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一、研究目的及意义 一直以来被视为主流学派的新古典经济学把经济增长归结为资本和劳动投入的增加,从亚当·斯密、穆勒、李嘉图等人的古典增长模型,到哈罗德-多马模型,再到索洛的新古典经济增长模型以及新剑桥模型等,都把制度因素排斥在外.而新制度经济学派认为制度才是经济增长的决定因素,并将制度要素引入到生产函数中,使经济增长理论进入一个新的发展阶段.本文采用新制度学派的观点,将制度因素引入经济增长模型中,并以实证研究方法探讨各要素对河北省经济发展的贡献,这对该省经济持续发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

增长、增长、再增长,增长一直是衡量企业成功与否的准则。全世界的企业从刚设立的公司到世界性企业集团都在竭尽全力达到分析师、观察家和投资者们对于增长的预期。没有增长会使所有投资者对企业失去兴趣,企业将得不到更多的资金支持。那么企业如何实现增长并获得持续的成功呢?产品创新、质量战略、战略并购、营销竞争、巨额广告支出等因素都能带来增长,但是这些增长战略的成本也是相当可观的。为了既能实现需要的增长又能减少成本支出,关键是要建立顾客的忠诚度,即用CRM来提升企业的持久竞争力。目前,大多数CRM解决方案都侧重于企业内部…  相似文献   

李响亮  宁安琪  彭灿 《价值工程》2009,28(11):36-38
运用协同创新理论对中小软件企业六大创新要素(技术、战略、文化、组织、制度、市场)中最活跃的技术、组织和市场三个创新要素的协同创新的影响因素进行实证研究,力图通过实证分析找出和评价一些有利于促进中小软件企业技术-组织-市场协同创新的共性因素,进而为在金融危机中进退两难的中小软件企业提供有益的建议。  相似文献   

企业如何做大、做强、做持久 ,这是困绕企业发展的关键问题 ,也是理论探讨的热点问题。企业从获取生存到实施战略扩张 ,不仅体现了台阶式、螺旋上升式的运行轨迹 ,更反映了基于企业竞争、制度安排、科技创新和应用、企业文化构筑、企业战略实施等核心要素之间的层递关系。只有把这些要素关系理顺了 ,就会站在面向未来的转折点上 ,使企业一步步走向成功。一、市场竞争———企业生存之本任何企业一涉足市场经营活动 ,就难以避免竞争 ,这是由市场经济规律决定的。企业只有在竞争中居于不败之地 ,才能求得生存。而立于不败之地的关键则在于其市…  相似文献   

<正>人才管理是企业保持创新和增长的战略变量,制定人才管理战略需要紧紧围绕企业增长的驱动因素。习近平总书记在二十大报告中提出:“教育、科技、人才是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性、战略性支撑。”这对企业在新形势下做好人才管理意义重大。人才是企业的第一资本,企业拥有一支高素质的人才队伍,就拥有了市场竞争制胜的基础。只有把人才管理上升到战略层面上来看待,才能保持企业在数字化时代创新和增长。  相似文献   

十八届五中全会将创新作为一大发展理念,明确提出深入实施创新驱动发展战略.创新驱动的增长方式不只是解决效率问题,更为重要的是依靠知识资本、人力资本和激励创新制度等无形要素实现要素的新组合,是科学技术成果在生产和商业上的应用和扩散.我国转向创新驱动发展方式有个过程,但必须以此为目标推动发展方式的转变.  相似文献   

供给侧改革与创新驱动战略都是适应我国高经济增长进入新常态的国家规划,两者相互作用和影响,两者之间和谐联动有助于实现我国经济增长动力转换。供给侧改革与创新驱动战略的联动,符合国家竞争优势理论模型,为了实现两者和谐联动,可以从国家竞争优势理论的关键要素和影响因素探寻如何实现和谐联动。  相似文献   

知识管理战略是影响企业创新行为的重要因素。既有文献认为知识管理战略应与组织基础相匹配,但对"如何匹配"研究较少。文章分析了组织结构、组织文化和信息技术等组织基础要素对知识管理战略与企业创新行为之间关系的调节作用,提出了若干研究命题并构建了概念模型。  相似文献   

崔军 《价值工程》2014,(22):7-10
随着企业创新战略的重要性越来越被企业重视,各种创新战略理论层出不穷。而基于设计管理的企业创新战略是目前研究较少的理论,以设计管理作为企业管理指导,进而运用到企业创新战略中指导企业全面创新,这是新时代背景下企业转型的必由途径,也是我国大量中小型企业提档升级走向新的发展高度的必然选择。  相似文献   

21世纪的人类社会将全面进入知识经济时代,21世纪的经济是可持续发展的经济,是全面讲究质量的经济。高水平的产品质量和企业经营运行质量将成为企业生存、成长的第一要素,高水平的社会经济增长质量也将成为社会经济发展和进步的原动力。 为了赶上发达国家的步伐,为了迎接加入WTO以后的一系列挑战,为了使我们的产品能跻于国际市场,我们没有别的选择,只有走创新这条路。所以我们又可以说21世纪是全面创新的时代,观念创新、制度创新、管理创新、技术创新、产品创新……企业在创新中发展,社会在创新中进步,创新已经成为这个…  相似文献   

Strategic innovation has been shown to provide significant value for organisations whilst at the same time challenging traditional ways of thinking and working. There is less known, however, as to how organisations collaborate in innovation networks to achieve strategic innovation. In this paper we explore how innovation networks are orchestrated in developing a strategic innovation initiative around the Internet of Things. We show how a hub actor brings together a diverse group of actors to initially create and subsequently orchestrate the strategic innovation network through the employ of three dialogical strategies, namely persuasive projection, reflective development, and definitional control. Further, we illuminate how different types of legitimacy are established through these various dialogical strategies in orchestrating strategic innovation networks.  相似文献   

我国经济已由高速增长阶段转变为高质量发展阶段,实现高质量发展是新时代我国经济发展的根本要求。高质量发展与创新驱动紧密关联,必须多举措协同提升区域创新能力。区域创新能力是指一个地区将知识转化为新产品、新工艺、新服务的能力,代表了创新要素在一定区域内聚集、整合以及推动区域可持续发展的基本能力。为了有效提升区域创新能力,必须强化区域创新的综合保障、构建区域创新综合生态体系、促进创新创业项目孵化与成果转化、强化区域制造业发展相关的创新活动等。以南京市江宁区为例对此进行了分析,该区积极实施战略科技引领计划,不断强化创新工作,通过促进区域创新平台建设、区域创新的服务支撑体系构建、高端创新资源在区域的聚集、区域制造业创新发展及合理布局等,不断增强区域创新能力,有效支撑了区域高质量发展。  相似文献   

Employees' competencies are decisive components in a firm's competitiveness. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to assess whether differences in strategy influence employees' competencies and how the design of compensation systems may best take into account the competencies required by a firm. An analysis was conducted on a sample of manufacturing firms using structural equation models. The findings support the existence of generic competencies, such as results and customer orientation, which are found in both prospector and defender strategic contexts, while other competencies – such as innovation, technical expertise and adaptability – are specific to the prospector strategy. In relation to compensation, the results show that skill-based pay is more strongly associated with competencies such as innovation, technical expertise and adaptability, whereas performance-based compensation systems encourage result-based competency. Therefore, the design of a compensation system should be guided by the competencies required as part of a firm's strategy.  相似文献   

刘昱洋 《企业活力》2010,(12):83-87
中小企业对于经济增长、技术进步和大企业发展起到突出的作用。企业生命周期通常分为初创期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期四个阶段,不同的生命阶段,中小企业具有不同的特征。战略创新是在动态的环境中,企业为适应长期发展的需要对现有战略做出的根本性的变更,不同的发展阶段,中小企业战略创新的要点也不同。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来的行政性分权改革,极大地调动了大城市区县政府发展地区经济的积极性.在行政分权的体制下,如何协调市区两级的战略规划,如何激励战略创新,与决策过程的制度设计密切相关.以北京市市区两级"五年计划"的制订为例,试运用制度经济学的方法,对大城市市区两级五年计划决策过程的组织结构和创新机制进行简要的概括和评价,并对决策过程的制度选择做出初步探讨.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to analyze how design creates economic value. The literature on knowledge-based economic development has primarily focused on innovation as the analytical lens, whereas design is the original action that leads to innovation. Despite the fundamental importance of design, existing design research has offered few insights and little guidance for national strategies due to the lack of focus on and analysis of design in an economic context. This paper addresses such gaps by linking design research and economic development theory. We first elaborate on the relationship among design, invention and innovation, describing the necessity of design activity for invention and innovation. Our analysis of the fundamental characteristics of design across contexts sheds light on the strategic importance of the accumulative nature of technology-based design for sustaining economic growth. Through the lens of technology-based design, we further quantitatively compare Singapore and three similarly-sized countries (South Korea, Finland and Taiwan). Based upon interview data, we also qualitatively examine Singapore's national strategy focusing on design. The quantitative and qualitative results align well with the Singaporean government's use of design as a strategic lever to pursue innovation-driven economic growth, and also reveal its achievements and shortfalls which indicate possible directions for strategic adjustment.  相似文献   

以九阳股份为案例,以企业如何通过自组织创新达成高企业成长为核心问题,基于自组织理论,视企业为具有耗散结构的开放系统,不断与外界进行着物质、能量和信息的交换;视企业文化为混沌理论中企业成长的“核”,视成长的各创新要素为创新因子,各创新因子输入系统后,经过竞争协同和过程演化,达到混沌边界,经催化促成企业系统突变,从而实现企业的高成长。  相似文献   

地市级三级甲等综合性医院如何能在全省三级甲等综合性医院中坚持自己的特色、提高自己的行业地位,一直是医院要考虑的战略首要问题,而科研创新能力可以指导医学实践、引领医院快速发展。本文就变革管理的角度,对医院采取措施提高医院科研能力的做法进行总结。  相似文献   

The multifaceted nature of firm innovation has prevented researchers from fully explaining the relationship between firm innovation and green management. This study, building on the Schumpeterian theory of innovation, explores this relationship by examining three major types of firm innovation—strategic innovation, managerial innovation, and product innovation—and their respective relationships with green management, considering several dimensions of environmental turbulence as distinctive boundary conditions. We propose that both strategic innovation and managerial innovation facilitate green management, which in turn mediates these effects on new product performance. The results of a survey of 303 Chinese firms provide strong support for this mediating logic. Moreover, we find that market turbulence weakens the effect of strategic innovation on green management whereas technological turbulence strengthens such effect but the effect of managerial innovation on green management is not influenced by environmental turbulence. Our research contributes to the innovation as well as green management and sustainability literatures by offering a framework in which to analyze firm innovation and green management and by showing how firms pursue sustainability and prosperity under specific environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A state of the Art trend analysis of the Library and Information science reveals that the Library world is in the midst of the technological restructuring. Every branch of library work changes continuously because of the technological facilities, although the missions and goals remain unaltered. The libraries belong to these professional divisions which involve the innovation and technology transfer in everyday life. In most of the cases innovation either as a product or as a procedure goes into the libraries, it's not a phenomenon produced by them.On the strategic level libraries on average have developed the ability to collect, process and assimilate technological innovation.On the organizational level libraries follow the changes which technology transfer dictates such as close co-operation with computer centers and external commercial information suppliers, software and hardware suppliers, science and technology achievements, etc. It is too common to libraries to develop routines and Best Practices for every task, derived by the technology they use, for the cost decrease, the time save and the increase of the effectiveness and efficiency.The innovative process is the kind which libraries could adopt, as innovation is composed of the systematic retrieve of changes and systematic analysis of the opportunities which these changes could contribute to economic and social improvement.Innovation above all, is a social procedure, as it is interpreted in terms such as creativity, desires, fantasy and the ability to take risks and to change. So innovation and technology transfer differentiates the role of the librarian and extends it beyond the limits of the information intermediary. The librarian in order to involve, anticipate and especially produce innovation has to learn how to learn, as libraries have to learn how to change.The presentation will be a methodological one and will focus on Best Practices, the definition and a short report, how they combine with the library functions and how they produce innovative processes and new Best Practices. An evaluation of Best Practices according the Value Analysis method is included as a prerequisite of the final choice of which practice is characterised as Best and which not.  相似文献   

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