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In this work we propose a new and general approach to build dependence in multivariate Lévy processes. We fully characterize a multivariate Lévy process whose margins are able to approximate any Lévy type. Dependence is generated by one or more common sources of jump intensity separately in jumps of any sign and size and a parsimonious method to determine the intensities of these common factors is proposed. Such a new approach allows the calibration of any smooth transition between independence and a large amount of linear dependence and provides greater flexibility in calibrating nonlinear dependence than in other comparable Lévy models in the literature. The model is analytically tractable and a straightforward multivariate simulation procedure is available. An empirical analysis shows an accurate multivariate fit of stock returns in terms of linear and nonlinear dependence. A numerical illustration of multi-asset option pricing emphasizes the importance of the proposed new approach for modeling dependence.  相似文献   

We discuss a Lévy multivariate model for financial assets which incorporates jumps, skewness, kurtosis and stochastic volatility. We use it to describe the behaviour of a series of stocks or indexes and to study a multi-firm, value-based default model. Starting from an independent Brownian world, we introduce jumps and other deviations from normality, including non-Gaussian dependence. We use a stochastic time-change technique and provide the details for a Gamma change. The main feature of the model is the fact that—opposite to other, non-jointly Gaussian settings—its risk-neutral dependence can be calibrated from univariate derivative prices, providing a surprisingly good fit.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multivariate asset model based on Lévy processes for pricing of products written on more than one underlying asset. Our construction is based on a two-factor representation of the dynamics of the asset log-returns. We investigate the properties of the model and introduce a multivariate generalization of some processes which are quite common in financial applications, such as subordinated Brownian motions, jump-diffusion processes and time-changed Lévy processes. Finally, we explore the issue of model calibration for the proposed setting and illustrate its robustness on a number of numerical examples.  相似文献   

Böcker and Klüppelberg [Risk Mag., 2005, December, 90–93] presented a simple approximation of OpVaR of a single operational risk cell. The present paper derives approximations of similar quality and simplicity for the multivariate problem. Our approach is based on the modelling of the dependence structure of different cells via the new concept of a Lévy copula.  相似文献   

This paper studies a switching regime version of Merton's structural model for the pricing of default risk. The default event depends on the total value of the firm's asset modeled by a switching Lévy process. The novelty of this approach is to consider that firm's asset jumps synchronously with a change in the regime. After a discussion of dynamics under the risk neutral measure, two models are presented. In the first one, the default happens at bond maturity, when the firm's value falls below a predetermined barrier. In the second version, the firm can enter bankruptcy at multiple predetermined discrete times. The use of a Markov chain to model switches in hidden external factors makes it possible to capture the effects of changes in trends and volatilities exhibited by default probabilities. With synchronous jumps, the firm's asset and state processes are no longer uncorrelated. Finally, some econometric evidence that switching Lévy processes, with synchronous jumps, fit well historical time series is provided.  相似文献   

We present an approach for modelling dependencies in exponential Lévy market models with arbitrary margins originated from time changed Brownian motions. Using weak subordination of Buchmann et al. [Bernoulli, 2017], we face a new layer of dependencies, superior to traditional approaches based on pathwise subordination, since weakly subordinated processes are not required to have independent components considering multivariate stochastic time changes. We apply a subordinator being able to incorporate any joint or idiosyncratic information arrivals. We emphasize multivariate variance gamma and normal inverse Gaussian processes and state explicit formulae for the Lévy characteristics. Using maximum likelihood, we estimate multivariate variance gamma models on various market data and show that these models are highly preferable to traditional approaches. Consistent values of basket-options under given marginal pricing models are achieved using the Esscher transform, generating a non-flat implied correlation surface.  相似文献   

In a series of papers during the last ten years an interest rate theory with models which are driven by Lévy or more general processes has been developed. In this paper we derive explicit formulas for the correlations of interest rates as well as zero coupon bonds with different maturities. The models considered in this general setting are the forward rate (HJM), the forward process and the LIBOR model as well as the multicurrency extension of the latter. Specific subclasses of the class of generalized hyperbolic Lévy motions are studied as driving processes. Based on a data set of parametrized yield curves derived from German government bond prices we estimate correlations. In a second step the empirical correlations are used to calibrate the Lévy forward rate model. The superior performance of the Lévy driven models becomes obvious from the graphs.  相似文献   

General HJM models driven by a Lévy process are considered. Necessary moment conditions for the discounted bond prices to be local martingales are derived. Under these moment conditions, it is proved that the discounted bond prices are local martingales if and only if a generalized HJM condition holds. Research supported in part by Polish KBN Grant P03A 034 29 “Stochastic evolution equations driven by Lévy noise”.  相似文献   

Structural models of credit risk are known to present both vanishing spreads at very short maturities and a poor spread fit over longer maturities. The former shortcoming, which is due to the diffusive behaviour assumed for asset values, can be circumvented by considering discontinuous asset prices. In this paper the authors resort to a pure jump process of the Variance-Gamma type. First the authors calibrate the corresponding Merton type structural model to single-name data for the DJ CDX.NA.IG and CDX.NA.HY components. By so doing, they show that it also circumvents the diffusive structural models difficulties over longer horizons. Particularly, it corrects for the underprediction of low-risk spreads and the overprediction of high-risk ones. Then the authors extend the model to joint default, resorting to a recent formulation of the VG multivariate model and without superimposing a copula choice. They fit default correlation for a sample of CDX.NA names, using equity correlation. The main advantage of our joint model, with respect to the existing non-diffusive ones, is that it allows full calibration without the equicorrelation assumption, but still in a parsimonious way. As an example of the default assessments which the calibrated model can provide, the authors price an FtD swap.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a market consistent valuation framework for variable annuities (VAs) with guaranteed minimum accumulation benefit, death benefit and surrender benefit features. The setup is based on a hybrid model for the financial market and uses time-inhomogeneous Lévy processes as risk drivers. Further, we allow for dependence between financial and surrender risks. Our model leads to explicit analytical formulas for the quantities of interest, and practical and efficient numerical procedures for the evaluation of these formulas. We illustrate the tractability of this approach by means of a detailed sensitivity analysis of the fair value of the VA and its components with respect to the model parameters. The results highlight the role played by the surrender behaviour and the importance of its appropriate modelling.  相似文献   

The concept of stress levels embedded in S&P500 options is defined and illustrated with explicit constructions. The particular example of a stress function used is MINMAXVAR. Seven joint laws for the top 50 stocks in the index are considered. The first time changes a Gaussian one factor copula. The remaining six employ correlated Brownian motion independently time changed in each coordinate. Four models use daily returns, either run as Lévy processes or scaled to the option maturity. The last two employ risk-neutral marginals from the VGSSD and CGMYSSD Sato processes. The smallest stress function uses CGMYSSD risk-neutral marginals and Lévy correlation. Running the Lévy process yields a lower stress surface than scaling to the option maturity. Static hedging of basket options to a particular level of acceptability is shown to substantially lower the price at which the basket option may be offered.  相似文献   


This paper considers a Cramér–Lundberg risk setting, where the components of the underlying model change over time. We allow the more general setting of the cumulative claim process being modeled as a spectrally positive Lévy process. We provide an intuitively appealing mechanism to create such parameter uncertainty: at Poisson epochs, we resample the model components from a finite number of d settings. It results in a setup that is particularly suited to describe situations in which the risk reserve dynamics are affected by external processes. We extend the classical Cramér–Lundberg approximation (asymptotically characterizing the all-time ruin probability in a light-tailed setting) to this more general setup. In addition, for the situation that the driving Lévy processes are sums of Brownian motions and compound Poisson processes, we find an explicit uniform bound on the ruin probability. In passing we propose an importance-sampling algorithm facilitating efficient estimation, and prove it has bounded relative error. In a series of numerical experiments we assess the accuracy of the asymptotics and bounds, and illustrate that neglecting the resampling can lead to substantial underestimation of the risk.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide an assessment of alternative frameworks for the fair valuation of life insurance contracts with a predominant financial component, in terms of impact on the market consistent price of the contracts, the embedded options, and the capital requirements for the insurer. In particular, we model the dynamics of the log-returns of the reference fund using the so-called Merton (1976 Merton, RC. 1976. Option pricing when underlying stock returns are discontinuous. J. Finan. Econ., : 125144.  [Google Scholar]) process, which is given by the sum of an arithmetic Brownian motion and a compound Poisson process, and the Variance Gamma (VG) process introduced by Madan and Seneta (1990 Madan, DB and Seneta, E. 1990. The variance gamma (VG) model for share market returns. J. Bus., 63: 511524. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and further refined by Madan and Milne (1991 Madan, DB and Milne, F. 1991. Option pricing with VG martingale components. Math. Finan., 1: 3945. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and Madan et al. (1998 Madan, DB, Carr, P and Chang, E. 1998. The variance gamma process and option pricing. Eur. Finan. Rev., 2: 79105. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). We conclude that, although the choice of the market model does not affect significantly the market consistent price of the overall benefit due at maturity, the consequences of a model misspecification on the capital requirements are noticeable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a dynamic programming algorithm for pricing variable annuities with Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefits (GMWB) under a general Lévy processes framework. The GMWB gives the policyholder the right to make periodical withdrawals from her policy account even when the value of this account is exhausted. Typically, the total amount guaranteed for withdrawals coincides with her initial investment, providing then a protection against downside market risk. At each withdrawal date, the policyholder has to decide whether, and how much, to withdraw, or to surrender the contract. We show how different policyholder’s withdrawal behaviours can be modelled. We perform a sensitivity analysis comparing the numerical results obtained for different contractual and market parameters, policyholder behaviours and different types of Lévy processes.  相似文献   

We present new numerical schemes for pricing perpetual Bermudan and American options as well as α-quantile options. This includes a new direct calculation of the optimal exercise boundary for early-exercise options. Our approach is based on the Spitzer identities for general Lévy processes and on the Wiener–Hopf method. Our direct calculation of the price of α-quantile options combines for the first time the Dassios–Port–Wendel identity and the Spitzer identities for the extrema of processes. Our results show that the new pricing methods provide excellent error convergence with respect to computational time when implemented with a range of Lévy processes.  相似文献   

We analyse the equilibrium asset pricing implications for an economy with single period return exposures to explicit non-Gaussian systematic factors, that may be both skewed and long-tailed, and Gaussian idiosyncratic components. Investors maximize expected exponential utility and equilibrium factor prices are shown to reflect exponentially tilted prices for non-Gaussian factor risk exposures. It is shown that these prices may be directly estimated from the univariate probability law of the factor exposure, given an estimate of average risk aversion in the economy. In addition, a residual form of the capital asset pricing model continues to hold and prices the idiosyncratic or Gaussian risks. The theory is illustrated on data for the US economy using independent components analysis to identify the factors and the variance gamma model to describe the probability law of the non-Gaussian factors. It is shown that the residual CAPM accounts for no more than 1% of the pricing of risky assets, while the exponentially tilted systematic factor risk exposures account for the bulk of risky asset pricing.  相似文献   

We consider robust optimal portfolio problems for markets modeled by (possibly non-Markovian) Itô–Lévy processes. Mathematically, the situation can be described as a stochastic differential game, where one of the players (the agent) is trying to find the portfolio that maximizes the utility of her terminal wealth, while the other player (“the market”) is controlling some of the unknown parameters of the market (e.g., the underlying probability measure, representing a model uncertainty problem) and is trying to minimize this maximal utility of the agent. This leads to a worst case scenario control problem for the agent. In the Markovian case, such problems can be studied using the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman–Isaacs (HJBI) equation, but these methods do not work in the non-Markovian case. We approach the problem by transforming it into a stochastic differential game for backward stochastic differential equations (a BSDE game). Using comparison theorems for BSDEs with jumps we arrive at criteria for the solution of such games in the form of a kind of non-Markovian analogue of the HJBI equation. The results are illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to revisit Kendall’s identity (see, e.g. Kendall (1957)) related to the distribution of the first passage time for spectrally negative Lévy processes. We provide an alternative proof to Kendall’s identity for a given class of spectrally negative Lévy processes, namely compound Poisson processes with diffusion, through the application of Lagrange’s expansion theorem. This alternative proof naturally leads to an extension of this well-known identity by further examining the distribution of the number of jumps before the first passage time. In the process, we generalize some results of Gerber (1990 Gerber, H. U. (1990). When does the surplus reach a given target? Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 9, 115–119.  [Google Scholar]) to the class of compound Poisson processes perturbed by diffusion. We show that this main result is particularly relevant to further our understanding of some problems of interest in actuarial science. Among others, we propose to examine the finite-time ruin probability of a dual Poisson risk model with diffusion or equally the distribution of a busy period in a specific fluid flow model. In a second example, we make use of this result to price barrier options issued on an insurer’s stock price.  相似文献   

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