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Coherent, convex, and monetary risk measures were introduced in a setup where uncertain outcomes are modeled by bounded random variables. In this paper, we study such risk measures on Orlicz hearts. This includes coherent, convex, and monetary risk measures on Lp -spaces for  1 ≤ p < ∞  and covers a wide range of interesting examples. Moreover, it allows for an elegant duality theory. We prove that every coherent or convex monetary risk measure on an Orlicz heart which is real-valued on a set with non-empty algebraic interior is real-valued on the whole space and admits a robust representation as maximal penalized expectation with respect to different probability measures. We also show that penalty functions of such risk measures have to satisfy a certain growth condition and that our risk measures are Luxemburg-norm Lipschitz-continuous in the coherent case and locally Luxemburg-norm Lipschitz-continuous in the convex monetary case. In the second part of the paper we investigate cash-additive hulls of transformed Luxemburg-norms and expected transformed losses. They provide two general classes of coherent and convex monetary risk measures that include many of the currently known examples as special cases. Explicit formulas for their robust representations and the maximizing probability measures are given.  相似文献   

This paper deals with multidimensional dynamic risk measures induced by conditional g‐expectations. A notion of multidimensional g‐expectation is proposed to provide a multidimensional version of nonlinear expectations. By a technical result on explicit expressions for the comparison theorem, uniqueness theorem, and viability on a rectangle of solutions to multidimensional backward stochastic differential equations, some necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the constancy, monotonicity, positivity, and translatability properties of multidimensional conditional g‐expectations and multidimensional dynamic risk measures; we prove that a multidimensional dynamic g‐risk measure is nonincreasingly convex if and only if the generator g satisfies a quasi‐monotone increasingly convex condition. A general dual representation is given for the multidimensional dynamic convex g‐risk measure in which the penalty term is expressed more precisely. It is shown that model uncertainty leads to the convexity of risk measures. As to applications, we show how this multidimensional approach can be applied to measure the insolvency risk of a firm with interacting subsidiaries; optimal risk sharing for ‐tolerant g‐risk measures, and risk contribution for coherent g‐risk measures are investigated. Insurance g‐risk measure and other ways to induce g‐risk measures are also studied at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

We specify a general methodological framework for systemic risk measures via multidimensional acceptance sets and aggregation functions. Existing systemic risk measures can usually be interpreted as the minimal amount of cash needed to secure the system after aggregating individual risks. In contrast, our approach also includes systemic risk measures that can be interpreted as the minimal amount of cash that secures the aggregated system by allocating capital to the single institutions before aggregating the individual risks. An important feature of our approach is the possibility of allocating cash according to the future state of the system (scenario‐dependent allocation). We also provide conditions that ensure monotonicity, convexity, or quasi‐convexity of our systemic risk measures.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to put forward a new family of risk measures that could guide investment decisions of private companies. But at the difference of the classical approach of Artzner, Delbaen, Eber, and Heath and the subsequent extensions of this model, our risk measures are built to reflect the risk perception of shareholders rather than regulators. Instead of an axiomatic approach, we derive risk measures from the optimal policies of a shareholder value‐maximizing company. We study these optimal policies and the related risk measures that we call shareholder risk measures. We emphasize the fact that due to the specific corporate environment, in particular the limited shareholders' liability and the possibility to pay out dividends from cash reserves, these risk measures are not convex. Also, they depend on the specific economic situation of the firm, in particular its current cash level, and thus they are not translation invariant. This paper bridges the gap between two important branches of mathematical finance: risk measures and optimal dividends.  相似文献   

The optimized certainty equivalent (OCE) is a decision theoretic criterion based on a utility function, that was first introduced by the authors in 1986. This paper re-examines this fundamental concept, studies and extends its main properties, and puts it in perspective to recent concepts of risk measures. We show that the negative of the OCE naturally provides a wide family of risk measures that fits the axiomatic formalism of convex risk measures. Duality theory is used to reveal the link between the OCE and the φ-divergence functional (a generalization of relative entropy), and allows for deriving various variational formulas for risk measures. Within this interpretation of the OCE, we prove that several risk measures recently analyzed and proposed in the literature (e.g., conditional value of risk, bounded shortfall risk) can be derived as special cases of the OCE by using particular utility functions. We further study the relations between the OCE and other certainty equivalents, providing general conditions under which these can be viewed as coherent/convex risk measures. Throughout the paper several examples illustrate the flexibility and adequacy of the OCE for building risk measures.  相似文献   

Stefan  Weber 《Mathematical Finance》2006,16(2):419-441
In the first part of the paper, we characterize distribution-invariant risk measures with convex acceptance and rejection sets on the level of distributions. It is shown that these risk measures are closely related to utility-based shortfall risk.
In the second part of the paper, we provide an axiomatic characterization for distribution-invariant dynamic risk measures of terminal payments. We prove a representation theorem and investigate the relation to static risk measures. A key insight of the paper is that dynamic consistency and the notion of "measure convex sets of probability measures" are intimately related. This result implies that under weak conditions dynamically consistent dynamic risk measures can be represented by static utility-based shortfall risk.  相似文献   

我国开放式基金风险管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放式基金作为一种金融工具,其健康发展离不开对风险的有效管理和控制。本文详细分析了我国开放式基金所面临的各种风险,并提出了防范和管理开放式基金风险的建议和措施。与现有文献相比,本文提出了系统的开放式基金风险管理措施,并构建了开放式基金风险管理模型,形成了我国开放式基金风险管理系统,完善了开放式基金风险管理理论。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the aggregate risk of inhomogeneous risks with dependence uncertainty, evaluated by a generic risk measure. We say that a pair of risk measures is asymptotically equivalent if the ratio of the worst‐case values of the two risk measures is almost one for the sum of a large number of risks with unknown dependence structure. The study of asymptotic equivalence is particularly important for a pair of a noncoherent risk measure and a coherent risk measure, as the worst‐case value of a noncoherent risk measure under dependence uncertainty is typically difficult to obtain. The main contribution of this paper is to establish general asymptotic equivalence results for the classes of distortion risk measures and convex risk measures under different mild conditions. The results implicitly suggest that it is only reasonable to implement a coherent risk measure for the aggregation of a large number of risks with uncertainty in the dependence structure, a relevant situation for risk management practice.  相似文献   

We propose a multivariate extension of a well‐known characterization by S. Kusuoka of regular and coherent risk measures as maximal correlation functionals. This involves an extension of the notion of comonotonicity to random vectors through generalized quantile functions. Moreover, we propose to replace the current law invariance, subadditivity, and comonotonicity axioms by an equivalent property we call strong coherence and that we argue has more natural economic interpretation. Finally, we reformulate the computation of regular and coherent risk measures as an optimal transportation problem, for which we provide an algorithm and implementation.  相似文献   

筹资风险探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筹资风险又称财务风险,是企业因借入资金而产生的丧失偿债能力的可能性和企业利润的可变性。防范企业筹资风险应采取提高风险意识和企业的盈利能力、选择适当的筹资策略、合理安排筹资渠道和规划企业的资本结构、加强资产流动性的管理等措施,使筹资风险降到最低,实现企业最优的财务管理价值。  相似文献   

This paper introduces parametric families of distortion risk measures, investigates their properties, and discusses their use in risk management. Their derivation is based on Kusuoka's representation theorem of law invariant and comonotonically additive coherent risk measures. Our approach is to narrow down a tractable class of risk measures by requiring their comparability with the traditional expected shortfall. We make numerical comparison among them and propose a method of estimating the value of the distortion risk measures based on data. Their use and interpretation in risk management will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The risk of a financial position is usually summarized by a risk measure. As this risk measure has to be estimated from historical data, it is important to be able to verify and compare competing estimation procedures. In statistical decision theory, risk measures for which such verification and comparison is possible, are called elicitable. It is known that quantile‐based risk measures such as value at risk are elicitable. In this paper, the existing result of the nonelicitability of expected shortfall is extended to all law‐invariant spectral risk measures unless they reduce to minus the expected value. Hence, it is unclear how to perform forecast verification or comparison. However, the class of elicitable law‐invariant coherent risk measures does not reduce to minus the expected value. We show that it consists of certain expectiles.  相似文献   

A new class of risk measures called cash subadditive risk measures is introduced to assess the risk of future financial, nonfinancial, and insurance positions. The debated cash additive axiom is relaxed into the cash subadditive axiom to preserve the original difference between the numéraire of the current reserve amounts and future positions. Consequently, cash subadditive risk measures can model stochastic and/or ambiguous interest rates or defaultable contingent claims. Practical examples are presented, and in such contexts cash additive risk measures cannot be used. Several representations of the cash subadditive risk measures are provided. The new risk measures are characterized by penalty functions defined on a set of sublinear probability measures and can be represented using penalty functions associated with cash additive risk measures defined on some extended spaces. The issue of the optimal risk transfer is studied in the new framework using inf-convolution techniques. Examples of dynamic cash subadditive risk measures are provided via BSDEs where the generator can locally depend on the level of the cash subadditive risk measure.  相似文献   

推出股指期货的制约因素及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓云  宋扬 《商业研究》2005,(8):117-119
股指期货是规避股票投资过程中系统性风险的衍生工具,同时也是金融市场巨大的风险来源,因此要采取积极的对策,在未来推出股指期货交易之时,尽可能降低和控制股指期货所带来的风险。  相似文献   

资产证券化业务在我国刚刚拉开序幕,本文介绍了在CMO的基础上发展起来的衍生工具IO和PO.分析了其收益中存在的风险,并提出从宏微观两方面入手进行风险防范。  相似文献   

Coherent Measures of Risk   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  

In this paper we study both market risks and nonmarket risks, without complete markets assumption, and discuss methods of measurement of these risks. We present and justify a set of four desirable properties for measures of risk, and call the measures satisfying these properties "coherent." We examine the measures of risk provided and the related actions required by SPAN, by the SEC/NASD rules, and by quantile-based methods. We demonstrate the universality of scenario-based methods for providing coherent measures. We offer suggestions concerning the SEC method. We also suggest a method to repair the failure of subadditivity of quantile-based methods.  相似文献   

在我国粮食物流工程项目中,风险管理理论是一个比较薄弱的环节。急需进行深入、系统的研究。本文对粮食物流项目风险管理研究方法和内容做了初步探讨,以期能够解决项目实践中的问题,针对现实项目提出风险应对措施,并总结经验,采用科学方法有效地识别项目风险;通过评估风险,帮助项目管理者了解哪些是主要风险,并实施有效的应对措施,控制风险,减少损失,使项目达到预期的经济效益和社会效益。推动粮食物流项目的发展。为项目科学决策提供依据。  相似文献   

面对当今全球经济危机,我国房地产面临着严峻的挑战,房地产风险防范成为当前工作的重点。通过对房地产企业运营过程中遇到的环境风险、流程风险、决策风险的分析,提出了房地产风险防范的对策.对加快我国房地产健康发展具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

This article studies the optimal portfolio selection of expected utility‐maximizing investors who must also manage their market‐risk exposures. The risk is measured by a so‐called weighted value‐at‐risk (WVaR) risk measure, which is a generalization of both value‐at‐risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES). The feasibility, well‐posedness, and existence of the optimal solution are examined. We obtain the optimal solution (when it exists) and show how risk measures change asset allocation patterns. In particular, we characterize three classes of risk measures: the first class will lead to models that do not admit an optimal solution, the second class can give rise to endogenous portfolio insurance, and the third class, which includes VaR and ES, two popular regulatory risk measures, will allow economic agents to engage in “regulatory capital arbitrage,” incurring larger losses when losses occur.  相似文献   


How does risk aversion affect corporate dividend payout? Finance theories have long suggested a relationship between risk aversion and dividends but there is little empirical evidence on the extent of this relationship. In this paper we construct measures of risk based on two cultural dimensions developed by Hofstede (1983, 1991). Using over ten years of data for firms in 14 countries, this study is the first to provide evidence that firms in countries with higher risk aversion exhibit both lower dividend ratios and lower propensity to pay dividends.  相似文献   

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