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Production pressure is often cited as an underlying contributory factor of organizational accidents. The relationship, however, between production and safety protection is complex and has not been adequately addressed by current theories regarding organizational accident. In addressing this gap, this paper uses the methodology of system dynamics to develop a causal model to address the dynamic interaction between management of production and protection, which can accumulate in an organizational accident. A case study of a fatal rock fall accident in Tasmania, Australia was conducted based on the developed model and is used to uncover the intricate dynamics linking production pressure, risk tolerability, perception of safety margin, and protection efforts. In particular, the study demonstrates how a strong production focus can trigger a vicious cycle of deteriorating risk perception and how increased protection effort can, ironically, lead to deterioration of protection.  相似文献   

Political behavior at work often is disparaged as self-serving activity that undermines the efficient pursuit of organizational goals. Yet politics has a more benign meaning as well: responsible participation in decision-making processes, keeping informed, and promoting innovative ideas that serve long-term organizational interests. To date, the negative image of organizational politics among managers and scholars has limited research on the positive contributions of responsible political participation, a form of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) known as civic virtue.This paper draws on political philosophy and organizational research to consider two forms of civic virtue OCB: gathering information and exercising influence. Both are proactive and can have beneficial results for individuals, organizations, and society. Conceptually, the two forms of civic virtue are related. Yet they also are different. Results of a field study of 245 employees and their supervisors provide support for similarities and differences in the two forms of civic virtue. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of our study, and the benefits of continued research on both aspects of civic virtue OCB.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando FL, April 2003, in a symposium entitled “New Perspectives on the Dimensionality of Organizational Citizenship Behavior.” A newer version of this paper was presented at the October 2005 International Meeting of the Association on Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP) in Baltimore, MD.  相似文献   

A Belief-focused Process Model of Organizational Learning*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Applying the property of learning to organizations has caused confusion. The paper develops a proposed model or framework for capturing the essential process of organizational learning, and adopts a definition of learning which is applicable to both individual and organizational learning. A discussion of emergent and planned learning enables a case to be made for the importance of understanding organizational learning in a competitive and changing environment, and for the key role of senior managers in managing this process. The theoretical orientation is the social rather than the information processing perspective in that organizational learning is reflected in the construction, modification and maintenance of beliefs; particularly the beliefs towards those stakeholders who are instrumental in achieving an organization's mission and strategic goals. Theories and concepts are explored which account for these belief systems, and for the interaction between individual and organizational learning. They include: reinforcement, modelling, mental models and sensemaking, tacit and explicit knowledge, memory and culture. The paper concludes by examining a number of concerns in the literature in the light of the assumptions and suggestions incorporated in the model. The hope is that these will provoke discussion (and initiate learning) among practitioners and academics.  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behaviors for the environment (OCBEs), which are based on individual, voluntary and informal initiatives, are increasingly considered as an essential ingredient of corporate greening. Drawing on the emerging literature on this issue, this paper explores the determinants and consequences of managers' OCBEs. A study of 304 managers from the manufacturing sector allowed us to validate a new model of managers' OCBEs based on structural equation modeling. The model shows the role of environmental values and perceived behavioral control (PBC) in the adoption of OCBEs. As expected, the model also shows positive and significant relationships between OCBEs, environmental management practices and performance in this area. The study sheds new light on the impacts of OCBEs and explores the reasons why they can be used to lead by example and to improve environmental performance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Systems of governance proposed by classical philosophers, and debated ever since, address issues not only of structure, but also the roles and skills various governmental forms imply for individual citizens within them. This article describes enduring debates concerning the nature of political citizenship, and the requirements of civic virtue, from political philosophy, the crafting of the American republic, and modern organizational behavior. Finally, the human resource management implications of those theoretical perspectives and developments are suggested.  相似文献   

组织政治氛围是员工离职倾向的重要前因变量,但现有文献还未对这种关系及作用机制进行系统研究。基于资源保存理论,引入员工沉默作为中介变量,以政治技能作为调节变量,构建被调节的中介模型,探讨组织政治氛围对员工离职倾向的影响机制。通过线性回归、Bootstrap等方法对328份样本进行实证分析,结果表明:组织政治氛围正向影响员工离职倾向,员工沉默在该过程中起部分中介作用;政治技能负向调节组织政治氛围与员工沉默之间的关系,政治技能负向调节了员工沉默在组织政治氛围与离职倾向之间的中介效应。  相似文献   

A bstract . Combining the work of Peter Blau and Jerald Hage regarding organizational characteristics and efficiency, a correlational model was constructed consisting of testable propositions relating organizational size, complexity, stratification, formalization, centralization , and two measures of efficiency. The model was also extended to include hierarchical levels, after vertical and horizontal measures of complexity were separated. Following an extensive review of the literature, both official and self-reported data from one type of economic organization ( 104 savings and loan associations in New York State ) were employed to test the propositions in a profit-oriented context. While we findings demonstrate limited support for the model in this special type to economic organization (five of thirteen propositions were fully or partly supported by the analysis), a further classification and comparison of studies reviewed, according to the type of organization under study, suggests that a unified theory encompassing both economic and non-economic organizations is feasible.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of research on workplace violence has been conducted over the past two decades, resulting in a better understanding of its causes and consequences. Several models have been developed that consider the causes and consequences, as well as the organization??s policies that influence workplace violence. The source of violence (internal vs. external), hierarchical position (supervisory vs. line positions), formalization in terms of policies, and the external environment factors that affect organizations have rarely been considered in combination with one another in models to date. The present paper develops a model addressing these gaps in the literature by incorporating these factors as influences on the likelihood of experiencing workplace violence.  相似文献   

Argumentation within organizations depends for its effectiveness upon the context. The model presented seeks to identify the three ways in which an arguer can become more persuasive. The first way uses the fact that many of the dimensions of argument strength (familiarity, evidence, simplicity, etc) are not appropriate in particular organizational contexts, so that within each context the arguer must select a particular combination of appropriate dimensions. The second way uses the fact that each context has its own rhetorical requirements and gives rise to its own appropriate rhetorical form which triggers a myth-like association. The third way uses the fact that the four elements of context (arguer, audience, topic and setting) must be skilfully integrated together, especially with regard to showing empathy for the audience, balancing contradictory elements (such as promises and warnings) in the same argument in order to minimize the simplifying effect of rhetoric, and remaining tactically flexible enough to switch positions.  相似文献   

在互联网时代下,企业组织在成长过程中面临更为复杂的外部环境,有效的组织学习机制和模式的构建显得更加重要,知识更新速度快、学习资源丰富甚至冗余、学习节奏高效、团队学习要求突出等要求企业必须构建高效稳定的组织学习模式.本文以联想复盘式学习模式及其在相关多元化战略制定执行过程中的应用为案例,分析了复盘式学习模式的特点,对在互联网时代下构建有效的组织学习模式有重要意义.  相似文献   

综合运用社会交换理论、资源保存理论与情绪管理相关理论,以职业承诺为调节变量,探讨感知组织支持对自我效能感及表层扮演与深层扮演两种情绪劳动策略的作用机制.通过对224份南京地区服务员样本的实证分析,结果表明:感知组织支持对深层扮演具有显著的正向影响;自我效能感在感知组织支持与深层扮演之间起中介作用;职业承诺越高,感知组织支持对自我效能感的正向影响越强,进而对深层扮演产生更大的正面效应.研究成果深化对情绪劳动策略选择问题的认识,并为服务员情绪管理实践提供指导.  相似文献   

Studies on business model innovation (BMI) have largely focused on firm performance, neglecting outcomes of BMI beyond financial performance indicators. Research lacks empirical findings from the internal organizational dynamics following the inherent transformation process induced by BMI. Rooting our analysis in configuration theory, the purpose of this paper is to shed light on the organizational impact of BMI. We employ the person-organization fit concept and assess (unintentional) changes in the fit relationship subsequent to BMI. Our findings suggest that incremental BMI enhances fit whereas radical BMI decreases it. We further discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our study.  相似文献   

通过委托-代理理论来分析在信息不对称的情况下,零售商和供应商之间是如何进行博弈的,通过建立博弈模型来分析在显性和隐性的两种激励制度下两者是如何达到一种契约的。并分析声誉效应和棘轮效应对激励效果产生的影响,通过显性和隐性的激励来观察对零售商是否有作用,并且观察作用的大小。  相似文献   

审计的本质是什么?这是关于审计基本认识的问题。本文通过一个思想实验,引出企业契约安排存在的两大问题:缔约问题(投资者逆向选择问题)和履约问题(管理者道德风险问题)。并提出了解决两类问题的两种方案:鉴证机制和保险机制。回归现行的审计定义,认为现行审计定义其实只包含审计本质的部分内涵。  相似文献   

A decade ago, the Chief Executive Officer of Albert Einstein Healthcare Network (AEHN), anticipating a tumultuous and largely unpredictable period in its industry, undertook to convert this organization from one that was basically stable and complacent to one that was agile, “nimble, and change‐hardy”. This case study, while briefly addressing AEHN's approaches to business strategy and organization design, focuses primarily on the human resource strategy that emerged over time to foster the successful attainment of organizational agility. Although exploratory, the study suggests a number of lessons for those who are—or will be—studying or trying to create and sustain this promising new organizational paradigm. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

<劳动合同法>的施行,使用人单位受到的法律约束大量增加,导致短期人工成本及管理费用不同程度地增加.面对这一现实,如何做到更好地实现组织既定的长远战略目标,变不利为有利,这是任何用人单位都要面临的一个极其重要的问题.本文提出并论证了,在选择促进实现共赢目标的基础上,建立既适应大量法律的约束,又能更好地实现组织的战略目标的新型的"强对称式劳动关系管理模式".  相似文献   

Research on the content of socialization has incorporated multiple content areas into one general framework. However, it has been suggested that the organizational content areas actually assess different constructs, thus, researchers should examine the content areas independently. The purpose of this article is to present a model of socialization that focuses on the antecedents and outcomes of socialization in one specific content area: organizational goals and values. The model suggests that an individual's agreement with the organization's values (work value congruence) and the importance of the individual's own work values interact to determine the outcomes of socialization to the organizational goals and values. When there is low work value congruence, the individual may engage in detrimental behaviors if the individual has a strong belief in his/her own values.  相似文献   

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