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米卫振 《商》2014,(1):237-237,231
为适应“金融互联网化”发展趋势,商业银行可构建“网络理财中心”,搭建“P2 C”平台:打造兼具品种优势和价格优势的产品库( Product );完善“智能化”的销售平台( Platform ),针对不同客户推荐不同产品;引入第三方理财公司,提供在线理财师(Planner)服务;引入多元化的合作者(participator),解决“信息不对称”问题,使产品供给更加有效。〈br〉 “网络理财中心”宣传营销上可在大型互联网公司网站建立“网络理财中心”销售旗舰店;可与中小型网站建立“网络理财中心”广告联盟,动员“个体力量”,扩大宣传推广范围;与合作公司建立“网络理财中心合作联盟”,进行共同推广等。  相似文献   

2009年3月初,福建省工商局互联网商务监测中心(泉州市工商局检查支队)在网络巡查中发现颜某等人以“某某网络咨询公司”(未经核准登记)的名义在泉州几个人才招聘网站及QQ空间等网络载体上发布招聘销售人员从事“MYCOOL(麦酷)”聊天软件销售经营活动的广告,其营销模式涉嫌从事非法传销活动。经过近一个星期的网上锁定监控和实地排查,  相似文献   

博客(blogger)是写日志(blog)的人。但是博客的写作内容远远不止“日志”,他们在网络上发表的稿子可以说是五花八门、千奇百怪!目前,博客网站已经成为了继电子邮箱(E—mail)、留言板(BBS)、聊天工具(MSN)之后出现的第四种网络交流方式,是“互联网的第四块里程碑”。[编按]  相似文献   

三、“TRIPS-递增”协定的特征分析 (一)“TRIPS-递增”协定与多边知识产权国际条约(或软法规范)互为联结,编织了一个错综复杂的条约网络  相似文献   

本文建立了一个网络招聘效果理论模型,旨在探讨雇佣双方在匹配过程中网络招聘的效果。模型基于以下几个假设:(1)对于任何给定的工作,仅有两类应聘者:合格者,不合格者;(2)每一个应聘者都拥有申请工作成功几率的私人信息;(3)每一个招聘企业收到应聘者“好”或者“坏”的信号(信号代表应聘者的资格),并且随机从发出“好”信号的申请者中选取需要的候选者数量。  相似文献   

新华社电美国甲骨文公司在一起针对谷歌公司的技术专利侵权诉讼中要求被告赔偿14亿美元至61亿美元。 甲骨文去年对谷歌提起诉讼。涉及后者为智能手机开发的“安卓”(Android)操作系统,指认被告作为网络搜索引擎企业侵害与网络程序语言“爪哇”(Java)相关的技术专利。  相似文献   

金恒旦  何晓春 《浙商》2005,(11):59-59
10月9下午,西子湖畔。《浙商》杂志邀请了新中大软件董事长石钟韶(以下简称“石”),中香科技董事长蒋伟华(“蒋”),新中化网络、浙江都市网内容副总监张志强(“张”)等企业人士,浙江大学CCE中心副主任王曙光(“王”)、浙商研究会执行会长杨轶清(“杨”)等学者,座谈近年出现的“IT浙商现象”。  相似文献   

“司马他”:也称司马TA,SMART的音译,该词本身表示“精明”的意思。网络上对SMART作了精彩注解:S-Specific(具体的)、M—Measurable(可衡量的)、A—Achivement(可完成)、R—Realistic(现实的)、T—Timebond(时间段)。后来又有热心网友将职场SMART改称为“司马他”,将充满SMART精神的人称为“司马他一族”。  相似文献   

汤海浩 《现代商业》2008,(15):188-189
商业银行“外联网(Extranet)”是与不同单位间为了频繁交换业务信息,而基于电信运营商专线网络或其他公网设施构建的与其他单位间专用网络通道。商业银行外联网是与监管机构(人民银行、银监局)及其他业务合作单位(证券公司、保险公司、水务公司、电力公司等等)信息沟通的平台,是商业银行大力发展中间业务的基础。  相似文献   

回顾2009年网络视频行业的纷争:盛大收购酷6、搜狐与优酷的官司、中国网络电视台(CNTV)也来分羹这一蛋糕、国内最大的网络视频直播网PPIive重金更换域名标识,转型网络电视台(PPTV)……2010年1月上旬,网易、百度等公司相继宣布进军网络视频……自此,四大门户网站正式形成了以影视、电视节目为内容构架的互联网正版视频阵营。如今网络视频行业不再是曾经让人望而却步的“烧钱坑”,各路“代表队”纷纷登场,有以CNTV为代表的”国家队”,也有以土豆网和优酷网为首的“民间队”,还有以搜狐、网易为代表的“门户队“和以百度为代表的“引擎队”。显然,2010网络视频业不会平静。  相似文献   

This article describes the impact of visual attention on consumers' in-store buying behaviour. Through an eye-track experiment, it demonstrates the advantage of a behaviour model that addresses visual attention and an increase in visual stimuli during the process. It reveals that consumers exhibit a muddled search strategy where packaging design influences the decision process in several phases. Five phases were found in an in-store decision process, and the post-purchase phase seems to be essential for even low-level in-store decision processes. Further knowledge on packaging design elements is needed for a broader understanding of visual influence during in-store purchase decisions.  相似文献   

Supermarkets typically have an in-store demonstration located near the promotional end-of-aisle (or end-cap) area due to space requirements. Using a field experiment, we examine whether the occurrence of these in-store promotions competing for attention and engagement can disrupt each other, using binary logistic regression to analyse shopper behaviour. Results show the best way to attract attention to the end-of-aisle is not to have an in-store demonstration near it, or if required, a complementary product to the end-of-aisle should be used. Inferences based upon shopper characteristics are also given, providing important nuances in the attention to, and engagement with, in-store promotions.  相似文献   

Live stream marketing through social media has attracted the attention of digital retailing marketers in recent years. However, there is a lack of evidence in understanding the influence of in-store live stream on offline purchase intentions. This study aimed to investigate the influence patterns of environmental stimuli on consumers' intention to purchase offline/in-store after watching an in-store live stream session. The Stimuli-Organism-Response (SOR) model was employed as the theoretical framework, and a structured questionnaire was used to collect data from individuals who had previous experience with in-store live stream marketing. Structural equation modelling was then applied for data analysis, with a total of 234 valid responses. The findings revealed that environmental stimuli have a significant positive effect on consumers' intentions to make in-store purchases, and the attitudes towards influencers and products substantially mediate the relationship between stimuli and purchase intention. More specifically, consumer attitude towards products has a pronounced effect on whether they will make an in-store purchase. The novelty of this research lies in its investigation of the impact that live stream marketing has on offline or in-store shopping experiences. This contrasts with the majority of existing live stream studies, which focus on consumers’ online shopping experiences. In addition, this study broadens the scope of the application of the SOR model to contribute to the growing body of literature on live stream marketing.  相似文献   

This study revisits the showrooming effect on online and offline retailers and is the first to examine the strategic role of in-store service in this regard. Considering the effect of in-store service in attracting consumers to offline channels and the showrooming effect of persuading offline consumers to purchase online, we propose a model consisting of two firms, a brick-and-mortar (BM) store and an e-tailer that can invest the staff or facilities necessary to deliver in-store services to consumers. Based on the service decisions, the two firms make their pricing decisions. We compare the optimal decisions of retailers in the cases without and with showrooming to explore the interaction between in-store service and showrooming. Our findings indicate that when a customer bears a high travel cost to visit the BM store, the store should lower the price, and improving the in-store service is ineffective in countering the consumer's showrooming behavior. Moreover, the service level in the case with showrooming can be either higher or lower than in the case without, and the outcome mainly depends on the efficiency of the service investment. Interestingly, in-store services can lead to a win–win situation for both online and offline retailers with showrooming. This study can also be extended to the case of powerful e-tailers or competing BM stores.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(4):541-549
Research suggests that in-store crowding can lower customers’ spending, thus limiting overall benefits of high store frequentation. Here, we propose that this negative effect can be mitigated by adjusting store ambiance, specifically by using certain types of in-store music. To test this idea, we conducted a longitudinal field experiment in which we manipulated in-store music tempo and measured social density in six European retail stores. Analyzing over 40,000 individual shopping baskets, we found that social density had an inverted u-shape effect on customer spending. This effect was moderated by in-store music tempo, such that fast music strongly increased spending under high-density conditions. The increase in shopping basket value was driven by customers buying more items rather than buying items that were more expensive. Fast music thus alleviated negative effects of social density. We discuss the theoretical implications of these findings and describe how practitioners can use in-store music to counter negative effects of high customer density.  相似文献   

Although delivering value is the key for retailers to create new competitive advantages, the literature on consumer shopping value is fragmented and findings are inconsistent. This study aimed to understand consumer shopping value in-depth by examining consumer shopping processes and experiences in two retail formats: mass merchandisers and department stores. This study conceptualizes consumer shopping value as having two components: shopping trip value and in-store shopping value. Shopping trip value is originated by fulfillment of general shopping motivations, and in-store shopping value stems from retail elements that create in-store shopping experiences that consumers have in specific retail contexts. Five shopping trip value dimensions and six in-store shopping value dimensions are identified from the in-depth interviews. The findings highlight how consumer shopping value is a complex and context specific construct.  相似文献   

This study raised scholarly inquiry about the construct of in-store hoarding and investigated the antecedents of in-store hoarding in the fast fashion retail environment. As the market becomes dynamic and volatile, more retailers are moving toward fast fashion by constantly delivering new products throughout the season. As a result, a product life span is dramatically reduced, thereby accelerating perishability of fashion items. Moreover, in order to make constant room for new products and minimize markdowns, fast fashion retailers deliberately limit product availability, creating a sense of scarcity on the part of consumers. Based on the literature review and one-to-one interviews, perceived perishability, scarcity and low price were identified as primary drivers of in-store hoarding. Overall, results from a field study supported the proposed model. However, the findings indicated that perceived perishability and scarcity were central to understanding in-store hoarding, whereas low-price perception was least important with a marginally significant effect on in-store hoarding. This study made a significant contribution to the consumer and retailing literature by introducing, defining, and operationalizing new constructs and new measurements, including scales for perceived perishability, perceived scarcity, and in-store hoarding. This study also provided many implications for practitioners in developing and implementing marketing and merchandising management strategies.  相似文献   

Retailers and manufacturers jointly do their best to influence in-store customer behavior. One promotional tool often used by the industry but rarely studied by academics is in-store demonstrations. In this article we look at when and how demonstrations work the best. Two large field experiments were run and the results indicate that in-store demonstrations are powerful tools to increase sales. Furthermore, the results from the experiments show that the effectiveness of the demonstrations vary widely depending on when they and how they are executed.  相似文献   

This paper explores changes in technology-enabled omnichannel customer experiences in stores over a five-year period (2014–2019). It contributes to the omnichannel-experience-management literature through customer technology-enabled touchpoints within fashion retail. Adopting an exploratory qualitative approach, primary data were obtained using semi-structured interviews with millennial consumers. The findings demonstrate the growing importance of implementing and integrating in-store technologies to improve customer experience. From these, two models are developed: “technology-induced customer experience in-store”; and “technology-enabled customer shopping journey in-store”.  相似文献   

This research builds on the institutional theory literature to investigate the impact of retailer’s in-store quality (in)congruency on consumer shopping behavior. Specifically, considering the consensual view of legitimacy as a variable of main interest to explain organizational survival, this research focuses on legitimacy as the mediating variable explaining the effects of in-store quality (in)congruency on shopping behavior. Results from a scenario-based experiment show that in-store quality (in)congruency affects legitimacy such that when merchandise quality is low, a high store environment quality leads to lower legitimacy. Also, the results show that legitimacy acts as a mediator that induces a decrease in shopping behavior. By highlighting perceived legitimacy as the underlying mechanism explaining the effect of in-store quality incongruency on consumer behavior, this research offer new insights for retailers.  相似文献   

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