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We present a binomial approach for pricing contingent claims when the parameters governing the underlying asset process follow a regime-switching model. In each regime, the asset dynamics is discretized by a Cox–Ross–Rubinstein lattice derived by a simple transformation of the parameters characterizing the highest volatility tree, which allows a simultaneous representation of the asset value in all the regimes. Derivative prices are computed by forming expectations of their payoffs over the lattice branches. Quadratic interpolation is invoked in case of regime changes, and the switching among regimes is captured through a transition probability matrix. An econometric analysis is provided to pick reasonable volatility values for option pricing, for which we show some comparisons with the existing models to assess the goodness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Option pricing and managing equity linked insurance (ELI) require the proper modeling of stock return dynamics. Due to the long duration nature of equity-linked insurance products, a stock return model must be able to deal simultaneously with the preceding stylized facts and the impact of market structure changes. In response, this article proposes stock return dynamics that combine Lévy processes in a regime-switching framework. We focus on a non-Gaussian, generalized hyperbolic distribution. We use the most popular linked equity of ELIs, the S&P 500 index, as an example. The empirical study verifies that the proposed regime-switching generalized hyperbolic (RSGH) model gives the best fit to data. In investigating the effects of stock return modeling on pricing and risk management for financial contracts, we derive the characteristic function, embedded option price, and risk measure of equity-linked insurance analytically. More importantly, we demonstrate that the regime-switching generalized hyperbolic (RSGH) model is realistic and can meet the stylistic facts of stock returns, which in turn can be employed in option pricing and risk management decisions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an easy-to-use yet comprehensive model for a system of cointegrated commodity prices. While retaining the exponential affine structure of previous approaches, our model allows for an arbitrary number of cointegration relationships. We show that the cointegration component allows capturing well-known features of commodity prices, i.e., upward sloping (contango) and downward sloping (backwardation) term-structures, smaller volatilities for longer maturities and an upward sloping correlation term structure. The model is calibrated to futures price data of ten commodities. The results provide compelling evidence of cointegration in the data. Implications for the prices of futures and options written on common commodity spreads (e.g., spark spread and crack spread) are thoroughly investigated.  相似文献   

Log-periodic precursors have been identified before most and perhaps all financial crashes of the Twentieth Century, but efforts to statistically validate the leading model of log-periodicity, the Johansen–Ledoit–Sornette (JLS) model, have generally failed. The main feature of this model is that log-harmonic fluctuations in financial prices are driven by similar fluctuations in expected daily returns. Here we search more broadly for evidence of any log-periodic variation in expected daily returns by estimating a regime-switching model of stock returns in which the mean return fluctuates between a high and a low value. We find such evidence prior to the two largest drawdowns in the S&P 500 since 1950. However, if we estimate a log-harmonic specification for the stock index for the same time periods, fixing the frequency and critical time according to the results of the regime-switching model, the parameters do not satisfy restrictions imposed by the JLS model.  相似文献   

This study examines abnormal stock price changes prior to executive stock option grants. Executives have the incentive and opportunity to manage the timing of their communications of inside information to the market during the period just prior to the date of their stock-option grant so as to reduce the exercise price of their options. Executives benefit from temporary stock price decreases before the grant date and by stock price increases after the grant date. Executive stock option grants create a unique opportunity for insiders to profit by manipulating the timing of information flowing to the market without engaging in insider trading. Using data on 783 stock-option grants to chief executive officers, we find a statistically significant abnormal decrease in stock prices during the 10-day period immediately preceding the grant date.  相似文献   

Stock market dynamics in a regime-switching asymmetric power GARCH model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the dynamics of Asian stock index returns through a Regime-Switching Asymmetric Power GARCH model (RS-APGARCH). The model confirms some stylized facts already discussed in former studies but also highlights interesting new characteristics of stock market returns and volatilities. Mainly, it improves the traditional regime-switching GARCH models by including an asymmetric response to news and, above all, by allowing the power transformations of the heteroskedasticity equations to be estimated directly from the data. Several mixture models are compared where a first-order Markov process governs the switching between regimes.  相似文献   

一、引言 经济发展需要有强大的金融系统的支持,建立繁荣、稳定的金融市场是金融机构的主要职责之一,而金融市场的繁荣需要有丰富的金融产品.金融产品的设计及潜在金融市场、金融风险分析成为金融业提高企业竞争力、扩大业务范围的关键,而这些分析是建立在产品价格的基础上的.因此,金融产品定价是实现金融风险分析、投资组合设计、金融决策的基础.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of evaluating variable annuities with a guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit under a regime-switching model. We propose a trinomial lattice model to approximate the evolution of the investment fund value and the policy value at inception is computed through a backward induction scheme. Finally, the insurance fee is computed as the solution of the equation that makes the contract actuarially fair. Numerical results are reported to illustrate the consistency of the proposed model.  相似文献   

Assuming that the macroeconomic environment can be transformed into a two-district system, that is, the path of financial asset prices is uncertain, we track and study the motion of stocks and other asset price process under the conditional Black-Scholes model, and give the economical explanation of the mathematical formula. Further, we derive and analyze an option pricing formula for the Black-Scholes asset model under the condition that the risk-free interest rate is regime-switching too. The method in this article is applied to model the log rate of return of the Tencent stock in a two-district market environment. And the obtained parameter values are used to calculate the option price. In narrowing the gap with actual option prices, our method outperforms the classical option pricing model point by point. Compared with the general and pure mathematical model derived work and the empirical study work, our study does more work on the economic characteristics analysis and interpretation of the mathematical models, and plays a certain role in linking the results of mathematical models with empirical research.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Options trading can stimulate price efficiency in underlying stock markets by providing a platform for informed trades, increasing the production of...  相似文献   

A multi-chain regime-switching spillover GARCH (MCRSSG) model is proposed for optimal portfolio diversification. MCRSSG specifies the within-regime time-varying correlation via a multi-chain state-dependent spillover factor and quantifies the magnitude of volatility spillovers under different regime combinations. MCRSSG is applied to investigate the diversification benefit of precious metals, crude oil, and financial securities for the Korean stock market at a sector level. The empirical results reveal that the Dow Jones Islamic market US total return index provides the best diversification benefit and MCRSSG exhibits superior effectiveness for risk-adjusted return and reward-to-semivariance ratio.  相似文献   

A new computational method for approximating prices of zero-coupon bonds and bond option prices under general Chan–Karolyi–Longstaff–Schwartz models is proposed. The pricing partial differential equations are discretized using second-order finite difference approximations and an exponential time integration scheme combined with best rational approximations based on the Carathéodory–Fejér procedure is employed for solving the resulting semi-discrete equations. The algorithm has a linear computational complexity and provides accurate bond and European bond option prices. We give several numerical results which illustrate the computational efficiency of the algorithm and uniform second-order convergence rates for the computed bond and bond option prices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest a first-passage-time model which can explain default probability and default correlation dynamics under stochastic market environment. We add a Markov regime-switching market condition to the first-passage-time model of Zhou [Zhou, C., 2001. An analysis of default correlations and multiple defaults. Review of Financial Studies 14, 555–576]. Using this model, we try to explain various relationship between default probability, default correlation, and market condition. We also suggest a valuation method for credit default swap (CDS) with (or without) counterparty default risk (CDR) and basket default swap under this model.Our numerical results provide us with several meaningful implications. First, default swap spread is higher in economic recession than in economic expansion across default swap maturity. Second, as the difference of asset return volatility between under bear market and under bull market increases, CDS spread increases regardless of maturity. Third, the bigger the intensity shifting from bull market to bear market, the higher the spread for both CDS without CDR and basket default swap.  相似文献   

The price of a smile: hedging and spanning in option markets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The volatility smile changed drastically around the crash of1987, and new option pricing models have been proposed to accommodatethat change. Deterministic volatility models allow for moreflexible volatility surfaces but refrain from introducing additionalrisk factors. Thus, options are still redundant securities.Alternatively, stochastic models introduce additional risk factors,and options are then needed for spanning of the pricing kernel.We develop a statistical test based on this difference in spanning.Using daily S&P 500 index options data from 1986-1995, ourtests suggest that both in- and out-of-the-money options areneeded for spanning. The findings are inconsistent with deterministicvolatility models but are consistent with stochastic modelsthat incorporate additional priced risk factors, such as stochasticvolatility, interest rates, or jumps.  相似文献   

This paper presents striking evidence that option trading changes the prices of underlying stocks. In particular, we show that on expiration dates the closing prices of stocks with listed options cluster at option strike prices. On each expiration date, the returns of optionable stocks are altered by an average of at least 16.5 basis points, which translates into aggregate market capitalization shifts on the order of $9 billion. We provide evidence that hedge rebalancing by option market makers and stock price manipulation by firm proprietary traders contribute to the clustering.  相似文献   

Carbon markets trade the spot European Union Allowance (EUA), with one EUA providing the right to emit one tone of carbon dioxide (CO2). We examine the spot EUA returns in BlueNext that exhibit jumps and a volatility clustering feature. We propose a regime-switching jump diffusion model (RSJM) with a hidden Markov chain to capture not only a volatility clustering feature, but also the dynamics of the spot EUA returns that are influenced by change in the CO2 emission economic conditions. In addition, the switching jump intensities of the RSJM are shown to be affected by change in the carbon-market macroeconomic environment. We further derive the theoretical futures-option prices with a constant convenience yield under the RSJM via the generalized Esscher transform where regime-switching risk is priced with a risk premium. The empirical study shows that the derived futures-option pricing model under the RSJM with regime-switching risk is a more complete model than a jump diffusion model for pricing CO2 options.  相似文献   

We discuss the pricing and risk management problems of standard European-style options in a Markovian regime-switching binomial model. Due to the presence of an additional source of uncertainty described by a Markov chain, the market is incomplete, so the no-arbitrage condition is not sufficient to fix a unique pricing kernel, hence, a unique option price. Using the minimal entropy martingale measure, we determine a pricing kernel. We examine numerically the performance of a simple hedging strategy by investigating the terminal distribution of hedging errors and the associated risk measures such as Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall. The impacts of the frequency of re-balancing the hedging portfolio and the transition probabilities of the modulating Markov chain on the quality of hedging are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of pricing a perpetual American put option in an exponential regime-switching Lévy model. For the case of the (dense) class of phase-type jumps and finitely many regimes we derive an explicit expression for the value function. The solution of the corresponding first-passage problem under a state-dependent level rests on a path transformation and a new matrix Wiener–Hopf factorization result for this class of processes. Research supported by the Nuffield Foundation, grant NAL/00761/G, and EPSRC grant EP/D039053/1.  相似文献   

We develop lower and upper bounds on the prices of Americancall and put options written on a dividend-paying asset. Weprovide two option price approximations one based on the lowerbound (termed LBA) and one based on both bounds (termed LUBA).The LUBA approximation has an average accuracy comparable toa l,000-step binomial tree. We introduce a modification of thebinomial method (termed BBSR) that is very simple to implementand performs remarkably well. We also conduct a careful large-scaleevaluation of many recent methods for computing American optionprices.  相似文献   

The prices of lots of assets have been proved in literature to exhibit special behaviors around psychological barriers, which is an important fact needed to be considered when pricing derivatives. In this paper, we discuss the valuation problem of double barrier options under a volatility regime-switching model where there exist psychological barriers in the prices of underlying assets. The volatility can shift between two regimes, that is to say, when the asset price rises up or falls down through the psychological barrier, the volatility takes two different values. Using the Laplace transform approach, we obtain the price of the double barrier knock-out call option as well as its delta. We also provide the eigenfunction expansion pricing formula and examine the effect of the psychological barrier on the option price and delta, finding that the gamma of the option is discontinuous at such barriers.  相似文献   

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