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目的比较捷克和瑞典的药品定价和报销制度,方法文献分析法。结果两国在药品筹资、定价机构、报销政策、药房所有权等方面存在差异、结论捷克严厉的药品管制政策,使得患者的药品费用负担更小,药价更低,但总药品费用增长率较瑞典更快。  相似文献   

澳大利亚药品定价和报销政策及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了澳大利亚药品定价和报销政策,分析了以成本效果为依据的药品报销目录的运作,提出了这种机制所取得的成绩,并讨论了一些难以避免的矛盾和争议,以期为我国药物经济学的应用提供借鉴.  相似文献   

目的 分析德国、法国仿制药品发展的影响因素.方法 对比分析专利保护、定价、报销政策、处方替换和处方预算制度这五个因素对德法两国仿制药品发展的影响.结果 和结论 低廉的药品价格和专利法规是阻碍法国市场发展的关键因素,加强教育和鼓励医生在处方中使用药品通用名称有助于促进仿制药品市场发展.在德国,随着仿制药品市场的成熟,参照价格体系的作用越来越不明显,医生的处方行为将是影响市场发展的关键因素.  相似文献   

欧洲主要国家药品定价和补偿制度的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较分析的方法深入探讨欧洲各主要国家药品定价和补偿制度的特点以及经济学评价的应用情况。如何评价新药的创新性已成为各国政府在规制药品市场时共同面临的关键性问题,而与创新水平评价密切相关的带有“双重定价”意味的定价体制值得我国政府在平衡控制药品费用和激发医药产业创新实力这一矛盾时借鉴学习。  相似文献   

随着药品费用的日益上涨.目前国与国之间相似药品价格的参考与比较,是很多国家药品定价的依据。本文通过对加拿大的药品国际参考定价模式的具体分析,在借鉴加拿大成功经验的基础上,探讨了我国应该如何采用国际参考定价制度来完善我国药品定价体系。  相似文献   

中国油价咨询委员会的一位高级官员证实,在国内成品油定价公式中,使用中东基准原油迪拜原油、北海的布伦特原油和印尼的辛塔原油作为原油平均价。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,莱钢集团建立并完善了以市场为导向、逐步向市场化过渡的关联交易管理机制,建立了以价格管理和监督委员会为决策机构、价格管理和监督委员会办公室为日常管理机构和业务主管部门为具体事项管理及执行机构的三级关联交易管理体系,对关联交易管理进行了规范和加强,涉及到的关联交易价格部分实现了市场化定价,部分交易逐步向市场化定价靠拢,从而促进了集团公司和各关联交易单位之间互利共赢、和谐发展,有效  相似文献   

电信业定价的经济模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来人们关于电信的评论,使用最多的词语之一是“垄断”。处于垄断行业一定是垄断定价吗?本文首先分析了竞争市场和垄断市场的产品定价模型,认为它们均不适合电信业定价;通过平均成本曲线的引入,本文建立了电信业的定价模型,提出四种定价模式,即按成本高位定价、按成本低位定价、垄断定价、直觉定价;最后在中国资费现状的分析基础上,认为我国电信业属于典型的直觉定价。  相似文献   

国际输配电价形成机制综述及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从最优输电定价原则出发,通过对一些主要西方国家和地区的输电电价结构和定价机制的介绍比较,提出对我国输配电定价机制和电价结构的设想。  相似文献   

试论产品销售价格的制定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产品定价是十分重要的,本文对产品定价的核心要素、定价模式及产品定价体系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper sets out to shed initial empirical light on the role of relationship pricing in an industrial export context, by a) investigating the extent to which selected contextual variables shape the adoption of relationship pricing, and b) examining manifestations of relationship pricing in the process that industrial exporters use for levying their prices. Analyzing data from a stratified random sample of 243 UK exporters of industrial products, the results demonstrate that the adoption of relationship pricing is a) facilitated by the degree of an exporter's market orientation, export experience, and the level of formality in export price setting and b) hindered by firm age and export intensity. It is also shown that industrial exporting firms adopting relationship pricing tend to follow a more market-based export price decision-making process, as this is manifested in market-based export pricing information, objectives and policies. The practical implications of the findings are discussed and useful future research directions are highlighted.  相似文献   

工程量清单计价与定额的适用性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程量清单计价方法颁布后,规定了工程量清单的编制方法和计价的原则,但工程建设定额仍然是工程项目估价的重要依据。结合工程量清单项目内容,提出了用编制综合预算定额的方法编制企业定额,可以直接满足清单项目投标报价的需要,简化工程量清单计价过程;工程量清单项目的设置应该反映构成建筑物实体完整的结构构件价值,才能与工程实际相符合,和现行的概预算定额相适应。  相似文献   

吴灿奇  杨建红 《国际石油经济》2012,20(6):22-27,109,110
2011年底,国家发展改革委发出通知,决定自2011年12月26日起,在广东省、广西自治区开展天然气价格形成机制改革试点(简称天然气定价试点方案).天然气定价通常包括成本加成法、市场净回值法以及成本加成与市场净回值混合定价三种方法,国家发改委推出的天然气定价试点方案采用的是市场净回值法.天然气定价试点方案在定价方法、价格与市场的关系、价格与供需关系等方面取得突破,同时在省级管网定价、区域价格、LNG销售等方面面临挑战.为了促进我国天然气价格形成机制的不断完善,建议:1)坚定不移地推进我国天然气价格形成机制的市场化进程;2)在定价公式中设置“天花板价”和“地板价”,即形成S型价格曲线;3)未来适时增加一个或者两个市场中心;4)适时考虑将非常规气纳入天然气价格形成机制中;5)2015年前全面实施新的价格机制,2015-2020年进一步完善天然气价格形成机制.  相似文献   

为完善我国专利药品价格管理提供参考,特研究国外专利药品定价调整方法,总结各国专利药品价格调整的方式和经验,提出我国专利药品上市后的价格调整方法.  相似文献   

In developing pricing strategies, managers typically take into account a wide array of factors, including those that are internal to the firm as well as those that are external to its operations. However, little attention has been paid to how managers consider these factors in combination and how such judgments affect their ultimate choice of pricing strategy. These questions are the focus of this study, particularly as they pertain to international pricing decisions. Drawing on key dimensions thought to influence the relative weights that pricing managers place on both internal and external factors, the study details how those relative weightings influence the ultimate strategies managers employ. Findings indicate that international experience, product technology, degree of internationalization, market share, and certain external factors influence weightings managers give to internal and external factors in the process of making international pricing decisions. Furthermore, these decision-making factors combine to affect the specific strategies pricing managers employ in determining international prices.  相似文献   

新上市专利药的定价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为完善我国新上市专利药品价格管理提供参考,特研究新上市专利药品定价方法。方法总结我国现阶段专利药品价格管理方式,讨论不足之处。结果与讨论提出药物经济学定价的方法。  相似文献   

Betting markets provide an ideal environment in which to examinemonopoly power due to the availability of detailed information on product pricing. In this paper we argue that the pricing strategies of companies in the U.K. betting industry are likely to be an important source of monopoly rents, particularly in the market for forecast bets. Pricing in these markets are shown to be explicitly coordinated. Further, price information is asymmetrically biased in favor of producers. We find evidence, based on U.K. data, that pricing of CSF bets is characterized by a significantly higher markup than pricing of single bets. Although this differential can in part be explained by the preferences of bettors, it is reasonable to attribute a significant part of the differential as being due to monopoly power.  相似文献   

I investigate a pricing strategy that is aimed at deterring entry by applying a two-period model of a durable-goods monopolist. There exists an incumbent that is of two types, that is, high and low quality types. They differ in terms of their R&D capabilities, and the incumbent's type is assumed to be unknown to an entrant. If the entrant decided to enter the market, Nash–Bertrand price competition ensues between the incumbent and the entrant. I show that not only limit pricing but also prestige pricing signals the incumbent's quality type, which serves to discourage entry. In the prestige pricing, the high-quality type sells the products at an intentionally higher price. I also show that although limit pricing is more desirable than prestige pricing from a social welfare viewpoint, the incumbent can still choose prestige pricing.  相似文献   

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