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We use revisions in analysts' earnings forecasts to examine how the bad news associated with a bond rating downgrade gets transferred from the downgraded company to its rivals. In general, we find that stock analysts revise their earnings expectations downward for rivals of companies with downgraded debt. However, the significance of the revision is limited to rivals of downgraded companies with non-investment grade debt only. For the rivals of companies with investment grade debt, we find no significant forecast revisions. We hypothesize that this differential impact is due to differing levels of market visibility. This is consistent with our finding that downgraded companies with non-investment grade debt are followed by significantly fewer stock analysts. Apparently not all rivals are affected equally by bond rating downgrades.  相似文献   

有效的金融体系是经济持续增长的重要基础。目前存在两类典型的金融体系:银行主导和市场主导金融体系。金融体系“市场化”是20世纪后期全球金融体系变革的重要趋势之一,而以养老基金为代表的机构投资者是全球金融体系市场化的重要推动力量。随着中国进入一个新的历史时期,传统银行主导金融体系与社会经济变革存在明显不适应,因此,进一步壮大机构投资者规模,加快金融体系市场化进程,建立以机构投资者为基础的市场主导型金融体系,是中国经济可持续增长的重要战略选择。  相似文献   

The question of whether banks are relatively more opaque than non-banking firms is empirically investigated by analyzing the disagreement between rating agencies (split ratings) on 2,473 bonds issued by European firms during the 1993–2003 period. Four main results emerge from the empirical analysis. First, fewer bank issues have split ratings overall, but the predicted probability of a split rating is higher for banks after controlling for risk and other issue characteristics. Second, subordinated bonds are subject to more disagreement between rating agencies. Third, bank opaqueness increases with financial assets and decreases with bank fixed assets. Fourth, bank opaqueness increases with bank size and capital ratio. The implications of these findings for regulatory policy are also discussed. All errors remain those of the author. This paper was prepared while the author was visiting the Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate at the Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Florida.  相似文献   

This study examines investor performance in IPOs using a unique database comprising 85,384 investors and 29 offerings from Finland. The evidence indicates that on average institutional investors do not obtain larger initial returns than retail investors, as the incentive to acquire information is limited by allocation rules which favour small orders. This result is in contrast to findings by Aggarwal et al . (2002), who show that institutional investors perform better in a bookbuilding environment. Within each investor category, however, large orders are associated with the best performance, suggesting that information differences figure more importantly within rather than between categories.  相似文献   

信用评级在中国债券市场的影响力   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
信用评级能够为市场提供风险信息从而增强市场对企业的约束,因此对资本市场的健康发展起着重要的作用。在中国,评级市场刚刚起步。本文利用2007至2009年间发行的企业债数据,用实证的方法研究本土信用评级在债券市场上的影响力。我们建立真实利息成本(TIC)回归模型,以信用评级和其他相关因素对债券的真实利息成本进行计量回归,分析信用评级在一级市场中对债券发行成本的影响。我们发现债券评级和主体评级分别对发行成本具有解释力,但债券评级对发行成本的影响力大于主体评级。  相似文献   

本文以2006~2009年沪深两市A股上市公司为样本,在根据投资目标对机构投资者进行类型划分的基础上,探讨了机构投资者独立性对代理成本的影响。研究发现,独立机构持股比例越高,公司管理层代理成本和控股股东代理成本越低,而非独立机构持股对两类代理成本影响有限。在进一步考虑了控股股东持股比例的影响后,发现独立机构持股在控股股东偏好控制权私有收益的情况下更能降低管理层代理成本,表明在此情况下,独立机构对管理层自利行为有更大的监督作用。  相似文献   

国际期货市场机构投资者的发展及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
期货市场上的机构投资者主要有期货投资基金和对冲基金,证券公司或投资银行、养老基金、共同基金以及商业银行等机构也是重要参与者。本文介绍了参与国际期货市场的机构投资者的投资特点、在不同市场投资所占的比重和发挥的作用,分析了期货市场机构投资者的类型、发展及与现货市场机构投资者及期货公司之间的关系,并为中国期货市场机构投资者的发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

机构投资者对IPO定价效率的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对沪深两地1996~2006年A股市场IPO样本的研究发现:IPO抑价率与IPO政策变量及机构投资者参与程度显著负相关。机构投资者参与询价和发行配售,对IPO抑价率的降低起到了显著作用,有利于提高市场发行定价效率。总体上看,现阶段中国A股发行市场定价效率仍然偏低。高抑价率的主要原因在于行政管制使股票发行人和承销商的议价能力发挥不足,根本原因还在于发行制度市场化程度不高。  相似文献   

机构投资者与上市公司会计信息相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文从机构投资者与会计信息相关性之间的联系来说明机构持股在公司治理中的作用。本研究以1999~2002年深市A股为样本,研究发现,在样本时间区闸内会计信息相关性与机构持股比例相关性不明显;从年度样本研究发现,随着机构持股比例增加,会计信息相关性增强,说明近年求机构投资者已参与公司治理,并发挥一定怍用。  相似文献   

This paper examines, using proprietary ASX data containing institutional holdings, if institutional investors exit en mass prior to announcements of financial distress. Evidence indicates that while some institutional investors exit the stock, the withdrawal is gradual, commencing approximately 115 days prior to event. This is driven by active institutional investors reacting to the release of the financially distressed companies’ last publicly released financial reports. There is no significant decline in institutional holdings before announcements; most institutional investors hold financially distressed shares through to failure. There is evidence that the lack of disclosure drives the increase in information asymmetry prior to company failure.  相似文献   

国债市场规模的扩大可以满足机构投资者的收益性和流动性偏好,机构投资者投资组合的调整使得国债具有影响信贷市场均衡的功效:国债收益率变化影响信贷市场利率和信贷市场均衡规模。实证研究表明,在协整关系上国债收益率和信贷资金增长率具有负相关关系,表明国债收益率上升对信贷资金增长率具有降低作用,不过效果不明显,不足以成为影响信贷市场资金规模的原因。国债收益率和信贷资金增长率不互为因果关系,这与中国国债规模偏小、持有者结构不合理和交易所国债市场逐渐边缘化的趋向有关。  相似文献   

本文以2007~2009年我国上市公司的过度投资行为为背景,考察机构投资者持股对过度投资的治理角色。研究结果表明,机构的期末持股比例、长线型机构投资者尤其是长线型基金与过度投资显著负相关,表现为有效监督者的角色;短线型机构投资者则缺乏公司治理的意愿和动机,表现为利益攫取者的角色。研究结果意味着,我国的机构投资者同时具备有效监督者和利益攫取者的角色,何时表现出何种角色取决于持股比例以及持股时间。  相似文献   

Average stock returns for small, low stock price firms are higher in January than for the rest of the year. Two explanations have received a great deal of attention: tax-loss selling and gamesmanship. This paper documents that seasonality in returns is not a phenomenon observed only for small firms' stock or those with low prices. Strong seasonality in excess returns is reported for a sample of widely followed firms. Sample firms have unusually low excess returns in January and returns adjust upward over the year. These results are consistent with the gamesmanship hypothesis, but not the tax-loss-selling hypothesis.  相似文献   

Average stock returns for small, low stock price firms are higher in January than for the rest of the year. Two explanations have received a great deal of attention: tax-loss selling and gamesmanship. This paper documents that seasonality in returns is not a phenomenon observed only for small firms' stock or those with low prices. Strong seasonality in excess returns is reported for a sample of widely followed firms. Sample firms have unusually low excess returns in January and returns adjust upward over the year. These results are consistent with the gamesmanship hypothesis, but not the tax-loss-selling hypothesis.  相似文献   

企业债券市场的发展与评级机构的监管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和发达国家不同的是,对于评级机构,我国面临的不仅仅是监管与规范的问题,还有一个发展的问题。在监管中使用评级结果必须是在确保评级质量的前提下由点到面逐步推开。首先,明确评级机构获得监管当局认可的条件。其次,建立对评级机构资格评估以及动态监管的正式程序。最后,完善退出机制。  相似文献   

机构投资者持股与股价同步性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用中国证券市场所有A股上市公司2005~2007年的面板数据,对股价同步性和代表机构投资者持股的三个变量——机构投资者持股比例、机构投资者持股变化和持股机构投资者数量进行回归统计,检验了机构投资者持股对股价同步性的影响。研究表明,代表机构投资者持股的三个变量都与股票股价同步性显著负相关,其中机构投资者持股变化是影响股价同步性的决定性因素,其他两个变量都是通过该变量发生作用的。这一结果说明机构投资者利用公司特质信息进行的基于信息的交易提高了股价中的信息含量,降低了股价同步性。  相似文献   

由于信用评级是对风险的评价,国际组织、各国监管当局以及利益相关者会对信用评级设定规则并进行监管。基于监管者对信用评级的使用和依赖,信用评级变动会引发金融头寸调整而导致经济金融领域的变化,会使受到评级约束的不同主体的投资行为和业务模式发生改变,形成评级变动的阈值效应。  相似文献   

On April 26, 1982, Moody's Investors Service refined its rating system for the first time in its seventy-three year rating history. We examine the information content of the rating refinement in the study. We find a statistically significant change in the yields on bonds whose ratings were downgraded. The detection of the impact of refinement on bond prices implies that rating agencies perform an important function in financial markets, that is they provide information to investors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates split credit ratings awarded by Moody's and Standard & Poor's (S&P) to U.S. corporations. Bivariate probit model estimates, analyzing 5,238 firm‐year observations from dual‐rated S&P 500/400/600 index‐constituent corporations, indicate firm‐specific financial and governance characteristics predict split ratings. Large, profitable companies with enhanced interest coverage, a greater percentage of independent directors, and more institutional investment are less likely to receive splits. Moody's appears more conservative in its evaluations, assigning lower ratings to smaller, less profitable companies with low interest coverage. Moody's also associates external, independent constraints on managerial autonomy with a higher corporate credit standing relative to S&P.  相似文献   

以2007-2011年应用过衍生品的中国上市公司为样本,检验机构投资者持股与企业应用衍生品及其投机行为的关系,研究发现:机构投资者担心企业应用衍生品尤其是应用衍生品的投机行为会损害其自身的利益,并且这种担心超出了机构投资者通过积极的监督来保障自身利益的意愿,因此,机构投资者倾向于减少对那些应用衍生品公司的投资,大多维持在一个较低的水平.此外,证据还表明:在我国上市公司中,机构投资者的投资并不普遍,份量也较轻;衍生品在我国上市公司中的应用亦不普遍并且应用的程度很低,大多数应用衍生品的公司是为了套保,但一旦投机则非常严重;机构投资者较为看重应用衍生品公司的成长性,而反感其业绩与盈余管理行为.  相似文献   

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