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  • As more and more nonprofits seek to refashion themselves as brands, they tend to take inspiration from for‐profit organizations. Another domain that has had similar purposes to those of nonprofit branding for many years is contemporary art. This is an exploratory paper that looks at a recent trend in art, “message art,” and how it might inform nonprofit branding. Message art deals with many social issues that drive major nonprofits today including everything from pro‐environment causes to anti‐segregationist issues. This paper has two purposes: (1) to call attention to message art among nonprofit brand managers and (2) to explain how they can use this art. Message art is useful to the extent that it calls attention to new ideological trends and often provides selected pieces of art that can serve as exemplars of brand essence for relevant causes. Results are provided from a small, qualitative study of women's feelings about selected examples of feminist art. Two pieces of art drew the most positive responses. One piece, “Egyptian Rocket Goddess,” is felt to be a harbinger of Third Wave Feminism. Another piece, “Blessed Art Thou Among Women,” is felt to be an effective source of inspiration and direction for feminist organizations, which focus on mother–daughter relationships.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A general theory of innovation and progress in human society is outlined, based on the combat between two opposite forces (conservatism/inertia and speculative herding “bubble” behavior). We contend that human affairs are characterized by ubiquitous “bubbles”, which involve huge risks which would not otherwise be taken using standard cost/benefit analysis. Bubbles result from self-reinforcing positive feedbacks. This leads to explore uncharted territories and niches whose rare successes lead to extraordinary discoveries and provide the base for the observed accelerating development of technology and of the economy. But the returns are very heterogeneous and very risky. In other words, bubbles, which are characteristic definitions of human activity, allow huge risks to get huge returns over large scales. We refer to and summarize a large bibliography covering our research efforts in the last decade, which present the relevant underlying mathematical tools and a few results involving positive feedbacks, emergence, heavy-tailed power laws, outliers/kings, the problem of predictability and the illusion of control.  相似文献   

Branding has become a strategic tool for university management in competition for students, faculty, and funding. In this study, we explore university branding in its extreme form of grandiose branding and ask How can grandiose branding initiate a process that prompts ethically and morally questionable practices in organizations? Grandiose branding is characterized by an excessive use of superlatives that frame higher education institutions as “world-class universities.” Through a self- and autoethnographic single-case study conducted in a business school, our study shows that branding efforts that do not align with an organization’s actual quality and performance can lead to a counterproductive cycle of camouflaging top management’s failures and justifying ethically and morally questionable actions directed towards the institution’s primary stakeholders. The study contributes to the earlier literature on grandiosity in the context of higher education by taking a process perspective and explores the implications of grandiose branding from rhetoric through implementation.  相似文献   

In this paper, lessons for the study of expatriate management are drawn from the period of British administration in India. It uses ‘the past to study the present’ and puts into sharp focus the key issues which confront human resource management researchers and practitioners dealing with expatriate management today. These issues are seen as essentially the same and cover such areas as selection, training, adjustment, appraisal, reward and re-entry.  相似文献   

Start-ups face branding challenges. Not only are they confronted with the task of building brands from scratch, their newness also leads to a particularly high amount of customer uncertainty. This paper contributes to the emerging field of entrepreneurial branding by investigating start-up characteristics that signal trustworthy information to potential customers. An extended choice-based conjoint approach for modeling brand equity is used to explore the impact of different signals as initiated by established and new firms in the field of tablet computers. An empirical study reveals brand signals that have significant effects on purchase probabilities and are appropriate to overcome information asymmetries between start-ups and prospective customers.  相似文献   

The relationship between HRM and firm performance has been a hotly debated topic over the last decade, with the great bulk of the primary scientific research coming from the USA and, to a lesser extent, the UK. We start with an overview of this research to give a frame of reference to compare the findings from the Netherlands. By comparing the results of research in the Netherlands with those in the USA and the UK we hope to reveal the secret of achieving 'competitive advantage through people' (Pfeffer, 1994) in the Netherlands. The comparison may further allow us to supplement resource-based approaches with a more institutional perspective.  相似文献   

The Post–Altman model of corporate greening, with its focus on organisational learning as a key component in overcoming organisational barriers to environmental changes, is reviewed in relation to Shell's attempted deep sea disposal of Brent Spar in 1995. It is argued here that environmental innovation requires not only organisational learning but a capacity to collaborate with outsiders. Shell's failure to appreciate different perceptions of its Brent Spar proposals, and to develop the alliances that would have been needed to explore alternatives, resulted in costly damage to both its reputation and its European sales. The decision was reversed, and substantial organisational change took place, but as a result of external pressure rather than internal learning. Shell's experience raises significant issues for corporate greening, and particularly for companies seeking to improve environmental performance in contested environments. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between economic resilience and entrepreneurship in city regions. Resilience is an emerging concept which has been employed to examine economic performance and responsiveness to exogenous shocks such as financial crisis and recession. Drawing on a literature review of academic articles in this emerging field and interviews with policy-makers in the Sheffield City Region of England, the article examines how entrepreneurship is central to sustain a dynamic economy and demonstrates that it is being fore-fronted in policy debates as a key aspect in creating more resilient economies. The article finds that entrepreneurship is integral to promoting the diversification and capacity building of regional economies, traits which are characteristic of (more) resilient economies. We advance the emerging literature through the development of a conceptual framework to highlight the links between economic resilience and entrepreneurship. In doing so, the article argues that entrepreneurship is critical to the restructuring and adaptation of local (city region) economies and draws out a series of recommendations concerning the wider policy implications of the study.  相似文献   

The industrial ‘Event City’, host to World Fair, sporting, cultural and ceremonial mega‐event, has been transformed in its late‐capitalist form into the ‘City as Event’– from the all year round festival city to the ubiquitous ‘Cities of Culture’. These self‐styled culture cities now look to the contemporary art museum and cultural district to provide a cosmopolitan edge to their promotional icons and associations, with Art now acknowledged as an ‘industry’. Cities worldwide, irrespective of their indigenous culture and heritage (e.g. Guggenheim Bilbao, Rio et al.), are thus emulating the brand reinforcement witnessed in leisure and entertainment products and themed experiences, which themselves have entered the retail environment as prime urban consumption spaces. The paper critiques this evolution of the city of culture and the branded art facility in terms of their form and function, arguing that form has followed regional funding, and that culture‐led regeneration and place‐making now mirrors the product branding of Nike and Sony, vying with them for consumer and political attention through the use of star architecture and retail strategies that belie their public good/realm and cultural distinctions. The cost of these flagships and cultural strategies, the paper concludes, is borne in terms of cultural diversity and production versus consumption and mediation; in community cultural activity and amenity; and by those who do not have a stake in the gentrification process which attaches to these globalized grands projets La ‘Ville de l'industrie de l'événement’ (accueillant Exposition universelle ou méga‐événement sportif, culturel ou commémoratif) est devenue sous sa dernière forme capitaliste la ‘Ville‐Evénement’– de la ville festivalière toute l'année, aux ‘Villes culturelles’ ubiquistes. Ces prétendues villes de culture comptent désormais sur le musée d'art contemporain et le quartier culturel pour fournir un atout cosmopolite à leurs associations et icônes promotionnelles, l'Art étant maintenant reconnu comme une ‘industrie’. A travers le monde, quels que soient leurs culture et héritage locaux (ex.: Guggenheim Bilbao, Rio et autres), des villes sont donc en train d'imiter la consolidation de marque appliquée aux produits de loisirs et réalisations thématiques, lesquels ont pénétré la sphère du commerce de détail comme principal espace de consommation urbain. L'article critique cette évolution de la ville culturelle et du lieu artistique ‘étiqueté’, dans la forme et la fonction, affirmant que la forme a suivi le financement régional, et que la régénération ou la fabrication de lieux par la culture reflète la stratégie de marque des produits Nike et Sony; en effet, ils rivalisent avec eux pour attirer consommateurs et politiques, en utilisant une architecture vedette et des stratégies de distribution qui désavouent leurs distinctions culturelles et leur domaine ou bien public. Pour conclure, ces produits vedettes et stratégies culturelles ont un coût en termes de diversié et production culturelles (opposées à consommation et intervention), en charme et activité culturelle de la communauté, coût payé par ceux qui n'ont pas part au processus d'embourgeoisement associéà ces ‘grands projets’ internationaux.  相似文献   

Information Technology (IT) policies in some small, medium-sized and large OECD economies are considered. The IT industries are the focus of growth in the industrial restructuring process. R & D cooperation is seen as a policy innovation which alters the character of industrial competition. Factors affecting IT policy formulation and strategy are discussed, especially the importance of industry-government reactions, coupling between supply- and demand-side interventions and the industry life cycle.  相似文献   

A general theoretical framework for studying new entrepreneurship is presented. The four dimensions of the framework are: the starter and the new venture, the external environment, the dynamics of the process, and the managerial behavior. For making the transition from the past to the future, a three-step model has been elaborated: analytical approach, policy approach, and adjustment pattern. The first approach deals with causal relationships and interactions between the different actors involved within the system. In the second step basic characteristics of an optimal start-up situation are to be identified. The adjustment pattern describes the specific measures to be taken to bridge the gap between actual and optimal situations. The perspectives for the future are formulated as a dozen suggestions. A distinction is made between four different target groups. The corresponding headings are: what researchers should do, what starters should do, what supporting infrastructure should do, what public authorities should do.  相似文献   

Despite the growing recognition that many businesses start by trading on a partially or wholly off-the-books basis, there has been little investigation of whether the prevalence and character of this hidden enterprise culture varies spatially. The aim of this paper is to start to fill that gap. Reporting the results of face-to-face interviews conducted in affluent and deprived urban and rural English localities with 91 early-stage entrepreneurs and 81 established self-employed, it is shown that in all localities wholly legitimate businesses are just the tip of the iceberg and that beneath the surface is a large hidden enterprise culture. However, the preponderance of early-stage entrepreneurs and the established self-employed to trade off-the-books is greater in some locality-types than others. Not only do early-stage entrepreneurs and the established self-employed more commonly trade off-the-books in deprived and rural localities, but they are also more likely to trade wholly off-the-books and therefore not be even recognized as existing by official data sources. The implication is that deprived and rural communities are more enterprising and entrepreneurial than is currently recognized and, consequently, that legitimizing this hidden enterprise culture could be an important means of promoting enterprise and economic development in such communities. The paper concludes by briefly reviewing how this might be achieved.  相似文献   

This article uses a case study of a celebrated enterprise partnership in Ireland that broke down to get an insight into why such arrangements are hard to sustain. The argument of the article is that meaningful enterprise partnerships require trade unions and management to accept agency costs, which in practice involves management modifying their right to manage and unions accepting that issues normally addressed by the collective bargaining process may have to be delegated to the partnership arrangement. The evidence of the case study is that neither management nor unions were prepared to incur such costs. The case study suggests that the following trinity – meaningful partnership, full-blown collective bargaining and management's right to manage is exceptionally difficult to operate at the same time.  相似文献   

Of all the Chinese supernatural beliefs, name-giving, whether applied to a person or a product, is extremely important, and is often considered to be closely related to fate. To this respect, this study examined the relationship between branding practices and supernatural beliefs in Chinese corporate branding strategy for bank marketing. Analytical results demonstrated that in over 50% of cases, these brand names involved a lucky number of total strokes. Finally, we suggest that the lucky-stroke-number naming strategy can be used as a tool in Chinese brand naming. Especially marketers can achieve more effective corporate branding in the Chinese business world.  相似文献   

Drawing on a number of primary sources (e.g. the minutes of the meetings of the governing bodies of the Association, EAA publications and congress proceedings), this study outlines the undertakings of the European Accounting Association (EAA) from its inception to the present. Examination of available evidence suggests that the activity of the EAA may be explained by the concomitant effect of institutional, organizational and individual factors. It was found that the EAA made considerable progress in: facilitating networking among European accounting scholars; increasing commitment towards high-quality research; incorporating into its structures and activities the notion of diversity; increasing reputation of its annual congress; and substituting its initial Anglo-Saxon-northern European dominance by a more comprehensive European focus. The EAA, though, faces some challenges in the near future: consolidation in southern Europe and other peripheral countries; penetration in eastern Europe; eventual re-definition of its aims and scope in a globalized world; eventual re-definition of the size and scope of its annual congress; and a more prominent role of women in executive posts.  相似文献   

The implications of athlete freedom to contract: lessons from North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 1995 Bosman judgement by the European Court of Justice granted professional athletes in Europe inter-country freedom to contract and eased foreign-player restrictions. Based on two decades of free-agency experience in North America, we expect to see salaries of European players rise substantially, top players earn more while marginal players earn less, and players absorb more of their training costs. Ticket prices and competitive balance will be unaffected. Clubs and leagues will be likely to attempt to control player costs by instituting schemes such as payroll caps and increased revenue sharing.  相似文献   

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