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Jerry Coakley Leon Hadass Andrew Wood 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2007,34(9-10):1423-1446
Abstract: We analyse the post-issue operating performance of 316 venture-backed and 274 non-venture UK IPOs 1985–2003. The finding of a statistically significant five-year, operational decline exhibited over the full sample period is not robust. Rather it is driven by the dramatic underperformance during the 1998–2000 bubble years while IPOs perform normally in the remaining years. Cross-section regression results indicate support for venture capital certification in the non-bubble years but a significantly negative relationship between operating performance and venture capitalist board representation during the bubble years. The bubble year underperformance is explained by market timing and by low quality companies taking advantage of investor sentiment. 相似文献
从融资视角探讨可转换债券问题 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
2006年5月8日,中国证监会发布了《上市公司证券发行管理办法》,其中对可转换债券的规定更合理、更完善,明确规定了上市公司可以公开发行可分离交易的可转换公司债券,改变了可转债品种的单一性.可转债市场在经历股改带来的转股冲击之后,将再度迎来扩容高潮.毫无疑问,可转换债券现已成为我国资本市场不可或缺的投融资工具,但从实践来看,上市公司利用可转换债券融资中仍存在的一些问题严重阻碍了证券市场的发展.因此,从上市公司融资的角度通过对可转换债券快速发展及在发展中存在的相关问题的研究、提出完善可转换债券融资方式的一些建议与对策很有必要. 相似文献
Thomas Hartmann‐Wendels Georg Keienburg Soenke Sievers 《European Financial Management》2011,17(3):464-499
This article analyses 336 German venture capital transactions from 1990 to 2005 and seeks to determine why selected financial securities differ across deals. We find that a broad array of financial instruments is used, covering straight equity, mezzanine and debt‐like securities. Based on the chosen financial securities’ upside potential and downside protection characteristics, we provide an explanation for the differing use of these securities. Our results show that investors’ deal experience, adverse selection risks and economic prospects in the public equity market influence the selection of financial securities. 相似文献
Chris Yung 《The Financial Review》2009,44(1):137-149
In the traditional solution to the adverse selection problem, entrepreneurs indirectly signal quality via security choice, typically debt. This paper models an alternative solution. The costly due diligence of venture capitalists directly reveals the quality of projects, thereby reducing information asymmetry. It is shown that this mechanism necessitates profit-sharing, a contractual feature usually associated in the literature with managerial agency costs rather than adverse selection. 相似文献
Islamic financial institutions are being pressurized by critics to offer profit and loss sharing (PLS) financing, such as venture capital (VC) financing, for the purpose of entrepreneurial development aligned to the principle of equity risk sharing. Our study aims to link PLS investments with portfolio optimization opportunities for the Islamic asset managers. Using portfolio analysis with dynamic conditional correlation, Markov switching, and maximal overlap discrete wavelet transformation, our findings tend to indicate that there is indeed a portfolio optimization opportunity in investment universe for the fund managers who invested in PLS investments in the context of VC asset class over the long run. 相似文献
本文分析中国投资者分类情绪及信心变化与中国股票市场波动的同期及动态影响。实证结果表明:就同期而言,中国投资者对国内经济基本面的信心变化以及中国股票市场波动,将影响投资者对国际经济金融环境的信心;就中长期而言,中国投资者情绪中关于国内经济基本面和国内经济政策的信心变化是影响中国股票市场过度波动的重要原因;中国投资者关于国际经济金融环境的信心深受国内经济基本面的信心变化的影响,中国投资者对A股市场估值的判断,受投资者对A股市场的股票估值信心以及国内经济基本面信心变化影响较大。 相似文献
研究我国转型期的社会特征和创业企业的融资特征,发现信任是一种较为理想的资源配置方式。利用我国70家新创企业的调查问卷进行实证分析,结合对部分中小企业的实地调研,分析中小企业的融资现状、问题,认为促进信任建设特别是制度信任建设是社会转型期改善创业融资的重要途径,并提出促进制度信任建设的几点建议。 相似文献
This work studies the effect of venture capital (VC) financing on firms' investments in a longitudinal sample of 379 Italian unlisted new‐technology‐based firms (NTBFs) observed over the 10‐year period from 1994 to 2003. We distinguish the effects of VC financing according to the type of investor: independent VC (IVC) funds and corporate VC (CVC) investors. Previous studies argue that NTBFs are the firms most likely to be financially constrained. The technology‐intensive nature of their activity and their lack of a track record increase adverse selection and moral hazard problems. Moreover, most of their assets are firm‐specific or intangible and hence cannot be pledged as collateral. In accordance with this view, we show that the investment rate of NTBFs is strongly positively correlated with their current cash flows. We also find that after receiving VC financing, NTBFs increase their investment rate independently of the type of VC investor. However, the investments of CVC‐backed firms remain sensitive to shocks in cash flows, whereas IVC‐backed firms exhibit a low and statistically not significant investment–cash flow sensitivity that we interpret as a signal of the removal of financial constraints. 相似文献
Venture Capitalists, Business Angels, and Performance of Entrepreneurial IPOs in the UK and France 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Salim Chahine Igor Filatotchev Mike Wright 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2007,34(3-4):505-528
Abstract: Using a unique sample of 444 entrepreneurial IPOs in the UK and France, this paper analyses the investment patterns and the stock-market performance effects of two types of early stage investors: venture capitalists (VCs) and business angels (BAs). Extending existing research, we identify important endogeneity and institutional effects. Our findings indicate that UK IPOs have a higher retained ownership and lower participation ratio by BAs, but a lower retained ownership and participation ratio by VCs than in France. BA and VC investments are substitutes, and they are endogenously determined by a number of firm- and founder-related factors, such as founder ownership and external board 'interlocks', and underwriter reputation. UK VCs are effective third-party certifying agents who reduce underpricing in UK IPOs, whereas in French IPOs they increase it by appearing to engage in grandstanding. This certification effect is more significant in UK IPOs involving both high VC and BA ownership. Finally, underpricing increases with VC participation ratio, where the higher exit of VCs seems to increase the risk premium required by outside investors, in particular in the UK. 相似文献
We contribute to the knowledge of the capital flow from institutional investors via venture capital (VC) funds as intermediaries to their final destination, entrepreneurial ventures. To this end, we conduct a world‐wide survey among limited partners to determine the importance of several criteria when they select VC funds. We find the top criteria to be the expected deal flow and access to transactions, a VC fund's historic track record, his local market experience, the match of the experience of team members with the proposed investment strategy, the team's reputation, and the mechanisms proposed to align interest between the investors and the VC funds. A principal component analysis reveals three latent drivers in the selection process: ‘Local Expertise and Incentive Structure’, ‘Investment Strategy and Expected Implementation’, and ‘Prestige/Standing vs. Cost’. It becomes evident that limited partners search for teams which are able to implement a certain strategy at a given cost. Thereby, they focus on an incentive structure that limits agency costs. 相似文献
Wenhao Tan 《新兴市场金融与贸易》2016,52(5):1259-1278
The development of China’s financial markets lags behind its economic development, which has set constraints for firms to obtain external finance. In practice, Chinese firms employ an internal capital market to mitigate financial constraints. We provide a case study and empirical analysis to investigate both the determinants for the establishment of an internal capital market and its economic consequence. We find that private enterprises (PEs) have greater motivation to establish an internal capital market and to allocate capital by the market-oriented way. In addition, we find that the internal capital market can help firms reduce financing costs, especially in PEs. 相似文献
我国新修订的《证券法》于2020年3月1日正式施行。作为资本市场根本法规,《证券法》新增第六章"投资者保护"可谓亮点之一,其中第94条规定"强制调解制度"在诉讼和仲裁之外为投资者提供了新的维权路径,加强对投资者的事后保护。但目前我国证券纠纷调解机制仍有诸多问题,例如法律条文碎片化、调解协议刚性不足、调解衔接机制不完善、调解机构体系混乱、监督机制不力等,这些弊病从根本上严重影响证券纠纷调解机制的制度设计和程序运行。本文拟通过分析英国金融申诉专员制度的成熟经验,为我国证券纠纷调解机制的完善和发展提出优化路径。 相似文献
Venture capitalists, investment appraisal and accounting information: a comparative study of the USA, UK, France, Belgium and Holland 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sophie Manigart Koen De Waele Mike Wright Ken Robbie Philippe Desbrières Harry Sapienza & Amy Beekman 《European Financial Management》2000,6(3):389-403
The differences between the information used for the pre‐investment valuation and the valuation methods used by venture capital investors in five countries (USA, UK, France, Belgium and Holland) are empirically studied. The analysis is based on postal questionnaire surveys of representative samples of senior venture capitalists in each country. Differences are found, which may be attributed to the dominant corporate governance mechanism or the level of development of the venture capital market. Between‐country differences persist even after taking into account between‐country differences in the relative importance of investment stages and venture capital types. Apparently similar systems and venture capital markets place varying emphases on different valuation methods, with theoretically 'correct' methods not always being preferred in practice. The findings of the study highlight the need for venture capital firms entering non‐domestic markets to invest considerable effort in understanding the operation of these markets if they are to exploit fully their perceived competitive advantages and minimize the likelihood of repeating the problems experienced by venture capital entrants into foreign markets in the late 1980s. 相似文献
In this paper we study a horizontally differentiated market for financial intermediation and develop a simple explanation for concentration in the financial intermediation industry. We show that under asymmetric information, if the demand for funds is not perfectly elastic, the heterogeneity of entrepreneurs in need of financing translates into a barrier to entry. That is, we do not need to resort to learning, weak property rights or exogenous costs of entry to generate this result. 相似文献
融资融券在我国并非一种崭新的业务类型。在2006年证监会出台《证券公司融资融券业务试点管理办法》之前我国已经存在着融资融券交易。此前的证券信用交易大部分是以银行间债券为质押获取资金。该管理办法在融资融券担保问题上没有采用质押等典型性担保方式,而是规定了“让与担保”的方式来保障券商的结算交收风险。但是,由于证券让与担保实际上是一种流质契约,并违反了物权法定原则,从而与现有的民商事基本法律规则以及基本法理存在明显冲突,因此面临着合法性缺失问题。 相似文献
科技型中小企业为提高社会创新水平和推动经济发展贡献重要力量,囿于其高投入、高风险的特点而需要更有力的金融支持,国外科技金融的相关经验与做法值得借鉴。文章采用比较研究方法,从科技金融体系的公共性和商业性两大金融属性,比较分析国外金融服务科技型中小企业的公共科技金融和市场科技金融二元融资模式,阐述其理论机制并总结其经验特征。针对我国科技金融存在的问题,提出金融支持科技型中小企业发展的基本建议。 相似文献
融资融券在我国并非一种崭新的业务类型.在2006年证监会出台《证券公司融资融券业务试点管理办法》之前我国已经存在着融资融券交易.此前的证券信用交易大部分是以银行间债券为质押获取资金.该管理办法在融资融券担保问题上没有采用质押等典型性担保方式,而是规定了"让与担保"的方式来保障券商的结算交收风险.但是,由于证券让与担保实际上是一种流质契约,并违反了物权法定原则,从而与现有的民商事基本法律规则以及基本法理存在明显冲突,因此面临着合法性缺失问题. 相似文献
宏观经济因素、企业家信心与公司融资选择 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
本文研究经济周期、信贷风险、信贷配给、股市表现和企业家信心对公司融资选择的影响,发现宏观经济上行时,公司的融资偏好为股权—债务,而宏观经济衰退时,公司的融资偏好则调整为债务一股权;信贷配给增加后,股权融资的概率上升;银行不良贷款不影响公司融资选择;企业家对经济前景越有信心,债务融资的可能性就越大。研究结果表明,我国上市公司不存在单一的股权融资偏好,而且公司融资决策基本符合最优融资顺序理论。 相似文献
Marc Deloof 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》1998,25(7&8):945-968
In Belgium, financial and industrial groupings play a crucial role in the accumulation and allocation of capital in the economy. In this paper, it is hypothesized that Belgian firms for which investment is partly financed on an internal capital market, will not be subject to financing constraints to the same extent as firms which have to borrow from banks. Moreover, it is hypothesized that firms belonging to a group, transfer internal surpluses of funds to other group members by investing in financial assets. An empirical analysis confirms the first hypothesis, but rejects the second hypothesis. 相似文献
Hang Liu 《新兴市场金融与贸易》2018,54(4):783-791
This article notes that an advantage of crowdfunding is in its ability to help start-up firms acquire more accurate market demand information regarding new products when compared with venture capital (VC). The whole market of a given product can be conceptualized as being segmented into several, small local markets. VC has a comprehensive knowledge of local markets in general but is prone to noisy aggregate demand information as a result. While crowdfunding investors have intimate knowledge regarding local demand information in their respective locales, they lack knowledge in other local markets. We show that under certain conditions, crowdfunding can provide more accurate demand information and therefore can generate better incentives to entrepreneurs while improving product quality and helping entrepreneurs make correct decisions on whether or not to launch a new product. Therefore, the wisdom of the crowd can be more valuable than the wisdom of the expert. 相似文献