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In this study, we demonstrate the quantity–quality trade-off between the size of the U.S. military force and the quality of its junior military leaders. We employ a difference-in-differences methodology and compare measures of job performance before and after to show that in periods of military force expansion, the average quality of U.S. Marine officers decline; the converse holds in times of relative peace. This has implications for both military effectiveness and understanding labour market dynamics.  相似文献   

This article analyses the switch to an Allowance for CorporateEquity (ACE) or to a Comprehensive Business Income Tax (CBIT)type of tax system starting from the present German tax system.We show that in case an ACE type of reform is financed by anincrease in the VAT and not in the profit tax, it might be preferredto a CBIT even in the context of an open economy. Moreover,the required exogenous increase in the profit tax rate cannotensure revenue neutrality on its own due to the negative generalequilibrium effects it triggers on the whole economy. For aCBIT, the exogenous reduction in the tax rates on corporateand non-corporate profits leads to better results than whenwe allow for an endogenous change in the VAT. The best resultsarise when the CBIT is accompanied by a provision for immediatewrite-off and a lower profit tax or when the ACE with no additionalcapital gains taxation on household side is financed by an increasein the VAT. (JEL-Classification: C68, D58, D92, E62, H25.)  相似文献   

Migration by low-income workers limits the ability of a countryto redistribute income, since more generous income supplementsattract additional workers into the country, reducing wagesand raising the cost of the program. This article studies therole of immigration controls, which allow the government toraise the real incomes of existing immigrants without causingadditional immigration. Paradoxically, immigration controlsmay lead to higher equilibrium levels of immigration in a commonlabor market, and those low-income individuals left behind inthe source countries may be better off. Simply stated, a hostcountry benefits more from immigrants when they are not impoverished,and immigration controls enable the country to eliminate impoverishment.Thus, the country is willing to increase the number of immigrantsthat it allows within its borders. After obtaining this insightfrom the basic model, the article discusses some extensionsand qualifications.  相似文献   

This article quantifies the effects of the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA) and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) on the trade of intermediate goods and also on the trade of final goods. It is the first article to investigate whether increasing imports of intermediate goods from different regions to Latin America have led to higher exports of final and intermediate goods. The article uses sectoral data for trade in goods between 11 LAIA members over the period 1991–2008. The main results indicate evidence of increasing regional production networks, which have strengthened in the 2000s. Moreover, the findings show evidence of the emergence of global production networks, especially with respect to intermediate imports from China.  相似文献   

We find experimental evidence that the decision problem of tax compliance changes if subjects’ declarations are not randomly assessed, but is based on their appearance as captured by pictures of their faces, even if the aggregate audit probability does not change. Some subjects may fear that their picture looks rather dubious, whereas others may believe that their picture looks more trustworthy than average. Depending on these beliefs, they may adjust their compliance decisions. Our experimental design allows us to disentangle these potentially countervailing effects.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of global and local crises on bank stability in the MENA region and examine the effect of owning bank subsidiaries in other countries. We consider banks that experienced both types of crises during our sample period. Our findings highlight a negative impact of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007–2008 on bank stability but, on the whole, no negative impact of the local crisis. A deeper investigation shows that owning bank subsidiaries outside the home country is a source of increased fragility during normal times, yet a source of higher stability during the local crisis but not during the international crisis. Moreover, owning foreign subsidiaries in one or two world regions is insufficient to neutralize both types of crises, while being present in three or more regions is more stabilizing during a local crisis but also more destabilizing during an international crisis. Our findings contribute to the literature examining bank stability and have several policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper analyses a small open economy that wants to borrow from abroad, cannot commit to repay debt but faces costs if it decides to default. The model generates analytical expressions for the impact of shocks on the incentive compatible level of debt. Debt reduction generated by severe output shocks is no more than a couple of percentage points. In contrast, shocks to world interest rates can substantially affect the incentive compatible level of debt.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of generalized trust on long-term economic growth. Unlike in previous studies, we use Bayesian model averaging to deal rigorously with model uncertainty and attendant omitted variable bias. In addition, we address endogeneity and assess whether the effect of trust on growth is causal. Examining more than forty regressors for nearly fifty countries, we show that trust exerts a positive effect on long-term growth and, based on the posterior inclusion probabilities, suggest that trust is an important driver of long-term growth. Our results also show that trust is key for growth in countries with a weak rule of law.  相似文献   

Using new measures of the scope and strength of antitrust policies, we find no evidence that more robust antitrust regimes correlate with more intense local competition or less corporate dominance. The results cast doubt on the common textbook assumption that antitrust policies improve levels of competition.  相似文献   

We find evidence that workforce educational diversity promotes entrepreneurial behavior of employees as well as the formation of new firms, whereas diversity in demographics hinders transitions to self-employment. Ethnic diversity favors entrepreneurship in financial and business services.  相似文献   

We present evidence pointing to the fact that international agencies' fiscal forecasts were affected to some extent by the same type of problems that the literature widely acknowledges for governmental ones. Informational shortages may lead independent agencies' staff to internalize “political biases” in governmental forecasts when trying to grasp genuine “private information”. Our study is based on a real-time database of EC, OECD and national governments' public deficit forecasts for 15 European countries over the period 1999–2007 and four vintages of projections per forecasted year. Against this background, independent national fiscal institutions might be a natural option, to the extent that they may have better access to inside national information than international organizations. Our results also provide some support to policy positions that claim a closer monitoring of official budgetary projections, in particular as regards transparency requisites, accountability and the threat of sanctions.  相似文献   

Herding among analysts emerges when analysts give priority to their peers’ opinions instead of their own beliefs or information. Some circumstances may enhance or restrain this type of behaviour. We postulate that market sentiment is one of them. This article analyses the effect that investor sentiment may have on analysts’ herding behaviour in the U.K. Our results suggest that ‘easy situations’ such as analysing easy-to-value securities and releasing optimistic information at times of high market sentiment clearly reduce herding practices, whereas herding clearly increases in difficult situations when analysts have to release negative information at moments of high investor sentiment.  相似文献   

Do remittances promote financial development?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Workers' remittances to developing countries have become the second largest type of flows after foreign direct investment. This paper uses data on remittance flows to 109 developing countries during 1975-2007 to study the link between remittances and financial sector development. In particular, we examine the association between remittances and the aggregate level of deposits and credit intermediated by the local banking sector. This is an important question considering the extensive literature that has documented the growth-enhancing and poverty-reducing effects of financial development. We provide evidence of a positive, significant, and robust link between remittances and financial development in developing countries.  相似文献   

Nicolas Huck 《Applied economics》2013,45(57):6239-6256
Pairs trading is a dollar-neutral trading strategy. Using the components of two major stock indices, the S&P 500 and the Nikkei 225, this article deals with the performance of a pairs trading system based on various pairs selection methods (distance, stationarity, cointegration) over a 10-year period. On both markets, using a classical framework, cointegration appears superior and effective. On the U.S. market and also in Japan to a lower extent, pairs trading strategies exhibited an impressive performance during the 2008 financial crisis. Bearish periods are associated with a high level of the VIX index: the ‘investor fear gauge’. Using a modified trading system, this article examines the link between pairs trading performance and volatility/VIX timing. It is shown that for the best selection technique (cointegration), timing volatility has no economic value in a pairs trading context.  相似文献   

The role of the government in health care provision remains a contested issue worldwide. Public hospitals dominate China’s health care industry. However, in the early 2000s, the eastern China city of Suqian privatized all its hospitals and relaxed entry barriers for private hospitals. We assess the impact of the pro‐market reform on hospital performance using a differences‐in‐differences approach. We find that the pro‐market reform decreased medical price and expenditure, improved self‐reported health outcomes, and reduced search time and cost for patients. We show that after the reform, Suqian residents had greater trust in doctors than did residents from other cities.  相似文献   

I study whether or not countries' macroeconomic characteristics are systematically related to their currencies' exposure to the downside market risk. I find that the currency downside risk is strongly associated with the local inflation rate, real interest rate and net foreign asset position. Currencies of countries with high inflation and real interest rates and negative net foreign asset position (debtor countries) are more exposed to the downside risk whereas currencies of countries with low inflation and real interest rates and positive net foreign asset position (creditor countries) exhibit “safe haven” properties. The local real interest rate has the highest explanatory power in accounting for the cross‐section of currency exposure to the downside risk. This suggests that the high currency exposure to the downside risk is a consequence of investments in high‐yield risky countries and flight from them in “hard times”.  相似文献   

This paper studies the transmission of a change in the global demand for financial services on the domestic growth of an international financial center. To capture most of the possible interactions, we develop a dynamic general equilibrium model that we calibrate on Luxembourg data. Results show that the financial multiplier (ratio of a change in output to a change in the financial sector value added) is above 2 in the medium run and largely above 1 in the long run. The main transmission channels are net exports (expenditure approach) or capital income (income approach) in the medium run and investment in the long run. Moreover, the global demand for financial services has substantial implications for public finances. These findings also mean that a sudden loss of confidence towards a specific international financial center might have dramatic consequences for its whole economy.  相似文献   

A social choice function is group strategy-proof on a domain if no group of agents can manipulate its final outcome to their own benefit by declaring false preferences on that domain. There are a number of economically significant domains where interesting rules satisfying individual strategy-proofness can be defined, and for some of them, all these rules turn out to also satisfy the stronger requirement of group strategy-proofness. We provide conditions on domains guaranteeing that for all rules defined on them, individual and group strategy-proofness become equivalent. We also provide a partial answer regarding the necessity of our conditions.  相似文献   

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