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In the context of globalization, country‐level actions to manage global talent (e.g., development of immigrant‐friendly policies, policies to attract back skilled diaspora, or investment in the international education of youth) have been underresearched. The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of a country‐level global talent management practice on the careers and career success of its talents in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a developing country in Central Asia. Using qualitative methods, this study introduces new dimensions of career success evaluation for internationally educated talents in developing markets: use of knowledge acquired abroad and international aspect of the job. Based on these dimensions, it develops a model of career types. The career types predict the varying degrees of talents' career success and their involvement in sharing and capitalizing on knowledge, ideas, and international experience, which may have an impact on society. The study contributes to the field of global talent management and career success by providing empirical evidence on an underresearched topic in the underresearched context of developing markets.  相似文献   

In times of the “Brexit” and “America First” policies, several industrialized countries' governments are turning toward more national‐oriented migration policies. Simultaneously, societal aversion to immigration is growing. Both trends are sending negative signals to highly skilled employees and making immigrants feel that they are no longer welcome. Consequently, international careers are becoming uncertain, risky, and unpredictable. This new reality in industrialized knowledge‐based economies may affect firms' talent pool and the skill set available to a country. To shed light on the new environment of international human resource management, we interviewed Mary Yoko Brannen and David Collings, leading experts in the field, to explore their perspective on how the field is changing. The interviews reported here uncover fascinating insights, including the need to counteract the globalization fears in the West of the predominantly White working and lower‐middle class through education. Companies may also rethink their organizational boundaries and the notion of traditional employees by using their agility to counteract the political forces harming their talent pool strategy.  相似文献   

This paper argues that talent management and expatriation are two significantly overlapping but separate areas of research and that bringing the two together has significant and useful implications for both research and practice. We offer indications of how this bringing together might work, in particular developing the different results that will come from narrower and broader concepts of talent management. Our framework defines global talent management as a combination of high-potential development and global careers development. The goal of the paper is to lay the foundations for future research while encouraging organizations to manage expatriation strategically in a talent-management perspective.  相似文献   

The changing economy brings about new and exciting opportunities for emerging workers. Research shows that adolescents transitioning to adulthood are eager to enter the workforce and begin their careers, but many will be underprepared for the types of responsibilities that their new positions will entail. Subjectively identifying the skills that current workers believe will be necessary for future job success provides insight into how school curriculum may adapt to the changing economy and better support their students. This study explores the viewpoints of workers and the skills that they will need to take the next steps in their careers.  相似文献   

The economies of Asia have undergone a significant transformation over the past five decades as they moved from being primarily agrarian societies to more modern industrial states. What have these changes meant for women and, in particular, their position and progress in management? This contribution brings together the findings of the eight case studies presented in this collection. Using an explanatory model that incorporates individual, organizational and societal level analysis, women were found to be under-represented in management and faced considerable barriers in gaining management positions. Organizational factors underpinned many of these barriers but a range of cultural attributes contributed to this discrimination. Legislative changes were seen as one avenue to improve women's careers as were women's increased education levels, the changing approaches to human resource management, and a growing awareness of the inefficiencies and sub-optimal levels of organizational performance created by gender discrimination. This contribution concludes, however, that until there are major shifts in the role perceptions of women by individuals, organizations and society it is likely that change will occur only gradually and women will remain disadvantaged and under-represented in management  相似文献   

在学生管理干部工作中,要特别重视与学生之间情感的培养,通过实施情感教育,发展与学生之间的积极的情感,消除消极的情感,从而很好地做好学生管理干部工作.要做到了解、关心、尊重学生;要讲求教育艺术,做到以爱动其心,爱在细微处,以严导其行,严在当严处;要为人师表,树立情感威性,以高尚的人格陶冶学生,以强烈的事业心感染学生,以优良的心理品质影响学生;要以出色的业务能力和渊博的知识征服学生,以良好的仪表形象影响学生.不断探索工作新方法,树立新观念,开启新思维,讲求新艺术,开创学生管理干部工作新局面,把班级培养成积极向上的集体,把学生培养成优秀的专业技术人才.  相似文献   

In this article, the development of management accounting is connected to purchasing and supply management. The accounting system can act as a strong enabler as well as a barrier to the development of purchasing. A number of measures are identified and discussed leading to the conclusion that there are some highly interesting and relevant new techniques available. Using these, it should be possible to foster a stronger relationship focus in the purchasing function, which would enable managers to carry out a segmented approach to purchasing and supply management. Today, however, it would appear that managers largely fail to take advantage of these techniques.  相似文献   

Companies increasingly face the need for transformation in today’s rapidly changing business environment, characterized by major shifts in technology, regulation, and customer behavior. A lack of strategic risk insight and foresight leaves many incumbents insufficiently prepared in the face of such deep uncertainty. We argue that traditional risk management falls short because it predominantly focuses on strategy execution while leaving strategy formulation largely untouched. Moreover, an administrative-heavy risk management process can create strategic inertia and a misleading sense of control. In today’s dynamic business context, companies must not only increase the speed and impact of their strategy execution but also continuously explore the development of new strategies in response to disruptive events or emerging opportunities. Our research shows how leading companies develop a strategic risk management (SRM) capability to increase their resilience and agility in response to deep uncertainty. SRM takes a strategic, forward-looking perspective and focuses on strengthening processes, people, and practices for purposefully integrating risk into the strategy formulation process. This article offers a framework with three proven configurations of content and timing integration, risk management roles, and leading practices that enable effective SRM.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the traditional purchasing and logistics functions have evolved into a broader strategic approach to materials and distribution management known as supply chain management. This research reviews the literature base and development of supply chain management from two separate paths that eventually merged into the modern era of a holistic and strategic approach to operations, materials and logistics management. In addition, this article attempts to clearly describe supply chain management since the literature is replete with buzzwords that address elements or stages of this new management philosophy. This article also discusses various supply chain management strategies and the conditions conducive to supply chain management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the developments in the field of career management in a cross-national comparative context. It investigates a wide range of career practices via two large-scale surveys in 108 Indian and 194 British organisations. The influence of a number of organisational characteristics on career practices is analysed. The study has identified a number of similarities as well as differences in the career management systems of firms operating in both India and Britain. Theoretical and managerial implications for the fields of careers and international HRM are discussed.  相似文献   

The communications industry has been subject to radical changes in this decade. Managers working in this branch of industry need to adapt their management style to changing conditions. This study was carried out for the branch training and education institute in The Netherlands (STIVAKO) to provide directions for their future training and education supply. Using a variety of research instruments (literature research, interviews, survey and expert conference) a new flexible curriculum structure has been developed.  相似文献   

Business education is important for economic development. A skilled workforce allows for greater advancements in productivity, the creation of new business opportunities, increased employment, and enhances the quality of life of the citizenry. With the changing international business environment it is important for academics and practitioners alike to understand the methods, techniques, and activities being used to train future business leaders. This article investigates the context, content, and delivery of business education in Peru and Guatemala. It analyzes the business education structure and curriculum content of two universities that have successfully implemented comprehensive international business programs. Data for this article was collected in Peru and Guatemala and reflects the students' perspective on the international business curriculums of their respective programs of study.  相似文献   

In business schools, there is a persistent myth according to which management education is, and should be, ‘value-free’. This article reflects on the experiences of two business schools from Finland and Australia in which the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) have been pragmatically used as a platform for breaking with this institutionalized guise of positivist value neutrality. This use of PRME makes it possible to create learning environments in which values and value tensions inherent in management education can be explored and exposed. Inspired by Rorty’s understanding of ethics—notably his discussion of ‘final vocabularies’ and ‘moral imagination’—and Flyvbjerg’s reading of phronēsis, the article discusses an approach to learning that helps both teachers and students in exploring and exposing values in management education by problematizing dominant business school vocabularies, thereby leading to moral development, in the Rortian sense. The article presents a number of final vocabularies that business students come to class with, some learning methods used to challenge these vocabularies through discussion of alternative vocabularies, and the new directions for moral imagination that may result.  相似文献   

刘龙辉  王玲 《商》2013,(8Z):198-198
笔者从自身管理实践出发,就成人教育学生的特点进行分析,探讨了新形势下成人教育班主任班级管理工作的见解。  相似文献   

International partnerships are an essential tool to enable business schools to internationalize their activities. They can lead to improved research, better more internationally relevant teaching, provide staff with an international perspective, and help prepare students for careers in global business. Using case studies of four of Durham University Business School's main partnerships, the article identifies the motivations for forming partnerships, examines some of the practical management issues associated with partnership working in higher education, and details the many benefits that can be derived from such arrangements.  相似文献   

Chinese mainland business managers assigned to Hong Kong responded to a mail survey exploring issues on career management. The group of mainland managers was compared with a sample of Western expatriates, mostly from the US, France, and Britain. It was found that the Chinese expatriates had a significantly lower score than their Western counterparts on all the studied individual level career management variables: expatriate career preferences, meeting career goals within the corporation, career development fit, and right career move. Of the corporate level policy variables, corporate expatriate pool and separate expatriate careers also had lower scores for the Chinese than the Western managers. These findings support the behavioral process model of internationalization claiming that internationalization is a matter of learning. Implications of these results for internationalizing Chinese corporations are discussed.  相似文献   

张勇 《商》2014,(25):208+152-208
行业管理法是经济法体系中的一项法律,但是从宏观和微观的分类上行业管理法既不属于宏观经济调控法,也不属于微观的市场规制法,从其功能上来说行业管理法属于调整中观管理的经济法,行业管理法体系包含行业管理基本法、行业管理部门规章以及行业协会的自治规范等内容,具有指导思想和制度规范的立法,行业管理法对于促进行业领域的正常运行具有重要的意义。行业管理法与产业政策法规具有密切的关系,两者之间相辅相成,在国家的产业发展中共同发挥着指引和规范作用,研究行业管理法的地位和体系离不开产业政策法的分析介绍。笔者在本文中对行业管理法的地位和重要作用进行了分析,对行业管理法的体系内容也进行了详细的阐述,旨在通过本文的研究让更多人的认识到行业管理法,从而促进行业管理法作用的有效发挥。  相似文献   

经济发展迅速,经济形势瞬息万变,企业在生产经营中受各种不确定因素的影响越来越多,蒙受损失的风险越来越大.通过分析财务风险的成因,提出建立以风险控制为导向防范机制,加强财务风险管理,应对市场变化.  相似文献   

Women’s Careers at the Start of the 21st Century: Patterns and Paradoxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article we assess the extant literature on women’s careers appearing in selected career, management and psychology journals from 1990 to the present to determine what is currently known about the state of women’s careers at the dawn of the 21st century. Based on this review, we identify four patterns that cumulatively contribute to the current state of the literature on women’s careers: women’s careers are embedded in women’s larger-life contexts, families and careers are central to women’s lives, women’s career paths reflect a wide range and variety of patterns, and human and social capital are critical factors for women’s careers. We also identify paradoxes that highlight the disconnection between organizational practice and scholarly research associated with each of the identified patterns. Our overall conclusion is that male-defined constructions of work and career success continue to dominate organizational research and practice. We provide direction for a research agenda on women’s careers that addresses the development of integrative career theories relevant for women’s contemporary lives in hopes of providing fresh avenues for conceptualizing career success for women. Propositions are identified for more strongly connecting career scholarship to organizational practice in support of women’s continued career advancement.  相似文献   

Despite major changes in French business during the past decade, the profile of the French CEO has changed little. Top managers remain graduates of elite professional schools with prestigious civil service corps membership, lengthy careers in state service, and relatively short business careers. This article assesses the impact of this system on French management, relying in part on a series of interviews conducted in France with over 40 top business and government officials. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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