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系统风险以及非系统风险是证券投资市场中普遍存在的两种风险形式,其中,采取证券投资组合方式可以有效的降低或控制非系统风险。在当今证券投资金融市场中,通过投资组合方式降低或分散风险的方式受到越来越的关注,应用范围也越来越广,特别是在基金投资领域。本文借助单指数模型对投资组合风险分散原理及应用进行分析,深入剖析证券风险,并阐述分散化投资应用的积极意义。  相似文献   

风险的概念和分析,进而阐述房地产的风险及其分类;提出房地产风险控制的方法。  相似文献   

吴杰  赵桂芹 《保险研究》2014,(12):11-11
本文基于偿付能力资本监管的视角,采用2004~2013年我国财产险公司的险种承保数据,以定价风险为例,利用t Copula方法和线性相关方法计算财产保险公司承保险种间的风险分散效应,并比较了两种方法下风险分散程度的差异。研究发现我国财产保险业险种间的分散效应大小与度量风险时选取的置信水平相关,且在不同年份是不同的;t Copula方法下的平均分散效应在20.12%左右,小于利用线性相关方法测算出的分散效应。考虑到我国非寿险业务险种间风险存在尾部相关性,建议我国在第二代偿付能力监管制度建设中,对第一支柱下定价风险的量化资本要求采用t Copula方法测算风险分散效应。  相似文献   

交叉上市、风险分散与溢出效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从非交叉上市公司对交叉上市的市场反应入手,利用对比公司法(MatchedFirmApproach)和事件研究法,实证分析了交叉上市对国内非交叉上市公司带来的影响。分析表明,我国的交叉上市政策增强了国内股票市场的风险分散功能,给国内上市公司带来了正的净溢出效应。  相似文献   

赵晓飞 《理财》2005,(6):94-94
投资是将自己手中的资金集中投向一处,还是天女散花般地分投多处,这是我们时常关注的问题。有人主张天女散花般地分投多处,认为可以增加取胜的机会;也有人主张将资金集中投向一处,认为只有全力以赴方能一招制胜。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,中国海外投资发展迅猛,特别是近几年,越来越多的中国企业通过海外投资积极参与国际竞争。这一方面可以弥补国内资源不足、减少贸易摩擦、有效缓解人民币升值等问题,另一方面,随着国际政治经济局势的变化以及不可预知的因素的增多,海外投资也面临着越来越多的风险。因此,如何加强海外投资管理,防范投资风险成为摆在我们企业面前的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

分散投资可以降低风险但并不降低预期收益率,从而在不影响预期收益的情况下降低整体的不确定性,尽管这个说法有合理的成份,但它依然是基于一种判断,大多数人通常作出的投资决策很主观,不能将它们诉诸于科学分析。文章从投资组合选择的角度将定量分析方法与定性分析方法结合起来,较为具体的分析并评价分散投资思想的微观基础。  相似文献   

赵奇乐 《财会学习》2021,(4):168-169
现代企业的发展和过去的发展有很大的不同,传统企业都是自产自销的发展模式,这种发展模式在一定程度上会给企业带来一些经济效益,但是随着时代的发展,企业的发展管理模式也正在不断改进、不断创新.投资已经成为现代企业进行高质量发展和高质量收益的主要手段之一,在企业经营活动比重中占据的份额越来越大,无可避免地带来了一些风险挑战,因...  相似文献   

在市场经济体制下,对外进行投资活动是企业财务工作的一项重要内容,成功的投资活动能达到企业资源的最佳配置和生产要素的最优组合,是企业增加经济效益的源泉。因此,繁荣的市场经济使众多企业家们不满足现有局面而四处开辟新的战场。在此局势下,如何规避企业对外投资风险成为我们要着重思考的重要课题。本文就新形势下企业投资风险的因素进行了分析,并提出了相关发展对策,从而使企业保持持续健康的发展,在国民经济发展中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

We characterize the optimal mechanism and investment level in an environment where (i) two projects of independent costs are purchased sequentially, (ii) the buyer can commit to a two‐period mechanism, and (iii) the winner of the first project can invest in a cost‐reducing technology between auctions. We show that, in an attempt to induce more competition in the first period, the optimal mechanism gives an advantage to the first‐period winner in the second auction. As a result of this advantage, the first‐period winner invests more than the socially efficient level. Optimal advantages, therefore, create two different channels for cost minimization in buyer‐supplier relationships.  相似文献   

We ask to what extent the negative relation between investment and average stock returns is driven by risk. We show that: (i) the average return spread between low and high asset growth and investment portfolios is largely accounted for by their spread in systematic risk, as measured by the loadings on the Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986) factors; (ii) as predicted by q-theory and real options models, systematic risk falls during large investment periods; (iii) the returns of factors formed on the investment-to-assets, asset growth, and investment growth all forecast aggregate economic activities. Our evidence suggests that risk plays an important role in explaining the investment-return relation.  相似文献   

Failure to correct for pension risk leads to upward-biased discount rate estimates in firms with pension risk exposure. The result is a negative and economically significant relation between pension risk and corporate investment. The effect is confined to investment decisions that require discount rate estimates. Moreover, it is stronger if project value is more sensitive to such estimates. Because of this bias, firms miss valuable investment opportunities. The results survive robustness tests that address endogeneity concerns and alternative interpretations of the evidence. The general implication is that non-operating risks can distort, if ignored, corporate investment decisions.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - The main purposes of this paper are to study (1) a differential effect of inside debts on components of the firm risk, and (2) how it relates to the...  相似文献   

This paper proposes that besides volatility, R&D can increase firms' distress risk through another channel. Unlike capital investment, R&D is more inflexible and subject to high adjustment costs. Moreover, R&D intensive firms face severe financial constraints and are more likely to suspend/discontinue R&D projects. Therefore, firms' distress risk increases with their R&D intensity. Using a large panel of US companies over the 1980 to 2011 period, I find a robust empirical relation between R&D and distress risk, primarily among financially constrained firms. Moreover, the effect of R&D on distress risk is magnified during economic downturns. I also find that firms that have been previously successful in R&D or firms with high analyst coverage can mitigate the relationship between R&D and distress risk.  相似文献   

I estimate the effect of uncertainty on risky innovation using a panel of 11,417 manufacturing firms. I find that an increase in uncertainty has a large negative effect on the risky innovation of entrepreneurial firms, while it does not have any significant impact on other firms. This negative effect is stronger for the less diversified entrepreneurial firms in the sample. The estimation results are consistent with the innovation dynamics generated in a model in which entrepreneurs are risk averse and cannot diversify the risk of their business.  相似文献   

Long-run productivity risk – shocks to the growth rate of productivity – offers an alternative to microfrictions explanations of aggregate investment non-linearities, in particular the heteroscedasticity of investment rate. Additionally, consistent with the data, these shocks imply that investment rate is history dependent (rising through expansions), its growth is positively autocorrelated, and it is positively correlated with output growth at various leads and lags. A standard model with shocks to the level of productivity either predicts opposite investment behavior or fails to quantitatively capture these features in the data.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relationship between a firm's R&D intensity and the risk of its common stock, by analysing a sample of firms which are more profitable, larger in market capitalization and more R&D intensive than the universe of US‐listed firms. The results from the portfolio analysis, Monte Carlos simulations and correlation analysis of our sample show that: (i) R&D intensity is positively related to systematic risk in the stock market; (ii) the greater systematic risk is largely attributable to the greater intrinsic business risk and the greater operating risk of R&D‐intensive firms; (iii) R&D‐intensive firms carry marginally less financial leverage but they do not differ from other firms in terms of operating leverage; and (iv) our results are particularly strong in the manufacturing sector. For the non‐manufacturing sector, the results are not robust for different study periods.  相似文献   

In this study we examine whether a decision aid is an effective means of reducing risk aversion within a capital investment decision context, and under what conditions. Participating in the experiment were 78 working adults (mid management) with a mean age 30 and enrolled in a leading U.S. MBA program. We predict and find that a decision aid will be most effective among individuals intolerance of ambiguity and exhibiting high negative affect.  相似文献   

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