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This study investigates how the complex institutional environment surrounding foreign-invested firms (FIEs) affects their corporate political strategies (CPS) in China. Analyses of data on 442 FIEs operating in China show that the relative potency of dual institutional pressure from FIEs’ home and host countries shapes their strategic choices. Institutional factors at the country, region, and firm levels not only affect firms’ adoption of multiple firm-based tactics but also shape their collective-oriented associational activities. Moreover, participation in both foreign and domestic business associations enhances an FIE's adoption of firm-based political tactics, but joining domestic business associations has a stronger effect.  相似文献   

证券交易所自律监管模式的形成和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于监管组织体内部关系结构,对几种不同监管力量的对比分析表明,在证券交易监管组织和监管机制形成之时,出于保护交易商利益的目的,选择自律监管组织和自律监管机制有其历史必然性。应用关系结构分析框架,本文还简要分析了自律监管模式的新发展。  相似文献   

Existing research has underexplored the role of context as a source of heterogeneity in family firms’ (FFs) internationalization strategies. Drawing upon institutional theory, we develop and test a mid-range theory positing that differences in the quality of the institutional context can moderate the strength of the relationship between individual- and board-level attributes and FF internationalization. Our comparison of U.S. FFs with FFs from Brazil and Mexico reveals that in emerging market FFs, individual-level attributes such as CEO international experience, CEO educational attainment, and CEO international education exhibit a stronger relationship with internationalization. Similarly, we find that board-level attributes such as board size and board independence are also more strongly related to internationalization in emerging market contexts. We contribute to the literature by identifying a source of variation in FF internationalization strategies based on context and by examining the relationship between a wide range of FF attributes and internationalization.  相似文献   

先秦时期就已经兴起了原始民主思想与言论自由思潮,稷下学宫就是一个自由论辩的场所,引发了百家争鸣的高潮。《管子》一书正是在这种原始民主思想、自由主义背景影响下逐渐形成的,是百家争鸣的投影。《管子》提倡言论传播的自由,要求君主要善于听取民众的意见,君臣之间、群臣之间也要做到言论传播的畅通。但是《管子》对舆论传播的控制是很严厉的,采用法制的手段实行禁止、诛罚等,客观上要求言论要"名实相符",在某种程度上还反对著书立说。《管子》一方面提倡言论传播自由,另一方面又对舆论传播进行控制,这正是民主与法制这对矛盾范畴具有一定张力和弹性的体现。这对我们仍具有借鉴价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

美日物流法律制度比较及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈金涛  颜南 《中国市场》2008,(15):16-17
美国和日本拥有世界上最发达的物流业,他们的物流法律制度各有特点。通过两国物流法律制度的比较可以为刚刚起步的我国物流法律制度提供经验和发展方向。本文总结美日两国物流法律制度的特点并从中得到一些启示。  相似文献   

商法国际化是对经济全球化下商法国际趋同的制度回应,亦是商法自我发展和民商法体系内部完善的客观要求。受限于商法传统,中国在过去商法国际化的过程中出现了立法理念错位、法律移植障碍和国际化效果欠佳的制度困境,而当前民法典的编纂则进一步加剧了商法国际化所面临的复杂环境。民法典国际化立法所引发的体系矛盾、司法障碍、立法滞后等问题值得商法所镜鉴。在此背景下,构建商法国际化的发展路径应围绕法体系、法理念、法技术三个角度,体系上通过《商法通则》立法来弥补现有民商法体系中商事一般法的缺位问题,理念上通过强调商法的自治属性来为国际化立法提供指导理念,技术上通过拓宽法律移植的对象范围来实现商法移植技术的转型。  相似文献   

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