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<正>如果广告只注重介绍产品功效的理性诉求,很容易使人产生"王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸"的印象和逆反心理。而富有人情味和艺术性情感诉求的广告,通过激发消费者积极的情感体验,可以有效地克服消费者的心理抗拒,使其在潜移默化中接受广告影响,达到润物无声的效果。一、情感广告对消费者消费心理的影响  相似文献   

李霞  吴蒙 《商业科技》2009,(19):58-58
随着现代社会的发展,人们的消费观念、消费态度、消费习惯发生了显著的变化,消费者更加重视商品所带来的情感方面的价值,从而使现代社会进入了更加重视个性的满足、精神的愉悦、心灵的慰藉的感性消费时代。感性消费需要情感广告,因为情感广告能最大限度地表现消费者的需要与张扬个性。  相似文献   

浅谈情感广告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李霞  吴蒙 《商场现代化》2009,(19):58-58
随着现代社会的发展,人们的消费观念、消费态度、消费习惯发生了显著的变化,消费者更加重视商品所带来的情感方面的价值,从而使现代社会进入了更加重视个性的满足、精神的愉悦、心灵的慰藉的感性消费时代。感性消费需要情感广告,因为情感广告能最大限度地表现消费者的需要与张扬个性。  相似文献   

胡纲 《中国市场》2003,(8):40-41
<正> 在品牌中赋予人的情感和个性,是品牌传播的一个有力的武器。 随着产品的同质化程度愈来愈高,产品的性能、质量和服务差异化程度变得愈来愈不明显,难以形成比较优势。而另一  相似文献   

当看到一个厂告时.你会有眼前一亮的感觉吗,还是觉得平淡无奇?很多时候,你的答案可能是后。如今,太多的厂告都被淹没了,广告播出或刊出之后,它们可能被很快的遗忘,或根本就没有被记起过。这样的厂告无法吸引消费的注意力。当然也就无法达到既定的目的。人们已经厌倦了厂告的海洋,平淡无奇的厂告不会被记起,所以现在最为重要的是.让厂告浮出“水面”,也即赋予厂告以冲击力。  相似文献   

当今的中国广告舞台,情感诉求广告随意可见。有些令你深受感动,留下深刻印象;有些让你不以为然,嗤之以鼻;有些使你如吞苍蝇,恶心不已。为提高广告效果,情感诉求广告中的情感应该注意理性化,注重时代感。  相似文献   

Sugus瑞士糖“难过篇”、“吵架篇”两则广告虽拍摄得很唯美,感情表现细腻,但情感诉求的表达,却误入了过犹不及的歧途,让部分消费者对广告产生了误读。  相似文献   

情感交流需求是每个人的精神需求,借助情感交流更容易激发购买欲望。而可口可乐无疑是个中高手。可口可乐公司的经销策略可谓是遍地开花、落户生根般地融入各个国家的本土文化。打破了各个国家的文化障碍,被生活在不同国家、不同文化背景、不同生活方式以及不同饮食习惯的消费者接受。  相似文献   

周骏宇 《商场现代化》2006,(26):192-193
以爱国感作为诉求点的广告在社会生活中日益流行。本文分析了爱国诉求广告的四种表现形式——民族自豪感、国家认同感、社会责任感、民族自信心等。在此基础上,本文从广告心理学的角度分析了这类广告的优势所在、并提出了一些在爱国诉求广告创作中应该注意的事项。  相似文献   

让广告燃起情感的火焰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Many charity organizations face ongoing challenges to promote monetary donations and other helping behaviors. Integrating the literature on the role of emotion in persuasive communication and intercultural communication, two studies were conducted to explore the impact of moral emotions and self-construal in charity advertising. A survey investigated the extent to which moral emotions with different referent of focus operated differently among individuals with varying self-construal in affecting the intent to donate. An experiment examined the impact of ego- versus other-focused emotional appeals in the processing of charity advertising. Results indicated that moral emotions significantly influenced participants' purchase intention towards social-cause products. In addition, self-construal moderated the influence of positive moral emotions on purchase intention, as well as the influence of positive emotional appeals on the intent to donate. Specifically, the persuasive effectiveness was enhanced when independents were associated with ego-focused emotions or ego-focused emotional appeals; and interdependents with other-focused emotions or other-focused emotional appeals. These two studies expanded the knowledge on the effects of emotions on communication and persuasion, and provided relevant implications for practitioners in creating effective messages to promote social causes. Limitations and directions for future research were also outlined.  相似文献   


Researchers have concentrated on issues of female role portrayals in advertising (FRPA) for over 30 years. However, their diversified purposes and methodologies resulted in variations between the definitions and manipulations found in the FRPA–related literature, thus hindering the integration, generalization and extension of the findings. In addition, relatively few articles discussed FRPA issues in Asia. Thus, while focusing on Asian women, this study seeks to construct a useful taxonomy of FRPA and a scale to measure FRPA in a broader and more effective way. Three conceptual constructs–Power Roles, Career Roles, and Sensual Roles–were extracted as the framework for constructing the FRPA taxonomy in an exploratory study based upon Lundstrom and Sciglimpaglia' (1977) Sex Roles Scale. The taxonomy is constructed through a four–phase hierarchical content analysis. Consequently, 11 measure constructs of FRPA, resulting an 11–item bipolar scale, were generated to survey Taiwanese and Japanese audiences' cognition toward FRPA. The empirical results show that the model has good internal consistency, eliability, and validity. Differences on FRPA are observed between the Taiwanese and Japanese  相似文献   

As advertisers continue to develop new formats of online content that blurs the line between advertising and news or entertainment, the need to understand how consumers process covert advertising grows. While regulators and industry practitioners agree that transparency is paramount to preventing consumer deception, there exists no established way of determining the extent to which a given message transparently conveys to consumers that is a paid advertisement. The current study makes the case for, develops, and validates a scale to measure sponsorship transparency. Following traditional scale development methods, the study generates a pool of items based on consumer and expert input, reduces the number of items based on empirical research, and evaluates scale validity and reliability using a diverse national sample.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the ways in which emotions influence the course of negotiation. Emotions play a role in the development of relationships among negotiators; they also facilitate or hinder coordination of strategic exchanges. These functions highlight an interplay between information-processing and emotional expressions: intentions are inferred from statements made and nonverbal gestures sent. They are understood as part of an expression game that emphasizes interaction dynamics. They are also understood in terms of the organizational contexts surrounding negotiation. These are some of the themes that surface in the articles contributed to this special issue. An overview of the articles calls attention to key points but also expands on the themes suggested by the authors. The work reported in this issue provides a basis for a continuing research agenda on emotions in negotiation.  相似文献   

The concept of low involvement has attracted considerable interest, particularly over the last ten years, but its implications f or advertising (strategy, execution and research) are still not clear. This paper reviews the low-involvement literature and attempts to define what is meant by the concept, predict when low involvement is likely to occur and identify its key determinants. The paper then reviews and assesses what the literature has to say about the specific implications for advertising strategy in high- and low-involvement situations and concludes that the potential and power of advertising in low-involvement situations have been misunderstood and underestimated.  相似文献   


Advertising is made up of several diverse skills and disciplines: writer, artist, dramatist, salesman, marketer. psychologist, statistician, media analyst, financial manager, entrepreneur, etc. Clearly, professionalism in advertising must be defined in terms applicable to each of these skills. But the advertising professional must be more than just competent in his craft. He must recognize that his role relates to the others involved — and to the whole. He should be dedicated to the proper and effective use of advertising. He must feel responsible for the consequences of his actions — on profits, sales, public attitudes, and within legal obligations.  相似文献   

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