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文化差异——国际贸易中跨文化交流的无形壁垒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际贸易中,思维方式、价值观念、风俗习惯、语言现象等文化差异成为国际贸易中跨文化交流的无形壁垒,对语言与文化要素的差异性及其影响加以分析,有效实施跨文化交流,是打开国际市场并拓展国际贸易的成功关键之所在。  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,国家实力的不断提升,中国正前所未有的进入国际视野,国际地位不断提高。近年来我国政府在文化软实力的建设方面给予了高度重视,并开始推行公共外交政策。本文认为,在公共外交与跨文化交流风生水起之时,我们应当认识到提升文化自信,是公共外交事业发展的基础,应当成为公共外交事业展开的指导原则。  相似文献   

浅析文化因素对跨文化营销的影响及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
跨文化营销中企业面临的是一个诸多差异的经营环境。其中文化差异对跨国经营活动有着重大影响。能否掌握各国文化背景的差异,采取适宜的营销策略。往往是成败的关键。营销者应从语言文字、审美观念、价值观念、宗教、风俗习惯等多视角、多层面就文化差异对国际营销的影响作深入的比较分析,关注国际市每营销与国际经营的文化环境之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

英语专业教育已经越来越被重视,虽然我国的英语教育存在有专业知识但是缺乏实际运用能力这一问题,因此对英语专业教育的文化检视是非常有必要的文化检视,涉及英语专业教育效果与实践影响、英语专业教育在文化变革中的应对、英语专业教育文化检视的必要性等几方面的检视,深入研究其中的关系,让英语专业教育能形成独立的文化身份。  相似文献   

东西管理文化交融与有效跨文化管理途径研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文基于东西管理文化交融的重要性,从东西文化差异入手,对有效跨文化管理途径进行研究。  相似文献   

马倩 《市场论坛》2011,(5):91-92
英语教学中的文化因素一直是受到普遍关注的话题,其中的文化差异因素在英语交际与教学中产生了很大的影响,同时也带来很多问题,因而文化因素在英语教学中的重要地位不容忽视,而通过各种方式加强跨文化意识的培养则是解决由文化差异所带来问题的有效途径,这也是英语教学中妊不可少的重要环节.  相似文献   

张乃禹 《中国广告》2012,(11):125-128
公益广告主题反映了某个社会独有的传统文化与思想价值观,它通过广告的传播功能来解决国家现有的社会性、公共性问题,其背后必然存在着某个社会的时代热点和社会发展方向。本文分析了韩国公益广告的发展路径和主题类型,并对韩国公益广告的诉求主题进行了跨文化的深入探究。  相似文献   

在全球化的背景下,随着国际政治经济形势的变化和信息科技技术的发展,跨国区域间大学生文化交流与合作成为每个国家向国际化迈进的一个重要渠道。携手东盟是广西发展和高校间大学生交流与合作的战略选择。本文主要分析广西与东盟国家大学生跨文化交流现状,提出广西高校大学生立足东南亚的区域性文化交流与合作的可持续性发展思考。  相似文献   

交际与文化之间关系紧密.交际行为是文化和社会行为,它必然发生在社会之中,并受社会中众多因素的影响和制约.霍尔提出的高低语境文化对研究交际有着重要的指导意义.中国和美国由于所处的语境不同,从而造成了交际模式上的差异.  相似文献   

韩流作为一种文化产业,不仅仅扩大了韩国文化的影响力,更为韩国创造了大量的经济价值。我国具有悠久的历史文化传统,借鉴韩国文化产业的发展经验,对于创新和发展我国的文化产业具有重要的现实意义。我国政府应从加大政府扶持力度,挖掘民族资源,创建文化品牌等方面入手,大力推进我国文化产业的发展。  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNCs) recognize the importance of optimizing their international site-selection decision(s). Similarly, host regions recognize the potential economic benefits of securing ‘greenfield’ investment projects. Thus, there is intense intra-regional competition to secure ‘trophy investments’. The extant research offers little insight to the very final stages of the site-selection negotiation process. No previous study has examined in detail the final stages of international site-selection negotiations involving South Korean MNCs. This paper focuses on the role of US government officials and Southern state stakeholders seeking to secure investments by Hyundai Motors and Kia Motors. It offers an exploratory eclectic theory to explain site-selection decisions.  相似文献   

This paper systematically investigates the English literature on the study of the South Korean Government’s gender policies concerning Korean workplaces and has found that the scope and quantity of the relevant published research on this topic has greatly increased over the years. This research reviews 66 articles that were published in the literature of academic journals and non-governmental organizations from 1989 to 2014 and is meant to serve as a reference compilation of specific characteristics on the topic for interested international academics and policy-makers. Findings include a growing interest in the field of knowledge with most articles being published in roughly the last decade and on an increasingly diverse selection of topics. In addition, most articles are quantitative, though they are based on secondary data provided by the Korean Government, extant literature or the Occupational Wage Survey. Furthermore, this paper reviews the literature’s primary limitations and key words as well as outlines the future topics the academics wished to address.  相似文献   

通过对韩便利店在店铺数、销售额、顾客与经营者构成等方面的分析,本文认为韩便利店的快速发展与其经济发展水平的提高,以及成功输入美日成熟的便利店经营技术和模式有关。韩便利店在发展中呈现出明显的个性特征,根据店铺数与销售额等的演变轨迹,可以将韩便利店的发展划分为导入期、连锁构筑期、系统完善期、高速成长初期及高速成长期。  相似文献   

Each culture has its own dominant construct of time that influences the value placed on the use of time by individuals. This empirical study examines how time orientations influence attitudes toward advertising in a high-context culture of an Asian economy. Data was collected through surveys in Macau. Findings show that Macanese are more future orientated but less enthusiastic towards advertising; they switch to another channel and engage in other activities during commercial breaks. Results also show that past orientation has the strongest impact on advertising avoidance. The authors offer managerial implications for the development of effective advertising programs in this emerging market.  相似文献   

韩企非正常撤资与韩国对华直接投资分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国是重要的对华直接投资国,韩国对华直接投资经历了初步进入、快速发展、缓慢下降和大规模增长等四个阶段,主要以中、小企业独资方式投向于环渤海地区和制造业;同时,存在着本土化程度不高、投资过度集中于制造业、平均规模偏小和投资取向不合理,撤资频繁等问题.为此,文章提出了我国应采取的相应对策.  相似文献   

In this paper, purchasing innovation in the case of a distribution company is analysed from an interorganizational cost management (IOCM) perspective. In this company, purchasing costs play an important strategic role. This study suggests that a new practice of IOCM is necessary that is suitable for Korea's economic circumstances, including the family-controlled conglomerates (Chaebols) that dominate the entire economic system. The strong need to reduce purchasing costs within Chaebols and the Korean government policy that promotes joint growth of large and small firms are crucial factors in the successful implementation of IOCM practices. We also discuss the infrastructure that enables effective IOCM in the long term, thereby adding new findings to academic research in the area, and practical implications of this benchmark case for other companies planning purchasing innovations.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to investigate antecedents and consequences of consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction (CS/D) with the performance of apparel products at purchase, and after consumption, for male and female South Korean consumers. An experimental research technique with a 2 × 2 × 2 between‐subjects factorial design with gender (female, male), expectation for future performance, (high, low) and perception of product consumption performance (good, poor) was used. Both similarities and differences between genders were found. Implications and applications of results are discussed.  相似文献   

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