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林志聪 《企业导报》2014,(9):167-167
目前我国社区民众自治尚未实现真正意义上的自治,大部分的社区民众自治属于行政主导型模式。简单、粗暴的管治方式难以发挥社区民众自治的强大功能,与此同时,使得基层政府与民众的摩擦不断增多,甚至会引发剧烈的冲突。因此,建构基层政府管理与社区民众自治良性互动关系是实现基层群众自治与和谐社区的现实必要。  相似文献   

林志聪 《企业导报》2014,(8):185-185
目前我国社区民众自治尚未实现真正意义上的自治,大部分的社区民众自治属于行政主导型模式,即我国基层政府习惯于运用行政指令等强制性手段和方式直接干预社区民众自治。简单、粗暴的管治方式难以发挥社区民众自治的强大功能,与此同时,使得基层政府与民众的摩擦不断增多,甚至会引发剧烈的冲突。因此,建构基层政府管理与社区民众自治良性互动关系是实现基层群众自治与和谐社区的现实必要。  相似文献   

周红亚 《乡镇论坛》2010,(35):20-21
<正>江苏省太仓市委、市政府在农村社区建设实践中,针对政府和自治组织有效衔接和良性互动中的行政权力过大、自治能力偏弱这两个问题,重点突破互动衔接机制的建立,为农村社区建设搭建政府行政管理和群众自治管理良性互动的大舞台。  相似文献   

社企合一型的市场化社区管理模式。在传统观念中,人们普遍认为社区的管理主要是依靠政府和社区自治组织,政府和村委会是当然的管理机构,而市场或企业是不能参与社会管理的。但实际上在部分地区的社区建设中,市场力量不仅积极参与社区的管理和服务工作,而且作出了卓有成效的贡献。武汉市江岸区的百步亭花园就是利用市场的力量形成了社区企业合二为一的管理模式。  相似文献   

刘卫星 《民营科技》2007,(11):161-161
社区工作的总体概括就是社区建设。由于我国目前处于社会转型期,社区建设工作十分庞杂,任务繁重。加上我国缺乏专业社会工作教育和基层社区工作的结合,导致当前社区建设中工作方法单调落后,社会单位和社区居民自主性参与社区建设的程度较低,很难充分体现法律规定的社区组织自治,我国社区建设工作方兴未艾.任重道远。  相似文献   

随着房地产市场的快速发展,居民逐渐意识到物业管理的重要性,业主自治也逐渐被人们认可和熟知。但在现行物业管理模式下,业主委员会的成立及业主自治依然面对着许多问题及困境。笔者通过对南昌市D社区业主自治过程进行研究,探寻业主自治的成因、分析其利弊并提出建议,提高业主自治能力。  相似文献   

城乡社区建设的本质要求是什么?从事农村社区建设,这是我们首先要思考的一个重要问题。如果不清楚这项工作的本质要求是什么,就很可能在实践中跑题偏向,抓不住重点。  相似文献   

为保证农村社区群众性自治组织依法履行自治职责,促进政府行政管理和社区自我管理的有效衔接、政府依法行政和村民依法自治的良性互动,山东省日照市根据《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》《山东省实施〈中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法〉办法》《山东省村民会议议事规则》等法律法规要求和基层民主政治建设的需要,探索建立了农村社区自治清单制度。  相似文献   

黄波 《乡镇论坛》2011,(29):9-10
浙江省温州市自今年3月份完成村级组织换届选举工作以后,立即着手开展农村社区全覆盖工作。瓯海区作为全市农村社区全覆盖试点单位,于6月份全面完成了农村社区全覆盖工作,农村社区化管理和服务工作覆盖了所有村。  相似文献   

城市社区管理中的政府失灵   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
政府只是城市社区管理的主体之一。在我国,由于政府行为不当,“管不了”、“管不好”和“管错了”的现象,已经或正在对我国的城市社区管理造成不良影响。本文重点分析了这种“政府失灵”的成因及后果,并就此提出了几点矫正的对策。  相似文献   

当今,通信技术发展日新月异,通信业务需求日益增长,通信网络的建设与发展异常迅猛。通信系统和通信网络的建设离不开通信工程设计、施工和监理。文中从通信的基本概念入手,介绍通信建设工程的特点、监理组织设计和监理一体化综合项目管理的优势与实现方法。  相似文献   

近年来缘起于西方企业改革的流程再造理论,不仅被运用于政府再造领域,还被引入到社区体制改革的范畴。社区业务流程再造,是社区业务的运作从零碎式流程向集成式流程转变的过程;改革实践中,它是在合理分类社区业务的基础上构建任务集成、人员整合、流程简化、协作共事的综合管理和服务流程的过程。透过武汉市江汉区社区业务流程再造推动社区管理体制创新的成功案例,发现加强和创新社区管理的核心是改革社区管理体制,其途径是改变传统的部门垄断制,代之以新型的社区事务分类管理制,其较为科学的方式是推进社区事务流程再造。  相似文献   

叶忠贤 《价值工程》2010,29(12):23-23
现代建筑施工项目如何做到有效管理,本文主要从施工项目组织机构的设立、施工项目技术管理、施工项目质量管理、施工项目安全管理等四个方面来谈述施工项目管理。  相似文献   

This article illustrates one aspect of the concept of “fit” between an organization's implementation of project management and its organizational context by exploring how the underlying drivers of an organization's strategy might influence not only the nature of the projects that it undertakes, but also the appropriateness of the arrangements that it makes to manage those projects. Using a model conceptualized from the literature on strategic management, an analysis of four organizations that have made significant investments in project management over the past 5 years supports the hypothesis that the degree of “fit” between an organization's strategic drivers of value and the configuration of its project management system influences the value it obtains from project management.  相似文献   

重大疫情期间全封闭管理下居民生活物资配送具有种类多、配送地域分散、体量大、运输道路受限等特点,使得物资配送管理面临一定的挑战。为此襄阳市实施了社区配送,分析了该市配送模式由居民零散配送到社区配送的转变和存在的问题,并从确定配送模式构建主体要素、建立“集中—零散”相结合的社区配送体系两个方面提出社区配送模式优化方案,以达到保障防疫期间居民日常生活的目的。  相似文献   

吕燕 《城市问题》2007,(5):51-56
通过对扬州市社区帮扶弱势群体就业情况的调查,发现造成弱势群体就业困难的主要原因是个人素质低、家庭状况差和政策执行不到位.此外,关于失业问题认识上的误区也影响了政策成效.政府在解决失业问题时要尊重个人的选择,在制定和执行就业政策时应认识到就业并不是目的,满足个人和家庭需要并获得较高的满意度才是人的追求.帮助弱势群体就业不仅是政府的责任也是社区的职责.政府应当在准确掌握这一群体动态变化情况和真实需求的基础上,兼顾眼前和长远发展,制定出科学的政策并采取有效的方法和手段确保政策执行到位.政府要加大力度促进社区建设,调动社区在帮助弱势群体就业中的积极性,充分发挥社区在这方面的优势.  相似文献   

The strategic management literature has struggled with how to recognize, measure, and even understand the concept of “fit” between strategy, structure, and environment. Nevertheless, the concept of fit was fundamentally important from the beginning of the Value of Project Management project. In this article, we compare the “fit” construct defined by Miles and Snow (1984) with our concerns with value direction (Thomas & Mullaly, 2008). A comparative analysis of these two constructs provides insights into how both dimensions improve overall organizational understanding. We demonstrate that while each of these dimensions independently provides useful information, it is their intersection that provides a means of interpreting not just current realities but appropriate future actions.  相似文献   

Universities and research centres have long been used to study management issues. A growing body of research has focused on how science can be effectively commercialized, emphasizing technology commercialization activities, university–industry collaborations, and academic entrepreneurship. While much of this work has documented empirical relationships, our aim in this introductory article of the special issue is to show how research on science commercialization may yield conceptual contributions to the field of management. Hence, we first discuss the importance of context for theory development. We then review how the science commercialization context has been used for theory development, identifying two facets used to conceptualize science commercialization (i.e., managing the transition between institutional contexts, and the multiple goals and impacts of actors engaging in science commercialization). This forms the basis for discussing what makes this context suited for theory development in general management and for outlining a future research agenda. We conclude by summarizing the papers in the special issue.  相似文献   

In tackling administrative reform and in the hope of improving the effective allocation of resources, most European governments have shown a growing interest in adopting private sector management models in the public administration. The assumption underlying this paper is that the decisive variables in the different national contexts have to do with the relationships between the central and the peripheral administrative levels, and the way in which administrative actors at the two levels interpret their roles and participate in the reform process. The paper examines the case of the reform of the Italian Ministry of Finance. In seeking to improve its performance and the services it provides, the ministry reform is intended to introduce a management system in which the key concepts are the planning, programming and control of administrative action and results. According to reform rhetoric, shaping a new class of administrative managers at the local level is the crux of the question. However, research results hint that the “creation” of this new local executive staff is yet to be completed. The working hypothesis advanced is that this is due to local executives’ lack of confidence in the “system”, inasmuch as the reform process has so far been characterised by a tendency to give them responsibility without autonomy and autonomy without control. The greater their lack of trust, the lesser their willingness to risk the consequences of failure and the greater their tendency to stick to defensive positions and to return to previous “bureaucratic” conceptions and ways of operating.  相似文献   

The article contributes to our understanding of the drivers behind, and the nature of, project management implementation in the complex context of a transitional economy. Relevant insights are generated through an integrated and dynamic analysis of interviews and secondary data from a sample of local organizations, based on a conceptual model of strategic transformation. The analysis concludes with propositions about how both adoption of and resistance to project management implementation in the region could be understood from a strategic point of view, taking into account complex and dissonant circumstances of transition, history, cultural tradition, embedded social values, and identities of individual organizational members.  相似文献   

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