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国营农场最优经营规模研究——以海南国营植胶农场为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农场或农户效率与生产规模的关系问题一直是农业经济学的热点,本文以海南省农垦88个国营植胶农场天然橡胶1998—2007年的面板数据为证据,从全要素生产率和技术效率等角度考察农场天然橡胶效率与生产规模的关系,研究发现:海南农垦国营植胶农场天然橡胶的全要素生产率和技术效率与橡胶生产规模是呈"倒U型"曲线关系;胶农场并不是越大越好,也不是越小越好,而是有其生产规模的最优边界;当前海南农垦国营植胶农场橡胶天然橡胶最优的生产规模是年末面积约为13000~20000亩。  相似文献   

本文根据海南省农垦88个植胶农场天然橡胶2002年和2003年的相关数据,建立随机C-D前沿生产函数,分析海南农垦天然橡胶生产技术效率。研究发现:平均干含、公顷有机肥使用量、公顷化肥使用量、胶工人数和每公顷开割株数以及公顷压青是影响海南农垦88个植胶农场天然橡胶生产技术效率的主要因素;2002年和2003年,植胶农场的天然橡胶技术效率分布趋于相对平衡,但相差仍然较大,且整体的技术效率偏低,平均技术效率为0.61;海南农垦天然橡胶生产技术效率存在显著的收敛性。  相似文献   

海南农垦的骨干企业是橡胶农场,橡胶农场的支柱产业是天然橡胶生产。巩固支柱产业,全面发展农垦大农业,是振兴橡胶农场经济的战略性选择,也是海南农垦进入二十一世纪面临的重大课题。一、关于橡胶农场农业经济的分析海南农垦经过三代人四十多年的艰苦创业,已开发建设...  相似文献   

发展国产天然橡胶是海南农垦创建的宗旨,经过40年的艰苦创业,取得了令人瞩目的成就,垦区成为我国最重要的天然橡胶生产基地,对国家作出了很大贡献。由于橡胶生产具有周期规律,也还由于其他原因,垦区橡胶业现在处在一个新的转折时期。  相似文献   

海南农垦经过50多年的发展,已成为中国最大的天然橡胶生产基地。但橡胶产业链不连续,在生产和加工之间中断,形成橡胶生产与加工不配套的局面。天然橡胶产业链可细分为产品链、价值链、组织链、物流链、信息链以及技术链6个分链条和环节。本文运用产业链的相关理论对各个链条的发展状况和制约因素进行分析,在此基础上进行创新,探索延长产业链、提高产业竞争力的对策措施。  相似文献   

海南农垦是五十年代初期建立起来的天然橡胶生产基地。现在职工48万人,耕地684万亩,其中橡胶生产占用耕地和防护林地占整个耕地面积的74%。年产干胶15万吨,占全国干胶总产量的60%,40年累计生产干胶190多万吨,为海南和祖国的建设  相似文献   

对海南农垦面临的几个基本问题的思考李选文,曾顺勋海南农垦是我国最大的天然橡胶生产基地,每年产量约占全国总产量的60%。这对厂每年花费大量外汇进口橡胶的我国国民经济来说显然具有十分重要的意义。海南垦区拥有48万职工,占全省全民所有制职工的45%;拥有固...  相似文献   

关于整合橡胶资源做强海南橡胶产业的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海南省农垦总局提出了“做大、做强海南农垦橡胶产业”的发展战略。这是振兴海南农垦经济的重要举措。要进一步做大、做强海南农垦天然橡胶产业这个可持续发展的、有一定竞争能力的优势产业,我认为主要应从三个方面加以谋划和推进。一、发挥海南农垦橡胶产业对海南农业的带动作用国有农场从它建立的那一天开始,就承担了以先进生产力示范农村和探索中国农业现代化发展道路的历史任务。经过几十年的改革和建设,海南农垦已经积累了比较雄厚的物质技术基础,适应市场经济要求的管理体制和经营机制正在逐步形成。特别是在新的发展阶段,农垦有着农…  相似文献   

农民职业化是我国农业现代化主要趋势之一,也是我国农业政策的重要导向。但既有事实和理论表明,职业农民比普通农民更具有效率优势的判断是值得质疑的。本文以云南、海南两省天然橡胶种植区域农垦职工和普通农民为例,利用257份抽样调查数据,从技术效率与配置效率两个维度对农垦胶工和普通胶农的天然橡胶生产效率进行了实证分析和对比。结果表明,在技术效率方面,农垦胶工比普通胶农更具效率优势;在配置效率方面,普通胶农则具有更高的劳动和土地要素的配置效率,资本配置效率上二者在同方差假定下并无明显差异,而在异方差假定下普通农户亦相对更高。  相似文献   

海南农垦电子商务交易中心是海南省农垦总局直属企业 ,是海南省农垦总局指定的唯一从事海南农垦天然橡胶现货交易的专业市场。交易中心利用先进的互联网技术 ,搭建我国天然橡胶及热带作物产品的交易平台和信息平台 ,对传统的流通体制进行改造 ,实现网上交易 ,为买卖双方提供公开、公平、公正及安全、可靠、有效的电子商务交易和信息服务。交易中心于 2 0 0 1年 5月 8日开张试营业 ,到2 0 0 2年 7月底 ,已销售橡胶 2 6 84万吨 ,成交总金额 19 5 3亿元。交易中心开发使用的“动态倒计时折零竞价交易系统”在国内居领先水平 ,有良好推广和示范…  相似文献   


In developing country production environment, farm production efficiency is often measured in terms of on-farm resources and producer characteristics. In this paper we postulate that input and output market related factors also influence farm production decisions hence its efficiency. Stochastic frontier production function was used to assess technical efficiency and its determinants including input and output market variables for a sample of 1962 pig farms in Vietnam with data collected in 1999. There are significant differences in production behavior and efficiency level between the North and the South, among farms producing different breeds, between mixed and specialized farms, between household and commercial farms, and among producers located in different agro-ecological regions. Access to better output market, land size, herd size, and education of household head significantly reduced inefficiency, while access to government supplied inputs, age of household head, female headed households and family supplied crude feeds significantly increased inefficiency in both the regions. The direction of influence on efficiency differs between the two regions for access to credit, proportion of output sold at market rather than at farm gate and family labor supply. Generally, market related factors had more consistent influence on production efficiency in the South of Vietnam where the experience of market economics is longer compared to the North. Policy actions on providing better extension, more timely access to better quality inputs through the private sector, making credit more easily accessible to smallholders and opportunity to sell output at better priced secondary markets are expected to increase productivity and reduce inefficiency.  相似文献   

This paper applies alternative panel data models to a cross-sectional dataset that contains observations at the plot level for a sample of wine-grape farms in Central Chile. The input–output data as well as key attributes of the production system are at the plot level, at which individualized management exists. However, plots belonging to a particular farm are also subject to overall centralized (farm-level) management. Thus, this data configuration offers the possibility of analyzing technical efficiency (TE) both across plots and across farms. A Generalized True Random Effects model, which permits the separate identification of farm-level and plot-level inefficiency while controlling for unobserved farm-level heterogeneity, shows that TE varies across farms but not among plots within the same farm. Geographical location also affects grape production and agro-climatic conditions influence production levels, with grape farms located on cooler zones producing significantly less than their counterparts in warmer zones, as expected. The analysis underscores the value of using recent methodologies typically applied to panel data when cross-sectional information is available for individual plots within a farm unit or in similar settings.  相似文献   

This paper compares the production technology and production risk of organic and conventional arable farms in the Netherlands. Just–Pope production functions that explicitly account for output variability are estimated using panel data of Dutch organic and conventional farms. Prior investigation of the data indicates that within variation of output is significantly higher for organic farms, indicating that organic farms face more output variation than conventional farms. The estimation results indicate that in both types of farms, unobserved farm‐specific factors like management skills and soil quality are important in explaining output variability and production risk. The results further indicate that land has the highest elasticity of production for both farm types. Labour and other variable inputs have significant production elasticities in the case of conventional farms and other variable inputs in the case of organic farms. Manure and fertilisers are risk‐increasing inputs on organic farms and risk‐reducing inputs on conventional farms. Other variable inputs and labour are risk increasing on both farm types; capital and land are risk‐reducing inputs.  相似文献   

In parametric efficiency studies, two alternative approaches exist to provide an estimate of the long‐run efficiency of firms: the dynamic stochastic frontier model and the generalised true random‐effects model. We extend the former in order to allow for heterogeneity in the long‐run technical efficiency of firms. This model is based on potential differences in firm‐specific characteristics and in firms’ inefficiency persistence. The model is applied to an unbalanced micro‐panel of German dairy farms over the period 1999 to 2009. Estimation of long‐run technical efficiency and inefficiency persistence is based on an output distance function representation of the production technology and estimated in a Bayesian framework. The results suggest that heterogeneity in long‐run technical efficiency of farms is mostly attributed to discrepancies in farm‐specific factors rather than differences in farms’ inefficiency persistence. Farm size is positively related to long‐run technical efficiency while subsidies exert a negative effect on the long‐run technical efficiency of farms. Inefficiency persistence is found to be very high, but heterogeneity in this persistence is low.  相似文献   

采用HP滤波法将1970~2008年间全国、农垦和民营以及三大植胶区的天然橡胶生产数据分解为波动序列和趋势序列两部分,对波动序列进行相关性分析研究其波动特征,利用趋势序列建立关于时间t的趋势模型。研究结果表明:中国天然橡胶产量波动对农垦产量波动最为敏感,对海南的产量波动最为敏感,对单产波动最为敏感;未来中国天然橡胶的增产空间与国家的目标值相差较大,保增长的任务艰巨。最后,提出了促进天然橡胶快速平稳增产的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

典型家庭农场组织化程度对生产效率的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现阶段中国农业生产仍属于高投入、低效率的粗放模式,粮食安全缺乏可持续性.研究不同规模下不同组织形式的家庭农场生产效率,有助于揭示在中国农业高质量发展阶段中通过转变农业经营组织形式提高粮食生产效率,保障国家粮食安全的新路径.本文利用湖北武汉、安徽郎溪等地家庭农场的问卷调查数据,采用三阶段DEA方法比较纯种植与种养结合两类...  相似文献   

基于2018年甘肃省集体林改监测课题组实地调查数据,运用DEA模型对4种类型家庭林场的经营效率进行比较分析。结果表明:甘肃省家庭林场经营效率整体偏低,不同类型间存在较大差异,经营效率相对较高的是林下养殖型和多功能型家庭林场;各类型家庭林场投入变量都存在不同程度的冗余;家庭林场的经营效率和经营规模关联度不高,更多受技术因素影响。相对而言,种养结合型家庭林场经营面积在0~6.67 hm~2和20~33.33 hm~2,多功能型经营面积在6.67~10.31 hm~2和24.45~25.80 hm~2,能发挥集约优势或规模优势。因此,提出加强对家庭林场主的技术培训;鼓励有实力的家庭林场进行规模化、集约化发展;鼓励种植型家庭林场等拓展经营内容;打造多种功能经营,打造品牌特色等建议。  相似文献   

The U.S. dairy industry is undergoing rapid structural change, evolving from a structure including many small farmers in the Upper Midwest and Northeast to one that includes very large farms in new production regions. Small farms are struggling to retain competitiveness via improved management and low‐input systems. Using data from USDA's Agricultural Resource Management Survey, we determine the extent of U.S. conventional and pasture‐based milk production during 2003–2007, and estimate net returns, scale efficiency, and technical efficiency associated with the systems across different operation sizes. We compare the financial performance of small conventional and pasture‐based producers with one another and with large‐scale producers. A stochastic production frontier is used to analyze performance over the period for conventional and pasture technologies identified using a binomial logit model. Large conventional farms generally outperformed smaller farms using most economic measures—technical efficiency, various profitability measures, and returns to scale.  相似文献   

Cooperation among farmers is an effective alternative to reduce production costs in smallholdings of traditional olive groves and increase their low profitability. However, an increase in efficiency reduces working hours and the labour required for the management of farms. This fact can lead to negative effects in rural areas, especially considering the importance of the social aspect of the crop. Therefore, to contribute to the global discussion on the transition towards more sustainable farming, it is important to know, ex ante, what level of employment is generated by olive groves and what could be lost under more competitive and efficient scenarios. The purpose of the work is to quantify the expected impact on employment by the implementation of cooperative management methods in order to generate true and accurate information that can be used in the design of future policies that aim to increase the economic profitability of small olive farms. The results make clear that this way of managing farms, by increasing the efficiency of agricultural work, has a significant negative impact on employment. However, this management formula does encourage the professionalisation of the sector by generating quality employment, in addition to contributing to the preservation of small farms and the socio-cultural and territorial benefits they generate.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how technical efficiency and the impact of environmental regulations of Taiwanese farrow‐to‐finish swine production can be estimated in the presence of undesirable outputs. The issue of measuring technical efficiencies while considering undesirable outputs has been addressed by past studies. But the proper method of including undesirable outputs has always been a subject of debate. This article develops a data envelopment analysis (DEA)‐based model that includes undesirable outputs. The technologies of desirable output production and undesirable output control are considered simultaneously. This allows one to transform undesirable output into desirable output, whereby a traditional Shephard distance function can be used to measure technical efficiencies. An approach to measuring the impacts due to environmental regulations is then derived. Empirical results show that larger farms are more technically efficient than small‐sized farms, but no clear conclusions can be reached for the measures of regulatory impact among farms with different sizes. On average, the sample farms incurred an opportunity cost due to environmental regulations equivalent to 9.8% of market value. Opportunity costs rise with efficiency.  相似文献   

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