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本文重点讨论了营销学中作为指导企业营销活动的价值观——市场导向与利益相关者导向的理论架构,并检验了利益相关者导向与组织绩效之间的关系。同时,还针对文献中欠缺的中国企业所有制的影响,进行了分析。研究结果发现,利益相关者导向对中国企业的组织绩效具有积极影响。但中国不同所有制的企业,在利益相关者导向和组织绩效上差异很大。  相似文献   

由于医药企业商品独具的特殊性,我国医药企业营销道德建设始终受到全社会的关注,加强医药企业营销道德建设显得非常重要。文章围绕我国医药企业营销道德建设问题,初步构建了医药企业应具备的基本营销价值取向模型,并对医药企业营销道德评价指标体系的构建进行了探索性的研究。  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a competence-based view of value-for-customer in business markets. While literature in both strategy and marketing has provided many insights to understand the competence-based roots of value creation, the interface between the two areas is still largely unexplored. Moreover, while the notions of competence exchange and value creation feature strongly in the relational perspective, they occur only once relationships have been established. This begs the question whether competencies could be developed outside established relationships, and then marketed to guide customers' buying behavior. Basing on three case studies from the yarn manufacturing, IT systems, and automotive components industries, we identify key features of competence-based marketing: the alignment of supplier's competencies with the customer's business processes, the experiential communication of supplier's competencies, and the delivery of competencies to the buyer's business processes. Within the strategies for creating value-for-customers, these findings contribute to the understanding of the use of competencies to induce purchases.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between market orientation and organizational learning and, in particular, the former's contribution to the generation of double-loop learning. Although prior contributions on this topic have been controversial, the authors, departing from the principles of RBV, consider market orientation a resource capable of generating higher order organizational learning and, in this way, capable of additionally reinforcing firms' sustainable competitive advantage. The empirical study provides evidence on the existing relationship between a firm's learning and market orientation degree and the organization's economic and non-economic results. Findings indicate that learning orientation stimulates the market-oriented behavior and that it also positively affects the establishment of long-term relationships with strategic clients. Contrary to prior research a significant and positive effect on business performance is only contrasted in the case of market orientation.  相似文献   

浅谈建筑企业市场与产品营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出建筑企业如何搞好市场营销的建议,如何开拓市场,巩固企业的市场份额;如何建立建筑企业市场营销体系,获取最大效益。在分析建筑产品的特点,基础上提出产品营销的策略。  相似文献   

中美优秀企业文化陈述的对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对比美国43家“最佳雇主”和中国“全国企业文化优秀成果奖”43家获奖企业的企业文化,发现中美优秀企业文化陈述的共同点和差异:中美企业都重视客户、创新、团队;美国企业既重视人又重视组织,中国企业更重视组织;中国企业绩效导向强于美国企业;美国企业人文导向强于中国企业。这些发现与已有研究不完全相同。中国企业应注意在企业文化陈述中体现员工意愿,用词贴切,表意清楚、准确。  相似文献   

Drawing on traditional resource‐based theory and its recent dynamic capabilities theory extensions, we examine both the possession of a market orientation and the marketing capabilities through which resources are deployed into the marketplace as drivers of firm performance in a cross‐industry sample. Our findings indicate that market orientation and marketing capabilities are complementary assets that contribute to superior firm performance. We also find that market orientation has a direct effect on firms' return on assets (ROA), and that marketing capabilities directly impact both ROA and perceived firm performance. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中小企业是我国企业家庭中的一个重要组成部分,其生存、发展对我国经济的发展将产生重要的影响。而我国近半数的中小企业生命周期不到4年,其原因是多方面的。本文针对中小企业的营销问题进行研究,并针对存在的问题提出相应对策,旨在促进中小企业的发展。  相似文献   

基于技术因素的营销控制力模型及其实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在企业的市场营销中,技术因素直接关系企业的核心竞争能力的塑造,影响着市场营销控制力的形成。本文从“技术价值度”和“营销方式”两个维度划分四种基本的营销情境,并对每个营销情境提出相应的营销控制力的理论假设;通过对企业营销状况的调查,对模型假设进行相应的实证分析,构建基于技术因素的营销控制力模型。  相似文献   

近年来,中国的奢侈品网络消费市场呈现迅猛的发展势头,奢侈品营销也随之悄悄改变,网络营销已成为新的营销方式。本论文首先阐述了我国奢侈品网络营销的现状,并对奢侈品网络营销的优势及所存在的问题进行了分析,最后提出奢侈品网络推广方式需整合和创新,来达到更好的网络推广效果。另外,针对奢侈品网络销售的提升和服务的改善,品牌商需结合消费群体的差异性,针对不同的消费群体制定不同策略。  相似文献   

随着网络时代的科技冲击,越来越多的奢侈品品牌不甘于传统的消费方式,开始进入网络市场。如何顺应潮流,在网络时代的奢侈品营销中胜出,获得消费者的青睐,成为各大奢侈品商家费心解决的问题。结合奢侈品营销分析其网络营销的特点,找出网络营销的利与弊,从而为奢侈品网络营销提供借鉴。  相似文献   

如何运用现有方法高效率地进行城市房屋拆迁估价工作,是广大房地产估价人员一直探索的课题。以市场比较法为例,分析了拆迁估价的特点,指出在房屋拆迁估价中应灵活运用市场比较法。总结了典型房屋法的操作过程及运用的体会,认为只有积极探索,不断创新估价方法及其应用,才能更好地开展房地产估价工作。  相似文献   

This article reports on the analysis of 110 published, undisguised stories about Chinese owner-managers in Hong Kong and determines whether Chinese small firms exhibit the same marketing activities and behavior as their Western counterparts. Content analysis suggests that Chinese small firms are production oriented, whereas small American firms are customer oriented. Chinese small firms are also found to have limited marketing expenditure while their owner-managers have limited marketing expertise. The findings also suggest that Chinese small firms do little strategic marketing planning. One possible reason for this may be that Chinese owner-managers apply innovative tactics and change their marketing planning techniques to suit the characteristics of their firms and their particular circumstances. Thus, it is not unusual to find that Chinese small firm marketing can be described as entrepreneurial and their marketing planning activities as unstructured.  相似文献   

关系营销把营销活动看成是一个企业与消费者、供应商、分销商、竞争者、政府机构及其他公众互动的过程:本文探讨了关系营销的三个层面、市场模型以及在企业中的应用。  相似文献   

营销学从国外引进到中国迄今不过30年,在世界营销史上虽属短暂,但这30年已经走过了世界营销百年的风雨历程,为世界营销理论和实践的丰富和发展作出了杰出的贡献,其间经历了引进启蒙、广泛传播、应用深化三个主要阶段,并正在经历新一轮的创新拓展过程。中国营销已经迎来新世纪的挑战,中国将从世界的“生产车间”走向“研发车间”以至“营销车间”,中国营销学者任重道远。  相似文献   

品牌原产地是国际市场营销领域重要研究议题。在欧、美、日等地区广泛实证和推广 ,但迄今仍缺少对中国市场品牌原产地评价及其对品牌信念及购买的效应的系统研究。本文在文献回顾基础上 ,建立了品牌原产地效应的理论模型 ,提出理论关系假设 ,抽取京、沪、穗、渝四市共 10 0 5个成人消费者样本 ,运用相关分析、T检验等方法进行实证研究。研究测量出中国市场对欧、美、日、中四地的原产地评价 ,发现国产品牌形象评分总体上为负面 ,并低于美日品牌 ,但在某些产品类别已显示出相对优势。研究结论证实了品牌原产地对消费者品牌信念和品牌购买意向的显著性作用。本文讨论上述研究结论对中外企业市场营销策略的借鉴 ,并提出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,奢侈品对中国消费者来说已不再陌生。互联网的应用给人们消费方式带来了巨大改变。奢侈品行业也逐渐摒弃了固有偏见,开始利用网络这一新兴手段开展营销活动。本文通过对奢侈品线上线下营销策略现状进行分析,并从价格、产品、营销方式、销售渠道等四方面进行对比分析,总结奢侈品在销售过程中应该以线下营销为主线上营销为辅的营销策略,对奢侈品营销的实践具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Transaction and relational approaches to marketing have been promoted as alternative forms but recent evidence suggests that they may coexist. We explore this in the context of China. If firms operating in a highly relational society, such as China, exhibit transactional behavior, these two approaches must be compatible. We argue that Chinese values give rise to business practices consistent with both transactional and relational perspectives. These are summarized in six propositions for research. Theory building and managerial practice could benefit from thinking in terms of how elements from the two perspectives can be brought together rather than remain as alternatives.  相似文献   

谭俊华 《山东纺织经济》2013,(11):93-94,108
在高等教育快速发展的今天,市场营销专业也面临一些新的问题和挑战,需要我们与时俱进,进行专业改革,也对我们提出了更高的要求。本文以长江大学为例,对如何做好新形势下市场营销专业建设进行了探究,提出了一些如何办好市场营销专业的建议和主张。  相似文献   

绩效与竞争力已发展成一个比较成熟的研究领域,一系列绩效与竞争力分析框架被应用到建筑行业,如波特钻石模型、3-P竞争力模型、产业组织理论、SWOT分析等产业分析理论.建筑行业研究人员也着力于设计出一些特定的分析模型来探讨行业内问题,如H分析框架、3C模型及PMS分析框架等.建立定量绩效与竞争力测评体系已成为各国建筑行业管理的发展趋势,如美国、英国、韩国、葡萄牙及新加坡等发达国家.而研究的不同点则在于测评指标体系、指标权重与测评方法等方面.  相似文献   

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