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We consider the pricing of FX, inflation and stock options under stochastic interest rates and stochastic volatility, for which we use a generic multi-currency framework. We allow for a general correlation structure between the drivers of the volatility, the inflation index, the domestic (nominal) and the foreign (real) rates. Having the flexibility to correlate the underlying FX/inflation/stock index with both stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates yields a realistic model that is of practical importance for the pricing and hedging of options with a long-term exposure. We derive explicit valuation formulas for various securities, such as vanilla call/put options, forward starting options, inflation-indexed swaps and inflation caps/floors. These vanilla derivatives can be valued in closed form under Schöbel and Zhu [Eur. Finance Rev., 1999, 4, 23–46] stochastic volatility, whereas we devise an (Monte Carlo) approximation in the form of a very effective control variate for the general Heston [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343] model. Finally, we investigate the quality of this approximation numerically and consider a calibration example to FX and inflation market data.  相似文献   

This paper values guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB) riders embedded in variable annuities assuming that the underlying fund dynamics evolve under the influence of stochastic interest rates, stochastic volatility, stochastic mortality and equity risk. The valuation problem is formulated as a partial differential equation (PDE) which is solved numerically by employing the operator splitting method. Sensitivity analysis of the fair guarantee fee is performed with respect to various model parameters. We find that (i) the fair insurance fee charged by the product provider is an increasing function of the withdrawal rate; (ii) the GMWB price is higher when stochastic interest rates and volatility are incorporated in the model, compared to the case of static interest rates and volatility; (iii) the GMWB price behaves non-monotonically with changing volatility of variance parameter; (iv) the fair fee increases with increasing volatility of interest rates parameter, and increasing correlation between the underlying fund and the interest rates; (v) the fair fee increases when the speed of mean-reversion of stochastic volatility or the average long-term volatility increases; (vi) the GMWB fee decreases when the speed of mean-reversion of stochastic interest rates or the average long-term interest rates increase. We investigate both static and dynamic (optimal) policyholder's withdrawal behaviours; we present the optimal withdrawal schedule as a function of the withdrawal account and the investment account for varying volatility and interest rates. When incorporating stochastic mortality, we find that its impact on the fair guarantee fee is rather small. Our results demonstrate the importance of correct quantification of risks embedded in GMWBs and provide guidance to product providers on optimal hedging of various risks associated with the contract.  相似文献   

The profound financial crisis generated by the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the European sovereign debt crisis in 2011 have caused negative values of government bond yields both in the USA and in the EURO area. This paper investigates whether the use of models which allow for negative interest rates can improve option pricing and implied volatility forecasting. This is done with special attention to foreign exchange and index options. To this end, we carried out an empirical analysis on the prices of call and put options on the US S&P 500 index and Eurodollar futures using a generalization of the Heston model in the stochastic interest rate framework. Specifically, the dynamics of the option’s underlying asset is described by two factors: a stochastic variance and a stochastic interest rate. The volatility is not allowed to be negative, but the interest rate is. Explicit formulas for the transition probability density function and moments are derived. These formulas are used to estimate the model parameters efficiently. Three empirical analyses are illustrated. The first two show that the use of models which allow for negative interest rates can efficiently reproduce implied volatility and forecast option prices (i.e. S&P index and foreign exchange options). The last studies how the US three-month government bond yield affects the US S&P 500 index.  相似文献   

This study measures the deposit insurance premium under stochastic interest rates for Taiwan's banks by applying the two-step maximum likelihood estimation method. The estimation results suggest that the current premiums—charging 5, 5.5, and 6 basis points per dollar of insured deposits—are too low, but largely reflect the rank orders of the risks of the insured banks. Moreover, the regression results indicate that asset volatility dominates bank size in determining the insurance premium. When the volatility risk is decomposed into two parts, credit risk significantly dominates interest-rate risk. An examination of bank characteristics indicates that privately owned old banks are more likely to have lower levels of credit risk, asset volatility, and deposit insurance premiums than state-owned banks and newly chartered banks.  相似文献   

This paper considers interest rate term structure models in a market attracting both continuous and discrete types of uncertainty. The event-driven noise is modelled by a Poisson random measure. Using as numeraire the growth optimal portfolio, interest rate derivatives are priced under the real-world probability measure. In particular, the real-world dynamics of the forward rates are derived and, for specific volatility structures, finite-dimensional Markovian representations are obtained. Furthermore, allowing for a stochastic short rate in a non-Markovian setting, a class of tractable affine term structures is derived where an equivalent risk-neutral probability measure may not exist.  相似文献   

We introduce a new analytical approach to price American options. Using an explicit and intuitive proxy for the exercise rule, we derive tractable pricing formulas using a short-maturity asymptotic expansion. Depending on model parameters, this method can accurately price options with time-to-maturity up to several years. The main advantage of our approach over existing methods lies in its straightforward extension to models with stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates. We exploit this advantage by providing an analysis of the impact of volatility mean-reversion, volatility of volatility, and correlations on the American put price.  相似文献   

We introduce a top-down no-arbitrage model for pricing structured products. Losses are described by Cox processes whose intensities depend on economic variables. The model provides economic insight into the impact of structured products on financial institutions’ risk exposure and systemic risk. We estimate the model using CDO data and find that spreads decrease with higher interest rates and increase with volatility and leverage. Volatility is the primary determinant of variation in tranche spreads. Leverage and interest rates are more closely associated with rare credit events. Model-implied risk premiums and the probabilities of tranche losses increase substantially during the financial crisis.  相似文献   

We develop a unified approach with closed-form solutions for pricing bonds, stocks, currencies and their derivatives. The specification assumes a fundamental risk factor represented by a stochastic positive definite matrix following a Wishart autoregressive (WAR) process. By assuming a volatility-in-mean specification for the domestic stock returns and the relative changes of exchange rates, and a domestic stochastic discount factor exponential affine with respect to the fundamental risk, it is possible to derive closed form solutions for the term structures of interest rates and for the risk-neutral probabilities while keeping the flexibility of the model. In particular:
i) The domestic and foreign term structures are jointly affine and correspond to Wishart quadratic term structures, which can ensure the positivity of interest rates;
ii) In this framework where the stock price follows a model with stochastic volatility, we obtain explicit or quasi-explicit formulas for futures and forward contracts, swaps and options. This extends results by
Heston (1993)
Ball and Roma (1994)
Keywords: Quadratic term structure; Exchange rates; Stochastic volatility model; Wishart process; Futures; Forward contract  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of interest rate derivatives valuation under credit risk and collateral modeling. We show how the credit and collateral extended valuation framework presented in Pallavicini et al. [Funding valuation adjustment: FVA consistent with CVA, DVA, WWR, collateral, netting and re-hyphotecation, 2011], and the related collateralized valuation measure, can be helpful in defining the key market rates underlying the multiple interest rate curves that characterize current interest rate markets. A key point is that spot Libor rates are to be treated as market primitives rather than being defined by no-arbitrage relationships. We formulate a consistent realistic dynamics for the different rates emerging from our analysis and compare the resulting model performances to simpler models used in the industry. We include the often neglected margin period of risk, showing how this feature may increase the impact of different rates dynamics on valuation. We point out limitations of multiple curve models with deterministic basis considering valuation of particularly sensitive products such as basis swaps. We stress that a proper wrong way risk analysis for such products requires a model with a stochastic basis and we show numerical results confirming this fact.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of pricing American options when the dynamics of the underlying are driven by both stochastic volatility following a square-root process as used by Heston [Rev. Financial Stud., 1993, 6, 327–343], and by a Poisson jump process as introduced by Merton [J. Financial Econ., 1976, 3, 125–144]. Probability arguments are invoked to find a representation of the solution in terms of expectations over the joint distribution of the underlying process. A combination of Fourier transform in the log stock price and Laplace transform in the volatility is then applied to find the transition probability density function of the underlying process. It turns out that the price is given by an integral dependent upon the early exercise surface, for which a corresponding integral equation is obtained. The solution generalizes in an intuitive way the structure of the solution to the corresponding European option pricing problem obtained by Scott [Math. Finance, 1997, 7(4), 413–426], but here in the case of a call option and constant interest rates.  相似文献   

Some of the most recent empirical studies on interest rate derivatives have found humped shapes in the volatility structure of interest rates. In this paper, we propose a simple model that allows for humped volatility structures, and that can be described by one state variable. With the model, American style claims can be priced very efficiently which is very important if the model has to be calibrated daily to market prices of standard American options. Furthermore, the model allows for explicit formulas for European style options. Finally, the computational efficiency of our model in the Li et al. (1995) framework is compared with the efficiency in a typical Hull and White (1993a, 1994, 1996) framework. In fact, we can use both procedures for our model, since we prove that if a deterministic volatility model can be embedded in either of these algorithms, then so it does in the other one. Empirical evidence from option data supporting our model is provided as well.  相似文献   

If the volatility is stochastic, stock price returns and European option prices depend on the time average of the variance, i.e. the integrated variance, not on the path of the volatility. Applying a Bayesian statistical approach, we compute a forward-looking estimate of this variance, an option-implied integrated variance. Simultaneously, we obtain estimates of the correlation coefficient between stock price and volatility shocks, and of the parameters of the volatility process. Due to the convexity of the Black–Scholes formula with respect to the volatility, pricing and hedging with Black–Scholes-type formulas and the implied volatility often lead to inaccuracies if the volatility is stochastic. Theoretically, this problem can be avoided by using Hull–White-type option pricing and hedging formulas and the integrated variance. We use the implied integrated variance and Hull–White-type formulas to hedge European options and certain volatility derivatives.  相似文献   

The risk-neutral credit migration process captures quantitative information which is relevant to the pricing theory and risk management of credit derivatives. In this article, we derive implied migration rates by means of a recently introduced credit barrier model which is calibrated on the basis of aggregate information such as credit migration rates and credit spread curves. The model is characterized by an underlying stochastic process that represents credit quality, and default events are associated to barrier crossings. The stochastic process has state dependent volatility and jumps which are estimated by using empirical migration and default rates. A risk-neutralizing drift and forward liquidity spreads are estimated to consistently match the average spread curves corresponding to all the various ratings. The implied migration rates obtained with our credit barrier model are then compared with those obtained via the Kijima–Komoribayashi model.  相似文献   

We discuss the fair valuation of Guaranteed Annuity Options, i.e. options providing the right to convert deferred survival benefits into annuities at fixed conversion rates. The use of doubly stochastic stopping times and of affine processes provides great computational and analytical tractability, while enabling to set up a very general valuation framework. For example, the valuation of options on traditional, unit-linked or indexed annuities is encompassed. Moreover, security and reference fund prices may feature stochastic volatility or discontinuous dynamics. The longevity risk is also taken into account, by letting the evolution of mortality present stochastic dynamics subject not only to random fluctuations but also to systematic deviations.  相似文献   

The number of tailor-made hybrid structured products has risen more prominently to fit each investor’s preferences and requirements as they become more diversified. The structured products entail synthetic derivatives such as combinations of bonds and/or stocks conditional on how they are backed up by underlying securities, stochastic volatility, stochastic interest rates or exchanges rates. The complexity of these multi-asset structures yields lots of difficulties of pricing the products. Because of the complexity, Monte-Carlo simulation is a possible choice to price them but it may not produce stable Greeks leading to a trouble in hedging against risks. In this light, it is desirable to use partial differential equations with relevant analytic and numerical techniques. Even if the partial differential equation method would generate stable security prices and Greeks for single asset options, however, it may result in the curse of dimensionality when pricing multi-asset derivatives. In this study, we make the best use of multi-scale nature of stochastic volatility to lift the curse of dimensionality for up to three asset cases. Also, we present a transformation formula by which the pricing group parameters required for the multi-asset options in illiquid market can be calculated from the underlying market parameters.  相似文献   

We study the extent to which credit index (CDX) options are priced consistent with S&P 500 (SPX) equity index options. We derive analytical expressions for CDX and SPX options within a structural credit-risk model with stochastic volatility and jumps using new results for pricing compound options via multivariate affine transform analysis. The model captures many aspects of the joint dynamics of CDX and SPX options. However, it cannot reconcile the relative levels of option prices, suggesting that credit and equity markets are not fully integrated. A strategy of selling CDX volatility yields significantly higher excess returns than selling SPX volatility.  相似文献   

We introduce the two-dimensional shifted square-root diffusion (SSRD) model for interest-rate and credit derivatives with (positive) stochastic intensity. The SSRD is the unique explicit diffusion model allowing an automatic and separated calibration of the term structure of interest rates and of credit default swaps (CDSs), and retaining free dynamics parameters that can be used to calibrate option data. We propose a new positivity preserving implicit Euler scheme for Monte Carlo simulation. We discuss the impact of interest-rate and default-intensity correlation and develop an analytical approximation to price some basic credit derivatives terms involving correlated CIR processes. We hint at a formula for CDS options under CIR + + CDS-calibrated stochastic intensity.Received: March 2004, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 60H10, 60J60, 60J75, 91B70JEL Classification: G13  相似文献   

We examine the impact of oil price uncertainty on US stock returns by industry using the US Oil Fund options implied volatility OVX index and a GJR-GARCH model. We test the effect of the implied volatility of oil on a wide array of domestic industries’ returns using daily data from 2007 to 2016, controlling for a variety of variables such as aggregate market returns, market volatility, exchange rates, interest rates, and inflation expectations. Our main finding is that the implied volatility of oil prices has a consistent and statistically significant negative impact on nine out of the ten industries defined in the Fama and French (J Financ Econ 43:153–193, 1997) 10-industry classification. Oil prices, on the other hand, yield mixed results, with only three industries showing a positive and significant effect, and two industries exhibiting a negative and significant effect. These findings are an indication that the volatility of oil has now surpassed oil prices themselves in terms of influence on financial markets. Furthermore, we show that both oil prices and their volatility have a positive and significant effect on corporate bond credit spreads. Overall, our results indicate that oil price uncertainty increases the risk of future cash flows for goods and services, resulting in negative stock market returns and higher corporate bond credit spreads.  相似文献   

Using a data set of vanilla options on the major indexes we investigate the calibration properties of several multi-factor stochastic volatility models by adopting the fast Fourier transform as the pricing methodology. We study the impact of the penalizing function on the calibration performance and how it affects the calibrated parameters. We consider single-asset as well as multiple-asset models, with particular emphasis on the single-asset Wishart Multidimensional Stochastic Volatility model and the Wishart Affine Stochastic Correlation model, which provides a natural framework for pricing basket options while keeping the stylized smile–skew effects on single-name vanillas. For all models we give some option price approximations that are very useful for speeding up the pricing process. In addition, these approximations allow us to compare different models by conveniently aggregating the parameters, and they highlight the ability of the Wishart-based models to control separately the smile and the skew effects. This is extremely important from a risk-management perspective of a book of derivatives that includes exotic as well as basket options.  相似文献   

The price of a smile: hedging and spanning in option markets   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The volatility smile changed drastically around the crash of1987, and new option pricing models have been proposed to accommodatethat change. Deterministic volatility models allow for moreflexible volatility surfaces but refrain from introducing additionalrisk factors. Thus, options are still redundant securities.Alternatively, stochastic models introduce additional risk factors,and options are then needed for spanning of the pricing kernel.We develop a statistical test based on this difference in spanning.Using daily S&P 500 index options data from 1986-1995, ourtests suggest that both in- and out-of-the-money options areneeded for spanning. The findings are inconsistent with deterministicvolatility models but are consistent with stochastic modelsthat incorporate additional priced risk factors, such as stochasticvolatility, interest rates, or jumps.  相似文献   

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