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This paper analyses the empirical relationship between inflation and growth using a panel data estimation technique, multiple-regime panel smooth transition regression, which takes into account the nonlinearities in the data. By using a panel data set for 10 countries in the Southern African Development Community permitting us to control for unobserved heterogeneity at both country and time levels, we find that a statistically significant negative relationship exists between inflation and growth for inflation rates above the critical threshold levels of 12 and 32% which are endogenously determined. Furthermore, we remedy the cross-section dependence with the common correlated effects estimator.  相似文献   

Michael Wüger 《Empirica》1986,13(2):155-172
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Studie wird ein Modell entwickelt, das Auswirkungen von Umverteilungen der persönlichen Einkommen auf den privaten Konsum und die gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage abbilden kann. Effekte auf die Angebotsseite können von solchen Modellen naturgemëß nicht erfaßt werden, woraus aber nicht auf die Geringschätzung dieser Effekte geschlossen werden soll und kann.Die Ergebnisse der Studie sind als eine erste Annäherung an diese wirtschaftspolitisch interessante Frage zu werten, da das vorhandene Datenmaterial keine exakte Quantifizierung zuläßt. Es läßt sich daher lediglich folgern, daß mit Hilfe von Umverteilungen der persönlichen Einkommen die Gesamtnachfrage in Österreich zumindest kurzfristig erhöht werden kann. Deutliche Auswirkungen sind jedoch nur bei relativ starken Eingriffen in die Verteilung zu erwarten — ein Ergebnis, das für hochentwickelte Länder allgemein gültig sein dürfte, da in diesen Ländern die Verteilung egalitärer als in wenig entwickelten ist.  相似文献   

Gerhard Thury 《Empirica》1989,16(1):67-83
Zusammenfassung Jüngste Fortschritte in der ökonometrischen Theorie führten zu erneutem Interesse an einem der am häufigsten analysierten Themenkreise der quantitativen Ökonomie: dem Zusammenhang zwischen Konsumausgaben und verfügbaren Einkommen. Entsprechende Tests ergaben, daß die Konsumausgaben für nichtdauerhafte Güter und Dienstleistungen und das verfügbare Einkommen kointegriert sind. Ausgehend von dieser Tatsache wurde in mehreren Schritten eine Konsumfunktion abgeleitet, die neben zufriedenstellenden statistischen Eigenschaften eine plausible ökonomische Interpretation zuläßt und eine interessante, mit den beobachteten Daten konsistente dynamische Struktur aufweist.

Helpful suggestions for improvement by M. Deistler, D. F. Hendry, and J. Wolters are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

近二十多年来,非参数统计的方法已广泛应用于计量经济学的研究。由于不需要预先确定变量间的函数关系,对计量经济模型的估计和预测提供了多方面和灵活机动的表现形式。本文尝试将非参数估计理论引入到回归模型中,通过建立非参数回归模型及普通的线性回归模型对云南省城镇居民可支配收入及消费之间的关系进行比较研究。  相似文献   

This paper extends the work of Arrow and Bruno on the optimal distribution of educational expenditure. It examines educational policies when both education and income redistribution policies are simultaneously optimised. The analysis is undertaken for both fixed and variable labour supply. It is shown that these modifications lead to more regressive educational policies than suggested by Arrow and Bruno.  相似文献   

There are several theories describing the effect of income inequality on economic growth. These theories usually predict that there exists some optimal, steady-state growth path between inequality and development. This study uses a new measure of income distribution and panel data cointegration methods to test for the existence of such a steady-state equilibrium relation. It is shown that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between the variables, and that this relationship is negative in developed economies.  相似文献   

An indirect translog utility function is estimated for U.S. expenditure on domestically produced non-durables, durables, services and consumer imports. Empirical tests lead to the rejection of homogeneity and linear logarithmic utility as valid functional forms. Estimates of expenditure elasticities indicate that imported varieties of consumer goods are luxuries. An exogenous decrease in the price of these goods, which would occur when tariff barriers are relaxed, would be especially beneficial to upper income consumers. Finally, a redistribution of expenditure from upper income consumers to lower income consumers will increase expenditure on domestically produced goods and reduce expenditure on consumer imports.  相似文献   

There is mixed evidence in the literature of a clear relationship between income inequality and economic growth. Most of that work has focused almost exclusively on developed economies. In what we believe to be a first effort, our emphasis is solely on developing economics, which we classify as high-income and low-income developing countries (HIDC and LIDC). We make such distinction on theoretical and empirical grounds. Empirically, the World Bank has classified developing economies in this manner since 1978. The data in our sample are also supportive of such classifications. We provide theoretical scaffolding that uses asymmetric credit constraints as a premise for separating developing economies in such a way. We find strong evidence of a negative relationship between income inequality and economic growth in LIDC to be in stark contrast with a positive inequality–growth relationship for HIDC. Both correlations are statistically significant across multiple econometric specifications. Using international data from 1960 to 2010, this article explores the effect of income inequality on economic growth using dynamic panel technique, such as system generalized method of moments (GMM) that is believed to mitigate endogenous problem. These results are strikingly contrasting to the previous estimation results of Forbes (2000) displaying significant positive correlation between two variables in the short to medium term.  相似文献   

This paper examines the short-run relationship between the income distribution-growth and debt-growth regimes using a simple, post-Keynesian, demand-driven model. While mechanisms of wage-led and profit-led growth have been revealed, their relationship with debt-led and debt-burdened growth is yet to be clarified, because arguments on these growth regimes were developed separately. This paper shows that the growth regimes transform as the regime-switching parameters in the IS balance change. By way of theoretical analysis, this paper presents some important implications for (i) the possibility of the combination of growth regimes; (ii) the features of post-Keynesian economic analysis of income distribution, debt, and demand-led growth, which sharply contrast with the basic neo-classical theory; and (iii) theoretical validation of recent empirical results. Moreover, this paper also suggests some policy implications or lessons for the combination of economic growth regimes.  相似文献   

This study analyses Granger-causality between the return series of CPI and PPI (i.e., inflation measured by CPI and PPI) for Romania, by using monthly data covering the period of 1991m1 to 2011m11. To analyse the issue in depth, this study decomposes the time-frequency relationship between CPI- and PPI-based inflation through a continuous wavelet approach. Our results provide strong evidence that there are cyclical effects from variables (as variables are observed in phase), while anti-cyclical effects are not observed.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the relationship between income and health expenditure in 31 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. We focus on the differences between short and long term elasticities and we also check the adjustment process of health care expenditure to changes in per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its cyclical and trend components. In both cases, we test if results differ in countries with a higher share of private expenditure on total health expenditure. Econometric results show that the long-run income elasticity is close to unity, that health expenditure is more sensitive to per capita income cyclical movements than to trend movements, and that the adjustment to income changes in those countries with a higher share of private health expenditure over total expenditure is faster.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,我国人民的生活水平不断提高,一部分人已经达到较高的收入水平,因此,有必要对个人收入进行适当的税收调节。在保证人们基本生活费用支出不受影响的前提下,高收入者多纳税,中等收入者少纳税,低收入者不纳税,以此缩短贫富差距。无论国家的正常运转,还是创建稳定和谐的社会,都离不开纳税人缴纳的税款。  相似文献   

We investigate the long run relationship between private consumption and disposable income for a sample of EU countries using recently developed panel cointegration techniques. For the ordinary consumption-income model the evidence on cointegration is ambiguous. In addition, the cointegration vector obtained by efficient estimation methods is not consistent with theoretical reasoning, as it reflects a decline in the savings rate over time. Extending the analysis by financial wealth improves the model fit markedly. In particular, the income elasticity is not different from 1 and therefore in line with the life cycle permanent income hypothesis. The marginal propensity to consume out of financial wealth is in a range of 3–5%, thereby confirming recent time series results.  相似文献   

Yang Zou 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1259-1270
This study performs empirical studies on the interaction between public and private investment and GDP growth for Japan and the USA. Since the data for each country used show features that are quite different from each other, empirical methods of GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) and OLS (Ordinary Least squares) are accordingly applied to Japan and the USA, respectively. The empirical results suggest that both public and private investment make great contributions to Japanese economic growth, while the US private investment seems to play a much more significant role than public investment.  相似文献   

The failure of income and subjective well-being to correlate strongly beyond subsistence levels has been well documented. This is an important observation from an environmental perspective because it suggests that some excess consumption could be curbed without leading to a decline in subjective well-being. At the same time, there is evidence that access to one's internal utility function is imperfect, indicating that choices may approximate utility maximization but that the correspondence is unlikely to be exact. Here I use a Monte Carlo model to incorporate findings from hedonic psychology to investigate the question of how imperfect access to one's utility may lead to negatively affective overconsumption through asymmetries in how people are able to budget their time. According to the model, consumer debt leads to a compounding of this issue. Although it cannot return well-being to the ideal level, some hedonic costs of this overconsumption can be partially mitigated through required vacation in excess of what individuals would chose themselves in a fully functioning market, perhaps along the line of the European model.  相似文献   

Hammer  Bernhard  Prskawetz  Alexia 《Empirica》2022,49(3):573-599
Empirica - Few data sources provide information on private transfers between generations and gender. We use a novel approach based on the National Transfer Accounts methodology to estimate the...  相似文献   

Recent developments in environmental and animal welfare issues, and the introduction of new production practices may have affected consumer attitudes and preferences toward differentiated product choice. Factors such as animal well-being, environmentally friendly production, and the use of antibiotics appear to be increasingly core consumer concerns. We link the aforementioned with Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggesting that the higher income consumers should be more altruistic in their consumptive behavior and test this by evaluating consumer preferences for these attributes in pork chops. We also test whether social consciousness of the consumers translates into choice behavior. Data was obtained by choice experiment surveys and mixed logit estimation was used to estimate consumers' willingness-to-pay for the credence attributes. Results reveal that both, higher income and socially aware consumers are on average willing to pay higher premiums for the antibiotic-free attribute, but not for other two social attributes. Also, the group of higher income consumers is highly heterogeneous in their preferences, whereas socially aware consumers tend to be more homogeneous in their preferences.  相似文献   

Though meat products are considered the primary sources of protein in the U.S., people consume a variety of protein sources including meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and beans. This study expands the typical meat demand study by including alternate protein sources. We implement state-space modelling and Bai-Perron tests to examine structural change in U.S. expenditure patterns on protein sources across pre- and post-recessionary periods. Results are integrated into a Time-Varying Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) including beef, pork, poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy products, dried beans, and an ‘other meat’ composite. Expenditure elasticities generally become relatively more elastic post-recession for protein sources across all income quintiles, with the largest changes in beef and pork. The lowest income group exhibits the least change in own-price and in expenditure elasticities, likely an indication of already limited flexibility.  相似文献   

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