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Model risk causes significant losses in financial derivative pricing and hedging. Investors may undertake relatively risky investments due to insufficient hedging or overpaying implied by flawed models. The GARCH model with normal innovations (GARCH-normal) has been adopted to depict the dynamics of the returns in many applications. The implied GARCH-normal model is the one minimizing the mean square error between the market option values and the GARCH-normal option prices. In this study, we investigate the model risk of the implied GARCH-normal model fitted to conditional leptokurtic returns, an important feature of financial data. The risk-neutral GARCH model with conditional leptokurtic innovations is derived by the extended Girsanov principle. The option prices and hedging positions of the conditional leptokurtic GARCH models are obtained by extending the dynamic semiparametric approach of Huang and Guo [Statist. Sin., 2009, 19, 1037–1054]. In the simulation study we find significant model risk of the implied GARCH-normal model in pricing and hedging barrier and lookback options when the underlying dynamics follow a GARCH-t model.  相似文献   

We consider the pricing of FX, inflation and stock options under stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility, for which we use a generic multi-currency framework. We allow for a general correlation structure between the drivers of the volatility, the inflation index, the domestic (nominal) and the foreign (real) rates. Having the flexibility to correlate the underlying FX/inflation/stock index with both stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates yields a realistic model that is of practical importance for the pricing and hedging of options with a long-term exposure. We derive explicit valuation formulas for various securities, such as vanilla call/put options, forward starting options, inflation-indexed swaps and inflation caps/floors. These vanilla derivatives can be valued in closed form under Schöbel and Zhu [Eur. Finance Rev., 1999, 4, 23–46] stochastic volatility, whereas we devise an (Monte Carlo) approximation in the form of a very effective control variate for the general Heston [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343] model. Finally, we investigate the quality of this approximation numerically and consider a calibration example to FX and inflation market data.  相似文献   

This paper examines the empirical performance of various option‐pricing models in hedging exotic options, such as barrier options and compound options. A practical and relevant testing approach is adopted to capture the essence of model risk in option pricing and hedging. Our results indicate that the exotic feature of the option under consideration has a great impact on the relative performance of different option‐pricing models. In addition, for any given model, the more “exotic” the option, the poorer the hedging effectiveness.  相似文献   

Option hedging is a critical risk management problem in finance. In the Black–Scholes model, it has been recognized that computing a hedging position from the sensitivity of the calibrated model option value function is inadequate in minimizing variance of the option hedge risk, as it fails to capture the model parameter dependence on the underlying price (see e.g. Coleman et al., J. Risk, 2001, 5(6), 63–89; Hull and White, J. Bank. Finance, 2017, 82, 180–190). In this paper, we demonstrate that this issue can exist generally when determining hedging position from the sensitivity of the option function, either calibrated from a parametric model from current option prices or estimated nonparametricaly from historical option prices. Consequently, the sensitivity of the estimated model option function typically does not minimize variance of the hedge risk, even instantaneously. We propose a data-driven approach to directly learn a hedging function from the market data by minimizing variance of the local hedge risk. Using the S&P 500 index daily option data for more than a decade ending in August 2015, we show that the proposed method outperforms the parametric minimum variance hedging method proposed in Hull and White [J. Bank. Finance, 2017, 82, 180–190], as well as minimum variance hedging corrective techniques based on stochastic volatility or local volatility models. Furthermore, we show that the proposed approach achieves significant gain over the implied BS delta hedging for weekly and monthly hedging.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(6):442-450

This paper describes a two-factor model for a diversified market index using the growth optimal portfolio with a stochastic and possibly correlated intrinsic timescale. The index is modelled using a time transformed squared Bessel process with a log-normal scaling factor for the time transformation. A consistent pricing and hedging framework is established by using the benchmark approach. Here the numeraire is taken to be the growth optimal portfolio. Benchmarked traded prices appear as conditional expectations of future benchmarked prices under the real world probability measure. The proposed minimal market model with log-normal scaling produces the type of implied volatility term structures for European call and put options typically observed in real markets. In addition, the prices of binary options and their deviations from corresponding Black–Scholes prices are examined.  相似文献   

This paper develops two novel methodologies for pricing and hedging European-style barrier option contracts under the jump to default extended constant elasticity of variance (JDCEV) model, namely: a stopping time approach based on the first passage time densities of the underlying asset price process through the barrier levels; and a static hedging portfolio approach in which the barrier option is replicated by a portfolio of plain-vanilla and binary options. In doing so, both valuation methodologies are extended to a more general set-up accommodating endogenous bankruptcy, time-dependent barriers and the commonly observed stylized facts of a positive link between default and equity volatility and of a negative link between volatility and stock price. The two proposed numerical methods are shown to be accurate, easy to implement and efficient under both the JDCEV model and the nested constant elasticity of variance model.  相似文献   


Three methods for determining suitable provision for maturity guarantees for single-premium segregated fund contracts are compared. Actuarial reserving assumes funds are held in risk-free assets, to give a prescribed probability of meeting the guarantee liability. Dynamic hedging uses the Black-Scholes framework to determine the replicating portfolio. Static hedging assumes a counterparty is willing to sell the options required to meet the guarantee. Using a stochastic cash flow projection, we consider how to assess which approach is most profitable. The example given assumes a typical Canadian segregated fund contract.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the pricing and hedging of options on realized variance in the 3/2 non-affine stochastic volatility model by developing efficient transform-based pricing methods. This non-affine model gives prices of options on realized variance that allow upward-sloping implied volatility of variance smiles. Heston's model [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343], the benchmark affine stochastic volatility model, leads to downward-sloping volatility of variance smiles—in disagreement with variance markets in practice. Using control variates, we propose a robust method to express the Laplace transform of the variance call function in terms of the Laplace transform of the realized variance. The proposed method works in any model where the Laplace transform of realized variance is available in closed form. Additionally, we apply a new numerical Laplace inversion algorithm that gives fast and accurate prices for options on realized variance, simultaneously at a sequence of variance strikes. The method is also used to derive hedge ratios for options on variance with respect to variance swaps.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found mixed evidence on whether hedging increases firm value. Some studies have shown that managerial incentives may influence firm hedging. In this paper we provide evidence that when hedging is based upon incentives from managers' options, firm value decreases.  相似文献   


This paper examines a portfolio of equity-linked life insurance contracts and determines risk-minimizing hedging strategies within a discrete-time setup. As a principal example, I consider the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model and an equity-linked pure endowment contract under which the policyholder receives max(ST , K) at time T if he or she is then alive, where ST is the value of a stock index at the term T of the contract and K is a guarantee stipulated by the contract. In contrast to most of the existing literature, I view the contracts as contingent claims in an incomplete model and discuss the problem of choosing an optimality criterion for hedging strategies. The subsequent analysis leads to a comparison of the risk (measured by the variance of the insurer’s loss) inherent in equity-linked contracts in the two situations where the insurer applies the risk-minimizing strategy and the insurer does not hedge. The paper includes numerical results that can be used to quantify the effect of hedging and describe how this effect varies with the size of the insurance portfolio and assumptions concerning the mortality.  相似文献   

This study develops a global derivatives hedging methodology which takes into account the presence of transaction costs. It extends the Hodges and Neuberger [Rev. Futures Markets, 1989, 8, 222–239] framework in two ways. First, to reduce the occurrence of extreme losses, the expected utility is replaced by the conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) coherent risk measure as the objective function. Second, the normality assumption for the underlying asset returns is relaxed: general distributions are considered to improve the realism of the model and to be consistent with fat tails observed empirically. Dynamic programming is used to solve the hedging problem. The CVaR minimization objective is shown to be part of a time-consistent framework. Simulations with parameters estimated from the S&P 500 financial time series show the superiority of the proposed hedging method over multiple benchmarks from the literature in terms of tail risk reduction.  相似文献   

This paper compares the effect on firm value of different foreign currency (FC) financial hedging strategies identified by type of exposure (short‐ or long‐term) and type of instrument (forwards, options, swaps and foreign currency debt). We find that hedging instruments depend on the type of exposure. Short‐term instruments such as FC forwards and/or options are used to hedge short‐term exposure generated from export activity while FC debt and FC swaps into foreign currency (but not into domestic currency) are used to hedge long‐term exposure arising from assets located in foreign locations. Our results relating to the value effects of foreign currency hedging indicate that foreign currency derivatives use increases firm value but there is no hedging premium associated with foreign currency debt hedging, except when combined with foreign currency derivatives. Taken individually, FC swaps generate more value than short‐term derivatives.  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(3):245-255
The performance of optimal strategies for hedging a claim on a non-traded asset is analysed. The claim is valued and hedged in a utility maximization framework, using exponential utility. A traded asset, correlated with that underlying the claim, is used for hedging, with the correlation ρ typically close to 1. Using a distortion method (Zariphopoulou 2001 Finance Stochastics 5 61–82) we derive a nonlinear expectation representation for the claim’s ask price and a formula for the optimal hedging strategy. We generate a perturbation expansion for the price and hedging strategy in powers of ε2?=1?ρ2. The terms in the price expansion are proportional to the central moments of the claim payoff under the minimal martingale measure. The resulting fast computation capability is used to carry out a simulation-based test of the optimal hedging program, computing the terminal hedging error over many asset price paths. These errors are compared with those from a naive strategy which uses the traded asset as a proxy for the non-traded one. The distribution of the hedging error acts as a suitable metric to analyse hedging performance. We find that the optimal policy improves hedging performance, in that the hedging error distribution is more sharply peaked around a non-negative profit. The frequency of profits over losses is increased, and this is measured by the median of the distribution, which is always increased by the optimal strategies. An empirical example illustrates the application of the method to the hedging of a stock basket using index futures.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the valuation and hedging of spread options on two commodity prices which in the long run are in dynamic equilibrium (i.e., cointegrated). The spread exhibits properties different from its two underlying commodity prices and should therefore be modelled directly. This approach offers significant advantages relative to the traditional two price methods since the correlation between two asset returns is notoriously hard to model. In this paper, we propose a two factor model for the spot spread and develop pricing and hedging formulae for options on spot and futures spreads. Two examples of spreads in energy markets – the crack spread between heating oil and WTI crude oil and the location spread between Brent blend and WTI crude oil – are analyzed to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

This paper finds that standard asset pricing models fail to explain the significantly negative delta hedging errors that occur as a result of the purchase of options on foreign exchange futures. Foreign exchange volatility does influence stock returns, however. The volatility of the JPY/USD exchange rate predicts the time series of stock returns and is priced in the cross‐section of stock returns.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will present a multiple time step Monte Carlo simulation technique for pricing options under the Stochastic Alpha Beta Rho model. The proposed method is an extension of the one time step Monte Carlo method that we proposed in an accompanying paper Leitao et al. [Appl. Math. Comput. 2017, 293, 461–479], for pricing European options in the context of the model calibration. A highly efficient method results, with many very interesting and nontrivial components, like Fourier inversion for the sum of log-normals, stochastic collocation, Gumbel copula, correlation approximation, that are not yet seen in combination within a Monte Carlo simulation. The present multiple time step Monte Carlo method is especially useful for long-term options and for exotic options.  相似文献   

We analyse the cyclical behaviour and intraday pattern of net buying pressure in the S&P 500 futures options market. The results suggest that the net buying pressure of puts is counter‐cyclical and is more intense during contraction periods. The trading profits for selling put options during contraction periods thus far exceed those during expansion periods. Net buying pressure also exhibits an intraday pattern. Trading profits in the early trading sessions are higher than those for the rest of the day. In addition, we show that hourly‐basis hedging yields smaller profits than daily‐basis hedging, which suggests that the trading profits based on daily‐basis hedging may contain a risk premium associated with discretely rebalanced ‘risk‐free’ option portfolios.  相似文献   

Industrial companies typically face a multitude of risks that could cause significant fluctuations in their cash flow. This is a case study of the hedging strategy adopted by an international air carrier to manage its jet‐fuel price exposure. The airline's hedging approach uses “strips” of monthly collars constructed with Asian options whose payoffs are based on average of “within‐prompt‐month” oil prices. Using the carrier's own implicit objective function based on an annual granularity, the authors show how the air carrier could fine‐tune its current hedge portfolio by adding tailored exotic options. The article describes annual average‐price options, provides an explicit valuation of them, and considers how such instruments may affect corporate liquidity. Consistent with its annual objective function, the airline made this exotic derivative the central tool to hedge across all potential realized values of annual jet‐fuel spot prices. The authors believe this modified portfolio is better suited to address the firm's hedging cost and its overall exposure to jet‐fuel price fluctuations.  相似文献   

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