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In this paper, we provide a comprehensive picture, circa the late 1980s, of occupational gender segregation in Canada and its consequences for wages. Our analysis reveals sensitivity of the estimated penalty to 'female work' to both specification and estimation strategy. Our preferred estimates indicate that the wage penalties for women in female jobs in Canada are generally smaller than penalties in the United States. Of particular note, while there is some heterogeneity across worker groups, on average the link between female wages and gender composition is small and generally not statistically significant. JEL Classification: J71, J78
Taux de féminité des professions et salaires au Canada: 1987–88. Dans cet article, les auteurs dressent un portrait complet de la ségrégation professionnelle fondée sur le sexe au Canada à la fin des années 1980, et de ses répercussions sur le niveau des salaires. Leur analyse révèle que les évaluations de la 'pénalité salariale' dans les emplois féminins dépendent du choix des méthodes d'estimation et des spécifications des fonctions. Les évaluations les plus robustes indiquent que, pour les femmes au Canada, la pénalité reliée aux emplois féminins est généralement plus faible que celle qu'on trouve aux Etats-Unis. Bien qu'on trouve des résultats différents selon les groupes de travailleurs, en moyenne, le lien entre le taux de féminité des professions et le niveau de salaires des femmes est faible, et n'est généralement pas statistiquement significatif.  相似文献   


The literature on real exchange rate effects on the labour market is dominated by short-run analysis showing that there is heterogeneity in the responses of firms or industries to a real exchange rate shock. Analysing data on Canadian manufacturing industries, I conclude that there is a common long-run equilibrium across all manufacturing industries controlling for their openness to trade after varying adjustments to a real exchange rate shock have taken place. This conclusion is important from the perspective of policy making because it helps to form expectations about the effects of a real exchange rate movement on the labour market. The results suggest that real appreciation leads to economically significant reductions in employment in manufacturing in the long run. Real wages decrease in industries that are highly engaged in international trade and somewhat increase in industries that are relatively closed to international trade. Both employment and real wages converge quickly to the long-run equilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the policy dilemmas posed by supply shocks in a rational expectations model featuring sluggish real wages. A discrete time version of the model is used to calculate the variances for prices, wages, and output for alternative policy rules and speeds of adjustment for real wages. The conventional tradeoffs between output and price variability in the model do not always exist.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the proportion of US saving that represents life-cycle accumulation changed over the last century. As individuals retire earlier and live longer than before, the expected length of male retirement has increased by more than six-fold since 1850. According to life-cycle models of saving, this means that the proportion of lifetime income saved for retirement should rise over time. I estimate that the fraction of lifetime income saved for retirement tripled between 1900 and 1990. In contrast to such an increase in the estimated retirement saving, the actual aggregate household saving rates exhibit a relatively stable long-term tendency during the 20th century. Based on this result, I argue that the relative contribution of the life-cycle saving to US wealth accumulation increased substantially, perhaps two to three times, over the last hundred years.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide estimates of a disequilibrium labor market model which has been fitted to the US private non-farm sector and to the manufacturing sector. After examining the rationale of the ‘minimum’-type disequilibrium model, we reject it in favor of a formulation suggested by Chow. The latter provides not only a wage adjustment mechanism, but also a quantity adjustment mechanism and treats wages and quantities symmetrically. The empirical findings for both sectors support the disequilibrium formulation employed and reject the equilibrium hypothesis for the labor market.  相似文献   

This paper examines the cyclical patterns of markups, real wages, and labor share for Korean industries. Markup ratio is greater than 1 in most industries. Markups are countercyclical, and real wages and labor share are procyclical. Income distribution effect has more impact on determining markups than price and technology effect.  相似文献   

This article argues that any analysis of a Phillips curve should include the real interest rate in addition to inflation and real wages as any changes in the interest rate changes the labour–capital input mix in the production process leading to a change in the level of employment in the economy. To justify this argument a Phillips curve model is developed, which includes the real interest rate in addition to inflation and real wages. After the diagnosis of the time series properties of the data, an error correction model is developed and estimated using a set of US annual data from 1948 to 1996. The estimated parameters of the model do suggest that one should really take into consideration of the real interest rate while analysing the Phillips curve. A non-nested test (F-test) also suggests that the Phillips curve model with real interest rate as an additional variable performs better than the conventional method that does not include the real interest rate.  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests a model of consumer behaviour in which income and leisure are simultaneously chosen. Using a version of the AIDS, we develop a system of consumer demand equations in which consumer demand depends on ‘full income’, relative prices and the real wage rate, and we find that the predictions of the model are not rejected.  相似文献   

We employ the Brock, Dechert and Scheinkman statistic to investigate non-linearity in conditional mean in UK real wages, employment and output, and to fit threshould regression models to the series. The latter porvide reasonable representations for thenon-lineraity in real wages and output but the residuals from the threshold autoregressive model for employment still contain a non-linear component. In a forecast comparison the TAR models performed better than simple autoregressions. Using the lagged share of wages as an error-correction term we find evidence that all three series respond asymmetrically to lagged changes in wage share and other variables. Fore-casts of real wages and employment derived from these models were superior to those derived from standard, symmetric, ECMs.  相似文献   

In this article, we used a two-step estimation procedure, where in the first stage, the number of advanced manufacturing technologies used in the firm was estimated using a negative binomial regression, and the expenditure on process and product innovation was estimated using a type II Tobit procedure. In the second stage, we used the predicted values from the first stage in wage and labour productivity equations. The data were from the 2009 Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy which was linked to the General Index of Financial Information (2004–2009) and the Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program (2004–2009). The implications for policy are that we should not expect large aggregate effects of innovation on productivity and employment. We should expect wage increases and productivity increases, with process innovation. We should also expect moderate wage increases with product innovation, and contrary to process innovation, the effect on productivity of product innovation was negative.  相似文献   

The behaviour of real wages over the business cycle has received increasiing attention in recent years. The cyclicality of real wages constitues an important aspect of recent models of the business cycle. However,empirical studies undertaken to determine whether real wages are procyclical or countercyclical have reported conflicting findings. In thiis paper we use vector-autoregressions to analyse the cyclicality of real wages. We find that the source of the disturbance plays a decisive role in the cyclical behaviour of real wages. In particular, we demonstrate that a supply shock generates procyclical real wages,whereas a demand shock yields countercyclicality.  相似文献   

In this paper I calculate TFP ratios for a sample of Canadian manufacturers relative to their American counterparts on an annual basis throughout most of the twentieth century. The data used to calculate these ratios are drawn from both industry-level and firm-level statistical sources. I find that, in contrast to the relative labour productivity evidence in the literature, when TFP is used as the measuring stick, there is virtually no evidence of consistent and substantial relative technical inefficiency on behalf of the Canadian manufacturers represented in my sample. JEL Classification: D24, N60
Dans ce mémoire, l'auteur calcule les ratios de la productivité totale des facteurs de production (PTF) des manufacturiers canadiens par rapport à celle de leurs collègues américains sur une base annuelle pour la plus grande partie du vingtième siècle. Les données utilisées sont tirées des sources statistiques tant au niveau de l'industrie que de l'entreprise. On montre que, contrairement à ce que suggère la littérature spécialisée à propos de la productivité relative du travail, quand la PTF est utilisée comme étalon de mesure, on ne trouve vraiment pas vraiment de résultats qui suggéreraient une inefficacité technique relative substantielle et persistante des manufacturiers canadiens de l'échantillon.  相似文献   

This note points out that the a priori restrictions imposed by Sarantis (1981) on the signs of the coefficients of his reduced form equations are not valid and the residuals of his equilibrium structural equations indicate the presence of high first order serial correlation. When the Sarantis labor market model is re-estimated, after correcting for the serial correlation, the estimates of the labor supply equation turned out to be unsatisfactory. Therefore, it is suggested that the specification of his model needs re-examination.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper contains the first cross‐country comparison of the cyclical behaviour of real wages using microdata. After controlling for changes in labour quality, I find that real wages are strongly procyclical in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In contrast, the cyclicality of government‐published real aggregate hourly wages varies substantially across these three countries. The disparity suggests that a direct comparison of the cyclical behaviour of real aggregate wages is misleading. Finally, I show that variations in labour quality also bias the cross‐country correlation of several key labour market variables. JEL classification: J3, E3
Une comparaison transversale entre pays du caractère cyclique des salaires réels.  Ce mémoire présente la première comparaison entre pays du comportement cyclique des salaires réels à l'aide de micro‐données. Après normalisation pour tenir compte des changements dans la qualité du travail, cette étude montre que les salaires réels sont pro‐cycliques au Canada, au Royaume‐Uni et aux Etats Unis. Au contraire, le caractère cyclique des données sur les salaires horaires agrégés varie substantiellement entre ces trois pays. Cette disparité suggère qu'une comparaison directe du comportement cyclique des salaires réels agrégés peut être trompeuse. Finalement, cette étude montre que les variations dans la qualité du travail biaisent aussi les corrélations entre pays de plusieurs variables du marché du travail.  相似文献   

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