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On January 26, more than 200 representatives from the business circles in China and Argentina joined together to find more opportunities at the Luncheon Party for China-Argentina Opportunities in Trade, Investment and Business.  相似文献   

Japanese trade unions have contributed much to the economic stability and success of Japanese enterprises. Globalization has, however, placed substantial pressure on the Japanese industrial relations system and, in turn, upon the enterprise union system. Not all changes can be directly attributed to globalization. We contend, however, that the success of Japanese firms, both in exports and in overseas production, has made the Japanese economy reliant on a strong world economy. Economic downturns that have been witnessed in a number of countries in 1990s have weakened the demand for Japanese export products. This, in combination with the Japanese banking and financial crises, has created pressure for an overhaul of employment and human resource management systems. This article examines these pressures and the response by trade unions.  相似文献   

基层党校作为教育、培训党员干部的政治学校,应在新形势下充分发挥应有作用,用科学发展观教育、培养党员干部,服务社会主义现代化事业。要贯彻“两个基本”,坚持“两个为本”,谋求“三个发展”,增强基层党校自我发展能力。  相似文献   

This paper develops a conceptual framework and applies it to analyze the dynamics of national interests in prenegotiation. The study's goals are to develop a systematic approach for analyzing prenegotiation processes and provide results that will have practical utility for negotiators. Specifically, the approach is applied to the prenegotiation process of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), examining the financial resources issue, in particular. Decision analytic models were built to account for three key negotiation actors, and sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the incremental modifications to issue preferences required to achieve mutually acceptable compromises. Conclusions are drawn that indicate the extent of flexibility required of key negotiation actors to take advantage of the opportunities for agreement in the financial resources issue area. The conceptual framework and methodological approach explored in this paper can provide practical assistance as a planning tool for negotiators, helping them to diagnose the situation and plan strategies for future environmental and other multilateral negotiations. The approach can suggest specific opportunities for compromise and the degree and type of flexibility needed to achieve a convergence of interests on the issue.  相似文献   

林杰  李玲玲 《大经贸》2001,(10):56-58
同是液晶显示器,NEC LCD2110液晶显示器价格是75500元人民币,而IMAGIC LCDG4液晶显示器价格只出售2999元人民币,他们之间的价格相差25信,令人心跳,是价格跳水?抑或是液晶显示器袖里乾坤大,变化无穷?  相似文献   

The rapid transition from the industrial age to the knowledge age may require developing nations to reassess their strategies toward the attraction of foreign investment. Highly focused technology villages based on the creation of industry-specific technology infrastructures blended with educated and trained nationals may be the best alternative for benefiting from the global economic changes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

黄泽全 《大经贸》2003,(3):52-55
安哥拉在经历了27年内战之后,当前政局稳定,开始战后重建,举国百废待兴,市场潜力巨大.长期殖民统治和多年内战,造成安哥拉经济结构单一,商品物资匮乏,别说高新技术产品,就连轻纺产品、家用电器之类的日常消费品都需要进口,且对华关系友好.这对于迫切需要开拓海外市场的许多中国企业来说,无疑蕴涵着巨大的商机,是一个开拓市场、挣钱发财的好地方.  相似文献   

10月16日,国务院总理温家宝在第十届西部国际博览会上的讲话给所有跟西部开发有关的西部各级地方政府、企业和个人吃了定心丸。温家宝表示,中国政府正在研究新的10年深入推进西部大开发的政策,中国政府实施西部大开发战略的决心不动摇,政策不会改变,力度不会减弱。  相似文献   

Despite some obvious problems (pollution and weak infrastructure, for instance), hotel operators remain bullish on Thailand, particularly those who are already operating there  相似文献   

杨猛 《广告大观》2008,(11):26-28
CMMB在技术上已经成熟,CMMB标准已经全面压倒TMMB标准。而根据广电总局统一部署,广电规划院已经着手对全国37个城市CMMB网络进行覆盖效果测试工作。  相似文献   

当前农村市场的广告机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从“家电下乡”看当前农村消费品市场的短期前景 2007年底,以开发适合农村消费特点、性能可靠、物美价廉的家电产品,激活农民购买能力,加快农村消费升级并促进内需和外需协调发展的“家电下多”活动开始在河南、山东、四川三省展开。  相似文献   

一、10年前九百集团成立之初,面临许多困难:四分之一的网点被拆迂;传统业态受新业态大发展的挑战;要创新,想重组,又没有资金。这十年也是市场竞争最激烈的十年,当初与九百集团差不多时间组建的一些区属集团已经衰落、消失。九百集团在李董的带领下,拼搏10年,发展迅速,取得累累硕果,难能可贵,我们应该热烈祝贺!  相似文献   

This study examines the market's reaction to dividend omission announcements and finds that if dividends are skipped to preserve cash for good investments, investors do not necessarily regard the omission as negative information. Markets penalize firms for dividend omissions only in the absence of a good stream of investments. In addition, the positive relation between investment opportunity and abnormal stock returns around the announcements is stronger when the level of information asymmetry between management and the rest of the market participants is low. Additional tests reveal that good omitters overcome underperformance faster in the post period. Overall, the results suggest that financial markets interpret differently the information conveyed in the announcement of dividend omission depending on the firm's future prospects.  相似文献   

董斌 《广告大观》2007,(8S):141-141
前几天,突然收到一个平时很好接触的年青同事的短信,对正在合作的某一客户人员的“大爷”态度颇为不忿,被我好言劝说才平静下来。这是一个广告人天天都要面对的问题,作为服务方,你的工作如何赢得客户的尊重和认可、生活在一个和谐的合作关系里,对广告人的身心健康至关重要。  相似文献   

发展绿色经济、低碳经济已成为全球发展的共识。面对新形势、新要求,在中国政府的引导和鼓励下,企业势必将承担更多的“低碳”责任,也将面临更大的“责任商机”。  相似文献   

American-style food service has become trendy in Singapore, and some restaurants have lines out the door every night. But many chains have been unable to take advantage of that popularity.  相似文献   

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