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民营企业家的创新与创业精神前述已经提及中国民营企业家的创新精神是推动中国民营制造企业发展的基本经验之一,而民营企业家的这种创业创新精神也是促进民营制造业发展的基本优势之一。但需要指出的是,在中国经济发展的新时期,不仅对老一代民营企业家提出新的要求,提升他们的创新意识,更重要的是呼唤适应新时期发展形势的新一代的创业。  相似文献   

本文分析了当前我国民营企业人力资源管理遇到的问题,并在权力制约、提高民营企业家素质、薪酬管理、吸引人才等方面提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

充分发挥企业家精神对“推动高质量发展”“促进共同富裕”“推进科技自立自强”意义特别重大。研究表明,企业家精神形成的影响因素与社会制度和经济体制密切相关。基于社会制度背景,本文比较了资本主义制度和社会主义制度对企业家精神形成的影响因素,并分析了其形成机制的相同点和不同点。基于经济体制背景,本文比较了国有企业家精神和民营企业家精神的内涵特征,并分析了其形成机制的相同点和不同点。据此,分别提出了培育激活两类企业家精神的政策建议:培育激活民营企业家精神,要营造保护民营企业家合法权益的法治环境、营造促进民营企业家公平竞争的市场环境、营造鼓励民营企业家干事创业的社会环境;培育激活国有企业家精神,要健全国有企业家选拔机制、完善国有企业家激励机制、健全国有企业家容错机制、转变国有资本的监管方式。  相似文献   

从改革中破茧而出的民营企业不断接受着市场风雨的考验和洗刷,其创业历程却有着太多的无奈。不少民营企业家开始了痛苦的反思,我们不能苛求中国的民营企业家具备西方国家企业家的那份成熟和操守,但是我们希望更多的民营企业家回过头来看一看自己所走过的漫长道路,并在此基础上作出深刻的反省,用理性的思考审视“十大内伤”,进而抖掉身上的尘埃,规范自身的运作机制,培养企业的核心竞争力,以应对来自各个方面的挑战,切实把民营企业做大做强。  相似文献   

本文选取2009-2018年我国上市家族企业发布的年度业绩预告作为研究样本,对民营企业家声誉与业绩预告准确度的关系进行研究.研究结果发现,声誉对企业家的行为起到了激励和约束作用,声誉好的企业家发布的业绩预告更加保守,而且更加准确.研究结果为投资者的投资决策、政府部门制定监管政策和民营企业家的信息披露决策提供了一定的理论...  相似文献   

基于网络关系视角下的国际创业研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,从网络关系视角研究国际创业受到越来越多学者的关注.网络关系视角认为,国际创业活动嵌于企业家或企业家所构建的网络关系中,网络关系是企业家进行国际创业的一项重要资源.本研究总结归纳了国际创业和网络关系理论研究的主要成果;其次基于文献回顾,探讨了网络关系视角下国际创业的研究成果,最后进行总结.  相似文献   

(本刊讯)由天津市政府和全国工商联主办、北京大学经济研究所协办的"民营经济发展·天津论坛"近日在此间举行,来自北京、天津、山东、浙江等地的100多名民营企业家,聆听了北京大学和南开大学多位教授的演讲中国民营企业家由热衷和政府官员交往,逐渐改为与学者"联姻",由过多看重60中国乡镇企业2003.11权力变为更看重智力。大学教授和专家学者正成为中国民营企业家的智囊团,为民营经济第三次创业提供智力支持。与会专家表示,中国民营企业已经从最初的原始状态完成了两次飞跃,进入到第三次创业时代。在第一次创业时代,中国的民营企业主要是家族…  相似文献   

邰政文 《价值工程》2014,(12):156-157
本研究运用文献资料、问卷调查、德尔菲等和因子分析等方法构建了民营企业家胜任力一般模型。包括4个维度的19个要素。民营企业家的胜任力模型,在评价、选拔、任用合格、优秀的民营企业家有积极的借鉴意义;对现有民营企业家胜任能力的提高、评价和激励也有推动作用;对促进企业业绩的提升,实现发展跨越举足轻重。  相似文献   

中国民营企业家的成长具有其特定的历史环境,这也就决定了大部分民营企业家与国外企业和国内国有企业的企业家相比,具有自身特点.他(她)们创业时那种吃苦耐劳的精神和卓越的胆识,内心深处对新的管理模式以及理念的渴求,赋予他们特有的优势.但是民营企业家要想带领企业在竞争中发展壮大并长久地存活,应该加强自我修炼、特别是加强思维方式的修炼,不断提高自身素质,这是行动的起点.  相似文献   

为积极响应省委、省政府号召,大力弘扬创业精神,迅速掀起创业热潮,推进全民创业,加快民营经济发展,我代表全省百强民营企业,向广大民营企业家、中小企业经营者、个体工商户以及广大民众发出倡议:  相似文献   

This study contributes to research on core job characteristics by examining when employees may perceive enriched jobs as a hindrance stressor and in turn may experience lower performance at work. Utilizing time-lagged data collected from a sample of 386 employee–coworker dyads and drawing on cognitive appraisal theory of stress and coping, we explore the mediating role of hindrance stressors on the relationship between core job characteristics and key employee performance outcomes (i.e., creativity, counterproductive work behaviors, in-role performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors) and the moderating roles of cultural values (i.e., power distance and uncertainty avoidance) in influencing this mediation. The results supported the hypotheses, providing evidence that the experience of hindrance stressors mediates the relationship between core job characteristics and job performance outcomes when employees score high on power distance and uncertainty avoidance cultural values, and not when their scores on these cultural values were low. Practical implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reviews and meta‐analyzes the literature on the social context of performance appraisal. Results indicate that aspects of rater‐ratee relationship quality (i.e., supervisor satisfaction, supervisor support, supervisor trust) are strongly related to ratee reactions to performance appraisals. Rater‐ratee relationship quality is more strongly related to appraisal reactions than appraisal participation or performance ratings. Integrating social exchange theory with procedural justice theory, this article tested whether or not the relationship quality–appraisal reactions relationship was due to relationships between relationship quality and instrumental resources for the ratee (i.e., appraisal participation and rating favorability). When controlling for relationships between these resources and appraisal reactions, a direct path between relationship quality and reactions was significant, supporting a relational model of the exchange between appraisal partners. The relationship quality–appraisal reaction relationship was not moderated by performance rating favorability or appraisal participation. In total, these results highlight the importance of relationship quality to employee reactions to performance appraisal—and the importance of ratee reactions as an important resource in the social exchange between appraisal partners. Implications for theory, practice, and future research are discussed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify the antecedents of women’s entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and exploring what possible relationships that may exist between them. The research focuses on women entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs in a quantitative perspective whose methodology consisted of the collection of primary data through a survey distributed to women in Portugal. After structural equation modelling was applied, the results suggested that recognition of opportunities influences EO. This influence is expressed both directly and indirectly through training in management and entrepreneurial skills. These findings led to the conclusion that policies promoting training for community members, in general, need to be rethought and policies need to emphasise training in management that enhances entrepreneurial skills, thereby increasing the proliferation of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education and training should be promoted from basic education onwards in order to develop entrepreneurial skills from an early age. Prior to this study, the relationships between opportunity recognition, management training and entrepreneurial skills have never been studied in relation to women.  相似文献   

创业机会的创新性、员工心理授权与企业绩效的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业活动源于创业者对创业机会的识别,而创业机会的创新性强弱则介于模仿性机会和创新性机会之间,过往研究认为创业机会的创新性与企业绩效正相关。但心理授权理论认为员工对工作认知的不同将影响到其行为,故需考虑员工心理授权的调节作用,毕竟对创新机会的开发利用需要员工共同努力。研究发现,创业机会的创新性确实对企业绩效有显著的正向影响;而且心理授权的4个维度因子,即员工对自身能力的认知、影响力的认知、工作意义的认知以及工作自主性的认知均对企业绩效具有显著的正向影响,说明提升员工的心理授权感受将有助于提升绩效。还发现,员工对自身能力的认知、工作意义的认知以及工作自主性的认知均显著正向调节了创业机会创新性与企业绩效的关系,只有员工对自身影响力的认知的调节作用不显著。研究结论有助于从外部客观创业机会和内部员工心理授权感知两个过程看待企业绩效的提升,全面理解企业绩效的发生机制。  相似文献   

复杂多变的市场环境促使越来越多的公司采取创业导向战略。本研究在总结影响公司创业导向影响因素的基础上,结合公司所具备的创业导向的水平及维度,考察创业导向、环境动态性和创业者特质的关系,探索创业导向如何影响绩效这一复杂的动态过程,以更有效地提高组织绩效。  相似文献   

Using Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior and Shapero’s entrepreneurial event model as well as entrepreneurial cognition theory, we attempt to identify the relationship between entrepreneurship education, prior entrepreneurial exposure, perceived desirability and feasibility, and entrepreneurial intentions (EI) for university students. The data were collected from a survey of ten universities; we received 494 effective responses. We used probit estimation to show that perceived desirability significantly impacts EI whereas there is no significant impact from perceived feasibility. There is a significant negative impact from exposure (which is surprising) and a significant positive impact from entrepreneurship education. Males and people from technological universities and/or backgrounds have higher EI than females and people from other universities and backgrounds. There are also significant positive interactive effects by gender, university type, and study major on the relationship between entrepreneurship education and EI.  相似文献   


Although entrepreneurial intention has been regarded as one of the most important drivers of creativity, innovation, and performance in firms, a comprehensive framework that integrates the relevant influential factors has yet to be developed. Drawing on the theory of planned behavior and the social cognitive career theory, this study investigates the critical antecedents, mediators, and moderators of entrepreneurial intention. A meta-analytic approach is employed to validate the proposed hypotheses, and 89 primary studies with a total sample size of 51,919 are analyzed. The results indicate the existence of differences in the manner in which entrepreneurial knowledge influences cognitive antecedents in the individuals who participate in new ventures. Furthermore, personal attitude and self-efficacy play a vital role in predicting entrepreneurial intention. Demographic characteristics (such as age, gender, and education background) significantly moderate the relationship between cognitive antecedents and entrepreneurial intention, indicating that men tend to adopt more entrepreneurial behaviors than women, that older individuals with more positive attitudes have a higher propensity to start ventures than younger ones, and that those with higher education attainment tend to have lower self-employment. These findings offer several recommendations. They could provide valuable references for further academic work, which should aim to extend and validate them. The findings are also very beneficial for professional experts tasked with the design of effective programs for enhancing entrepreneurial behavior.


The social networks of entrepreneurs are an important factor affecting new venture performance. Based on the survey data of 316 new ventures in China, this paper explores the relationship between the social networks of female tech-entrepreneurs and new venture performance, and examines the moderating effects of entrepreneurial alertness and gender discrimination on this relationship. Our findings reveal that: (a) the social networks of female tech-entrepreneurs have a positive effect on new venture performance; (b) the entrepreneurial alertness of female tech-entrepreneurs has a positive effect on new venture performance; and (c) gender discrimination against women has a negative effect on new venture performance. Moreover, we found that gender discrimination negatively moderates the relationship between the social networks of female tech-entrepreneurs and new venture performance. We also found that entrepreneurial alertness positively moderates the relationship between the social networks of female tech-entrepreneurs and new venture performance. Our findings provide theoretical and practical implications for female technical individuals in the entrepreneurial practice, and shed light on the study of entrepreneurship theory in other emerging economies.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between external cooperation and entrepreneurial orientation (EO). This relationship is explored in cluster environment, wherein entrepreneurial organizations compete and cooperate simultaneously to pursue opportunities. The following hypothesis is tested: External cooperation is positively correlated with entrepreneurial orientation. The hypothesis is tested with a correlation analysis on a sample of 77 small-sized enterprises operating in the Malopolska region in Poland, wherein several clusters are active. Additionally, the regression analysis is conducted to examine the associations between inter-organizational cooperation and EO dimensions. The findings confirm that external cooperation is positively correlated with EO. This observation is confronted with a pro-competitive approach that is a constitutional element of the entrepreneurship concept. Moreover, the findings show that the correlation between external cooperation and a firm’s performance is stronger than between some other EO dimensions and performance. Additionally, the findings show the important role of relationships between organizations and their clients. In the paper, several remarks for development of the theory are discussed, including the need for incorporating inter-organizational cooperation into a set of entrepreneurial traits and reflecting it in entrepreneurial orientation scales. The findings confirm the importance of that direction of theory development that focuses on inter-organizational collaboration in the context of entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Although the impact of family business exposure on offspring’s entrepreneurial intentions has attracted significant attention, assessments of this impact remain inconsistent. To solve this puzzle, we switch the focus from the presence of family business exposure to the content of exposure by examining the learning experiences of business family offspring. Specifically, we test the impact of perceived parental entrepreneurial rewards on entrepreneurial intentions and explore the underlying process in this relationship. Findings from a sample of 131 Chinese business family offspring support that perceived parental entrepreneurial rewards are positively related to entrepreneurial intentions, and this relationship is found to be partially mediated by entrepreneurial self-efficacy; additionally, offspring’s family business involvement weakens the positive impact of perceived parental entrepreneurial rewards on entrepreneurial intentions but strengthens the impact of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. The findings from this research contribute to the social cognitive career theory, family business, and entrepreneurial cognition literature. We also provide practical guidance for parent entrepreneurs by clarifying the impact of perceived parental entrepreneurial rewards and family business involvement on their children’s entrepreneurial intentions.  相似文献   

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