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建立独立董事制度 完善公司治理结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了规范上市公司的法人治理结构,使董事会更公正地代表股东利益尤其是中小股东的利益,借鉴国际市场经验,笔者认为,在上市公司中引入独立董事制度是完善中国上市公司治理结构的重要步骤。  相似文献   

Corporate Governance, Board Diversity, and Firm Value   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study examines the relationship between board diversity and firm value for Fortune 1000 firms. Board diversity is defined as the percentage of women, African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics on the board of directors. This research is important because it presents the first empirical evidence examining whether board diversity is associated with improved financial value. After controlling for size, industry, and other corporate governance measures, we find significant positive relationships between the fraction of women or minorities on the board and firm value. We also find that the proportion of women and minorities on boards increases with firm size and board size, but decreases as the number of insiders increases.  相似文献   

江轩宇  许年行 《金融研究》2015,422(8):141-158
实体经济的过热投资是否会导致股市出现“泡沫”进而引发股市的暴跌风险是当前学术界和实务界关注的一个焦点问题。本文以2004-2013年A股上市公司为样本,从微观层面考察企业过度投资对股价崩盘风险的影响,并从“代理理论”和“管理者过度自信”两种视角分析其背后的作用机理。研究结果表明:(1)企业过度投资显著加剧了股价未来的崩盘风险;(2)股东与经理人之间的代理冲突而非管理者过度自信是导致二者正相关的主要原因;(3)进一步的研究发现,企业过度投资对未来股价崩盘风险的影响具有长期性,且其对股价未来的暴涨不具有预测能力。本文的研究结论不仅丰富了股价崩盘风险、过度投资等相关领域的文献,对于如何抑制实体经济投资过热以降低股价崩盘风险、维护金融市场稳定也具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between financial firm corporate lobbying, shareholder-based litigation outcomes, and firm value. We show that political lobbying lowers federal class action securities litigation likelihood for public financial institutions. Secondly, lobbying firms experience a higher likelihood of having litigation dismissed, and the average settlement amount is significantly lower for lobbying institutions. In addition, shortly after a litigation announcement, lobbying firms experience significantly higher cumulative abnormal returns (CARs), compared to non-lobbying firms. Finally, we show that lobbying firms have higher long-run buy-and-hold abnormal stock returns (BHARs) following lobbying activities. Our results link financial institution lobbying activity with improved legal outcomes and relatively higher firm value. While lobbying improves financial firm value, our results also imply that lobbying creates a disadvantage for non-lobbying firms within the industry. Our results provide insights, not only to corporate managers, but to regulators and policymakers interested in the impact of lobbying on the efficacy and objectivity of regulation and enforcement in the financial services industry.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of China’s patent pledge policy on the stability of stock prices for Chinese listed businesses. We find that when businesses use patent rights as collateral for loans, the probability of stock price crash increases. Additionally, this unfavorable effect is more pronounced in businesses with strong financial standing, excessive managerial confidence, and serious agency problems than in businesses with weak financial standing, non-excessive managerial confidence, and non-serious agency problems. Indeed, a mechanism analysis reveals that the patent pledge policy aggravates management’s excessive investment and contributes to stock price instability. Furthermore, the pledge financing process and corporate financing goals are not sufficiently transparent and lack internal and external supervision, due to the challenges associated with determining the value of patent rights, the lack of awareness of risk control in the pledge process, and the imperfections in pertinent policies and systems.  相似文献   

随着市场投资理念逐步转向价值投资,上市公司基本面的变化将更受关注.中小企业板作为新兴的资本市场板块,具有重要的研究意义.利用38家中小企业板上市公司的2004年会计和财务数据,运用聚类分析和判别分析方法对其盈利、成长扣扩张能力进行定量分析研究,并据此归结出整个板块股票的分类及其特点,为投资者和市场各参与主体有效把握中小企业上市公司及其成长趋势提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the value relevance of financial reporting transparency and corporate governance in Malaysia increased after the Asian financial crisis of 1997. Our sample comprised 94 companies listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange in both 1996 and 2001. The disclosure indexes were significantly value relevant for 2001 but not for 1996. Our corporate governance measure was also significantly value relevant for 2001 but not for 1996. Accordingly, it would appear that after the Asian financial crisis, investors have become more sensitized to transparency and corporate governance issues.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of management’s opportunistic behaviour on the relationship between institutional investors’ visits and stock price crash risk. We find that the relationship between visit frequency and stock price crash risk is inverted U-shaped because of management’s opportunistic behaviour aiming at avoiding the negative impacts of visit. Institutional investors’ visits raise stock price crash risk when visit frequency is low and it can reduce crash risk just when visit frequency is high enough. This nonlinear relationship is more significant when management’s opportunistic behaviour is highly motivated and the implementation space is larger.  相似文献   

公司治理结构存在问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济全球化进程日趋加快的新形势下 ,加强公司治理已成为国际潮流 ,受到国际企业界的普遍高度重视。本文从简述目前公司治理结构存在的问题着手 ,在此基础上 ,提出几点完善设想 ,以期对公司治理问题展开进一步讨论。  相似文献   

中国上市公司独立董事制度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
独立董事制度在中国上市公司中实施只有四年左右的时间.本文通过独立董事制度实施以来存在问题的研究,从公司治理结构与独立董事制度、独立董事制度产生的基础、股权结构与独立董事制度以及独立董事本身等方面进行了深层次探索,认为完善独立董事制度应从体制和政策调整两方面共同进行.体制方面,完善在国内外公司治理结构模式的比较分析基础上,将独立董事制度与公司治理结构结合起来.从政策调整方面,应从独立董事职责、独立董事产生机制、独立董事监管体系的形成、独立董事工作制度等诸方面加以调整和完善,以使独立董事制度发挥其真正的效用.  相似文献   

We examine cases where managers announce an intention to de-stagger their boards via proxy proposals or board action. The literature has established the staggered board as the most consequential of all takeover defenses and one that destroys wealth. Thus, dismantling staggered boards benefits shareholders. We study the wealth effects and motives behind this change in governance within a conditional event study. We find that de-staggering the board creates wealth and that shareholder activism is an important catalyst for pushing through this change. Moreover, in the period preceding Sarbanes–Oxley, investor reaction indicates a perception that de-staggering firms are more likely to be takeover targets.  相似文献   

对于董事会规模与公司价值之间的关系,以往的研究得出了完全不同的两种结论,分析原因可能是因为公司在确定董事会规模时很大程度上取决于公司规模大小。本研究通过检验发现,公司规模对董事会规模具有门槛效果,通过使用门槛自回归模型可以更好地解释董事会规模和公司价值之间的关系,实证研究的结果表明,在公司规模相对较小的门槛区间,董事会规模和公司价值之间存在显著的正相关关系,而在公司规模较大的门槛区间,董事会规模与公司价值之间的关系在统计上不显著,但符号上表现为负相关关系。  相似文献   

We assess international compliance with the Basel Committee's 2010 guidance on governance of banking organisations. Based on an extensive examination of regulatory documents in selected advanced economies, we find that reform is incomplete in jurisdictions most affected by the financial crisis, and with the largest financial centres. In contrast, other countries less affected by the financial crisis have enacted risk governance reforms as protection against potential future contagion. We provide insights for policy‐makers charged with improving governance at banks, and a richer understanding for international regulators as they revise the guidelines and aim for greater compliance at the national level.  相似文献   

公司价值理论与股票定价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济金融化使现代公司财务理论从以往的边缘地位逐步朝着金融经济学的核心与主流方向发展。公司价值理论作为现代公司财务伯重要组成部分已日臻完善和成熟。我国长期对公司价值理论研究的忽视,不仅是企业落后的深层原因,而且也是影响市场发展重要因素之一,因为股票价值与公司价值直接相关,忽视公司价值而形成的股票价格不仅是不合理的,而且会对股票市场产生不良影响。  相似文献   

起源于美国的股票期权制度在其本土已经得到了较为广泛的应用,我国在这方面也进行了积极的探索,一些企业也进行了实践。但股票期权究竟是否适合我国的情况呢?本将以主板市场为基础,通过对股票期权的实施条件的分析来对其在我国企业的适用性进行研究。  相似文献   

数字金融是在传统金融的基础上,利用数字技术重塑的新兴金融业态,对于支持实体企业的经营发展具有重要意义。本文在分析数字金融与企业价值关系的理论基础上,选取2011-2018年中国沪深A股上市公司的数据,实证检验数字金融发展对企业价值的影响及其作用机制。研究发现:数字金融发展有助于提升企业价值;数字金融发展能有效缓解企业的融资约束,促进企业价值增加。因此,在数字化时代下,应积极推动数字金融高质量发展,缓解企业融资约束,实现企业价值增值。  相似文献   

近年来,加强以沪深交易所为主要依托的一线金融监管成为"转变政府职能、创新监管方式"的重要举措.本文基于2004—2018年沪深交易所处罚公告数据,探讨了一线金融监管的治理效应及其作用机制.实证研究发现:(1)由于沪深交易所天然的信息优势和治理效应,一线金融监管提升了上市公司的信息披露质量和内部治理水平,该作用效果受到被处罚次数和公示单位的影响.(2)机制检验表明,一线金融监管还具有外溢效应:可通过引发媒体和投资者的普遍关注形成有效的监管合力,从而实现共同维护资本市场秩序的目的.(3)2017年修订的《证券交易所管理办法》进一步强化了一线金融监管效果.通过上述研究,本文一方面丰富了金融监管、信息披露、内部治理效果这些领域的研究;另一方面旨在通过检验一线金融监管的治理效应,为政府职能部门"放松管制、加强监管"提供经验证据.  相似文献   

In this study we examine how the regulation of director attendance disciplines directors’ behavior, and consider the governance effect of such regulations. This examination exploits the differences between the requirements for director attendance at board meetings enacted by the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SHSE) and by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE). Using a difference-in-differences model with a sample of A-share listed firms from 2006 to 2017, we document that the rate of meeting attendance by independent directors who serve with firms listed on the SHSE (SHIDs) has increased significantly since the exchange’s enforcement of the regulation on attendance. This positive effect has been more pronounced for independent directors with legal backgrounds. Further investigations find that the regulation of attendance plays a corporate governance role through the mechanism of enhanced monitoring. The attendance regulation increases the SHIDs likelihood of casting dissenting votes, and it leads to both better accounting performance and higher firm value. In addition, SHIDs are more likely to depart from firms listed on the SHSE, and to transfer their directorships to firms listed on the SZSE, which has a less constraining attendance requirement. Our findings provide evidence of how external regulation shapes director attendance and voting behavior in emerging markets.  相似文献   

We examine whether stock liquidity exacerbates or mitigates managerial short-termism. Utilizing earnings management as a proxy for managerial short-termism, we establish three major findings. First, firms with liquid stocks engage in less accrual-based and real earnings management. Second, the effect of stock liquidity on earnings management is amplified for firms with high levels of managerial pay-for-performance sensitivity. Third, the positive association between the intensity of earnings management and firm cost of capital is evident only for firms with low stock liquidity. Our findings are consistent with the threat of blockholder exit as the main governance channel through which stock liquidity discourages opportunistic earnings management and mitigates managerial short-termism.  相似文献   

内部审计功能与公司价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于内部审计价值增值功能,考察内部审计质量对公司价值的影响。以2007—2009年A股上市公司为研究对象,从内部审计部门的独立性、规模、制度规范和设立动机四方面合成内部审计质量以作为内部审计功能发挥的代理变量,以Tobins'Q作为公司价值的代理变量,以ROA作为公司经营绩效的代理变量。研究表明,内部审计对公司价值的影响主要是通过公司经营绩效实现的;在考察样本中的中小企业板上市公司,内部审计质量与公司价值和公司价值增值显著正相关,研究假设部分获得验证;就样本整体而言,暂未发现内部审计质量与公司价值和公司价值增值的直接证据,这可能是由于我国内部审计制度整体不够健全、功能发挥不够充分所导致的。本文的研究结果不仅有利干推动上市公司进一步强化内部审计功能,也为监管机构知悉内部审计改革的政策效应提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

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