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网络上应用系统的运行过程中,常会见到类似“目的主机不可到达或无法找到至目的主机的路径”的提示。对于此类问题,常可根据以下流程图的思路寻找原因。当然这只是一种总体的分析过程,并且所示的流程图也不是绝对严格的(甚至有时所出现的问题与流程图所描述的情况有出入),但这种思路对于我们缩小寻找问题的范围,避免分析问题的盲目性(有时可能无从下手),集中精力解决关  相似文献   

2014年新春伊始,国产主机应用峰会暨“K迁工程”发布会在京举行,此次活动由国产主机系统产业联盟主导企业浪潮公司主办。“K迁工程”意为将企业各类信息化关键数据和核心业务系统从国外主机迁移至国产主机系统。  相似文献   

在几台UN压系统主机间实现打印机的共享,对于解决打印机资源不足,充分利用设备资源具有很大的现实意义。一般的UNIX系统技术资料中,只介绍本地脱机打印的设置,极少介绍打印机共享设置的问题,笔者下面介绍TCP/IP环境下UNIX主机之间的打印机共享的设置。我们使用的环境为,几台AT&T586主机,一台OLLIVTY486主机,它们的操作系统为SCOU-NIXOPENSERThRSYSTEMV3.0.0,并且它们之间通过TCP/IP协议互连在一起,可以实现正常的通信和文件传输等。假设以其中的两台机器为例,用“#uname-S主机名”命名,将它们的主…  相似文献   

SYSPLEX(System Complex,系统耦合体)的建设是我行“9991”数据大集中工程的一个重要组成部分,它的成功实施是多年以来我行在IBM大型主机应用中的一次质的飞跃。从各个单一、孤立的系统过渡到由多个系统相互通信、协作并最终耦合成一体的SYSPI.EX,给主机系统、网络、应用等诸多领域带来了革新。本文从网  相似文献   

首期“天河一号”主机系统,运用了世界上最快的高速互联网系统,计算能力更快,配置更优化,更具有应用的针对性、服务的个性化,适用于多学科、多领域的应用。  相似文献   

目前,我国金融电子化已处于发展和提高阶段,国内主要大银行纷纷采用主机集中处理模式,作出了“全国几个中心”乃至“全国一个中心”的发展规划。从银行业务来看,银行采取主机模式,集中存取银行信息和数据,集中应用处理,有利于集中  相似文献   

为了集中大型主机系统资源,提高其联机处理和批量处理的性能,许多大型主机的用户都配置了小型机系统,为大型机作前端处理。但是把哪些处理功能放到前端处理系统之中是一个值得讨论的问题。若干年前,不少大型金融应用系统在实现24/小时对外服务的方案中,采用前端处理系统代替主机系统处理夜间联机业务,让主机在夜间集中资源完成批处理作业。这在当时也许是合适的。因为当时主机系统的处理能力、存储空间和输入输出能力都不大,批量处理作业的开销已经使主机感到压力很大,要实现24小时对外服务只能另找资源;而且当时需要提供夜间服务…  相似文献   

银行大型主机系统的备份问题因其所应用的领域对系统安全、可靠性的特殊要求而显得特别重要。针对这一问题我们引入了一种新的大型主机系统备份方案──异地双主机远程数据库备份与恢复系统。本文介绍了该系统的基本结构组成及其具体设计与实现方法。该方案在当今大型主机系统备份领域中居于领先地位。  相似文献   

曲峰 《金融电子化》2005,(12):78-80
长期以来,在计算机应用推广方面,大家都把主要精力投入在计算机软件开发、业务功能实现以及系统运行维护上,计算机系统的可靠性却一直被忽视。可靠性国际上通用的定义为:“在规定环境条件下和规定的时间内,完成规定功能的能力”。随着计算机技术的发展,前端系统中网点主机的可靠性已经不能满足计算机发展的要求,新一代高性能高可靠性的服务器将取代前端网点主机。  相似文献   

近日,全球最大的信息技术和业务解决方案公司IBM在北京隆重召开了题为“新系统,我的主机”的IBM System z9新产品发布会,向全球正式推出专门针对中端用户、具有突破意义的IBM System z9 Business Class大型主机:IBM同时宣布在上海建立一个新的实验室,进行System z系列软件开发和相关测试。此外,IBM还宣布增加System z9 Enterprise Class(IBM System z9 109)服务器新功能,以强化系统的业务灵活性。  相似文献   

2004年5月,对中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC)具有双重特殊意义。1954年5月6日中央人民政府政务院决定由中国国际贸易促进委员会设立对外贸易仲裁委员会(中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会的前身)这一国际商事仲裁机构,时隔  相似文献   

刘立  卿树涛 《海南金融》2005,(10):13-15,24
本文提出一个假说——在其他条件相同的情况下,一国吸引FDI的多少与本国企业所受到的投资约束是相关的,这种约束越大,吸收的FDI就越多。本文通过FDI行业集中度的国际比较,揭示出中国FDI行业集中度极其低下的这一特殊现象,指出中国之所以能吸收如此大量的FDI,其中一个原因就是,中国企业的投资行为受到了极其严厉的金融约束和政府行为的限制。在这样的背景之下,一部分不具有任何比较优势的外资进入了中国,占领了中国市场,这对于中国经济的进一步发展是极其有害的。  相似文献   

随着IT产业的发展和信息化建设步伐的加快,各单位、各部门主机的数量不断增加,架构更为复杂,运维任务不断加重,能够及时了解并发现各运行主机的运行状况就显得尤为重要。系统管理员不可能做到每时每刻都对运行中的数十套主机系统的运行状态有清晰的了解,通常是由业务人员来告知系统运行存在的故障现象,这充分反映出系统运维方面的落后局面。因此,急需一套计算机辅助系统来帮助运行管理人员每天24小时监控各信息系统的运行状态,  相似文献   

Little has been reported on the effect of affiliates on their foreign subsidiary performance. In the context of multinational banks (MNBs), we empirically investigate how the establishment of multiple affiliate forms affects the performance of their subsidiaries in the same host country. We also examine the factors influencing and effective entry mode choices. Based on the transaction cost theory, we hypothesize that MNBs can benefit foreign subsidiaries using entry modes based on cost minimization and value maximization. For the period 2005–2015, we test this hypothesis on a sample of 1026 subsidiaries established by 96 MNBs across 106 countries. The results show that the simultaneous operation of multiple affiliate forms positively influences their foreign subsidiary’s performance. The transaction costs determine MNBs’ entry choices. MNBs can enhance their subsidiary’s performance using entry modes considering institutional and cultural contexts and achieving cost and value targets in the host country. This study has policy implications in that it calls for collaboration between host and home countries to develop effective supervision and resolution regimes for MNBs operating multiple affiliate forms in host countries.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on employment creation and wages in Ghana. A simultaneous panel regression model is used in estimating the effect FDI has on employment and wages. The results of this study indicate that FDI has a statistically significant and positive effect on employment levels in Ghana, but has an insignificant effect on wages. FDI can greatly augment domestic efforts by creating more jobs in the economy. The results clearly demonstrate that FDI flows affect employment quantitatively, but not necessarily qualitatively. The study identifies other factors including, productivity, wages, sub-sector, and location as important in influencing employment levels. Also, productivity, labour union, firm size, sub-sector, and location are noted as significant in affecting wages in Ghana. The main value of this paper is in respect of the fact that it provides insight into the effects of FDI flow on employment from a host country perspective. The study recommends that FDI should be considered as an integral part of the Ghanaian economic policy in order to spur on economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyses the impact of a host country’s intellectual property (IP) protection on Chinese outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), employing panel data of 109 host countries’ FDI stocks and IP protection levels. Based on the regression results, it is concluded that the host country’s IP protection has a significant impact on Chinese OFDI. By including an interaction term into the regression, it can be seen that a host country’s trade openness enhances the influence of intellectual property protection on OFDI. Using subsample regressions, it was found that the positive effect of the protection of IP rights by the host country on China’s OFDI is stronger in the countries along China’s ‘Belt and Road’ initiative. For a subsample of countries with a lower degree of IP protection than China, the positive effect of IP protection is weaker than in ones with a higher IP protection level. The results obtained through a threshold regression, show that host countries can be divided into three categories, based on gross domestic product per capita, namely low, medium and high development levels. The higher the level of economic development of the host country, the greater the impact of IP protection on China’s OFDI. The host countries are also categorised into low-, medium- and high-level IP protection levels. As the level of a host country’s IP protection improves, it promotes OFDI from China.  相似文献   

张勤 《中国金融电脑》2011,(3):74-76,79
生产数据库系统的维护管理工作是确保生产系统性能和数据可用性的一项重要的工作。主机DB2数据库系统是中国工商银行(以下简称"工行")业务系统的核心,而DB2数据库重组工作是数据库日常维护管理工作的重点。本文通过探讨主机DB2数据库重组技术在工行的应用与实践,  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the risk-taking behavior of foreign affiliates of multinational banks is more influenced by the national culture of their parent banks’ home country or the national culture of foreign affiliates’ host country. The study uses a dataset of 292 foreign affiliates (i.e., subsidiaries or branch operations) operating in 66 countries having parent banks in 26 countries for empirical analysis. National culture of both home and host countries is measured with four dimensions—uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity and power distance—of Hofstede's framework of national culture. Findings suggest that the national culture of parent banks’ home country has higher impact on the risk-taking behavior of foreign affiliates of multinational banks than the national culture of their host country. Specifically, foreign affiliates’ risk-taking is higher if parent banks’ home country has low uncertainty avoidance, high individualism and low power distance cultural values. This study extends our understanding that how informal institutions, such as the national culture, influence the financial decisions in multinational banks.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,外汇管理的理念和方式发生了革命性变革,有效促进了贸易和投资便利化。但是在变革中,外汇指定银行的一些行为不利于外汇管理的开展,需要地方外汇管理部门和外汇指定银行共同应对予以解决。  相似文献   

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