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推行政府采购制度,对加强财政的支出管理,提高资金使用效益,稳定物价,促进廉政建设等方面都发挥着重要作用。但再好的政府采购制度,如果没有建立起一个高效可靠的监督机制,政府采购制度就难以完全实施,政府采购工作就难以保证在公开、公平、公正和规范有序的环境中进行。因此,研究政府采购管理制度,加强监督,规范政府采购程序十分必要。  相似文献   

正义被作为社会制度追求的首要价值由来已久。一个制度的公平与合理可以被认为是正义得到实现的前提。然而在《失控的陪审团》中,以违法手段"引导"下得出的"正义"比按照合法程序寻求的"正义"更接近于正义,而绝对不是制度在正常运作下所达到的正义。这里就引发一个问题,为什么法律会遭遇法律之外的博弈影响?这种博弈甚至影响法律的最终判决,正义缘何无法从这一优化配置的制度(陪审团制度)中寻求到满足呢?  相似文献   

实体性正当法律程序起源于英国,在美国得到创新与发展。实体性正当法律程序指的是通过限制公共立法权来达到维护公民实质性公平、正义的宪法性法律。面对中国现行法律法规对实体性正当法律程序的缺失,本人提出合理性建议,在宪法中规定实体性正当法律程序,从而弥补现行部门法之间出现的不合理漏洞,实现公民的实质公平与正义。  相似文献   

<正> 企业要想参加政府采购竞争,赢得中标机会,除了要加强生产经营管理,做好自己的产品,大力提升产品竞争力之外,还必须制定和实施正确的投标策略。那么,企业在激烈的政府采购竞争中,如何才能脱颖而出,获得订单呢?熟悉法律和程序,及时了解采购信息。政府采购对程序的要求非常严格,《政府采购法》共规定了五种招标方式,对每种招标方式的程序都作出了相应规定。集中采购代理机构在组织采购活动时,必须按照法律规定程序进行。供应商必须熟悉和遵守有关法律、法规和程序,积极认真地投入到政府采购活动中来,才能取得良好的政府采购效果。在政府采购活动中,对于采购人和采购代理机构提出的一些具体要求,供应商应  相似文献   

新华 《市场周刊》2004,(39):15-15
随着政府采购行为的日益规范化,不少地方财政部门成立的“政府采购中心”等集中采购机构,因其机构的“特殊身份”带来的弊端逐渐地暴露了出来,有的已影响到了政府采购工作“公平、公开、公正”的原则立场,怎样设置才能更具有科学性、合理性呢,对此,笔认为:首先,政府采购中心不能隶属于财政部门。  相似文献   

社会保障的经济本质是财富再分配,社会保障的内在价值是维护人的尊严,社会保障的根本宗旨是实现公共利益。财富分配的结果公正与否难以用客观标准衡量,需要通过决策程序的正当性得以保障。程序正义是通过政策过程的参与,避免个人消极被动地接受关于个人利益的决策,其内在价值也是维护人的尊严。公共利益本身难以界定,需要通过程序才可能在具体的公共政策中得以实现。可见,社会保障追求程序正义是其经济本质、内在价值与根本宗旨的客观要求。程序正义遵循两个基本原则:任何人都不能成为自己案件的法官,当事人有陈述和被倾听的权利。这两个原则蕴含的价值精神是权力制约和公开听证。社会保障程序正义需要在立法和行政中实现权力制约和公开听证。  相似文献   

孟德斯鸠在《论法的精神》中指出 :“一切有权力的人都容易滥用权力 ,这是万古不易的一条经验。有权力的人们使用权力一直到遇到有界限的地方才休止”。因此 ,防止政府及其工作人员权力滥用损害相对人合法权益 ,确保执法公正 ,实现法律的公平和正义目的是依法行政的价值核心。要达到这一终极目标 ,除了建立、健全行政复议、行政诉讼和行政赔偿等政府违法责任追究制和相对人侵权救济机制外 ,程序制度的建立和完善具有极其重要的意义。一、程序理性观念的沿革与深化程序理性 ,程序正义渊源于英国自然正义原则和美国程序正当的宪法原则。18世…  相似文献   

医疗体制改革中的政府角色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医疗服务的生产和供给具有复杂的技术经济特征。存在严重的市场失灵,且事关社会公平和正义。在推进我国医疗体制改革、建立公平高效的医疗服务体系过程中,不仅要增加政府财政投入,扩大准入和完善竞争机制,而且必须同步改革传统的医疗行政管理体制,建立基于公平规则和透明程序的新的医疗卫生监管体系  相似文献   

政府采购监督制度既是政府采购制度不可或缺的组成部分,又是实现政府采购法制的重要保障。如何建立、完善高效可靠的政府采购监督制度,以顺利实施政府采购制度和实现政府采购的"公开、公平、公正",成为当前迫切需要解决的一个课题。  相似文献   

政府采购监督是指在采购过程中监督政府采购各主体行为的行为和活动。当前形势下如何做好政府采购监督管理,实现政府采购的"公开、公平、公正",成为当前迫切需要解决的一个课题。  相似文献   

There is much still to learn about the nature of fair trade consumers. In light of the Pope’s encyclical Caritas in Veritate, this article sought to advance the current understanding by investigating the role of religion in fair trade consumption. In this study, fair trade consumers and non-consumers across many religions as well as the non-religious described their consumption of fair trade products as well as the use of their religious beliefs in their purchase behavior. It appears that the non-religious are slightly more inclined toward buying fair trade products. Of the religious observers studied, Buddhists have a greater propensity to buy fair trade. The relationship between religion and fair trade consumption is complex in that religious affiliation – group membership – alone is not enough to encourage members to buy fair trade; rather, it is the use of religious beliefs as a criterion in consumption behavior that linked religion to fair trade consumption.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a significant increase in the market for fair trade products. However, there is a discrepancy between the stated purchase intention of consumers and their actual purchase behaviour with respect to fair trade. This article takes an operational and strategic view of this issue and argues that one significant reason for this lies in the limited range of fair trade products currently available. Next, a strategic framework for fair trade new product development is presented and explored. Finally, key operational criteria for fair trade product selection are discussed using a case study example to support the conclusions.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand the consistency between attitudes toward ethical brands and consistency with the respondents’ recent purchase behavior. A study of 202 respondents was carried out in order to observe consistency between claimed ethical attitudes and self-reported purchase behavior across three product categories. Panel data (n = 8000) was utilized to provide a large sample on which a duplication of purchase analysis could be conducted. Results suggest many consumers claim to have ethical attitudes, but their reported purchases suggest their behavior is not consistent. Consumers who purchase fair trade brands are just as likely to purchase other, non–fair trade brands.  相似文献   

Current statistics show that more than three out of four people in France have heard about fair trade. However, fair trade goods are purchased in significantly higher proportions by executive class people, individuals with a postgraduate education, urban dwellers and high‐income earners. Why does not everybody purchase fair trade products? An important question follows: is fair trade not really fair for consumers? This paper seeks to gain deeper insight into what social features give rise to the consumption of fair trade goods using quantitative and qualitative data to verify the reasons for which fair trade goods are consumed by particular groups in society. It shows that the lack of access to information and financial resources can explain consumers' refusal to purchase fair trade products. But this explanation is incomplete, as the meaning given by consumers to their consumption appears to be a key‐factor to understand their behaviour: refusing to buy fair trade goods can be a deliberate choice.  相似文献   

Using the Schwartz value system, this study explored the personal values of consumers related to fair trade product consumption. This study further investigated how the values determine beliefs, attitudes and purchase intentions associated with fair trade non‐food products. Data were collected using an online survey from a random sample of 1824 nationwide consumers. The results of this study revealed that fair trade purchasers show a higher level of self‐transcendence (universalism, benevolence) and openness to change values (self‐direction, stimulation) than non‐purchasers. These values also have positive effects on the formation of beliefs, attitudes and purchase intentions pertaining to fair trade non‐food products. Fair trade purchasers were also found to possess distinctive socio‐demographic characteristics concerning age, education and income. Findings can offer marketers specific information regarding consumers' motivations to purchase fair trade goods, which can improve targeting of products and ultimately increase the business and benefits of fair trade.  相似文献   

Agri-food business pricing practices assume that consumers know about prices and that price is an impediment to healthy food purchase and consumption. The present article assesses functional dairy food shoppers’ price knowledge accuracy and its determinants. The data were gathered from 207 face-to-face interviews with shoppers at the point of sale and were analyzed with binary logistic regression testing a number of set hypotheses. Results show that healthy food price knowledge is higher than for conventional food but still low, and consumers tend to underestimate the price paid. Price knowledge accuracy increases with high purchase frequency, promotional products, hedonistic consumption, and for enhanced function products. Results provide a basis for higher sustainable pricing strategies. Consumers’ inability to distinguish misleading pricing strategies calls for regulators to ensure fair and ethical market practices, especially for healthy food.  相似文献   

The Role of Personal Values in Fair Trade Consumption   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Research in the U.S. on fair trade consumption is sparse. Therefore, little is known as to what motivates U.S. consumers to buy fair trade products. This study sought to determine which values are salient to American fair trade consumption. The data were gathered via a Web-based version of the Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) and were gleaned from actual consumers who purchase fair trade products from a range of Internet-based fair trade retailers. This study established that indeed there are significant interactions between personal values and fair trade consumption and that demographics proved to be useless in creating a profile of the American fair trade consumer.  相似文献   

Research on fair trade has flourished over the past decade as fair trade food products have gained popularity amongst consumers in many developed economies. This study examines the effects of recessionary economic conditions on fair trade consumers’ purchasing behaviour. An online survey was administered to 306 fair trade consumers from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The results reveal a discrepancy among fair trade consumers as only consumers that purchase fair trade on an occasional basis adhered to established consumer behaviour norms, i.e. decreasing their purchases of fair trade products and becoming significantly more price aware. Respondents who actively consume fair trade generally remained loyal to their purchase. While some active consumers altered their purchasing behaviour, this phenomenon was not common amongst this group as no statistically significant changes were observed. Differences were also noted among the three countries as the Canadian and US fair trade consumers significantly decreased their consumption of fair trade as a result of the recession, whereas the UK consumers did not. In addition to the research results, theoretical and managerial implications will be discussed along with future research directions.  相似文献   

This article examines the definition and the content of a “consumeroriented food policy.” Food policy is a balanced government strategy regarding the food economy, which takes account of its interrelationships with both national and international economy. Consumers are more especially concerned with: adequate supplies; fair and stable purchase prices; safety of foodstuffs; nutritionally well-balanced diets; fitness for special requirements; well-defined and satisfying quality, including content rules; unbiased and usable information on foodstuffs and food patterns; participation of consumers in policy-making decisions. The paper focuses on the activities of public authorities, not forgetting the present trend toward deregulation. Examples are mostly taken from the French and EEC contexts.  相似文献   

李爱霞 《中国市场》2007,(45):116-117
在当前资源环境问题日益严重的情况下,推行政府绿色采购势在必行。加快推进政府绿色采购,必须进一步制定和完善有关法规和政策,完善绿色采购清单制度,建立绿色采购标准制度,完善环境标志计划认证,制定和实施一定的优惠政策,加强监督,等等。  相似文献   

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