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中国城市集聚区的演化过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建国以来,中国大陆城市集聚区空间格局发生了深刻的变化.根据城市人口分布Kernel密度对中国城市集聚区的空间分布和演化过程进行分析.中国城市集聚区自1949年的京津、辽中和长三角3个城市集聚区开始发育,到2003年其空间格局已形成"长三角-山东半岛-苏鲁皖边界"、"京津冀-中原-晋中"和珠三角等三大城市连绵区、11个城市集聚区和9个城市集聚发育区.从中国城市密集区的空间演变过程可以推测,中国在未来几十年内发育新的城市集聚区的可能性和数量都较为有限,城市密集区的演变趋势主要表现为:原有处于发育阶段的城市集聚区的进一步形成;原有城市密集区之间通过空间拓展出现空间衔接,并形成地域范围更大的城市连绵带.  相似文献   

在辨析边缘区概念发展的基础上,指出边缘区已成为大城市发展的核心空间,实质上承担了大都市"自上而下"的空间外拓和撤市(县)设区后"自下而上"式的城镇蔓延.通过分析大城市边缘区的演化,归纳了演化要素、结构模式、管理方式、空间边界等若干要素和特征,并提出对"边缘区"内涵的补充.由此展开对广州市案例的研究,从空间形态、产业发展、土地利用、规划管理多方面分析二元发展的矛盾及深层原因,并进一步探索新发展背景下大城市边缘区治理体系建构的合理模式.  相似文献   

都市区,都市圈和都市带的概念界定与比较分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鉴于当前学术界关于大城市地域空间组织若干概念的分歧,针对都市区、都市圈和都市带的概念进行了界定,认为它们分别处于城市化的不同发展阶段,是大城市地域空间组织从简单到复杂、从低级到高级演变的结果。并进一步对都市区、都市圈和都市带在人口规模、空间尺度、社会经济、空间结构等方面的特征进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

对城市群及其相关概念的重新认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“城市群”尽管被官方翻译为“urban agglomeration”,但与西方对城市密集区、集合城市等相关概念存在明显的差异,是一个具有中国特色的概念,具有理想化和难以明确界定的特点.未来中国城市化的研究中,应更多的放在城市密集区界定、特征、形成机制、以及对城市密集区优化方向、优化路径等问题上,以与国际上通行的“城市密集区”研究接轨,为中国城市化战略的实施提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

党的十七届三中全会提出城乡一体化新格局的概念,这意味着中国的城镇化要走以大城市为中心的"城市群"和"城市带"的方向 ,逐步建立包括大、中、小城市和中心的城镇体系,并以此带动农村发展,解决城乡"二元结构"问题,逐步实现城乡一全化.  相似文献   

何骏 《上海企业》2007,(8):37-39
城市群又称为大城市圈、大都市连绵区,是指在具有发达的交通条件的特定区域内,由一个或少数几个核心城市(大城市构成)、若干个中心城市(中型城市构成)和众多中小城市(包括城镇等)组成的城市群落。群落内的城市之间在自然条件、历史发展、经济结构、社会文化等某一或几个方面有密切联系。其中,核心城市对群落内其他城市有较强的经济文化辐射和引领作用。城市群是社会发展的城市化进程中出现的一种城市空间组织  相似文献   

采用联合国世界经济和社会事务部数据库的最新数据,从总体和分类别等多个维度进行分析,发现世界上绝大多数国家和地区存在大城市化现象,少部分国家和地区正在步入大城市化时代.在经济发展水平和城镇化水平较低的阶段,大城市化现象最明显.随着经济发展水平和城镇化水平的提高,大城市化居于主导地位的可能性越来越大.中国目前的大城市化发展处于正常范围,无论是从人口规模还是从经济与城镇化发展前景来看,大城市化居于主导地位都是大概率事件.  相似文献   

采用联合国世界经济和社会事务部数据库的最新数据,从总体和分类别等多个维度进行分析,发现世界上绝大多数国家和地区存在大城市化现象,少部分国家和地区正在步入大城市化时代.在经济发展水平和城镇化水平较低的阶段,大城市化现象最明显.随着经济发展水平和城镇化水平的提高,大城市化居于主导地位的可能性越来越大.中国目前的大城市化发展处于正常范围,无论是从人口规模还是从经济与城镇化发展前景来看,大城市化居于主导地位都是大概率事件.  相似文献   

科学判定大都市连绵区与边缘城市之间的空间关联度对准确界定都市连绵带的空间范围具有重要意义,同时对合理地判断都市连绵带的圈层结构也能提供理论依据.长江三角洲是我国目前最大的都市连绵带,由于缺乏空间规模判断的科学方法,学界和决策者在确定空间范围时都是基于经验和行政管理的需要.金华市是长江三角洲重要的边缘城市之一,我们以此为例,通过计算空间关联度的方法确定边缘城市的空间归属.  相似文献   

中国大城市发展和都市区的形成   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
改革开放以来,我国大城市发展迅速,出现了都市区这种新的城市空间形态.都市区将成为新世纪我国经济和城市化发展的重要地域空间形式,同时也对传统的城市发展战略、城市规划和管理提出了新的要求和挑战.分析了中国大城市的发展趋势和空间演变特征,阐述了中国都市区现象的出现及其发展前景,并对中国都市区的概念、界定标准以及都市区规划等问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effective formulation and implementation of a national innovation system. It emphasizes that a concept of regional innovation system is a good tool to generate an effective national innovation system, as it can effectively create different sectoral innovation systems in different regions. Based on this theoretical review, this paper analyzes Korean regional innovation systems in terms of mapping of innovation actors. It concludes that the Korean national innovation system is relatively weak, as it has only three advanced regional innovation systems. However, it tells that there are six fast developing regional innovation systems and seven less developed regional innovation systems. They should be refined and further developed based on the active support by the central government, some policy measures for activating interactive learning between innovation actors, and also the close cooperation between the central and regional governments.  相似文献   

Andreas Faludi 《Socio》1973,7(1):67-77
This paper evaluates the British “systems view” of planning in terms of its success in providing a basis for planning theory. It is argued that it falls short of fulfilling all the criteria of a satisfactory base for planning theory, i.e. it does not provide a rationale for physical planning. Instead of making full use of the potential for criticising their practise inherent to its concept, the systems view merely rationalises what physical planners do anyway. In an attempt to investigate what the rationale of physical planning might be, the author then suggests one should conceive physical development plans as resource budgets which act mainly as constraints on, rather than as guides for, action.  相似文献   

Starting from Max Weber’s definitions of power we discuss the meaning of his concept Chance and its relationships to the probabilistic notions that play a central role in definitions of indices of measuring voting power. Using Martin Hollis’s distinction between two models of man—plastic and autonomous—we argue that the common measures of voting power when interpreted in terms of probabilities seem to be in better conformity with the model of plastic man than with the model of autonomous man. The paper elaborates on the probability interpretation with applications to the modelling of power measures with a priori unions and to the concept of “real voting power” based on relative frequencies of historical events. Power as potential—which in our view is what Weber very likely meant—remains an elusive concept, but one that should be amenable to game-theoretic analysis.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2014,38(2):5-13
The combination of government schemes and a recovery in the wider economy underpinned a robust pickup in housing transactions and house prices through 2013. But there is no evidence of a housing bubble across most of the country. Across the majority of regions prices are still below previous peaks in nominal terms and much lower still in real terms. Meanwhile measures of affordability and indebtedness are in a much better state than they were prior to the financial crisis. The exception is London, where supply shortages and strong demand have pushed both the price‐to‐income ratio and average income multiple back to previous highs. An improving macroeconomic backdrop and ongoing support from Help to Buy should ensure that demand continues to strengthen, supporting further growth in transactions. There has been a strong supply response over the past nine months and this should continue, which will help to keep a lid on price growth. Divergent macroeconomic prospects across the regions will lead to a wide variation in house price growth, with London expected to lead the way. We do not see a case for changing the terms of Help to Buy, particularly given that the most likely source of a bubble is London, where the impact of Help to Buy is likely to be small. In our view, the average income multiple is crucial and macro prudential tools should be used if it continues to rise above previous peaks in any regions. The most likely cause of a bubble at the national level would be an inadequate supply response. Alongside its policies to support demand, the government should implement a series of measures aimed at increasing supply, including planning reform, and it could also consider using its low borrowing costs to fund public sector house building.  相似文献   

刘根  曾海亮  骆革新 《价值工程》2006,25(10):36-38
整合营销倡导以消费者为中心,整合企业内外部资源,更好满足消费者需求,获取竞争优势。直销在中国的合法化给予了国产保健食品企业重振雄风的机会。国产保健食品企业在启用直销模式的同时,应施行整合营销,在消费概念、产品价值、服务、与消费者关系、经营战略等方面施行营销创新。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO,物流产业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,政府和企业所要进行的工作任重道远。我国物流现状远远落后于发达国家,政府作为国家重要基础设施的掌控者和国家宏观经济调控的决策者,应加大力度从宏观和微观的角度支持物流产业的发展,对相关扶持进行博弈决策。  相似文献   

用科学发展观培育我国环境审计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉兰 《价值工程》2006,25(12):1-3
目前世界上许多国家非常重视环境审计,并将环境审计作为审计发展的新方向,而我国没有积极探索和开展环境审计。随着科学发展观的提出,审计工作要树立“环境是生产力”的意识。本文拟从科学发展观的角度探讨培育我国环境审计的有关问题。  相似文献   

标准化在与国际惯例接轨中的民族性浅议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从标准化的定义与实践切入,揭示了标准化在与国际惯例接轨中应当坚持对等原则,双方一致原则及民族性的必要性,并针对误区提出了解决对策  相似文献   

国家审计功能和国家治理能力的关系可以通过构建协同发展机制来分析,协同发展机制包括二者内在的理论逻辑以及由此搭建的实践路径.不同国家的国家审计,其发展历程、审计范围以及审议重点等存在较大差异,可通过理论分析和各国审计发展历程分析,总结出国家审计功能发展的现实路径.对国家审计的需求和供给将决定国家审计功能的发展.各国治理治...  相似文献   

日本首都圈规划的主要进程及其历史经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国城市化进程的加速,都市圈的形成和发展成为我国城市空间格局演化的必然趋势,都市圈规划因而成为新一轮区域规划的热点问题.本文概括了日本首都圈的形成背景,介绍了历次首都圈规划的发展过程和特点.总结出日本首都圈规划以项目开发为核心、以法律制度建设为保障的实施机制,并进而提出对中国区域规划的指导意义.  相似文献   

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