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Bond factors which predict future U.S. economic activity at business cycle horizons are priced in the cross-section of U.S. stock returns. High book-to-market stocks have larger exposures to these bond factors than low book-to-market stocks, because their cash flows are more sensitive to the business cycle. Because of this new nexus between stock and bond markets, a parsimonious three-factor dynamic no-arbitrage model can be used to jointly price book-to-market-sorted portfolios of stocks and maturity-sorted bond portfolios, while reproducing the time-series variation in expected bond returns. The business cycle itself is a priced state variable in stock and bond markets.  相似文献   

We investigate evidence of state-dependent correlation between Mexican Brady bond and Mexican Equity Fund returns between November 1990 and March 2000. During this timeframe, the Mexican capital market can be characterized by three distinct periods: pre-Peso crisis (November 1990–April 1993), the crisis years (May 1993–December 1996), and a period of recovery following the crisis. We find a statistical increase in correlation of returns from these instruments during the period surrounding the Peso crisis, and show that the correlation preceded the collapse of the Peso by 20 months. We also find that common fundamentals fail to explain the source of this correlation. However, using a regime switching model, state-dependent investor perceptions embedded in the Brady returns can explain the correlation pattern. Our evidence implies that time-varying correlation between debt and equity securities may be driven primarily by state-dependent investor perceptions about bond risk.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two-state Markov-switching model for stock market returns in which the state-dependent expected returns, their variance and associated regime-switching dynamics are allowed to respond to market information. More specifically, we apply this model to examine the explanatory and predictive power of price range and trading volume for return volatility. Our findings indicate that a negative relation between equity market returns and volatility prevails even after having controlled for the time-varying determinants of conditional volatility within each regime. We also find an asymmetry in the effect of price range on intra- and inter-regime return volatility. While price range has a stronger effect in the high volatility state, it appears to significantly affect only the transition probabilities when the stock market is in the low volatility state but not in the high volatility state. Finally, we provide evidence consistent with the ‘rebound’ model of asset returns proposed by Samuelson (1991), suggesting that long-horizon investors are expected to invest more in risky assets than short-horizon investors.  相似文献   

This paper considers the effect on zero-coupon bond price valuation when short rate model has non-Gaussian dependent innovations. Higher order asymptotic theory enables us to obtain the approximate bond price formula. Some numerical examples are presented, where the process of innovations follows particular model. These examples indicate non-Gaussianity and dependency of innovations have a great influence on zero-coupon bond price.  相似文献   

Liquidity and Expected Returns: Lessons from Emerging Markets   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Given the cross-sectional and temporal variation in their liquidity,emerging equity markets provide an ideal setting to examinethe impact of liquidity on expected returns. Our main liquiditymeasure is a transformation of the proportion of zero dailyfirm returns, averaged over the month. We find that it significantlypredicts future returns, whereas alternative measures such asturnover do not. Consistent with liquidity being a priced factor,unexpected liquidity shocks are positively correlated with contemporaneousreturn shocks and negatively correlated with shocks to the dividendyield. We consider a simple asset-pricing model with liquidityand the market portfolio as risk factors and transaction coststhat are proportional to liquidity. The model differentiatesbetween integrated and segmented countries and time periods.Our results suggest that local market liquidity is an importantdriver of expected returns in emerging markets, and that theliberalization process has not fully eliminated its impact.  相似文献   

This article uses a quantile regression approach to analyze the structure of the hedonic characteristics of 12,701 Chinese oil paintings sold at auctions in China and Hong Kong during the period 2000–2014. A hedonic model for both the full sample and the 0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, and 0.95 quantiles of the price distribution is estimated. The result indicates that noticeable differences exist in painting characteristics across different price ranges. The empirical evidence also suggests that highly priced Chinese oil paintings have both higher expected returns and less risk than those that are priced lower, which appear to be favorable assets to invest in.  相似文献   


The Cox–Ingersoll–Ross CIR short rate model is a mean-reverting model of the short rate which, for suitably chosen parameters, permits closed-form valuation formulae of zero-coupon bonds and options on zero-coupon bonds. This article supplies proofs of the formulae for the expected present value of payoffs under the real-world probability measure, known as actuarial valuation. Importantly, we give formulae for asymptotic levels of bond yields and volatilities for extended CIR models when suitable conditions are imposed on the model parameters.  相似文献   

This article examines the predictable variation in long-maturity government bond returns in six countries. A small set of global instruments can forecast 4 to 12 percent of monthly variation in excess bond returns. The predictable variation is statistically and economically significant. Moreover, expected excess bond returns are highly correlated across countries. A model with one global risk factor and constant conditional betas can explain international bond return predictability if the risk factor is proxied by the world excess bond return, but not if it is proxied by the world excess stock return.  相似文献   

In this paper I conduct tests of an intertemporal asset pricing model using variables that forecast stock returns as the risk factors. I document that the forecasting variables are priced so that expected excess returns are related to their conditional covariances with the forecasting variables. The variability in the covariance risk fails to explain the cross-sectional and time-series variation in expected stock returns. Evidence rejects restrictions on the prices of covariance risk imposed by the model with constant volatilities. I also find that an extended model that allows time-varying conditional volatilities is misspecified.  相似文献   

This paper studies the price responsiveness (effective duration) of U.S. government issued inflation-indexed bonds, known by the acronym TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities), to changes in nominal interest rates, real interest rates, and expected inflation. Using the TIPS pricing formula derived by Laatsch and Klein [Q. Rev. Econ. Finance 43 (2002) 405], we first confirm that TIPS bonds have zero sensitivity to changes solely in expected inflation. By changes solely in expected inflation, we mean that the real rate remains unchanged and the nominal rate changes in accordance with the established Fisher [Publ. Am. Econ. Assoc. 11 (1896)] effect. We show that the first derivative of the TIPS price is zero whenever the real rate is held constant. Thus, the first partial derivative of the TIPS bond pricing formula with respect to expected inflation is zero and the first partial derivative of the TIPS bond price with respect to nominal rates is also zero, given, in each case, that we hold the real rate constant. We then temporarily shift the analysis to zero-coupon TIPS bonds and zero-coupon ordinary Treasury bonds. We prove that the nominal duration of zero-coupon TIPS bonds equals that of zero-coupon ordinary Treasury bonds when the real rate changes but expected inflation is held constant.However, if expected inflation changes and the change in the nominal rate does not yield a constant real rate, zero-coupon TIPS prices will change and they will change by a smaller percentage than will zero-coupon ordinary Treasury bonds. We analyze TIPS responsiveness to changes in nominal rates under such conditions. We derive an approximation to effective duration that demonstrates that the effective durations of various maturity zero-coupon TIPS bonds are approximately linear functions in time to maturity of the effective duration of the one-year zero-coupon TIPS bond, ceteris paribus.Nominal effective duration of TIPS bonds is certainly of interest to fixed income portfolio managers that might have a desire to include such bonds in their portfolio. After all, the greater portion of a typical fixed income portfolio is in traditional, noninflation protected bonds whose major risk exposure is to changes in nominal rates. To properly assess the role of TIPS bonds in the portfolio, portfolio managers need information as to how TIPS bonds respond to the changes in nominal rates that are driving the price behavior of the bulk of the portfolio's assets. Prior to concluding the paper, we demonstrate how portfolio managers can calculate the nominal durations of coupon TIPS bonds using the zero-coupon duration formula we derive.  相似文献   

We examine the presence, magnitude and determinants of a January effect for individual corporate bonds. Our results provide empirical evidence of positive and statistically (but not economically) significant abnormal returns in January across different event windows and models. Our results suggest that, in the addition to the term and default factors, the excess stock returns, size and book-to-market factors are priced for individual bond returns. We investigate a number of determinants of the January abnormal returns for individual bonds. Our findings suggest that the reversal and tax-loss selling effects are important determinants of the abnormal returns on individual bonds.  相似文献   

Cross‐region and cross‐sector asset allocation decisions are one of the most fundamental issues in international equity portfolio management. Equity returns exhibit higher volatilities and correlations, and lower expected returns, in bear markets compared to bull markets. However, static mean–variance analysis fails to capture this salient feature of equity returns. We accommodate the nonlinearity of returns using a regime switching model across both regions and sectors. The regime‐dependent asset allocation potentially adds value to the traditional static mean–variance allocation. In addition, optimal allocation across sectors provide greater benefits compared to international diversification, which is characterized by higher returns, lower risks, lower correlations with the world market and a higher Sharpe ratio.  相似文献   

We examine the correlations between unexpected market moves and unexpected equity portfolio moves conditional on market performance. We derive unexpected returns from a two-stage regime switching model. The model allows for time-varying expected returns where the market portfolio alone dictates the regime switching process. Portfolios exhibit a natural hedge where correlations during extreme unexpected market downturns are generally negative. During unexpected market upswings, correlations increase. Using the unconditional analysis would lead to overhedging during market downturns and underhedging during market upswings. The adjustments to the unconditional hedging strategy conditional on extreme market movements frequently exceed ±10%.  相似文献   

A Nonlinear Factor Analysis of S&P 500 Index Option Returns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growing evidence suggests that extraordinary average returns may be obtained by trading equity index options, and that at least part of this abnormal performance is attributable to volatility and jump risk premia. This paper asks whether such priced risk factors are alone sufficient to explain these average returns. To provide an answer in as general as possible a setting, I estimate a flexible class of nonlinear models using all S&P 500 Index futures options traded between 1986 and 2000. The results show that priced factors contribute to these expected returns but are insufficient to explain their magnitudes, particularly for short‐term out‐of‐the‐money puts.  相似文献   

We show that time variation in macroeconomic uncertainty affects asset prices. Consumption volatility is a negatively priced source of risk for a wide variety of test portfolios. At the firm level, exposure to consumption volatility risk predicts future returns, generating a spread across quintile portfolios in excess of 7% annually. This premium is explained by cross‐sectional differences in the sensitivity of dividend volatility to consumption volatility. Stocks with volatile cash flows in uncertain aggregate times require higher expected returns.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simple, alternative model for the valuation of European-style interest rate options. The assumption that drives the hedging argument in the model is that the forward prices of bonds follow an arbitrary two-state process. Later, this assumption is made more specific by postulating that the discount on a zero-coupon bond follows a multiplicative binomial process. In contrast to the Black-Scholes assumption applied to zero-coupon bonds, the limiting distribution of this process has the attractive features that the zero-bond price has a natural barrier at unity (thus precluding negative interest rates), and that the bond price is negatively skewed. The model is used to price interest rate options in general, and interest rate caps and floors in particular. The model is then generalized and applied to European-style options on bonds. A relationship is established between options on swaps and options on coupon bonds. The generalized model then provides a computationally simple formula, closely related to the Black-Scholes formula, for the valuation of European-style options on swaps.  相似文献   

Human capital is one of the largest assets in the economy and in theory may play an important role for asset pricing. Human capital is heterogeneous across investors. One source of heterogeneity is industry affiliation. I show that the cross‐section of expected stock returns is primarily affected by industry‐level rather than aggregate labor income risk. Furthermore, when human capital is excluded from the asset pricing model, the resulting idiosyncratic risk may appear to be priced. I find that the premium for idiosyncratic risk documented by several empirical studies depends on the covariance between stock and human capital returns.  相似文献   

Empirical tests are reported for Ross' [48] arbitrage theory of asset pricing. Using data for individual equities during the 1962–72 period, at least three and probably four priced factors are found in the generating process of returns. The theory is supported in that estimated expected returns depend on estimated factor loadings, and variables such as the own standard deviation, though highly correlated (simply) with estimated expected returns, do not add any further explanatory power to that of the factor loadings.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-varying corporate bond index returns in a multi-factor smooth transition regression model. We find that expected index returns vary between weak and strong economic regimes, where the transition from one regime to the other is governed by the 3-quartered growth of industrial production. Weak economic regimes are characterized by low growth of industrial production, vice versa for strong economic regimes. Further, risk factor sensitivities are generally more negative in strong economic regimes than in weak regimes, implying that index returns are low when economic conditions are good and high when economic conditions are poor.  相似文献   

Expected Option Returns   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This paper examines expected option returns in the context of mainstream asset-pricing theory. Under mild assumptions, expected call returns exceed those of the underlying security and increase with the strike price. Likewise, expected put returns are below the risk-free rate and increase with the strike price. S&P index option returns consistently exhibit these characteristics. Under stronger assumptions, expected option returns vary linearly with option betas. However, zero-beta, at-the-money straddle positions produce average losses of approximately three percent per week. This suggests that some additional factor, such as systematic stochastic volatility, is priced in option returns.  相似文献   

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