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Ignatius J. Horstmann Glenn M. MacDonald 《Journal of Economics & Management Strategy》1994,3(3):561-584
A model of advertising is presented in which consumption experience is an imperfect indicator of product quality. In equilibrium, neither price nor advertising signal the quality of newly introduced goods. Advertising of established products can be a signal of quality, but if it is, it must be an imperfect signal leaving residual uncertainty that influences consumers' repurchase decision. A set of observable implications follow. 相似文献
Laurent Linnemer 《Journal of Economics & Management Strategy》1998,7(4):615-645
I analyze the marketing strategy of an incumbent monopolist facing a threat of entry. Product quality is unknown to consumers, and the monopolist's cost is unknown to the potential entrant. The incumbent uses both price and advertising to signal cost and quality. The monopolist faces a dilemma because signaling a high quality attracts customers but requires a high price, whereas signaling low cost prevents entry but requires a low price. I characterize the unique (stable) separating equilibrium and show that dissipative advertising may be used, while it is never used if either quality or cost is known. Some equilibria may involve pooling on cost. A welfare analysis indicates that potential entry may improve welfare and that the effect of unknown quality is not always negative when it interferes with entry deterrence. 相似文献
Clara Koetz Cristiane Pizzutti dos Santos Gérard Cliquet 《Managerial and Decision Economics》2017,38(3):314-325
The aim of this article is to investigate the influence of advertising spending and mood on consumers' perceived quality, considering scenarios with slight and severe information asymmetry as regards a product's attributes. An experimental study conducted with 385 subjects demonstrated that mood moderates the impact of advertising spending on consumers' perceived quality, specifically when these expenses are at and above the market average. Moreover, the impact of mood on perceived quality was moderated by the level of product information. These results have several theoretical and managerial implications, and may help companies to invest their advertising resources more efficiently. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
质量生态学研究(3)--产品质量与顾客满意的协同进化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
市场上的产品大多以“种群”形式存在,产品的客观质量是不断进化的。但顾客满意具有生命周期,当顾客对某类产品永久性不满意时,即使该产品的客观质量再好,其市场生命周期也将结束。产品质量是顾客满意的基础,为使顾客满意产品种群内质量竞争加剧,加快了产品质量进化;而顾客的满意水平又受产品质量进化水平的驱动。产品质量与顾客满意之间存在协同进化关系。 相似文献
温德成 《世界标准化与质量管理》2002,(2):13-14
小鸭集团是国内著名的现代化大型家电企业,在经营中以质量战略、体系建设、质量改进、顾客服务为重点,形成了独具特色的以顾客为中心的质量文化氛围。1以顾客为中心的质量战略小鸭集团领导层从企业战略的角度策划质量,确立了以顾客为中心的质量战略,要求企业的市场营销、产品开发与设计、生产制造、产品交付以及售后服务等各项工作均以顾客为中心开展活动,以追求顾客满意为企业目标。事实证明,以顾客为中心的质量战略增强了企业的市场竞争力,也为建立良好的质量文化奠定了坚实的基础,有利于企业克服单纯依赖价格竞争战略带来的后遗… 相似文献
从物流客户服务的角度出发,分析了产品召回制度的功能及建立产品召回的必要性,探讨了企业实施产品召回的运作程序,以及借此完善服务水平,提升竞争力的意义。 相似文献
文章以2009—2016年中国制造业上市公司为对象,考察企业客户关系型交易、产品独特性与商业信用供给之间的关系。研究表明:(1)客户关系型交易与商业信用供给之间存在明显的倒U型关系,即存在商业信用供给最优值。密切的客户关系型交易能为企业带来利益整合效应,有利于企业提高商业信用供给;但由于潜在的风险效应,客户关系型交易对商业信用供给的影响存在极大值点,超过拐点,客户关系型交易则会对企业商业信用供给产生负面影响。(2)企业的产品独特性对客户关系型交易与商业信用供给之间的倒U型关系存在显著的正向调节作用,即产品独特性强的企业,客户关系型交易与商业信用供给之间的敏感性更强。研究结论为深入认识客户关系型交易的经济后果提供了新视角和证据,同时为中国制造业企业提高创新资源配置效率提供了决策依据和政策建议。 相似文献
从已有的研究成果来看,无论是理论界还是企业界真正以“客户资本”来看待企业的客户资源并据此展开研究和实际操作的时间并不长,至今尚无统一的理论框架和行之有效的操作方法。文章试图从质量管理的角度切入,借助营销理论模型探讨对客户资本进行质量评价的方法,提出对不同质量水平的客户资本进行分类管理的建议。 相似文献
研究质量问题,离不开产品,而产品又离不开使用,使用又离不开顾客。如今,不管是产品还是产品的使用,不管是顾客还是产品质量特性的本身,其概念的内涵和外延都与过去有了很大的不同,都已经大大扩展了。这样的扩展,对质量和质量管理都提出了新的要求,必将推动质量管理的发展和进步。但是,不少质量管理人员对此还没有清醒的深刻的认识,应当引起我们的重视。 相似文献
顾客满意的质量观提出的新要求 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用顾客满意来判定质量,除了继续保持原来的技术标准、经济标准之外,产品质量还需要增加新的内容。这必将对企业的经营理念、经营战略、质量管理以及产品的设计制造等等产生重大影响,逼迫我们改进并创新质量管理模式。这可能是21世纪质量管理的一个重大转变,或者说是一个重要特征。 相似文献
在实践中,中国服务业发展迅速,但营销水平有待提高,很多管理人员对营销以及服务管理的理解有限。在理论中,对感知服务质量各个维度、顾客满意和顾客忠诚之间的关系讨论很多,尚无定论。实证研究发现,是顾客满意正向影响感知服务质量各个因子,而不是相反,说明基于交易的顾客满意会影响对服务进行长期综合评价的感知服务质量。只有忠诚度一个因子影响顾客忠诚,因此企业在培养忠诚顾客上应该有所侧重。顾客满意和顾客忠诚的关系被验证并非线性关系,在线性方程模型中未能验证成功。 相似文献
文章对标准样品和产品质量监督之间的关系进行了阐述,对标准样品在产品质量检验工作中的应用进行了介绍,并举例说明了标准样品在我国产品质量监督检验工作中的作用。 相似文献
客户资源管理的核心思想是将企业的客户作为最重要的企业资源。客户资源是指那些对企业有贡献的客户,这些客户是不断变化的。企业的优质客户资源是企业最宝贵的客户资源,如何把非优质客户转化为优质客户,是企业最关心的事情。本文首先利用可拓集合定义可拓优质客户资源,然后利用关联函数来研究对客户资源的衡量,利用可拓变换研究获取优质客户资源的方法,这将为客户资源管理研究提供新的思路和定性定量相结合的方法。 相似文献
This paper considers the possibility that a firm can invest not only in the true product quality, but also in activities such as merchandizing and store atmospherics that influence consumer perception of the product quality. Consumers make their purchase decisions based on the signal (perception) of quality they experience, where the signal is influenced by both the true product quality valued by the consumer and the affect of the consumer at the time of the signal formation. In this situation, a firm finds it optimal to invest in both product quality and in variables inducing affect, even though rational consumers, in equilibrium, correctly solve back for the true product quality. We uncover an asymmetry in the effects of the cost of producing quality and the cost of inducing affect. As a firm's cost of quality decreases, the firm will find it optimal to invest more both in the true quality and in the affect inducement, even if it does not have a lower cost of inducing affect. Conversely, if a firm finds it easier to induce affect, then the product quality decreases but affect-inducing activities increase.
Under competition, we find that the firm investing more in quality also invests more in affect creation. An implication of this is that in a competitive environment, consumers can rationally associate an up-lifting store atmosphere, affect inducing merchandizing, or mood-creating communication with high quality products even when the firm has no need to signal their private cost of quality information, and when there is no consumption externality of the affect. We also analyze the case in which firms might have different costs and consumers are uncertain about the costs incurred by a given firm. Here again we show that the perceived quality production is positively correlated with both the true quality and the affect inducing activities. 相似文献
Under competition, we find that the firm investing more in quality also invests more in affect creation. An implication of this is that in a competitive environment, consumers can rationally associate an up-lifting store atmosphere, affect inducing merchandizing, or mood-creating communication with high quality products even when the firm has no need to signal their private cost of quality information, and when there is no consumption externality of the affect. We also analyze the case in which firms might have different costs and consumers are uncertain about the costs incurred by a given firm. Here again we show that the perceived quality production is positively correlated with both the true quality and the affect inducing activities. 相似文献
顾客满意--一种新的质量观 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
李正权 《世界标准化与质量管理》2003,(5):8-9
组织依存子顾客。满足顾客需求、实现顾客满意是企业各项工作的中心,是企业生存与发展的根本。本期发表系列文章,就如何深入理解和实现顾客满意进行讨论和交流。 相似文献