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Capped options are barrier option spreads that automatically create simultaneous long and short positions. Exchange-traded capped options were introduced in 1991, though with limited volume. Such options, however, have traded on the over-the-counter markets for several years. Most of these options have the unusual feature that they automatically exercise when the underlying asset closes beyond a critical strike, making them a hybrid of European and American options. In this paper I present their boundary conditions and examine the prices, deltas, gammas, and thetas of caps as well as spreads constructed with European and American options. I also examine the effect of permitting exercise based only on the closing price as opposed to exercise at any time the critical strike is reached. I show that assuming that exercise can occur at any time can lead to serious pricing errors. The results have implications for the pricing of barrier options in general, which nearly always exercise early based only on the closing price.  相似文献   

Financial Risk Management for most corporations has now become a topic of discussion, if not an issue for active implementation. The issues of “Should One Hedge” and “How Should One Hedge” are often segregated and have tended to be so in the literature. Articles dealing with the hedge decision often ignore the implementation issues and vice versa. This article explores the use of Mean Variance portfolio optimization techniques in hedging corporate risks. It links the various sets of literature together to argue that for some firms using modern portfolio management techniques to manage corporate risks can prove advantageous. The article concludes with an analysis of a synthetic European firm exhibiting many of the risks and other qualities apropos a firm deciding to utilize MEAN-VARIANCE techniques to manage financial risks.  相似文献   

Two related approaches are introduced for measuring the performance of hedging strategies. The first summarizes the risk-return trade-off as a single annotated numerical value, and the second displays it as a performance curve. Two bounded sets of hedging strategies are used to evaluate empirically the performance measures. One set is divided according to whether it best satisfies short or long hedging objectives. Results show that market conditions often provide opportunities to reduce variance and increase expected return. They also suggest that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's typical definition of “bona fide” hedging should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Deforestation, growing scarcity of tree products, and environmentaldegradation have created serious problems for rural land usein many developing countries. Agroforestry, a system in whichwoody perennials are grown on the same land as agriculturalcrops or livestock, has been increasingly enlisted in the campaignto meet these threats to the rural economy. Case studies of twenty-one agroforestry projects in six CentralAmerican and two Caribbean countries formed the empricial basisfor the study described in this article. A focal point of analysiswas the profitability of agroforestry for farmers as a crucialincentive to adoption. The findings indicate that many agroforestry practices are profitableunder a broad range of conditions and are therefore likely tobe widely applicable. Successful projects have worked with localcommunities, responding to local needs and preferences and offeringfarmers a broad basket of species and systems from which tochoose. Demonstration plots and the use of paratechnicians havebeen low-cost and effective means of technology transfer, andapplied research has been important in identifying techniquesand practices suited to the region. Other findings have identifiedgovernment regulation of tree harvesting and insecurity of tenure—thoughnot lack of title in itself—as disincentives to adoption.   相似文献   

The notion of heterogeneous behavior is well grounded in economic theory. Recently it has been shown in a hedging context that the influence of risk attitudes and risk perceptions varies for different segments using a generalized mixture regression model. Here, using recently developed individual risk attitude measurement techniques and experimental and accounting data from investors with differing decision environments, we examine the determinants of heterogeneity in hedging behavior in a concomitant mixture regression framework. Allowing for latent heterogeneity, we find that risk attitudes and risk perceptions do not influence behavior uniformly and that the heterogeneity is influenced by manager's focus on shareholder value and the firm's capital structure.  相似文献   

Data on a large sample of transactions in common stocks by individual investors over a nine-year period are examined to identify factors that influence the magnitude of the price concessions those investors experienced in trades executed on the New York and American Stock Exchanges. Among the factors that appear to have an influence on such “execution costs” are the exchange where the security involved is traded and the direction of the price movement in the security on the day of the trade. The size of the trade, the price of the stock, and the volatility of price, however, do not seem to have an effect. There is also little indication that execution costs have declined over time as the securities markets have become less subject to regulation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an institutional innovation in the structure of public bonds that is intended to provide some of the advantages of private loans- active monitoring, tight covenants, and ease of reorganization-while retaining the benefits of liquidity and ease of diversification provided by publicly traded securities. The authors propose that a publicly registered corporate bond provide for a "supertrustee" who will act on behalf of bondholders. The supertrustee will be charged with responsibility to monitor the compliance of the borrower with the terms of the bond covenants and given exclusive authority to negotiate amendments to the covenants and decide what action to take in the event of a breach of a covenant.  相似文献   


Most countries in Central America and the Caribbean depend heavilyon agriculture; efforts to sustain and improve the sector'sproductivity are therefore crucial to the region's economicdevelopment and to the welfare of its people. Land degradationis thought to pose a severe threat to the sustainability ofagricultural production. Yet despite long-standing concern aboutthis threat and dramatic claims of environmental damage, surprisinglylittle empirical analysis has been done on the causes and severityof land degradation problems in the region and on how best totackle them. Meanwhile, many of the conservation programs designedto address the problems have fallen short of expectations. Oftenfarmers have not adopted the recommended conservation practicesor have abandoned them once the project ended. The research presented in this article attempts to bridge theempirical gap, using cost-benefit analysis to investigate thenature and severity of the soil degradation problem and to assessthe cost-effectiveness of proposed solutions. Because soil degradationproblems tend to be site-specific, the analysis is rooted incase studies, and because conservation programs stand or fallon the participation of farmers, the study's main focus is onthe profitability of the measures and the deterrents to theiradoption from the farmers' point of view.   相似文献   

For hedging, financial and agricultural futures contracts differ in their usefulness. This paper presents a new hedging approach uniquely appropriate to financial futures that better fits the typical hedging situation confronted by those wishing to hedge interest rate risk. The superiority of this new hedging strategy is demonstrated empirically by comparing the strategy with several other methods currently in use.  相似文献   

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