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在我国资本市场缺乏效率、治理结构不完善的情况下,如何有效地保证企业的投资效率是我们关注的重点。从内部控制和政治关联两个角度综合研究民营企业的投资状况,实证检验了民营企业内部控制、政治关联与过度投资之间的联系。研究发现:一、除家族企业外,良好的内部控制有助于降低民营企业的信息不对称和代理问题,进而抑制企业的过度投资;二、政治关联程度越高,企业过度投资水平越高;三、除家族企业外,高水平的内部控制能够抑制政治关联导致的企业过度投资行为。文章验证了内部控制的重要性,揭示了家族企业对内控质量的忽视。  相似文献   

罗欣 《中国城市经济》2011,(29):132-133
目前在我国不少行业和地区出现了不同程度地"投资过热"现象,很多公司将资金投资于各种效益并不理想的项目,有的甚至是并不了解的领域。产能过剩、经济结构扭曲、重复建设等,这造成了我国投资率长期居高不下的局面。更值得注意的是,我国相当一部分企业的投资靠银行信贷支持,而投资效率过低意味着信贷回收的前景堪忧以及金融系统风险的积累。本文主要从公司治理结构、管理者自身因素以及薪酬制度三个方面对过度投资原因进行分析,并从信息披露、公司股权结构、内部资本市场、奖惩机制、政府干预、健全法律制度等六个方面提出治理方法。以控制公司过度投资行为,提高企业投资效率。  相似文献   

我国资本市场起步较晚,相比西方成熟的制度体系,国内资本市场的制度还不够完善,仍存在许多问题。"过度投资"是我国财务界研究的热点问题,国有企业是我国制度下的特有形式,国有股控股,然而国有股权所有者缺位,经理层掌握着国有股的实际控制权,经理层为追求自身利益,盲目投资,国有企业的过度投资问题更加严重。文章分析了国有企业过度投资的影响因素,管理层持股比例越大、负债水平越高、产品市场竞争越激烈可以抑制经理层过度投资行为,而高股权集中度、充裕的自由现金流越容易引发过度投资。基于此,本文提出相关政策建议,期望能对改善我国国有企业过度投资有所裨益。  相似文献   

当存在代理和监管成本时,阶段性风险资本投资的投资结构会发生变化。另外还有三个因素影响到风险资本投资的投资力度和持续时间,一是资产的清算价值和无形资产的比例,二是风险投资承诺的强度和资本的流动性,三是高研发强度和资产的专用性。这些结论对我国还在起步阶段的风险化投资领域有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

住宅抵押贷款证券化是我国住宅产业发展、住宅金融创新以及资本市场创新的必然选择 ,本文从证券发行主体、证券品种和担保模式等三个方面对MBS在我国的实施进行了设计。  相似文献   

如何促进国有控股企业和在华跨国公司资本的良性互动一直是理论界讨论的热点。影响资本互动的主要因素有我国引资导向与跨国公司投资兴趣的偏离、跨国投资问题的相关法律滞后、跨国公司投资垄断产生的负面影响等三个方面。若改善资本互动,须采取相关的对策。  相似文献   

我国上市公司资本结构现状及其优化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以现代资本结构优化理论为理论基础,对我国上市公司的资本结构的现状、及其优化问题进行了研究,得出我国上市公司存在强烈的股权融资偏好、资产负债率整体偏低等四个特点.分析了上市公司特殊的股权结构对我国上市公司资本结构的影响.提出了资产负债优化结构、规范和发展债券市场、规范股市行为三个优化我国上市公司资本结构的政策建议.  相似文献   

我国上市公司资本结构现状及其优化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以现代资本结构优化理论为理论基础,对我国上市公司的资本结构的现状、及其优化问题进行了研究,得出我国上市公司存在强瓠的股权融资偏好、资产负债率整体偏低等四个特点。分析了上市公司特殊的股权结构对我国上市公司资本结构的影响。提出了资产负债优化结构、规范和发展债券市场、规范股市行为三个优化我国上市公司资本结构的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文从市场结构特征与投资结构特征两个新的视角对转轨时期我国不同发展水平省份的资本边际产出的变化特征进行了分析。在分析的过程中,首先利用所构造的指标对各个省份的资本边际产出的纵向变化轨迹进行了考察并对不同省份资本边际产出的横向差异性进行了比较,在此基础上。我们构建了解释资本边际产出变化特征及资本长期积累特征的理论模型并利用样本数据对其进行了验证,所得的基本结论如下:第一。投资结构的变化解释了转轨时期不同发展水平省份资本边际产出的趋同性特征;第二,市场结构的变化解释了各省资本边际产出在转轨后期出现的迅速下降现象;第三,以非国有和集体投资比重或更新改造投资比重增加为标志的投资结构优化有助于总投资规模的更快速增长。  相似文献   

本文通过对"全社会住宅投资占GDP比例"的分析,说明总需求过度集中于房地产行业;根据产品周期理论,说明总需求过度集中不利于总需求的稳定发展;提出发展体育产业,优化总需求结构,以推动经济稳步发展的思路;说明我国体育产业现状,并阐述发展体育产业,一方面要提高消费者体育消费能力,另一方面要提高体育产业的经营水平。  相似文献   

This paper develops a portfolio choice model by incorporating monetary policy and analyzes the determinants of financial investments of nonfinancial firms in China. Unlike the literature assuming financial investments are riskless, we allow risks in both financial and real investments in firms' portfolio choice model. Our theoretical framework suggests that monetary policy, relative risk in fixed investment, and the risk-adjusted return gap between financial and fixed investments are determinants of firms' financial investments. Using firm-level panel data over the period from 2006 to 2016, we find that the relative risk in fixed investment and quantitative expansionary monetary policy have led to rising financial investments of nonfinancial firms in China over the post-2008 financial crisis period, whereas the rate of the risk-adjusted return gap between financial and fixed investments plays no role in firms' financial investments. The impact of monetary policy on firms' financial investments is also interlinked with their ownerships, with distinct impacts emerging between state-owned and non-state-owned firms.  相似文献   

中国与东盟利用外资的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张湘莎 《特区经济》2011,(1):110-111
中国和东盟各国都是吸引外国直接投资的主要地区。由于属于大致相同的经济发展水平,在资源禀赋、产业结构和贸易结构等方面均有相似之处,因此在吸引外资以求发展本国经济方面,中国和东盟存在着互补和竞争的关系。  相似文献   

外商直接投资与中国产业结构关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马章良 《改革与战略》2012,28(3):135-138
文章利用1997—2009年的时间序列数据,对外商直接投资(FDI)影响中国产业结构的变动进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:FDI对三产投资的比例的变动对中国产业结构均有影响,并且,外商直接投资与中国产业结构变化存在长期因果关系,两者之间存在着比较顺畅的传导机制。  相似文献   

刘晓峰 《特区经济》2011,(4):114-115
私募股权投资,主要是指投资于非上市股权,或上市公司非公开交易股权的一种投资方式。近年来,中国作为亚洲最有前途的私募股权投资市场,得到了众多国家大型投行的青睐。虽然私募股权投资在中国的发展有很大的机遇,但是由于政策法规不完善等因素,私募股权投资基金在我国还面临许多问题和挑战。本文简要介绍了私募股权投资基金的基本运行原理和我国私募股权投资基金的发展现状,以及在发展过程中所面临的问题,最后提出了一些解决建议。  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to estimating the midmarket running annual revenue of investments in the development of residential real estate under socioeconomic and town planning of the housing sphere. It provides variants of midmarket running annual revenue of investments in the development of residential real estate taken from different sources. The obtained coefficients allow us to shift from estimating the running annual return on investment in relation to the cost of construction to estimating this return in relation to the total investment cost.  相似文献   

由于人民币汇率问题,我国的货物和资产都显得相对廉价。外部世界不仅从我国大量进口可移动的贸易品,还通过直接投资等方式大量“进口”中国的土地和房地产商品,这在一定程度上拉动了房地产商品的价格上涨。所以,研究我国的房地产问题,必须从对外贸易角度来分析。实际上我国这几年来所有的经济问题都可以归纳到货币政策和汇率问题。房价上涨的部分原因在于外部输入的货币量过多,人民币汇率和利率偏低,大量资金涌入房地产市场保值升值,使这一稀缺资源充满了投机性。  相似文献   

李亚强 《特区经济》2011,(9):272-273
本文运用基于面板数据的多元回归分析法,对12个东部及沿海地区城市的房地产投资影响因素进行分析,得出以下结论:政府的过度干预是促使房市投资过热的最主要因素;人口增长会刺激房地产投资增长;调节贷款利率可以对房地产投资起到很大的影响;我国房地产市场处于失灵状态。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of the financial system on firms' investment efficiency in China. For this purpose, we employ country level data of capital markets and financial institutions along with financial data from 2797 Chinese firms in the period from 1998 to 2015. The firms are priori classified into four groups, by high and low values of financial constraints and agency problems. Results show that financial development influences firms' investments positively either directly or by reducing cash flow sensitivity. The impact remains the same for all types of firms. Moreover, the financial structure has an impact on investment efficiency of firms; this result also remains the same even after controlling levels of financial development. Study contributes that capital market based financial structure impacts investment decisions by reducing financing constraints and agency issue due to its strong monitoring ability.  相似文献   

This study uses a unique set of annual provincial data on soil and water conservation (SWC) investments during the period 1989–2005 to estimate the impact of such investments on the extent and severity of erosion, the growth rate of agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) and rural poverty reduction in China. We find that SWC investments made by local governments have a significant negative impact on the extent of erosion and (in recent years) the severity of erosion, whereas SWC investments made by farm households until recently had a significant negative effect on the severity of erosion. In its turn, the severity of erosion is found to have a significant negative impact on agricultural GDP. Estimation of the impact of the extent of erosion on agricultural GDP provides mixed results. Based on these results, we derive that one RMB invested in SWC by local governments increases agricultural GDP in 2002 with 0.84–1.25 RMB. Finally, we find that agricultural GDP has a significant negative impact on the rural poverty rate. The resulting indirect effect of SWC investment on rural poverty reduction, however, is small compared to other types of public investment. We conclude that (local) government investments in SWC do not only serve environmental goals, but also make a non-negligible contribution to agricultural growth and rural poverty reduction.  相似文献   

Agricultural research and extension are two main policy tools that governments can use to generate agricultural growth and transformation. China has made major investments in agricultural research and extension such that it achieved the largest research and extension systems worldwide. This study examined the contribution of public agricultural research and extension to provincial agricultural productivity in China from 1990 to 2013 and estimated the social rate of return on these investments. Employing different lag distribution structures (e.g., trapezoid, gamma, and polynomial) for public agricultural research and extension in the regression analyses, this study found that public agricultural research and development, public extension, and farmers' education have made major contributions to agricultural productivity growth in China. On average, the real rate of return to public investment in agricultural research and development was around 50%, and agricultural extension was 29%. Returns to public research ranged from 24% to 76% and the extension, from 11% to 52% across different provinces.  相似文献   

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