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郭剑武 《广告大观》2008,(12):126-127
在过去的两年里,B2B行业可谓是个大热门。ALI、网盛的上市将B2B推向高潮,整个B2B行业和投资领域都为其摩拳擦掌,仿佛B2B的盛世已经到来。但今年春节过后,形势急转直下,到了年尾,互联网的冬天一片萧索:股价稳步下跌,市场极度萎缩。裁员、关门、调整、收缩战线、转战B2C等不绝于耳。那么究竟是什么原因导致B2B行情昙花一现,急转直下呢?B2B已经走到尽头了吗?  相似文献   



This paper aims to explore how corporate brands co-create value with their multiple stakeholders in a B2B2C marketplace. Main data sources stem from in-depth interviews with top managers of a technology corporation in the financial sector. Findings depict a model that conceptualises the successful value co-creation process as the careful management of six specific drivers, namely: interdependency, direct approach, trust, strategic alignment, adaptive modus operandi, and knowledge sharing. Hence, the study offers new food for thought for scholars and practitioners who wish to improve their knowledge and understanding on brand value co-creation and corporate marketing.  相似文献   

B2B企业电子采购的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
卢青  王捷  林锦国 《商业研究》2004,(22):177-179
当前我们必须了解采购与电子采购的概念和电子采购的优势,然后才能提出战略性电子采购的概念,从而预测出BSP电子采购模式将成为未来的发展趋势,并且要了解我国电子采购的发展现状和目前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

2B or not 2B     
Tobeornottobeitsaquestion。哈姆雷特的这句经典台词,同样适用于网络经济的概念主体.corn们。本期《电子商务》以23版的篇幅推出封面报道((dotc蜕变的方向》,着力从钱景、站位、调整和潜力等方面辨析了25家互联网公司——中国corn团队的力量主体,对他们的生存状态与转型  相似文献   

B   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. B-商业伙伴公司公司网址:www.b-businesspartners.com/公司简介:总部设在欧洲,是一家以电子商务为主要业务的公司,公司原身是欧洲的一家传统的企业集团。其主要业务包括:电子商务服务、硬件、软件、横向或纵向的市场营销以及无线操作台。主要合伙人有:ABB,ASTRA ZENE  相似文献   

冷眼看中国B2B   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子商务最具魅力之处就在于它能极大地节省交易费用,通过跨地域、全天候方便快捷的交易方式,降低买家与卖家之间的搜寻成本、谈判成本和交易成本。也正由于此,电子商务在国际贸易领域有着广阔的发展空间。一时,各种标榜某某商业模式的国际贸易 B2B 网站纷纷搭台,真可谓你方唱罢我登场。电子商务玩家谁也不愿失去这块到嘴的肥肉。某某.com 贸易网站广告铺天盖地于各类媒体,那咔嗒咔嗒的鼠标声不啻似"渔阳鼙鼓动地来,惊破霓裳羽衣曲"。然而,一年多的运作在各贸易网站上从事交易的外贸企业没有得到多少实质性利益,务实的企业家开始思量:B2B 贸易网站究竟在多大程度上改变了传统企业的命运?众多企业慢慢感觉到,国际贸易网站想说信你不容易  相似文献   

韦锋 《大经贸》2001,(1):60-63
电子商务最具魅力之处就在于它能极大地节省交易费用,通过跨地域、全天候方便快捷的交易方式,降低买家与卖家之间的搜寻成本、谈判成本和交易成本.也正由于此,电子商务在国际贸易领域有着广阔的发展空间.一时,各种标榜某某商业模式的国际贸易B2B网站纷纷搭台,真可谓你方唱罢我登场.电子商务玩家谁也不愿失去这块到嘴的肥肉.某某.com贸易网站广告铺天盖地于各类媒体,那咔嗒咔嗒的鼠标声不啻似"渔阳鼙鼓动地来,惊破霓裳羽衣曲".  相似文献   

We implement an endogeneous switching‐regression model for labour productivity and firms’ decisions to use business‐to‐business (B2B) e‐commerce. Our approach allows B2B usage to affect any parameter of the labour productivity equation and to properly take account of strategic complementarities between the input factors and B2B usage. Empirical evidence from 1,460 German firms shows that there is a simultaneous relationship between labour productivity and the adoption of B2B. Firms deciding to use B2B e‐commerce employ their input factors more efficiently than non‐B2B users. Conversely, firms refrain from engaging in B2B probably because they expect the cost of B2B adoption will not be sufficiently compensated by productivity gains.  相似文献   

The link between service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty has drawn the attention of both academic researchers and practitioners. They are also focusing on the effect of cultural differences on customer attitudes and behaviour in the global service industry. This paper examines the relationships between service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty as well as the moderating effect of cultural differences on the above relationships in the industrial business-to-business (B2B) service sector. The paper presents an empirical study using datasets collected from 7652 industrial customers across 55 countries and uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the hypotheses. The application of Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a customer loyalty metric based on customer experience management (CEM) is studied in relation to customer satisfaction. The study results demonstrate the positive relationship of service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty. In terms of the effect of cultural differences, the study finds that cultural dimensions of uncertainty avoidance negatively moderate the relationship between service quality and satisfaction, while individualism positively moderates the relationship between service quality and satisfaction. However, cultural differences do not impact on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty.  相似文献   


Researchers have suggested that businesses are undergoing a paradigm shift due to the emergence of the Internet. In the business-to-business arena, fundamental process changes are taking place due to the emergence of Internet-based B2B exchanges. Three types of B2B exchanges have emerged-independent or third party industry specific B2B exchanges, buyer or supplier coalition-based B2B exchanges, and corporate B2B exchanges. While the costs savings associated with Internet-based B2B exchanges are well understood, this paper highlights the critical role that relationships will play in the success or failure of B2B exchanges. Using transactional cost framework, we analyze the various types of Internet-based B2B exchanges and conclude that corporate exchanges have a comparative advantage over open market exchanges, as well as over buyer or supplier coalition-based exchanges. It is our expectation that this paper will serve as a catalyst for future research in this area.  相似文献   

弭乐  李响 《国际市场》2012,(Z1):117-122
中国第三方独立B2B平台发展状况B2B在我国发展十余年来,大致经历了三个阶段:萌芽阶段、普及阶段、初步应用阶段。萌芽阶段。1997年,我国第一个全流程的B2B电子商务交易平台(中国商品交易中心,CCEC)上线,标志着我国B2B电子商务进入萌芽阶段。随  相似文献   


A telephone survey of 517 corporate executives in large and mixed-sized companies was used to determine the status of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce. Findings included that only one-quarter of respondents used B2B e-commerce in their businesses, but 41% said that their companies planned to add e-commerce to their Websites. Of those who conducted e-commerce, 73% found it a profitable way to reach customers without cannibalizing traditional sales revenue. The timing of the survey, between periods of economic expansion, makes this a valuable benchmark for the adoption of e-commerce.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case-based research is to analyze and discuss Alibaba Group (hereafter Alibaba) and its entrepreneurial growth and global expansion in B2B/B2C markets. The paper uses company and industry-specific data and surveys to analyze a fast growing Chinese B2B/B2C firm and its internationalization and expansion in global markets. Findings of the work reveal that in a short time, Alibaba has become a major entrepreneurial icon and global player and continues to grow worldwide because of its well-planned business initiatives and B2B/B2C-based business models. The paper also provides implications in the area of international entrepreneurship and its related areas. International entrepreneurs need to learn from Alibaba’s fast growing business model and dynamic growth because of its competitive platforms and Web-based strategies which helped the company to target small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in global markets. Within the areas of international entrepreneurship and international business, the paper also provides discussion which deals with the changing e-commerce industry and its future growth and developments.  相似文献   

近年来,随着销售业务需求的不断增大,促进了电子商务的快速发展。其中B2B电子商务模式发展更为突出,逐渐成为电子商务的主流形式,它是利用现代信息网络和计算机技术进行的商务活动。B2B电子商务的不断发展,使其逐渐成为促进经济增长的新亮点,指导着未来商务发展的趋势。B2B电子商务形式在我国出现已经有一段时间,但是它的发展并没有达到发达水平。电子商务可以有效提高资源配置效率、降低企业之间的交易成本、促进专业化发展、提高企业分工水平。今后在电子商务交易活动中,应有效结合市场和政府的力量,规范交易活动的有序进行,提升企业的盈利份额,从而增强其市场竞争力。  相似文献   

B2B的电子商务与面向供应链管理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陆东辉 《商业研究》2004,(9):171-173
供应链管理是当今先进的管理思想,而B2B电子商务则带来了企业价值链、供应链的变革。促进了企业三个层次的过程重组,通过对客户、企业和供应商的有机结合实现了建立在整个产业甚至全球的供应链网络上的增值。  相似文献   

To support the purchasing process in the B2B EC platform, we analyzed various architectures of buyer-carts. The desired features in buyer-carts are collection, recording, trashing, tracking, identification, ordering, payment, purchasing decision support, and transmission of records to e-procurement systems. A buyer-cart can be categorized as s-cart, i-cart, and b-cart depending upon its residing sites: seller, intermediary, and buyer. To design the architectures of B2B e-marketplaces considering the role of buyer-carts, we analyzed the feasible combinations of marketplace operators, pricing mechanisms, and types of buyer-carts. Seventeen elementary types of B2B EC architectures turned out meaningful in this regard, thus their pros and cons are evaluated. Based on this framework, we designed a composite architecture MyCart, which allows the buyer to use b-cart along with s-cart and i-cart. By using the b-cart, a buyer can visit multiple sites collecting information in his or her own cart. This will allow the tight integration of b-cart with the e-procurement system. We demonstrate that the b-cart approach can be an effective framework of integrating the e-marketplaces with e-procurement systems and ERP systems. The b-cart can be very effectively applied to the desktop purchasing environment which uses external e-marketplaces.  相似文献   

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