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欧洲社会保障制度经过100多年的发展,至今已相当完善。它对于促进欧洲经济的发展.保证人民生活质量和生活水平的不断提高,保持欧洲社会的稳定,发挥了巨大的作用。欧洲社会保障制度存在的基础是欧洲国家在世界高端市场上长期占据强势地位、高比例占用全球资本与能源、对国内市场实施行政保护、通过税收和法律手段对企业行为进行限制等等。因此,  相似文献   

一、从“摇篮到坟墓”的社会保障 社会福利是社会进步的标志,也是国家富裕的标志,只有富裕的国家才能慷慨地进行财产的再分配。战后的英国、法国、德国、荷兰、奥地利等国家走出了一条在建立市场经济体制后实施再分配的道路,使国民大受其益,被经济学家津津乐道,奉为经济楷模。  相似文献   

<正>出台物业税,就是把过去按照面积、等级来征税,改为按照价值来征税,这就避免了一些人购买多套小户型,一样可以逃税的弊端。国内一些大中城市房价过高,百姓买房负担沉重,这已成为社会各界反映较强烈的一个问题。今年在政府工作报告和财政预算报告中,对调控房地产出台了一系列措施,而这其中最引人关注的是国家相关部门将研究开征物业税的实施方案。对房地产业的发展,政府工作报告中已将“加强房价监管和调控,抑制房地产价格过快上涨,保持合理的价格水平”等任务纳入到2007年整体工作部署当中;而财政预算报告更是要进一步采取实际措施,表示要“研究开征物业税的实施方案”。  相似文献   

辜胜阻 《经济界》2009,(4):19-21
农村社会保障体系建设从六个方面入手:加大农村社保投入,先保障社会救助金和医疗保险,健全农村医疗卫生服务网,推进农村大病保险,实现农民工社保城乡一体化,理顺社保管理体制。使农村社保发挥“民生安全网”、“社会稳定器”的作用。  相似文献   

社会保障伦理是采用伦理学的相关伦理原则,从社会保障与伦理的相互作用形成的伦理机制出发,是源于社会保障与伦理在思想探源上的相互依赖与作用、实践上的相互影响、攻讦与借鉴得以型塑而成。医疗保险属于社会保障的一部分,新型农村社会养老保险的特性和功能体现了浓厚的责任伦理、制度伦理和社会伦理精神特征。  相似文献   

"二元经济结构"是我国长期历史发展遗留下的问题,结果就是同为一个国家的公民,农村人民和城镇人民确享受着完全不同的并相差甚远的社会保障。我国城乡社会保障制度的反差和保障水平之大,突出社会公正在农村社会保障的严重缺失。建立健全的农村社会保障制度并与城镇社会保障制度衔接是城乡统筹发展的必然过程,体现了社会公正并促进社会稳定健康发展。  相似文献   

在人类社会处于高度发展的今天,社会保障不只是对某些特殊群体基本生存的保障,而是对人类社会发展的保护。从事社会保障工作的每个人都应站在人类社会发展的高度去认识自己所肩负的这份历史使命和神圣责任。[编者按]  相似文献   

我国的社会保障制度自上世纪80年代的改革以来,无论是社会保障的绝对规模还是相对规模都得到了迅速发展。本文通过对社会保障支出、财政社会保障支出、社会保障支出占GDP的比、财政社会保障支出占财政支出的比这四个衡量社会保障规模的绝对和相对指标的实证分析,并且经过不同国家社会保障统计口径的统一后,得到的结论与我们以往的差距结论不同:我国政府财政对社会保障的支出责任在国际上属正常水平。  相似文献   

李汝峰 《科技与企业》2012,(13):318+320
本文通过电力系统稳定器(PSS)在珠江电厂的应用详细介绍了PSS的原理和试验方法。  相似文献   

社会保障是国家抵御社会风险和保障公民基本安全的制度体系,体现国家义务、政党纲领和政府责任,社会保障体系的建设需要人们就社会财富的公平分配和交易秩序达成共识。于是,国家履行社会保障义务和建设社会保障体系,需要以人均GDP的福利相关性为经济社会发展目标,并就此达成社会共识(社会保障法律)、制度安排(社会保障政策)和执行体系(社会保障服务)。  相似文献   

This article argues that, despite pessimistic forecasts for their future, social pacts remain a central element of industrial relations across many member states of the European Union. Social pacts provide a mechanism of pragmatic adaptation to the trilemma of reconciling market integration, intergovernmentalism and democratic accountability. In addition, recent developments in the general direction of social dialogue and social pacts, in some of the new member states, indicate a learning process to enable economic catch‐up while engaging in institutional innovation. Finally, the article argues that social pacts remain important in ensuring a voice for labour across Europe.  相似文献   

This article suggests that European Community social policy is now moving into a third stage that is having an increasing impact on the UK. However, continuing differences in European labour markets, collective bargaining and trade union organisation make it impossible to identify a common European pattern of industrial relations  相似文献   

The big EU enlargement of 2004 has fuelled the debate about whether labour migration from the east to the west is causing social dumping in the European economy, with the effect of upsetting established national systems of labour market regulation. This article reviews the effects of migration on EU labour markets. It also examines three recent industrial relations disputes which were about job displacement. It argues that there is little evidence of greater labour mobility causing new social dumping pressures on a widespread basis. However, it goes on to suggest that the situation may change if the EU adopts neoliberal policies such as the initial draft Services Directive at the same time as promoting greater labour market openness between the Member States. The article concludes by arguing for a better policy mix which would on the one hand involve the EU maintaining its commitment to the free movement of workers and on the other hand strengthen labour standard‐setting mechanisms at both the EU and national levels.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - We investigate the relationship between social isolation and subjective health, considering that this relationship is potentially affected by endogeneity due to the...  相似文献   

Traditional trade unions throughout the postsocialist world embraced ‘social partnership’ as a means to secure their institutional survival in a radically changed economic and political environment. The commitment of national governments to social partnership ebbed and flowed through the 1990s, but it was confirmed, at least rhetorically, in Central and Eastern Europe by the prospect and requirements of accession to the European Union. This article explores the fate of social partnership in the ‘other half’ of Europe, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where social dialogue has largely been abandoned and trade unions alternatively marginalised or subordinated to the state apparatus.  相似文献   

加快社会体制改革是后经济体制改革时代的首要任务 社会体制改革涉及到人们的切身利益,一般地说,促使人们关心社会体制改革的大约有如下一些因素:  相似文献   

The attention and demand for greater social protection is increasing among the populations of all European countries. It is difficult to identify which of the structures and infrastructures, sectors and regional budgets are inefficient and/or negligent in respect of providing more social protection. In the political sphere the problem is examined from a qualitative point of view, because it is essential to have a valid decisional support system that provides useful information for structural and economic intervention programs devised to improve social protection. Regional spending on social protection is a fundamental component of individual well-being. This work is precisely aimed at assessing individual well-being in terms of technical expenses efficiency in the Italian Regions. Stochastic frontier analysis and a nonparametric deterministic model structure are the tools used to investigate the social protection determinants in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper investigates performance drivers of microfinance suppliers in Europe. As such suppliers, in contrast to advanced microfinance suppliers in developing economies, typically focus on uncollateralized microcredit services to individuals at the margins of society and of labor markets, we draw on the theory of social capital and empirically investigate the role that social capital may play in the overall performance of European microfinance suppliers. We build a unique, unbalanced panel data set of 302 microfinance service providers in Europe covering the years 2008–2015, and measure their performance in terms of credit risk, financial and social performance, and efficiency. Pursuing an econometric approach, we test a series of hypotheses using various measures of conditions conducive to building social capital on both the institutional and the country level, such as the client base of a microfinance supplier and the level of cultural fractionalization in a society. Our findings confirm that a higher intensity of social capital is positively associated with all areas of the performance of microfinance suppliers in Europe. Our conclusions could help in the design and launch of microfinance institutions in those European countries in which microfinance markets are developed not at all or only to a very limited extent. Our paper thus contributes to the nascent literature on microfinance in developed economies by applying and extending the theoretical framework and empirical models on social capital and microfinance that were originally elaborated for developing economies.  相似文献   

In this contribution we start from the emerging consensus on the widely disputed phenomenon of social capital. We propose to focus on structural aspects of social capital: formal (contacts within formal organizations) and informal (contacts outside of formal organizations). First, we address methodological questions on the cross-national equivalence of these social capital measurements. Second, we re-visit substantive questions on the patterns of relationships in different European countries. In particular, we inquire to which degree formal and informal social capital can substitute each other, as well as being complementary. We take advantage of recent Eurobaromer data (2004) containing a wide range of valid measurements on both structural aspects of social capital. We find strong evidence for cross-national equivalent measurements regarding formal social capital, employing probabilistic scalogram analyses. For informal social capital, we find strong evidence for configural and metric invariance as well as evidence for partial scalar invariance, employing multi group confirmatory factor analyses. We have to reject the substantive hypothesis on substitution of formal and informal social capital for all countries under consideration, except for Romania. We corroborate the hypothesis on complementarity of formal and informal social capital.  相似文献   

In recent years, the concept of social exclusion has received a renewed attention in scientific research, as well as in politics. In this contribution we propose a hierarchical Latent Class (LC) model for the analysis of differences and similarities about experiences and perceptions of social exclusion among European regions. Social exclusion is a situation that affects individuals, and derives from a multidimensional deprivation in several domains of life. In particular, we identify and define an economic, a social and an institutional dimension. The LCs, which structure the individuals with respect to a set of observed indicators, represent different typologies of social exclusion at individual level according to the three identified dimensions. The regional differences in the latent variable distribution are modeled following a nonparametric approach for the random effects. This multilevel extension leads to the identification of a typology of regions, allowing different social exclusion structures to stand out for different European areas. The hierarchical latent class approach proves to be profitable in investigating the relevance of different risk factors of social exclusion and their relationships, and in verifying whether, and to what extent, the same risks and disadvantages determine the same perception of marginalization and exclusion in different political, economic, social and cultural contexts. The analysis is carried out using the 56.1-2001 Eurobarometer Survey, which focused on poverty and social exclusion situations, from both a subjective and an objective point of view.  相似文献   

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