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Innovative clusters and the industry life cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to link the propensity for innovative activity to spatially cluster to the stage of the industry life cycle. The theory of knowledge spillovers, based on the knowledge production function for innovative activity, suggests that geographic proximity matters the most where tacit knowledge plays an important role in the generation of innovative activity. According to the emerging literature of the industry life cycle, tacit knowledge plays the most important role during the early stages of the industry life cycle. Based on a data base that identifies innovative activity for individual states and specific industries for the United States, the empirical evidence suggests that the propensity for innovative activity is shaped by the stage of the industry life cycle. While the generation of new economic knowledge tends to result in a greater propensity for innovative activity to cluster during the early stages of the industry life cycle, innovative activity tends to be more highly dispersed during the mature and declining stages of the life cycle, particularly after controlling for the extent to which the location of production is geographically concentrated. This may suggest that the positive agglomeration effects during the early stages of the industry life cycle become replaced by congestion effects during the latter stages of the industry life cycle.  相似文献   

This paper aims to shed some new insights on the long‐debated and both extensively and intensively explored relationship between market concentration and industry R&D intensity. In order to do so, this study develops, from a classic Dorfman‐Steiner [1954] model of firm R&D, a model of industry R&D, where consumer preference over quality and price, R&D technology, and the joint distribution of firm‐specific technological competence and market share jointly determine the level of industry R&D intensity. The joint distribution term, which reflects both the underlying distribution of firms‐specific technological competence and the strength of its link with market share, suggests that the concentration‐R&D relationship differs depending on the strength of the link or simply the appropriability of R&D in terms of market share: A positive relationship is predicted for low‐appropriability industries, where market concentration supplements low R&D appropriability, while a negative or an inverted U‐shaped relationship for high‐appropriability industries. An empirical analysis of data, disaggregated at the five‐digit SIC level, on R&D and market concentration of Korean manufacturing industries provides supportive evidence for the predictions.  相似文献   

Both structural determinants and competitive factors can work to define the relevant environment for strategy formulation within an industry. This study examines the effects of each of these two sets of factors on global integration strategies, and finds that their impacts vary considerably from one industry to another. The study also investigates the relationship between a business's global integration strategy and its performance, using an industry'specific perspective. In the aggregate, the businesses studied appear to be under-globalized. However, this relationship varied significantly by industry; four of the industries studied appeared to be under-globalized, while the remaining three industries were at or near an optimal level of globalization.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relation between firm size and R&D activity for Japanese large manufacturing firms using patents granted in the U.S.. Japanese firms loom larger in world R&D agenda; therefore, the examination of the determinants of their R&D activity, in particular, the effects of firm size, may provide a suggestion of R&D activity. The firm size-patent count relationship varies across industry. In many industries, Japanese experience is not in favor of the assertion that there is a return to scale in R&D among large firms, indicating that Schumpeterian entrepreneurship is not likely to take place more than proportinately to firm size. This conclusion is not inconsistent with Schumpeter's theory.  相似文献   

新时期我国高增长行业的产业政策分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高增长行业在推动经济增长、解决就业、促进技术进步等方面具有重要的意义。高增长行业的产业政策必须根据高增长行业自身的技术属性、初始条件和外部环境的变化进行动态的调整。本文就此提出了动态能力导向的高增长行业产业政策。与传统的产业政策相比,动态能力导向的产业政策具有动态性和创业性两方面的特征。传统产业政策的理论基础是新古典的市场失败理论,在该框架下,政府的核心功能是对产业发展进行长期计划。动态能力导向的产业政策则建构于演化理论的基础上。在该理论框架下,由于环境是不确定的、复杂的,因此,政府的作用主要不是计划,而是努力通过与企业的信息交流和互动来共同克服产业发展的障碍,并最终形成产业与环境的动态匹配;由于环境是变化的,因此,产业政策的重点不是加强既有的企业和产品,而是通过促进企业的创业性活动实现企业和产业竞争能力的培育和提升。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test empirically the relationships between the environmental scanning activities of upper-level executives and their organizations' strategies, on the premise that executives would scan to reinforce their organization's particular basis for competing. Among the three industries studied, there were differences in the strategy–scanning link. These differences may have been attributable to different dominant environmental requirements existing in each industry.  相似文献   

Manufacturers in many industries seek service-led growth beyond their product core. Yet research on the link between service revenue growth and firm profitability is still at an early stage. To shed further light on this complex relationship, we report the results of a longitudinal study based on panel data of 414 companies in the German mechanical engineering industry collected over a five-year period. Employing latent growth curve modeling and using multiple group analysis, the study provides empirical evidence for the causality between service infusion strategies and manufacturers' profit trajectories. The results also reveal differential effects of service categories and the moderating role of manufacturers' product innovation efforts. For companies with high product innovation activity, services supporting the product (SSPs) directly increase firm profitability, while services supporting the clients' actions (SSCs) do not display any link with long-term profitability. Conversely, for companies with low product innovation activity, SSCs have a significant, positive effect on firm profitability, while SSPs have only an indirect effect. In sum, our findings caution managers that service offerings do not automatically improve company profits. Manufacturers must carefully consider the fit between their service offerings and product innovation activities to grow bottom line results.  相似文献   

This article empirically measures the effects of organizational separation on industrial buying in the commercial construction industry. It was reasoned that the relationship between organizations and their buying centers should depend on the separations between organizational buying units. Two types of organizational separation were measured— geographic separation and communication separation. Industrial sellers must relate selling effort to buying behavior and procedures. This study reports on how buying influence varies between firms that operate at various levels of organizational separation. The managerial implications of matching the pattern of buying influence with appropriate selling effort is presented.  相似文献   

本文通过102个主要国家的SITC五位码贸易数据计算了我国2001—2009年24个制造业行业的出口复杂度(ESI),以此衡量各行业在全球价值链中的地位,并实证检验了全球生产网络对我国制造业价值链地位的影响。研究发现,总体而言,全球生产网络促进了我国制造业价值链提升,资本密集度和高技术资本密集度也可以显著提高价值链地位,但经济自由度、研发对我国制造业价值链提升的积极作用并不显著。进一步的研究发现,全球生产网络对我国制造业价值链地位的影响存在显著的行业差异性,具体表现为,与以零部件贸易为主的行业相比,全球生产网络对价值链提升的积极影响在以半成品贸易为主的行业中更为显著;在资本技术密集型行业中,全球生产网络有助于提升我国制造业的价值链地位,但在劳动密集型行业和资本密集型行业中这一作用并不明显。  相似文献   

以当前国际金融危机为背景,介绍了2008年山西省宏观经济情况,分析了三次产业、工业及重点行业2008年用电需求的变化,探求三者与宏观经济变化间的关系。结果表明:左右山西宏观经济的煤炭、化工、黑色和有色行业,同样也是影响全社会用电量变化的主导因素。跟踪重点行业的生产情况对提高山西省电力市场分析预测工作很有意义。  相似文献   

我国高技术产业创新产出的空间分布存在着显著的局域空间相关性特征,本文将地理邻近性与技术相似性因素纳入到知识生产函数模型中,分析了邻域(地理/技术)地区研发投入对“本地区”高技术产业创新产出的影响。结果发现,“本地区”高技术产业创新绩效一方面受到周边邻近地区创新投入的影响;另一方面技术邻近对“本地区”的创新产出也很重要,但技术相似性与地理邻近性对知识溢出的影响不是相互独立的,在某种程度上可能是重叠的。  相似文献   

The paper computes the extent of marketleadership volatility by industry, and then examinesthe determinants of volatility in Japanesemanufacturing industries. Volatility varies fromindustry to industry, and changes over time in manyindustries. Concentration coexists with lessvolatility, suggesting that the former has a policysignificance. Concentration change has a significantand positive effect. Exports have avolatility-promoting effect, but imports have noeffect. Industry size tends to decrease volatility.The effect of industry growth is not found.Advertising, R&D and distribution channel have nodefinite effect respectively as well.  相似文献   

本文构建一种基于生产率的新型节能减排指数,测度2007~2013年我国36个工业行业的节能减排效率,并重点分析企业自主创新、国内创新溢出和国外技术引进对工业节能减排效率的影响。研究发现:我国战略性新兴产业、高新技术产业节能减排效率普遍较高,资源、资本、劳动密集型行业节能减排效率普遍较低;企业自主创新对高效率行业作用更明显,国外技术引进对低效率行业影响更突出,国内创新溢出对各行业效率的影响力度基本一致;环境规制、行业企业规模等也是影响节能减排效率的因素之一。  相似文献   

We investigate the factors that influence the timing of entry of firms into new industries based on new technology. Consistent with previous research, it is hypothesized that firm resources and organizational attributes influence entry timing. Unlike previous research, there is specific consideration of how industry setting—specifically, the extent to which it offers first mover advantages—influences the ability to predict timing of entry. The ability to explain entry timing differed across industries, with success occurring in the industry with strong first mover advantages. Two categories of resources, technological and marketing, were found to be associated with early entry. The organizational attributes that influenced early entry were commitment to a threatened market and (surprisingly) greater size. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We revisit the questions of identification of outlying firms within industries and their impact on the relative importance of firm‐ and industry‐specific factors for firm performance. In response to McNamara, Aime and Valler (2005), we argue that the key results in Hawawini, Subramnian and Verdin (2003) are insensitive to the varying methods used to identify firm outliers. Further, we argue that conducting tests on industry outliers are inconsistent to what is indicated by theory and past empirical results on the relative importance of firm and industry effects to firm performance. Firm effects may matter most for outperforming and underpeforming firms, while industry effects may be at least as important to firms ‘stuck in the middle’. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文利用2004~2011年我国行业的面板数据,用非参数的Malmquist指数的方法测算中国八大行业的全要素生产率,通过GMM方法分析我国对外直接投资传导的国际研发存量和我国的研发存量以及两者的交互项对这8个行业的全要素生产率的影响,以便了解对外直接投资的逆向技术溢出效应。实证结果表明:现阶段国内各相关行业通过对外直接投资途径传导的国外逆向技术有一定的溢出效应,但对技术进步的影响并不显著;只有在国内研发和其他方面的投入跨越一定的门槛值后,才能使我国对外直接投资产生逆向技术溢出效应。   相似文献   

In Which Industries is Collusion More Likely? Evidence from the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I examine the factors facilitating or hindering collusion using a comprehensive data set on the incidence of price–fixing across UK manufacturing industries in the 1950s. The econometric results suggest that collusion is more likely the higher the degree of capital intensity and less likely in advertising–intensive than in low–advertising industries. There is also some evidence of a non–monotonic relationship between market growth and the likelihood of collusion. There is no clear link between concentration and the incidence of collusion.  相似文献   

Knowledge is fundamental to strategic success. Limited progress has been made, however, in measuring organizational knowledge. We employ research on resource‐based theory and organizational epistemology to suggest a perceptual approach to measuring knowledge. We present a research protocol to identify a domain of organizational knowledge resources within industries. Using a sample of organizations from the hospital and textile industries, we interviewed CEOs to identify the feasible set of knowledge resources. We presented this set to managers at those organizations to measure their perceptions of the value‐added of each knowledge resource for their organizations. The results demonstrate that the importance of knowledge resources varies by industry and organization, and calls to question efforts to generate an inventory of generic knowledge resources that is applicable across industries. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在目前国内节能减排政策力度不断加强的背景下,我国工业行业在进行节能减排的同时保持稳定的工业经济增长,以改善发展质量显得尤为重要。本文基于对我国31个工业细分行业2000~2014年的行业要素密集度的计算,并对柯布道格拉斯生产函数进行扩展,运用面板数据分析方法进行资本密集型行业和劳动密集型行业的计量检验。结果发现我国工业行业中,资本密集型行业与劳动密集型行业的能源产出弹性存在较大的差异,资本密集型行业的产出弹性高于劳动密集型行业约433%,同时资本、劳动和技术等要素在这两种要素密集度行业的产出弹性也存在差异,因此不同要素密集度性质的行业应采取差异化的措施从而在节能减排的同时保证产出稳定增长。  相似文献   

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