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Gregroy S. Amacher Richard Brazee Erkki Koskela Markku Ollikainen 《Environmental and Resource Economics》1999,13(3):269-288
This paper uses an overlapping generations model with one-sided altruism to study the effects of several forest taxes that target bequests and affect timber supply. Unlike previous work, we investigate bequests and timber supply in both the short and long run when bequests are costly (e.g., taxed). The landowner's problem is examined in the short run, while the government's problem is examined in the long run assuming the existence of a steady state. We also consider taxes targeting harvests, growth, savings and bequests. Several new results are established concerning the interactions of taxes that might be used by a government to alter short and long run forest capital stocks: (i) the presence of a forest bequest tax affects the neutrality of harvest tax in both the short and long run, (ii) in the long run the bequest tax decreases bequests and timber supplies. When the bequest tax is not present, the capital income tax is neutral with respect to bequest and timber supply, while the harvest tax is neutral only if forest productivity is also not taxed. Finally, (iii) in the short run, the substitution and total effects of taxes in landowner decisions generally depend on the presence of the bequest tax. The results have implications for Pigouvian tax design and second best tax choice. 相似文献
集聚与扩散:异质性劳动力和多样化贸易成本的空间经济效应 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章将异质性劳动力及地区内和地区间的多样化贸易成本同时引入空间经济模型,建立了一般均衡模型。分析结果表明,低成本约束的人力资本比高成本约束的普通劳动力流动更容易打破空间经济集聚和扩散的对称均衡,促使产业空间结构稳定地向人力资本丰富的地区集聚。文章还从福利最优化的角度分析了政府对空间经济结构的规划选择,结论显示降低普通劳动力在地区间流动的成本有利于形成分散均衡的经济格局,实现社会公平。 相似文献
Conservation of biodiversity and economic development: The concept of transferable development rights 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Theodore Panayotou 《Environmental and Resource Economics》1994,4(1):91-110
For ecological and economic reasons it is more cost effective to conserve habitats rather than species, and hence biodiversity conservation becomes a land use issue. Since in developing countries, land is the most important productive asset, the opportunity costs of conservation are forgone development, while the benefits from conservation are distant and largely external to the host country. The concept of transferable development rights (TDRs), which has been extensively applied to conservation of historical buildings in urban areas, is extended and adapted here to the conservation of biodiversity, both within a country and globally. Creation of a market for TDRs makes effective the latent demand for and supply of biodiversity conservation and generates benefits for both the supplier (developing countries) and the demander (developed countries). The paper explores the conditions and public interventions necessary for the creation of an active market for TDRs. It also proposes a number of mechanisms such as credits and offsets for purchase of TDRs against domestic regulations and conservation taxes in the developed countries. 相似文献
对城市化进程中的江西省高等教育发展规模的总需求与总供给进行预测的基础上,基于协调发展思想对其发展规模的供需平衡进行了对比分析。研究揭示江西省高等教育发展应走内涵式的道路,需要适当控制其规模的过快扩张。 相似文献
储蓄不足与供给约束型经济态势——近代中国经济运行的基本前提研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
多角度的考察表明,近代中国的总需求拉升价格的力度远大于总供给下压价格的力度,产出增长能力较弱;本币升值可以改善贸易收支,贸易条件成立;出口和进口的汇率弹性绝对值之和远小于1,马歇尔—勒纳条件不成立。因此,近代中国经济呈现供给约束型经济态势,总供给曲线的斜度应该是陡峭的。于是,在使用经济学理论框架分析近代中国经济时,应首先考虑所运用的理论之前提假设是否与近代中国的经济态势一致,从而避免产生南辕北辙的结论。 相似文献
This paper discusses trade mechanisms in pollutionpermit markets. Proofs are given, that sequential,bilateral trade in tradeable emissions permitsconverges to a market equilibrium with minimal totalcosts of pollution control. If ambient or depositionpermits are traded, the convergence of bilateraltransactions occurs only in the case of a singlereceptor. For multiple receptors, the proof ofconvergence for tradeable emissions and ambientpermits is given for two trade mechanisms: sequential,multilateral trade and a Walrasian auction. 相似文献
长期的过量采伐,导致东北许多林区森林可采林木资源濒临枯竭,经济社会发展面临严峻挑战,实施彻底的产业转型,恢复林区的生态功能,促进资源枯竭型林区经济全面协调发展已经迫在眉睫。但是,林区在实施产业转型过程中遇到许多现实问题,需要国家及当地政府及时出台相应扶持政策,推动区域经济发展模式的转变。文章以伊春市国有林区为例,对东北林区产业转型的困境进行深入分析,剖析了影响林区产业转型制度障碍,提出了资源枯竭型林区产业转型的对策。 相似文献
均衡价格--动态市场价格的形成与变化趋势 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本介绍了用来模拟动态市场价格的微分方程模型,此模型反映了价格对需求与供给的影响,而需求与供给反过来又影响价格确定的过程,并说明了均衡价格是市场价格的最终变化趋势,并用蛛网理论对产量和价格的波动进行了分析。 相似文献
The current study analyses the impact on a Portuguese small island regional economy of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) between the EU and the USA. A dynamic Computational General Equilibrium (CGE) model detailing six household categories, 45 sectors, and four trading partners is used. Previous studies used aggregate variables and, largely, were based on the structure of the national economy. For a small, integrated economy, foreign trade statistics comprise an underestimation, given that most of the trade occurs through national logistics centres. Taking into account the national integration effects, gross domestic value was estimated to be higher than in other studies. Using equivalent variation, the estimated welfare impact is positive for all six household categories. Value-added suffers mixed impacts depending on the sector. It is negative for fisheries, ambiguous for agriculture and positive for tourism and transportation. The contribution of the current study is to highlight the importance of looking beneath the trade block and national conclusions particularly when regional economic policy is relevant as is the case in Europe. Better knowledge of welfare, regional and sector impacts allows for improved development and mitigation policies. 相似文献
兰州属于严重缺水的西北城市,年均降雨量偏少,地表水资源贫乏,水资源供需矛盾不断加剧。文章采用线性和非线性方程形式对兰州市农业、工业、生态和城乡生活用水需求进行模拟和预测,并在不同的水资源供给方案下得到未来时期内兰州市及各区县的时空匹配缺水量。结果显示:未来兰州市水资源短缺问题较为严重,可预测的缺水量最小值为4.605亿m3/a,缺水量最大值为15.448亿m3/a。在未来需水量预测中,农业和生态用水需求呈现为不断上升趋势,工业用水需求呈现为"U"型趋势,城乡生活用水需求呈现为倒"U"型趋势。并且,各区县的水资源空间匹配失衡状况较为严重。 相似文献
中美木质林产品产业内贸易的实证研究——基于1992—2009年的进出口贸易数据 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用UNcomtrade数据库的中美木质林产品贸易数据,利用G-L指数、G-L修正指数、Aquino指数、Brülhart边际产业内贸易指数及Thom&McDowell水平型和垂直型产业内贸易指数,对1992—2009年中美木质林产品产业内贸易的水平和结构进行实证分析。结果表明:中美木质林产品产业内贸易水平总体较低,贸易方式仍以产业间贸易为主;中美木质林产品贸易的增长由产业间贸易和产业内贸易共同引发;产业内贸易方式以垂直型产业内贸易为主。 相似文献
通过建立粮食需求预测指标体系,从口粮、饲料粮、种子粮、工业用粮及粮食损耗角度实现了粮食需求预测。并采用基于三次指数平滑模型、灰色预测模型、支持向量机预测模型的组合预测模型,成功实现了粮食供给预测。最后,在粮食供需综合分析中,确认了粮食供需缺口的存在性。 相似文献
长沙市现有湿地42622hm^2,分河流湿地、湖泊湿地、沼泽湿地和人工湿地四大类型,有被子植物和蕨类植物70科共302种,脊椎动物234种。目前,长沙市湿地面临诸多威胁。在分析这些威胁存在的原因的基础上,有针对性地提出了湿地保护管理的对策建议。 相似文献
文章针对我国目前主要农产品出现的供需“缺口”特殊现象,选取1982—2006年的样本数据进行实证检验,探求农产品需求、供给的影响因素及其之间的数量关系,并从需求与供给视角分析价格变化方向和影响程度,在此基础上建立农产品价格动态波动的理论模型。实证表明:我国主要农产品,如粮食、猪肉与棉花等的供给存在“二元”特征,导致农产品供给反应具有粘滞性;需求与价格关系因产品种类而异;农产品供给与需求对价格的影响符合经济规律。通过实证与理论研究,最后提出维持农产品供求均衡的政策建议。 相似文献
以衡阳紫色土丘陵坡地为例,通过总结前人的研究成果和采集湖南环境生物职业技术学院生态研究所紫色土生态实验站部分收集整理和试验数据,从全局性、紧迫性、高效性、层次性、可持续性、创新性与多样性的角度提出了在衡阳紫色土丘陵坡地的急坡地、陡坡地、缓陡坡地其水土保持生态经济型植被恢复模式分别采用三种典型模式,即灌草模式、乔灌草模式与林果模式,以期促进该区域的生态、经济与社会的全面协调与可持续发展。 相似文献
In a recent paper in this journal Nuñez et al. [Nuñez, D., L. Nahuelhual, and C. Oyarzun, 2005. Forest and water: the value of native temperate forests in supplying water for human consumption. Ecological Economics 58: 606-616] presented a model to estimate the economic value of Chilean temperate forests in their function to contribute to maintain fresh water supply. We discuss and correct the estimated values of ecosystem services per household and per hectare. 相似文献
保障性住房一直是国人关注的热点,为解决广大中低收入居民住房困难,我国已经初步建立起了多层次保障性住房体系,但是各地保障性住房建设依旧相对滞后,供给与需求之间仍然存在很大矛盾,为了认清并解决这些难题,文章先对保障性住房的概念、理论基础及现状进行研究,然后结合保障性住房的影响因素以江苏省为例进行实证研究,得出保障性住房供需缺口巨大且供需结构存在不平衡的现状,最后为保障性住房体系的构建提出相关政策建议。 相似文献
河西走廊防风固沙林体系生态经济效益调查研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
调查结果表明,防风固沙林体系能改善农业气候,减弱风速,减少输沙量及沙风暴天数和干热风的危害,恢复、扩大耕地面积,提高粮食产量,同时提供木材、薪柴、草等物质资源,生态经济效益显著。 相似文献
Efficiency and Equity in Natural Resources Pricing: A Proposal for Urban Water Distribution Service 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
This paper focuses on the design of optimal prices for urban water distribution service. In this context, pricing should be aimed at achieving efficiency, equity, financial aspects, and/or public acceptability and transparency. The proposed tariffs are based on the theoretical frameworks suggested by Ramsey (1927) and Feldstein (1972). As a prior step, estimations of urban water demands and water costs are carried out for the Spanish municipality of Seville. Finally, an empirical comparison, in welfare terms, is conducted between the proposed tariffs and those applicable in the year 2000. 相似文献