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林道昱 《商业时代》2012,(21):52-53
外贸是福建经济的重要支柱之一,长期以来粗放型的外贸增长方式受到当前国内外经济形势变化的巨大冲击,适时转变福建省外贸增长方式成为当务之急。本文通过分析外贸增长方式的内涵和福建外贸的现状与问题,提出福建外贸增长方式转变的途径和策略。  相似文献   

一、贸易政策及其特点 贸易政策是指各国政府为了实现一定时期内的国家利益,对进口贸易和出口贸易所制定和采取的方针与准则。贸易政策具有以下特点:一是贸易政策具有多变性。不同的历史阶段,同一国家会制定不同的贸易政策。二是贸易政策具有现实性。一国贸易政策都是在对当前世界经济环境分析和预测的基础上,对本国政治、经济及利益集团发展需求的具体反映,因此具有很强的现实性。三是贸易政策具有民族性。贸易政策是国家利益的产物,是民族精神的体现,在同一个历史时期,不同国家、不同民族会采取不同的贸易政策;对同一事物,不同国家、不同民族也会采取不同的态度。因此贸易政策就不能不带有民族性的特点。  相似文献   

田樱 《北方经贸》2009,(10):45-47
在过去的二十多年时间里,福建经济取得了全面的发展,对外贸易也进入了一个高速发展的阶段,成为名副其实的贸易大省。但是,我们也要清醒地认识到,福建的外贸增长主要是粗放型的增长,长期依靠劳动力成本优势扩大出口的格局没有改变,依靠低效大量消耗能源、资源出口产品的现象没有得到有效控制。出口规模虽然不断扩大,但出口效益低下,竞争力较弱。这种粗放型的增长方式与福建环境、资源约束的矛盾越来越突出,贸易条件不断恶化,贸易摩擦增多,导致了贸易的不和谐。因此,粗放型的外贸增长方式难以为继,必须转变外贸增长方式,走集约型的增长道路,这是福建省所面临的各种国内外的客观条件提出的迫切要求,也是实现对外贸易可持续发展提出的迫切要求。  相似文献   

转变外贸增长方式促进对外贸易可持续发展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
长期以来,我国对外贸易快速发展主要依靠的是粗放型的增长,面临着高消耗、高污染和贸易条件恶化、贸易摩擦增多等问题。文章回顾了我国对外贸易发展经历的重商主义、比较优势和科学发展观的变化进程,指出在我国外贸增长方式的变化中存在的深层次问题和矛盾,提出了以科学发展观为指导,加快外贸增长方式转变的政策建议。  相似文献   

党的"十七大"报告提出,"加快转变经济发展方式,推动产业结构优化升级"."经济增长方式"与"经济发展方式",两字之差,反映出经济发展内涵与导向的深刻变化,意义重大.外经贸工作如何贯彻"十七大"精神,如何转变外贸发展方式,本文作一些探讨.  相似文献   

从外贸依存度可以看出我国外贸呈现粗放型快速增长。由于多数高附加值产品的核心技术不在我国,我国的出口贸易顺差以低劳动力成本的加工贸易为主。只有加大自主研发,培育内生优势,同时利用跨国公司的技术外溢效应,才能化比较优势为竞争优势,完成贸易增长方式从总量型到结构优化型、从低端加工型到中高端增值型的转变。  相似文献   

中央提出转变外贸发展方式,当前在学术界、政府部门普遍存在两种认识的误区。第一个误区:把转变外贸增长方式理解成转变外贸增长速度。2010--2011年进口增长快了,出口贸易增长慢了,贸易顺差减少了,外贸发展方式转变了,这是一个普遍存在的误区。这两年的进口增长快,主要是进口商品价格上涨,我们的进口结构35%左右是资源性产品,这几年国际金融危机以后资源性产品大涨价。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国转变外贸增长方式的必要性,指出我国外贸发展的方向应是扩大规模与提高质量并举。正确认识我国作为贸易大国的优势,通过加快转变外贸增长方式,实现由贸易大国向贸易强国的转变,才能增强贸易对产业和国民经济的促进作用。  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 1990s debt accumulation has become persistent and the growth-cum-debt models which previously guided international lending offer no solution to the problem. The following article argues that major deficiencies in the methods used until now to assess the creditworthiness of debtor countries have exacerbated the debt problem and suggests an alternative approach.  相似文献   

万豪旅享家宣布会员会籍及积分等相关礼遇延长政策2020年2月21日,万豪国际集团宣布即日起,万豪旅享家将为受疫情影响较大的中国大陆地区,香港特别行政区,澳门特别行政区及台湾地区的万豪旅享家会员推出包含会籍及积分延期的关爱政策,旨在为会员提供多方位关怀与保障。万豪旅享家特别调整包括:1.尊贵级别会籍延期:中国大陆地区,香港特别行政区,澳门特别行政区及台湾地区的万豪旅享家合资格会员的尊贵级别会籍有效期将自动延长12个月,即会员通过2019年完成合资格住宿所获得的尊贵级别会籍有效期将从2021年2月延至2022年2月。  相似文献   

天津恒大酒店——森林酒店京东会议城天津恒大酒店是恒大酒店集团旗下连锁酒店,地处京津冀黄金交界处,坐落在国家5A级景区盘山脚下,拥有客房、餐饮、会议、娱乐、运动、健康等综合配套设施,10000平米的会议场地和多变的会议模式可满足商务会议、团队拓展、休闲年会等团队出行"心"体验。走入森林酒店京东会议城,春季踏青百花,夏日戏水森林,秋日登高赏枫、冬日戏雪狂欢,都市的繁杂被抛于脑后,近距离感受大自然的神秘与宁静,体会从容慢生活的惬意与舒适,让自然山水与繁华都市顺意切换。  相似文献   

With rapidly rising government debt and ageing populations implying high contingent liabilities in public pension systems, the issue of longer-term fiscal developments is gaining importance. The question arises whether, and to what extent, future generations will be burdened by current policies. Generational accounting is a new approach to examining such issues and it is used more and more in the policy debate.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants associated with the use of the Integrated Report (IR) as a corporate reporting model for sustainability information. IRs provide information regarding the use and interdependence of different company resources. The previous literature has identified determinants behind the presentation of IRs at the country level (legal system, investor protection, economic development, cultural characteristics) as well as at the company level (size, industry, verification of the sustainability report). Our work contributes to the literature by using a novel statistical approach that addresses the likelihood of the non‐independence of data: companies in the same country are more similar to one another than are companies from different countries. Our results confirm significant inter‐country variance, which may be partially explained by the existence of specific regulations and the individualism vs. collectivism dimension. Although we confirm the effect of company‐level determinants, our results do not support the role of specific variables tested as determinants.  相似文献   

The article focuses on the ways in which consumer complaints reflect the trust relationship between consumers, payment cards and banks from the consumers' point of view. The empirical data consist of consumer complaints from Finland and are analysed with qualitative method. The data show that consumers use payment cards in various places for different purposes at home and abroad at least until something unexpected and problematic happens. According to the consumer complaints, in problem situations, the banks blame the consumers and categorically deny their responsibility. Negligence on the part of the consumers and questions concerning technology are the major reason for distrust concerning the reliability of payment cards. These findings provide bases for practical guidelines to increase trust in payment cards and, finally, implications for consumer education are discussed.  相似文献   

Firms increasingly enter into alliances when expanding into international markets and market segments. Unfortunately, many of these alliances fail because managers are overconfident and unprepared for the diverse and complex contingencies they encounter. Growing research suggests that developing an alliance capability function improves alliance performance. We first identify common types of problems and opportunities that arise from alliance design to alliance dissolution. With this understanding, we then specify the alliance capabilities that must be developed to deal with these contingencies. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines the strategic behavior of two countries in a duopoly exit game with declining demand in the export market. We consider whether countries have a strategic rational to maintain, rather than unilaterally or jointly reduce, their subsidies. Conditions under which persistent subsidization is justified from a national perspective are derived. By maintaining subsidies one country can gain a strategic advantage by forcing its rival to exit earlier. An outcome where only one country applies the subsidy is not attainable. Free trade is less likely to occur close to the end of the game.  相似文献   

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