, the auditors’ report, and the balance sheet as the three most important parts of the annual report (in that order). There is a weak level of consensus among bank loan officers, tax officers, and auditor groups about the importance of several information items. Most users believe that a delay in publishing annual reports, lack of reliability of the information, and lack of adequate disclosure are the main concerns with corporate financial reports in Iran. The evidence on Iran is relevant to other developing countries in the Middle East and beyond.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study on the usefulness of typical social disclosures from corporate annual reports for investment decision-making. Rather than seek to solely survey respondents about their stated behaviour, the present study also seeks to examine if narrative social disclosures in the annual report actually impact on the behaviour of how investors allocate their investment funds. The experiment provides a basis for assessing the magnitude of any decision impacts. The results indicate that from a sample of sophisticated users (accountants and investment analysts) social disclosures from annual reports do not elicit any more than a 15% switch in investment funds. Furthermore, the switch in funds is not always in favour of the company providing the information. Consistent with these behavioural reactions the survey evidence also reveals moderate attitudes to the decision usefulness of narrative social disclosures for investment decision making.  相似文献   

In voluntary annual report communication, empirical results of signaling theory are contrasting, mainly owing to problems in disclosure measurements. We focus on a specific piece of incremental information and study the signaling strategies in annual reports by analyzing the disclosure of performance indicators that provide incremental information. In this paper, we scrutinize the business review of a sample of 120 listed Italian companies for fiscal year 2010. After controlling for size, risk, and industry, our analysis confirms that the number of indicators published is positively related to firm profitability. Our results help clarify the signaling strategies in annual report communication. Operatively, our evidence can help regulators and standard setters to better discipline the communication of relevant and private information in annual reports, particularly performance indicators.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the quantity of narrative risk information in corporate annual reports and ownership, governance, and US listing characteristics. We find that corporate risk reporting is negatively related to share ownership by long-term institutions, and thus the results of this study put forth that this important class of institutional investor has investment preferences for firms with a lower level of risk disclosure. Concerning governance, we find that different types of board director fulfil different functions, with both the number of executive and the number of independent directors positively related to the level of corporate risk reporting, but not the number of dependent non-executive directors. This supports a recent emphasis in the UK on the independent aspects of non-executive directors for good corporate governance. Separate investigation of business, financial, and internal control aspects of risk reporting that correspond to the three classes of risk-reporting guidance in the UK reveals that the pattern of risk information in the annual report may be dependent upon the form that reporting regulation takes.  相似文献   

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