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Horizontal and vertical subsidiary knowledge outflows in multinational corporations (MNCs) are argued to be central to effective MNC performance. Building on the knowledge-based view of the firm, we develop a conceptual model to investigate the performance consequences, determinants and interaction effects due to coordination and control mechanisms, of horizontal and vertical MNC subsidiary knowledge outflows. The hypotheses are empirically tested with a dataset comprised of survey and archival data from over 200 MNC subsidiaries. Results indicate that explicitness and communication positively influence vertical and horizontal subsidiary knowledge outflows and that national cultural distance, centralization, formalization, and specialized resources moderate these influences. We also find that knowledge outflows to headquarters and to peer subsidiaries enhance an MNC's financial performance (i.e., return on assets). The results provide substantive evidence as to how vertical and horizontal knowledge operate within MNCs.  相似文献   

Although a general association between the role of international assignees and knowledge transfer has been noted in the international human resource literature, very little is known on how subsidiary knowledge flow strategies influence the purpose of expatriate assignments. Building specifically on Gupta and Govindarajan’s typology of subsidiary knowledge flow strategies and Hocking’s expatriate assignment purpose, we examine the link between subsidiary knowledge flow and the purpose of expatriate assignments using a mixed method approach. Combining survey data and qualitative interviews from 156 subsidiaries in the service and manufacturing sector in Malaysia and Singapore, we find that subsidiaries with divergent strategic roles have different knowledge flow strategies, thus leading to different purposes of expatriate assignments.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based and network-based activities are known determinants of foreign subsidiary influence. We demonstrate that the interaction between these factors is essential in understanding how subsidiaries gain influence within an MNC. We test this using data on 184 foreign-owned subsidiaries in the UK. The results indicate that the possession of strategic resources (knowledge or embedded relations) increases subsidiary influence only when the knowledge is transferred back to headquarters. Importantly, the impact of subsidiary–headquarters embeddedness, external embeddedness and knowledge development on influence is mediated by the extent of reverse knowledge transfer. This mediating role sheds new light on the antecedents to subsidiary influence.  相似文献   

王玉晶 《北方经贸》2005,(11):18-19
本土化公关成为跨国公司在中国经营的重要手段,主要表现为政府公关、体育公关、文化公关、危机公关、灰色公关等形式。良好的政府公关、体育公关、文化公关可以树立企业形象,增强公众亲和力,扩宽信息渠道,获得媒体的柔性宣传,为跨国公司在中国的发展起到巨大作用。同时,危机公关方面表现的欠佳和灰色公关的不正确使用,使得跨国公司的本土化公关仍有亟待改进之处。研究借鉴跨国公司本土化公关,有利于我国企业实施“走出去”策略。  相似文献   

The extant research lacks information on entrepreneurial marketing in large international firms. This study explores the international entrepreneurial marketing strategies of multinational corporations (MNCs), and its results reveal that MNC marketing managers use bricolage to develop international entrepreneurial marketing. A novel finding of the study is that the international entrepreneurial marketing strategies of MNCs include co-innovation, accelerating customer value, and international expansion based on regional market leadership. Marketing managers use both parallel and selective bricolage in their international entrepreneurial marketing. Environmental uncertainty and entrepreneurship culture are important drivers of the implementation of bricolage to develop international entrepreneurial marketing. The research findings can inform MNC management of the options available to utilize corporate venturing to facilitate bricolage and in turn to realize international entrepreneurial marketing strategies.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the links between knowledge-oriented leadership, open innovation and knowledge management in the international business context. Open innovation has become crucial for an increasing number of multinational enterprises (MNEs) to gain and maintain competitive advantage and become a market leader. Despite the recent proliferation of papers dealing with open innovation practices of MNEs, there is limited work investigating the role of knowledge management (KM) capability on the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation. Given MNEs’ growing interest in open innovation, the lack of research on knowledge-oriented leadership and KM capability in the open innovation context is a significant research gap in our knowledge. In response, we conducted a study on the mediating role of KM capability in the linkage between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation (inbound and outbound), using data collected from 172 subsidiaries of MNEs based in France. A structural equation modelling approach is employed to study the impact of the latent variables associated with knowledge-oriented leadership and KM capability on open innovation. The results indicate that higher levels of knowledge-oriented leadership can lead to enhanced KM capability and improved open innovation outcomes. That is, knowledge-oriented leadership has a direct, positive impact on KM capability and open innovation. Also, KM capability is found to mediate the linkage between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation. This study provides useful insights for managers who wish to enhance open innovation activities in MNEs, and offers useful guidance to international business scholars, encouraging further research in this area.  相似文献   

跨国公司选址的影响因素及其对区域经济发展的启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
跨国公司的选址决策对于东道国的经济发展具有重要意义。然而,跨国公司在东道国的分布并不均匀,呈现出比较明显的地区差异。本文从区域条件、跨国公司的战略决策以及跨国公司和东道国之间的技术博弈三个方面研究跨国公司选址的影响因素,并就如何吸引跨国公司进入、融入全球价值链,促进区域经济发展提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

目前,跨国公司内部贸易的存在与发展,极大地带动了其母国进出口贸易规模的扩大,且由于海外子公司的大量返销行为,带动了母国国内产业结构的升级。应从有效利用其母子公司间的内部贸易,达到公司整体利益的最大化,实现对国内经济的拉动效应等方面得出对中国企业跨国经营的启示。  相似文献   

The increasing appreciation of the role of multinational corporations (MNCs) in the generation of technology across national boundaries has been facilitated by the recent trend for MNCs to establish internal and external networks for innovation. The development of cross-border corporate integration and intra-border inter-company sectoral integration makes it increasingly important to examine where and how innovative activity by MNCs is internationally dispersed and regionally concentrated. By using patents granted to the largest industrial firms for innovation located abroad-arranged by the host region-we test the nature of the relationship between the foreign-owned and the indigenous company profiles of technological specialisation in the Italian regions. We argue the MNC networks for innovation in Europe conform to a geographical hierarchy of regional centres. Accordingly, the technological specialisation of foreign-owned affiliates in different regional locations depends upon the position of the region in the hierarchy, i.e. whether the regional system is at the top of the hierarchy (higher order location) or is a lower order regional centre.  相似文献   

市场产权理论是继产权理论之后,近几年来一些学者提出的重要理论,受到国内外学者的普遍关注。但市场产权在其内容、主体及来源上均有商榷之处。因为市场主体不只是国家,还可以是企业,特别还可以是跨国公司。因此,跨国公司要扩张和发展,获取市场产权更有重要意义。根据国际经验,中国跨国公司可以通过投资结构的改变、技术控制、品牌控制及跨国并购来获取市场产权。但根据中国的实际情况,还应采取综合运用各种途径、培植知识产权扩张实力、利用两个市场并打好本土化的基础以及深化市场产权的体制改革等对策来获取市场产权,从而促进中国跨国公司的扩张。  相似文献   

This paper reports a qualitative study conducted at four Japanese subsidiaries in China and Vietnam about their process of international knowledge transfer. Building on the literatures concerning the diverse types and characteristics of knowledge in multinational corporations (MNCs), we explore the broad mechanisms adopted and locally generated by the host country subsidiaries for transferring the foreign knowledge and putting the locally embedded knowledge into practical use at the local settings. The findings indicated (1) the limitations of applying a standardized and universal set of knowledge transfer mechanisms without considering local idiosyncrasies and (2) the contributions of local agents and institutions throughout the process of local knowledge adaptation and development.  相似文献   

The paper reviews 105 contributions published in journals pertinent to the field of International Business (IB) between 1991 and 2014 and details four main conceptualizations of gender: how women are compared against men, how gender is treated as a control variable and a cultural macro variable, and how gender is 'done' in international organizations. The review reveals that positivist epistemological assumptions dominate the IB field and that the current understanding of gender is limited. To advance the research, the paper develops the notion of MNCs as gendered social spaces and explains why the IB field would benefit from a more nuanced understanding and incorporation of gender relations into its analyses and discussions. The paper outlines theoretical and methodological advances associated with the reconceptualization of MNCs as gendered social spaces.  相似文献   

Much has been written on the nature of international assignees’ experiences of managing Multinational Corporation (MNC) affiliates in the context of Western economies. This study aims to broaden the debate and elucidate these issues in the largely overlooked region of Middle East with a particular focus on Iran. Data from six MNC affiliates across two high growth global industries reveals that the nature of international assignees’ experiences can be explained in terms of desirable, indifference, and undesirable effects of managing MNC affiliates. Specifically, it was found that the international assignees’ perceptions of managing MNC affiliates were formed prior to their appointments. Furthermore, while conformance to headquarter (HQ) managerial orientations was seen to serve as a proxy for earlier desirable experiences of these international assignees, their current performance was seen to deteriorate by the need to fully comply with the HQ's way of doing things. Together, these findings support the view that the degree of congruence or fit between, on the one hand, the HQ and international assignees’ orientations, and on the other hand, between the international assignees and the host country culture could have implications for the success or failure of the international assignees in the context of Iranian-based MNCs. Finally, the paper concludes with implications and lessons for policy makers, practitioners and academics.  相似文献   

Production transfer within multinational enterprises and American wages   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This paper tests whether the transfer of production stages within US-headquartered multinational enterprises (MNEs) from US parents to foreign affiliates has contributed to within-industry shifts in US relative labor demand toward the more-skilled. There are two main empirical results. First, there is evidence of MNE transfer during the past 20 years. Second, regression analysis does not support the MNE hypothesis. MNE transfer tends to have small, imprecisely estimated effects on US relative labor demand. This finding is inconsistent with models of MNEs in which affiliate activities substitute for parent unskilled-labor-intensive activities.  相似文献   

A strategic risk approach to knowledge management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In today's business environment, strong forces of competition and globalization have created an urgency to focus how an organization controls and nurtures its intellectual capital. The concept of knowledge and its management has gained currency and momentum as technology has enabled thoughts and ideas to be more easily generated and distributed. With increased application of technologies such as the Internet, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and advanced software capabilities, it has been suggested the time has come for discussion of a new paradigm for knowledge management. Toward that end, this article examines the knowledge literature and reviews the experience of a leading private healthcare group, with the objective of gaining a better understanding of the issues that confront effective knowledge management in contemporary organizations. Finally, a tentative knowledge process model is developed herein, one which is intended to guide future discussion in the ongoing knowledge debate.  相似文献   

跨国公司生产组织变革、技术外溢与我国加工贸易的升级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了跨国公司国际生产组织的变革以及与这种变革相适应的国际生产网络中的技术外溢机制与加工贸易升级之间的关系。为了与产品内分工相适应,跨国公司调整其国际生产组织方式,形成了国际生产网络。以跨国公司为主导的国际生产网络中的技术外溢为我国加工企业提升生产能力带来了良机,对我国加工贸易升级具有重要意义。我国的加工贸易企业既要积极参与到国际生产网络之中,又要主动学习和吸收高层级主体向其溢出的先进技术和知识。  相似文献   

罗宣  薛靖 《国际贸易问题》2006,287(11):87-91
基于知识结构的子公司成长实质上是子公司内外部知识积累互动、优化知识结构的过程。知识基及其构成是子公司成长的内在基本条件;母合知识结构及其外部知识结构的互动是子公司成长的真正机理;子公司知识结构的变化为其成长提供了可能。基于知识结构的子公司成长战略有利于我国企业与跨国公司人力资源和知识网络的有效嫁接,能够促进我国企业的持续快速成长。  相似文献   

跨国企业母子公司的知识整合已经成为母公司和子公司组织创新、核心能力发展和竞争优势产生的主要方式。本文详细论述了跨国企业母子公司间知识转化及知识整合的内容,跨国企业母子公司知识整合需要穿越的三个边界,以及跨国企业母子公司间边界渗透和知识整合的实现。  相似文献   

This paper sets up a trade theoretic model to explain the output, price and welfare consequences of the outward investment from Hong Kong to the Pearl River Delta. A four-good trade theoretic model is set up to incorporate some special features of the Hong Kong Economy. We assume that the economy produces four goods: an exportable good, an importable good and two non-traded goods. A special feature of the model is that one of the non-traded goods (locally produced) is also consumed by foreigners and produced under the assumption of non-competitive market framework. As tourist or business-centre trade is of great significance to Hong Kong, this model allows us to capture this phenomenon. First, precise conditions are derived regarding the decline in manufacturing output in Hong Kong. Second, it is shown that, in spite of the supply side determination of the relative price of non-traded goods, income effects in this market are of great significance in both income (welfare) and output movements. These income effects cannot be captured in industrial organization type applied work. Third, it is shown how outflow of capital affects labour productivity. A surprising result obtained for this part of the analysis is that a fall in productivity (outflow of capital and de-industrialization) creates a favourable terms-of-trade effect in the monopolized sector. The welfare effect consists of four terms: (1) a terms-of trade effect via the price of non-traded goods consumed by tourists/foreigners; (2) the loss (gain) in productivity due to an outflow of capital; (3) repatriation payments; and (4) the gains from exporting from the Special Economic Zones as well as other Pearl River Delta cities. Our decomposition has two very important features in contrast to traditional models: a terms-of-trade effect from the consumption of services and productivity gains or losses. The last point is exceedingly important for policy makers specifically if outward flow of capital affects productivity negatively.  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNCs) need to sense, source, and mobilize knowledge when and where it arises, whether at home, or elsewhere in the world. For this reason, MNCs benefit from employee networks of relationships that span across intraorganizational barriers, allowing for the efficient mobilization of knowledge across boundaries. Yet, which organizational members are more likely to be able to develop these boundary spanning networks? We leverage a unique data set from a large multinational corporation to empirically test a comprehensive model that captures the effect of an employee’s mandate, expertise, and behavioral orientations on her likelihood to span intraorganizational boundaries that manifest themselves in the form of hierarchies, intra-functional domains, and geographic territories. We find that the employees that are more likely to be boundary spanners are those having mandates with a global impact, high levels of expertise, and a collaborative orientation in their networking behaviors. In addition, we find that these effects are stronger for those employees that have large formal workflow networks.  相似文献   

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