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随着社会经济的迅猛发展,企业管理面临许多新问题,商业伦理对企业管理的重要性也日益凸显。我国在企业管理中应该根据市场经济体制特征和企业自身特点逐步规范商业伦理的建设。文章在阐述商业伦理建设的理论背景的前提下,分析了我国企业管理中商业伦理建设的现状,最后探讨了加强企业商业伦理建设的有效途径和方法。  相似文献   

管理作为人类社会协调的中心活动,具有很强的社会性和伦理性。企业管理具有伦理性,伦理亦具有管理作用。对管理论理的忽视,不重视伦理的管理作用,是当前我国企业管理实践中普遍存在的缺陷。加强企业管理伦理的探索,关注管理活动的伦理道德要求,利于促进管理革新,理念升华和实现企业经济管理活动“善的循环”。同时,在加入WTO后,与外来资本竞争的核心环节将是人才之争,这一竞争成效又会上上决定企业的市场竞争力。而人才要素的流动不仅取向于物质利益,同时也决定于情感和精刘上的满足程度。因此,增强企业管理的伦理性也是市场竞争的必要要求。在本文中,力图根据企业管理的普遍规律,联系我国保险企业管理实际,对企业管理伦理的最根本问题-义利关系进行分析诠释,从而明确我们管理工作的基本伦理准则。  相似文献   

知识管理作为一种新型企业管理模式,是将知识作为财富管理,在管理中突出知识和人才,具有丰富的伦理学内涵。从伦理视域看,知识管理追求效率,提倡共享,提倡合作,通过知识管理实现企业效益的最大化。在知识管理过程中,要关注伦理进路,树立追求道德价值的理念,突出效率优先、以人为本、共享共赢、公平公正等原则,使知识管理真正成为打造企业核心竞争力的“动力源”。  相似文献   

实践证明,传统的利他式、情感型企业捐赠无法实现可持续发展.新兴的互利型企业捐赠伦理范式正成为一种国际趋势,它强调理性捐赠、和谐共存.我国企业转变捐赠伦理范式任重道远.创建双赢的企业捐赠伦理范式,须以成熟的企业捐赠伦理理念为指导、以优质的企业捐赠文化为前提.积极探索创建双赢的捐赠伦理范式,能够让企业更有力地践行企业公民,实现企业的全面发展.  相似文献   

旅游企业伦理规范的有效沟通   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伦理经营在21世纪将成为管理理念发展中一个重要趋势,探讨了员工伦理观念的形成以及旅游企业应通过何种途径有效地与员工沟通企业的伦理规律,以达到影响员工伦理行为的目的。  相似文献   

企业管理的伦理理念表现为既成的道德意识和道德认识成果,它规范着企业管理的行为“轨道”,影响管理功能的实现。在众多伦理理念中,以人为本、诚信为本、以和为  相似文献   

从企业文化管理在现代企业中日益发挥的巨大作用入手,就我国现代企业文化管理的理念、文化管理的方法以及进行文化建设等方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

当前,我国企业人力资源建设中存在着开发与管理、管人与管事、全面开发与单项开发失衡的现象;企业管理应全面认识和把握员工需要,开展人力资源的生理开发、心理开发、伦理开发、智力开发、技能开发和环境开发。  相似文献   

短短十年时间,河南财鑫集团有限责任公司在周口市郸城县这样一个经济发展相对落后的农业地区迅速崛起,创造出"财鑫现象"的奇迹,企业安全发展伦理建设功不可没。财鑫集团的企业安全发展伦理建设的成功经验在于:秉承以人为本,奠定企业安全发展的伦理底线;力求可持续发展,确立企业安全发展的伦理理念;崇尚和谐发展,实现企业安全发展的伦理追求。  相似文献   

我国企业信息化建设中存在认识不足、重视不够,企业信息化建设成本高、利用网络开展经营活动的企业甚少,企业信息化过程中的管理重组落后,短期行为严重、服务跟不上等问题,走具有我国自己特色的企业信息化发展道路必须在营销理念、营销战略、营销体系、营销组织上创新。  相似文献   

This study explores the ethical perceptions of advertising professionals regarding two child-oriented television advertising issues: deceptive messages and host selling. Differences in ethical evaluative and decision processes are investigated for both issues, using two evaluative rules. The results indicate that variations in advertisers’ ethical judgments and ethical intentions are affected by the type of rule(s) used during the evaluative process, and by the degree to which the rules are embraced. The article concludes with recommendations for advertising management and implications for future research. She graduated with honors in 1989 from Mississippi State University with a D.B.A. in marketing. She has practical experience in marketing research and her research interests are ethics and social responsibility, and professional services marketing. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from Michigan State University in 1980. He is the coauthor of two books on business ethics and has contributed numerous articles on ethics to various academic and applied business journals. He received his D.B.A. in marketing from Louisiana State University in 1969. He has coauthored two books on business ethics and has published articles on ethics in marketing journals. He is a frequent lecturer on business ethics. She graduated in 1990 from Mississippi State University with a D.B.A. in management. Her research interests are business ethics and student ethics, and corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

当前有关企业管理的研究层次以及类别比较活跃,但将企业管理与生态环境伦理问题相结合的研究还很不成熟。随着人类环保意识的逐步提高,现代企业管理应更加关注其与人类生活的生态环境相结合的问题。从生态伦理的角度重新审视现代企业管理中存在的一系列问题,进而解决此类问题,以促进社会更快、更好的发展,最终实现整个社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

伦理管理是企业伦理的践行机制,是指企业在把握了伦理价值观后自觉地用伦理价值观来指导自己的经营管理活动的行为,包括内外两个方面。它是文化管理的核心和文化管理的具体化,也是当今企业界推崇的一种公司治理方式。其特点是以人与自然的和谐关系为中心,以道德竞争力作为核心竞争力,把企业道德建设作为管理中心工作。具体步骤是:进行伦理决策——从源头上进行伦理管理;制订伦理准则——使伦理管理有章可循;建立操作机制——实现伦理管理的保障。  相似文献   

在美国,绝大多数商学院都开设商业伦理课程,几十年来一直遭受师资配备不足与教学效果欠佳两大因素困扰,商业伦理环境恶化、教师缺少认同、学生课堂参与降低是导致这种困境的原因。美国商业伦理教育实践给中国商学院的启示有四点:认清商业伦理的价值,秉持商业伦理可以传授的理念;推动商业伦理研究,培养优秀师资;挖掘自身伦理教育资源,编写本土案例;积极借鉴先进经验,创新教育方法。  相似文献   

研究徽商的经营文化是研究徽商的重要方面,通过对徽商经营文化的研究可以让我们更好的把握徽商的风貌和特性,以及对于认识明清时期的商人精神风貌,对于今天社会主义市场经济条件下如何提高商业经营水平和商业道德都具有重要的启发意义。徽商的经营文化主要分为经营艺术、商业道德、经营特征三方面,对这三方面的研究成果进行归纳和总结,对于从整体上认识徽商具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后期以来,中国的经济伦理状况在总体上已有一定改善,但存在的一些严重不道德经济行为已呈现出地区性和行业性的特征,而不是某种单一的、偶然的现象,因此是一种结构性的不道德经济行为。企业与地方政府或部门政府的利益联盟是这种不道德行为存在和蔓延的现实基础。面对市场和政府的力量在遏制结构性不道德经济行为方面的双重失灵,中国经济伦理的进一步改善既要立足于企业的自觉和政府、法律监管力度的加强,更要立足于能有力量对企业和政府进行监督并形成制衡的第三方,即公民社会的发展。  相似文献   

A necessary but insufficient condition for marketers to act ethically and be socially responsible is that they must perceive ethics and social responsibility to be important. However, little is known about marketers’ perceptions regarding the importance of ethics and social responsibility components of business decisions. The objectives of this study are (1)to assess the marketing practitioners’ perceptions regarding the importance of ethics and social responsibility in achieving organizational effectiveness, and (2) to analyze the relative influences of selected personal characteristics and organizational factors underlying a marketer’s perceived importance of ethics and social responsibility. The results from a mail survey of American Marketing Association members indicate that the marketers generally believe that ethics and social responsibility are important components of organizational effectiveness. The results partly indicate that there is a positive relationship between a marketer’s corporate ethical values and his or her perceptions regarding the importance of ethics and social responsibility. The results also indicate that the marketers’ perceptions regarding ethics and social responsibility can be explained by idealism and relativism. He has also served on the marketing faculty at Thammasat University, Thailand. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi. His research focusing on marketing ethics and social responsibility has been published inJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and elsewhere. He received his D.B.A. in management from the University of Maryland. His work on business ethics, organizational design, and strategic planning has been published inAcademy of Management Review, American Business Review, andJournal of Business Ethics. His current research interest centers on the measurement of moral intensity. He received his Ph.D. from Texas Tech University. His work has appeared inJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Research in Marketing, and elsewhere. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Mississippi. His research has been published inJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management, Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, and elsewhere. His research interests include marketing ethics, health care marketing, international marketing, and direct marketing.  相似文献   

晋商纵横商界五百年,作为一个特殊的商业群体,他们在经营活动中所秉承的经济伦理思想,在当今的社会主义市场经济条件下,具有积极的现实意义和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

工商管理的教育往往强调管理的科学方法而忽视科学管理内含的伦理观念,现有的企业伦理教育则存在着从外部将伦理观念加诸科学管理的倾向。但事实上管理的科学性和伦理性是有机结合在一起的。文章试图根据管理思想的演进阐明,实现协调的利益平衡伦理观念是管理科学的核心;随着管理思想的演进,其中的利益平衡伦理观念也在演进。  相似文献   

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