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作为应对国际金融危机的主要力量,财政救助是促进全球经济企稳回升的关键,但与此同时也会带来财政赤字加重、道德风险上升等潜在成本。本文认为,政府在关注财政救助收益的同时,更要关注其风险及成本,以实现财政救助效用的最大化。  相似文献   

2002年全球金融板块呈现调整特征:一是国际股票市场全线大跌,但其他市场却有不同程度的“好”行情;二是股票、风险投资等直接融资受挫,银行信贷等间接融资重拾风光;三是美元强货币走跌,欧元等弱货币走强;四是美国等强势金融体遭困,东南亚等弱势金融体逞强。与此相对应,中国的对外金融呈现一派繁荣景象,以开放促改革的局面初步形成。  相似文献   

We build up a Ricardian trade model with multiple regions within a nation and examine how international trade determines interregional patterns of production and specialization. We show that the degree of interregional concentration of economic activities moves in different directions in two trading nations. The role of “absolute advantage” becomes crucial in dictating the course of income disparity across regions. We discuss cases with varying degrees of labour mobility and reconfirm the result on post‐trade interregional concentration and dispersion. Later we explore the impact of “scale factor” in this model and show how principle of comparative advantage and economies of scale interact to determine the pattern of specialization and volume of trade.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interplay between stock market returns and their volatility, focusing on the Asian and global financial crises of 1997–98 and 2008–09 for Australia, Singapore, the UK, and the US. We use a multivariate generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (MGARCH) model and weekly data (January 1992–June 2009). Based on the results obtained from the mean return equations, we could not find any significant impact on returns arising from the Asian crisis and more recent global financial crises across these four markets. However, both crises significantly increased the stock return volatilities across all of the four markets. Not surprisingly, it is also found that the US stock market is the most crucial market impacting on the volatilities of smaller economies such as Australia. Our results provide evidence of own and cross ARCH and GARCH effects among all four markets, suggesting the existence of significant volatility and cross volatility spillovers across all four markets. A high degree of time‐varying co‐volatility among these markets indicates that investors will be highly unlikely to benefit from diversifying their financial portfolio by acquiring stocks within these four countries only.  相似文献   

Monetary targets have been instituted in major countries for nearly a decade. There has been a rather wide variety of experience with them, both in the control procedures and in the success with which targets have been achieved. This paper presents results of a reaction function investigation into the extent to which elements of discretionary monetary policy remained even under targeting. Generally, targets probably were successful in focusing central bank attention on the long run. But a conclusion here is that distinguishable elements of discretion (as opposed to rule), evidenced by movements in targeted aggregates themselves, were present for several countries, including the United States.  相似文献   

This note presents annual figures for gross expenditure on UK central government assistance to industry over the period 1960-90. This is part of onging research on the determinants and effects of UK industrial assistance. All figures are at corrent prices and a breakdown is provided between various components of policy, comprising national assistance, industrial and firm specific assistance, technology support, civil aircraft aid, shipbuilding assistance and local employment and regional policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the "traditional approach" that the US. International Trade Commission (ITC) has used during recent years to decide whether dumped or subsidized imports cause material injury to a domestic industry. ITC decisions are perceived as not explaining clearly why the conclusions reached follow from the facts presented. Using a survey of recent ITC decisions, the authors attempt to discover the assumptions and methods of analysis lying behind traditional analysis so that readers may more fully understand ITC opinions. The authors argue that the major components of the traditional approach are special applications of ordinary demand-supply analysis.  相似文献   

我国应对国际金融危机的财税政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际金融危机对我国实体经济造成冲击的主要原因是近些年来我国经济增长严重依赖外需。我国内需不足主要是由社会保障制度不健全以及低收入群体所占比重相对较大造成的。当前国家扩大内需的财税政策也应着眼于完善社会保障制度和改善收入分配两个方面。  相似文献   

新型危机背景下,金融空间结构由于路径依赖而呈现的刚性开始松动,金融包容成为实现社会公平、协调、增长、共赢的必需手段。它是金融排斥理念的拓展与深化,也是动态、多层次、复合维度理念,不仅包括微观供求主体的包容,也涵盖了区域层面的包容共生,即各区域经济、金融、社会的协调、城乡金融协调以及区际金融协调。影响金融包容的因素包括需求、供给与社会三个方面,其作用渠道与强度随国别、文化、历史、经济、社会的不同而有所差异,深度包容比宽度包容更为重要,不能将其简单理解为金融普惠。包容的精髓在于充分信息下所有参与主体的机会均等、自主选择与互利共赢。  相似文献   

在金融结构的变迁过程中,蕴含着金融不稳定的因素,客观上两者之间存在着互相作用的机理。同时,金融结构的变迁以及金融稳定的实现都与金融系统功能的发挥紧密相关,所以金融功能观为研究两者关系提供了很好的分析视角。从宏观上看,金融结构与金融稳定通过实体经济和货币政策相互发生作用,货币政策作用于金融系统并影响着金融结构,金融结构的变动直接作用于实体经济,由此引起的实体经济波动将会影响到金融稳定,反之亦存在着作用机制;从微观上看,金融结构的各个组成部分,包括金融市场结构、金融制度结构、金融融资结构、金融开放结构等,都对金融稳定产生各自不同的、具体的影响。  相似文献   

One of the most rapidly growing and controversial forms of consumer lending to recently emerge in the marketplace has been payday advances. This form of credit allows the borrower to obtain a small amount of cash for a short period of time. Claims of predatory lending often arise due to the high annual percentage rates that result from the fees for borrowing small amounts of money for 2 wk or less. By analyzing the data collected in a national survey of payday customers, this research allows policymakers to better understand what type of consumer borrows from payday lenders, for what purpose, and what the true benefits and costs are. The results confirm a strong demand for payday loans that satisfy a real financial need within a certain segment of the population. ( JEL D12, D18, G20)  相似文献   

This paper shows that the characteristics model provides a unifying framework for analysing both financial intermediation and the process of financial innovation. The role of the financial intermediary is to buy-in the primary liabilities of the firm, unbundle and repackage the characteristics contained in them and issue a set of ultimate assets to households. Assets exist because the balance between the supply of and demand for asset characteristics indicates an interior equilibrium. Financial innovations arise whenever changes in supply and demand induce movements from a corner solution to the interior. A number of existing explanations of financial innovation can be expressed using this framework.  相似文献   

This paper applies the distance function approach for stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) to compare research and development (R&D) efficiency across 24 nations during 1998–2005. In this multiple input–output framework, R&D expenditure stock and R&D manpower were inputs, while patents, scientific journal articles, and royalties and licensing fees (RLF) were outputs. Intellectual property rights protection, technological cooperation among business sectors, knowledge transfer between business sectors and higher education institutions, agglomeration of R&D facilities, and involvement of the government sector in R&D activities significantly improve national R&D efficiency.  相似文献   

The economic benefits of a traditional college education relative to a high school degree are well known to students and economists alike. However, little is known about the economic returns associated with associate and vocational degrees. Using a large micro-data set of former guaranteed student loan borrowers, this paper analyzes post-schooling returns for bachelors as well as associates and vocational students. The analysis further extends the existing literature by controlling for individual characteristics that income studies typically do not measure. By including the default status of the educational loan used to finance the postsecondary education, the intrinsic individual characteristics of commitment and initiative are controlled for and are found to significantly increase earnings.  相似文献   

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