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我国盈利公告效应的动态特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
国外对盈利公告效应(earnings announcement effect)的研究得出两条规律:(1)提前依次异动:股价不仅在盈利公告当日依次变动,而且之前已提早反应。(2)后动有序持续:股价的走势在公告后较长时间内依然不变。这两条规律在我国也存在吗?本文旨在探索上述市场规律,寻找我国盈利公告效应的动态特征。我们运用事件分析法考察了1998—2000年闻沪市对上市公司盈利公告的反应。结果发现,上述两条规律在我国均有不同形式的体现。首先,股价确有提前异动,但仅限于盈利有增长的公司,其原因并非完全出于市场预期,却不排除有消息泄露的可能性。其次,股价亦有后动持续现象,但相当无序,表现最佳的竟为盈利最差的公司,其股价在公告之后大幅上涨;究其原因,它与我国特有的宝贵"壳资源"现象关系密切。  相似文献   

This paper uses the National Child Development Study to investigate the relationship between adult schooling and labour market earnings for men. In line with several other studies, the findings suggest that there are returns to all educational qualifications acquired early in life. A variety of statistical models are estimated to try to measure the causal effect of adult education on earnings. Careful analysis reveals that there are no genuine returns to additional qualifications awarded in middle adulthood. The central conclusion of this paper is that rates of return to human capital are greater for individuals who were educated early in life.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have investigated the effects of school quality on average earnings in the postschooling years. In this article we broaden the discussion to investigate whether school quality has a measurable impact at other points in the conditional earnings distribution. We find that in specifications that do not control for individual and family background characteristics there are differential effects of school resources on earnings. The most significant effects occur in the top half of the conditional earnings distribution. However, after controlling for a variety of demographic variables, much of the impact of school resources on earnings is diminished. Exceptions to this seem to be school enrollment levels and, to a lesser degree, expenditures: higher enrollments tend to raise the upper tail of the earnings distribution without a similar increase in the bottom of the distribution; the effect of expenditures is positive and significant for the 0.25 quantile and the median.  相似文献   

The intense competition for foreign direct investment (FDI) by state and local governments within the United States has raised concerns among some that this leads to the underprovision of public services and possibly welfare losses for local communities. Economic analysis of this hypothesis yields mixed results. This paper investigates the impact of FDI on local education expenditures both theoretically and empirically. The theoretical model shows an ambiguous impact of FDI on local expenditures for education. Empirically using US state‐level data from 1991 to 2000 and the system‐GMM estimator that controls for fixed effects, times series issues and endogeneity, I find evidence that FDI is positively correlated with increased expenditures on education.  相似文献   

This paper examines differences in earnings by occupations, and within occupations by sex and by race, on the basis of the 1/100 Public Use Samples of the 1960 and 1970 U.S. Population Censuses. It employs interval analysis to establish 32 categories of occupations with similar characteristics. Little relation was found between mean earnings of occupational groups and the degree of earnings inequality within them. When the figures are examined by sex, it was found that men, on average, earned over twice as much as women in both years, but women's earnings were more unequally distributed (as measured by the Gini coefficient). Women are concentrated in the traditional “female” occupations, which tend to be those at the bottom of the earnings scale, and men have a monopoly of the higher paid occupations. But mean earnings for men exceeded those for women in all occupational groups except one, even in the primarily female occupations. Standardizing first for occupational distribution and then for earnings by occupation, it was found that earnings differences between males and females within occupation had a greater impact on the overall male-female earnings ratio than did differences in occupational distribution by sex. In contrast, when the figures are examined by race, the change in occupational distribution (primarily the movement of blacks out of farming and of blacks and Spanish speakers out of personal services) was the major factor. There was also a considerable degree of earnings inequality within demographic groups. The degree of inequality was in the main reduced when the demographic groups were subdivided into occupations, but it was still substantial. Additional factors like time worked, schooling, and experience must be taken into consideration in understanding this phenomenon.  相似文献   

This article examines several hypotheses concerning the stochastic nature of year to year variations in individual incomes in light of newly available microdata on individual earnings. In particular, the models of Solow (1951), Champernowne (1953), and Rutherford (1955) are examined in some detail, and their predictions as to changes to be expected in the distribution of individual incomes are tested. The author concludes that the distributions arrived at using these models are not very similar either to each other or to the actual distribution of earnings. Thus, he believes that as an “explanation” of earnings dynamics stochastic process models are unsatisfactory. He further criticizes these models on the grounds that they foster a bias toward the belief in the inevitability, and perhaps desirability, of the current distribution of earnings.  相似文献   

本文基于资源配置战略视角,以我国2007—2016年非金融类A股上市公司为样本,实证探究不同资源配置战略下的盈余价值相关性差异。研究发现:从整体看,经营主导型公司的净利润较投资主导型公司更具有价值相关性;从构成看,核心利润的价值相关性在经营主导型公司中更强、投资收益的价值相关性在投资主导型公司中更强。综上表明,资源配置战略是影响公司盈余价值相关性的重要因素。本文丰富和扩展了有关盈余价值相关性的研究,为投资者解读公司的盈余信息提供了一种新视角,对投资决策具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


The output of the Swedish education sector is defined as the addition to lifetime incomes generated by the schooling system. Using cross-sectional information on wages, employment rates, working hours, school-participation and leisure time, all by years of schooling, we compute new output-based measures of the education sector. Measures that include and exclude leisure, and that are counted before and after taxes are computed for the years 1967, 1973, 1980 and 1990. Our most important conclusion is that the output-based measure differs so markedly from conventional input-based ones that a replacement of the latter with the former would change the picture of the overall performance of the Swedish economy over the period.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between average earnings, education (measured by years of schooling), and rates of return to education for major racial/ethnic groups in the United States. It considers the effect of including previously omitted "productivity-of-schooling" (also referred to here as "child quality") variables. An upward-sloping average education, rate-of-return-to-education profile exists for His-panics, blacks, and whites. Productivity-of-schooling (i.e., child quality) measures– including family size, family composition, ability, and parental inputs–significantly affect earnings and rates of return to education. The results here are consistent with Chiswick (1988). Conditions within the family play a larger role in determining the value of education for minority males than for white males, a conclusion of obvious interest to policymakers.  相似文献   

The paper raises three questions. Firstly, is it warranted that a significant part of primary (property) income is not shown in the national accounts as being distributed to the owners of the assets to which it accrues but ends up as capital gains in the revaluation account? Secondly, why has the SNA chosen not to record reinvested earnings of corporations as flows of property income with the exception of foreign direct investment, and thirdly why the asymmetrical recording of stock investments constituting more than 10 percent of equity capital depending on whether domestic or foreign transactions are concerned? Reinvested earnings on domestic equity investment above 10 percent of a corporation are not recorded as property income in the system. The paper looks at these three questions from the perspective of the analytical uses of national accounts. The consequences for the analysis of income distribution both between nations and within nations are examined.  相似文献   

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