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China has successfully taken its primary steps forward in opening up to the outside world in all respects. Profile of route map In 1949,right after the establishment of the People's Republic of China(PRC), overall economic blockage and embargo imposed by other countries,except the Soviet Union and eastern European coun- tries,separated China from the global economic and trade community.In such a context,China Council for the Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT)was born in May 1952 to facilitate non-governmen- tal trade with other countries,Japan in particular.  相似文献   

Bangladesh is the friendly neighboring country of China. Since two countries established diplomatic relations 30 years ago, along with the constant development of friendly relations, the trade and economic cooperation between the two countries has been closer and closer. In 2000, the trade volume of the two countries was only US$920 million; in 2004 the trade volume of the two sides was up to US$1.96billion, over 100% more than that of 2000 and the highest record in history. At present,Bangladesh has become China's third largest trading partner in South Asia.In the first two months of this year, the trade volume of the two countries continued to grow at a rate of 40%; the trade volume in 2005 will top US$2billion and will be about US$2.5 billion. Since 2000, the trade and economic cooperation between China and Bangladesh has the following features:  相似文献   

On May 25, Zhang Wei, Vice-Chairman of CCPIT, attended the opening ceremony land other relevant events of 1st China-Kuwait Investment Forum, as the leader of Chinese economic & trade delegation. In his speech, Zhang said that since the two countries established diplomatic relations, the bilateral relations have been developed in a comprehensive manner, with the economic communication going deep and bilateral trade volume skyrocketing. As the first Arabic country where China has makes direct investment, Kuwait has maintained sound cooperation relations with China in a large number of fields such as the exploitation of petrol and gas and prospection of energy.  相似文献   

The Russian Federation and the P.R. China have a long standing friendship, which has been highly praised from generation to generation. During recent years, the close bilateral political relations and high-level government visits between the two countries have made solid foundations for promoting bilateral economic and trade cooperation. In 2006, China is celebrating Russia Year, in 2007 Russia will celebrate China Year, giving unprecedented opportunities for the promotion of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries. In August, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Sergey TSYPLAKOV, Trade Representative for the Russian Federation (of Minister Rank), he stated: "The bilateral economic and trade cooperation between Russia and China has never been better!" By Editor  相似文献   

Chemical Chamber of Commerce, a sub council of CCPIT and CCOIC,was established in July 1990. In accordance with the Constitution and Tenet of CCPIT,CCPIT CHEM has been dedicating itself to promoting trade exchange and economic & technological cooperation between China and other countries and regions, serving chemical industry and enterprises and accelerating the continuous industrial dcvelopment with its unceasing efforts.  相似文献   

The Russian Federation and the P.R. China have a long standing friendship, which has been highly praised from generation to generation. During recent years, the close bilateral political relations and high-level government visits between the two countries have made solid foundations for promoting bilateral economic and trade cooperation. In 2006, China is celebrating Russia Year, in 2007 Russia will celebrate China Year, giving unprecedented opportunities for the promotion of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries. In August, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Sergey TSYPLAKOV, Trade Representative for the Russian Federation (of Minister Rank), he stated: "The bilateral economic and trade cooperation between Russia and China has never been better!" By Editor  相似文献   

Chambers of commerce across the world has played a key role in bringing closer economic and trade ties between different countries, and CCPIT/CCOIC is one of them. Established in May 1952,China Council for the Promotion of Internation- al Trade(CCPIT)comprises VIPs,enter- prises and organizations representing the economic and trade sectors in China.  相似文献   

About CCPIT     
Established in May 1952, China Council for the Promotion ofInternational Trade (CCPIT) is the most important and the largestinstitution for the promotion of foreign trade in China. CCPIT aims at promoting foreign trade of China, helping to introduceforeign investment and advanced foreign technologies, enhancing Sino-foreign economic and technological cooperation in various ways, settingup much closer economic and trade relations between China and other  相似文献   

After the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949,China adhered to the principle of independence and self-reliance,and gradually carried out economic and trade exchanges with foreign countries.However,hindered by the international political environment at that time and the country's planned economic system,China's foreign trade development was relatively slow.  相似文献   

In 1993, economic and trade cooperation between China and Canada was further developed and exchanges between the two governments and enterprises increased. Statistics from Chinese Customs show that the volume of bilateral trade between China and Canada in 1993 reached US$2.57 billion, the same level as the record high of 1992 and up 16.6 fold over 1970 when the two countries established diplomatic relations.  相似文献   

基于合作博弈的我国与发展中国家经贸关系协调研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对近年来我国与发展中国家经贸摩擦不断扩大的现状,以较为详实的统计数据和资料阐述了我国同发展中国家经贸关系概况,深入的分析了存在的问题。在此基础上,运用博弈理论,建立经贸联盟的合作博弈模型,导出了经贸联盟经博弈后的分配方案(Shapley值)的计算公式,指出以基于合作博弈的经贸联盟博弈模型思想,协调我国与发展中国家经贸关系是积极而有益的选择,并针对性的提出我国与发展中国家经贸关系协调对策建议。  相似文献   

从贸易角度探讨我国的贸易摩擦与对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
由于世界经济发展的不平衡及贸易利益分配的不一致,国家之间的贸易摩擦日趋激烈。特别是我国经济的快速增长,使我国与其他国家的贸易摩擦不断蔓延和升级,对我国出口的持续发展带来重大威胁,而且对宏观调控和对外政治外交关系造成严重干扰。本文从贸易角度探讨了目前我国贸易摩擦频发的原因以及应采取的对策,指出我国应实施提高国际竞争力的贸易战略。  相似文献   

建立中国-新西兰自由贸易区的经济效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在区域经济一体化的背景下,中国和新西兰亚启动了建立自由贸易区(FTA)的谈判。如果两国正式建立FTA,将会进一步提升两国经贸关系。中新两国的经济具有互补性特征,FTA的建立对两国的货物贸易、服务贸易和投资都将产生正面效应。  相似文献   

The United States maintains a broad spectrum of economic sanctions against China ranging from export controls to prohibitions on certain imports. Our study finds that, although from a macroeconomic perspective, US sanctions have had no significant adverse effect on China's overall economic growth and trade between the two countries, they do have a negative impact on producers and consumers in both countries. US economic sanctions have hindered technology transfer to China and US investment in China. US restrictions on imports from China have caused deadweight losses for the US due to higher domestic production costs for import substitutes and a reduction in consumption. US export controls have hindered US exports to China and contributed to large US trade deficits with China. The export controls have also caused losses of high‐paid jobs in the United States and benefited competitors from other countries. In addition, US economic sanctions against China have had significant third‐party effects. China's diversification of imports to sources other than the United States may have a long‐term effect on US exports to China even after US economic sanctions against China are lifted.  相似文献   

中朝韩经贸关系纵深发展的战略进路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭锐  徐文吉 《国际经贸探索》2006,22(4):49-52,79
随着东北亚地区经济联系的日益紧密,域内国家间的相互依存度明显提高.东北亚经济合作划时代的契机是域内国家签订自由贸易协定,从而平行地促进产业分工.中朝韩三国经贸合作规模的提升和发展速度的提高,可以推动一度因日本态度消极而搁浅的中日韩自由贸易区建设,并将成为东北亚经济合作发展的催化剂.中朝经贸发展的能动力在于中国建设性的参与朝鲜的经济革新发展,而中韩经贸发展的增长点则在于加速建立自由贸易区.  相似文献   

基于GTAP模型以六大经济走廊建设为例分析了"一带一路"倡议下提高贸易便利化的国际经贸影响。研究发现:一是"一带一路"六大经济走廊建设增加了贸易便利化提高国家的GDP,走廊沿线国家的GDP增加百分比均大于中国,其中中国-中亚-西亚经济走廊增加百分比最多;二是"一带一路"六大经济走廊建设对中国和走廊沿线国家均有福利改善作用,改善大小几乎相同,其中中国-中亚-西亚经济走廊福利增加最大;三是"一带一路"六大经济走廊建设增加了贸易便利化提高国家的出口总量,除了新亚欧大陆桥经济走廊之外,其他经济走廊沿线国家的出口总量增加百分比显著高于中国。  相似文献   

中国与中亚五国进出口贸易特点及存在的问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从实证角度分析中国与中亚各国进出口贸易的特点及其存在的问题并提出政策建议。认为:中国与中亚各国进出口贸易的不平衡性与波动性特点显著,不利于双边与多边贸易的平稳与持续发展;现有的贸易商品结构限制了双边与多边进出口贸易的进一步发展,有待进一步优化。如何充分发挥中国与中亚各国在双边与多边贸易中的比较优势,克服双边与多边进出口贸易中的问题和矛盾,是各国共同面临的问题。  相似文献   

中东和北非国家是我国"一带一路"倡议的重要合作伙伴,该地区各国经济发展水平和制度环境迥异,在经济制度和政治制度方面与我国存在较大差异。基于全球治理指数和经济自由度指数相关数据,分别计算出我国与中东和北非地区24国的政治制度距离和经济制度距离,并采用2007~2016年我国对该地区的出口贸易数据,借助引力模型实证分析双边制度距离对我国出口贸易的影响及出口潜力情况。结果发现,我国与中东和北非国家政治制度距离和经济制度距离均存在临界值;只有当制度距离超过临界值时才会对我国的出口贸易产生负向影响。通过贸易潜力测算发现,我国对中东和北非部分国家出口贸易潜力巨大。最后,就如何减少双边制度差异提出建议。  相似文献   

2017年,中美关系发生了实质性变化,美国对华战略从合作走向竞争。新冠肺炎疫情下,中美关系更是面临新的不确定性,中美经贸摩擦将影响中美两国的经济,进而产生连锁反应,造成全球价值链的重构。利用2014年世界投入产出数据库(WIOD)和假设提取法,测算中美经贸摩擦和全球价值链重构对世界43个国家或地区的经济影响,并重点模拟中美之间贸易由国内供给替代对增加值和劳动力就业的最大影响。结果表明:第一,基准模型设定下,经济效应存在地区异质性,中国周边地区、美国周边北美自由贸易区受到的影响最大,反映了区域性生产网络的存在。第二,相对美国,中国受影响更大,增加值下降2.5%以上;其余受影响较大的国家有爱尔兰、卢森堡、荷兰;印度和欧洲大部分地区受影响较小。第三,中美经贸摩擦对每个行业的影响不同,受影响最大的行业为中国的家具制造业和其他制造业,计算机、电子和光学产品制造业,以及美国的航空运输业。第四,假设其余国家或地区卷入中美经贸摩擦,存在替代效应和全球价值链重构,部分国家或地区增加值和劳动力就业均上升,上升最多的为22.42%。建议深化实施"一带一路"倡议,主动与周边国家或地区开展经济合作,强化区域价值链的影响,同时积极培育和发展国内产业链。  相似文献   

当前,中印关系处在矛盾的运动之中,由于政治、文化、地理等因素使双方的经贸合作充满了挑战,但两国间的共识大于分歧,利益大于磨擦,两国加强经贸合作的趋势将不可逆转。中印经贸合作的现状、阻力及合作的潜力分析。我国政府与企业要加强与印度广泛的经贸合作关系,为加快双方的经济发展作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

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