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经济全球化和我国企业的"走出去"战略日益凸显国际商务活动角色和作用。国际商务活动本质上是一种跨文化交际活动,其间隐藏了各国文化的价值观。只有深入了解各国的文化维度和价值观,国际商务活动的参与者才能在各类跨文化商务活动中游刃有余,顺利达成各自的目标和使命。为了深入了解各国的文化维度和价值观,从霍夫斯泰德的权力距离、不确定性的规避、个人主义和集体主义以及长期取向和短期取向四个文化维度着手,探讨国际商务文化意识的培养。进而使国际商务活动的参与者在商务活动中加以运用,顺利达成各自的目标和使命。  相似文献   

近年来,全球经济一体化进程不断发展,中国与世界各国的商务活动日益频繁。但归根结底,国际商务活动是不同文化的交流和沟通,是一种文化的碰撞与交融。由此可见,文化因素是国际商务活动中难以回避的问题,对国际商务活动有着深远的影响。因此,本文提出必须把文化的敏感性和谈判技巧等有效结合起来,以促进商务活动的顺利完成。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的加快,文化因素愈发的渗透在国际商务活动之中,已经成为国际商务活动中不可小视的一种属性.本文就是在这样的背景下,指出了加上国际商务文化素养的培养的重要性,并对国际性商务活动中商务文化砷突进行了分析,最后,就如何培养商务文化素养提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

李振波 《商业科技》2013,(26):131-131
当今世界,经济全球化越来越深入,随着中国加入WTO和其他一些国际组织,世界经济进一步开放等进程,跨文化的商务活动也越来越频繁。本文就以国际商务文化为基础,结合跨文化活动中的文化因素谈谈对个人行为和商务活动的影响。本文将围绕什么是跨文化商务活动,跨文化商务活动的重要性,跨文化商务活动中又包含哪些文化因素以及文化对人的影响,对商务活动的影响来展开。  相似文献   

杜娟 《商业科技》2014,(22):136-137
随着社会的快速发展,国际商务活动不断增多,国际商务活动中的跨文化交流也就变得越来越频繁。跨文化沟通与交流成为现代国际商务活动中的重要组成部分,促进彼此国家文化的了解与渗透,增进合作友谊,加强经济与文化的双重交流,有利于商务活动的顺利进行。本文通过研究国际商务活动中的跨文化沟通的途径来提醒国际商务人员在商务活动中所要注意的诸多问题。  相似文献   

中西文化差异在国际商务交往和谈判中占很重要的位置,文化间的碰撞也与国际商务活动的成功率,以及商务谈判的顺畅性有直接的关联。了解和合理运用中西文化的特点,解除国际交际中的误解,会进而有效的促进国际商务活动的成功。  相似文献   

在国际商务活动之中,需要和具有不同文化背景的人进行交际,不只是涉及语言方面,还关系到文化,要想在商务活动中交际成功,避免出现误解与冲突,需要对跨文化交际的差异性表现进行研究,并针对这些差异性的表现,提出积极有效的跨文化交际应对策略,来推动国际商务活动不断发展。  相似文献   

现代商务中跨文化冲突现象探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球化进程的步步深入,各种不同文化的国家和地区间的各种交流越来越活跃,其中国际商务活动的高潮更是一浪高过一浪。相应的,在这些活动中伴随着文化的交流融合不可避免地产生文化冲突。不同文化间的摩擦给商务活动的开展增加了麻烦,甚至直接导致商务活动的失败。所以,跨文化的研究就显得更加重要和迫切。对商务活动中文化冲突的现象及其原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

促成国际商务活动成功的因素有很多。但文化元素不可忽缺。人们常说,细节决定成败,包括衣着、谈吐等礼仪在内,会心的文化交融当是谈判桌上的一枚“开心果”。然而,我们需要面对的是,商务活动中的文化差异阻隔了我们彼此的交流。我们将如何从容应对?如何填补商务活动中出现的“文化峡谷”?  相似文献   

国际商务谈判是国际商务活动的重要组成部分,在进出口贸易中起着举足轻重的作用。本文探讨了文化冲突对国际商务谈判的影响,阐释了化解和超越不同文化之间冲突和差异的有效途径是相互尊重和理解,文化的沟通与交流有助于实现国际商务谈判中的文化融合。  相似文献   

Cross-culture is the most important character of international business negotiation, just because of this difference in culture caused some cultural clash or conflict in international business negotiation, and most of the negotiation ended up in failure because of this. So to know about both party's cultural background,avoid some conflicts caused by cultural difference is critical to a successful international business negotiation. This article begins with cultural difference, talk about the cultural difference's impact on international business negotiation,give some examples to show that the understanding of cultural difference is important in international business negotiation. At the end, the article tell us that when we are negotiating we must take well care about cultural difference, know different culture, choose the best plan and strategy, so we can well understand each other, each other's advantage and disadvantage to gain win-win cooperation.  相似文献   

Cultural intelligence (CI) has often been linked to performance at the individual, team, and firm levels as a key factor in international business success. Using a new measure of CI, the business cultural intelligence quotient (BCIQ), our study provides empirical evidence on several key antecedents of CI using data on business professionals across five diverse countries (Austria, Colombia, Greece, Spain, and the United States). The findings suggest that the most important factors leading to cultural intelligence, in order of importance, are the number of countries that business practitioners have lived in for more than six months, their level of education, and the number of languages spoken. We find that cultural intelligence varies across countries, suggesting that some countries have a higher propensity for cross‐cultural business interactions. By teasing out the common antecedents of BCIQ among professionals, our findings may help with screening and training professionals for international assignments. Future research may examine the environmental (country‐specific) factors associated with a higher propensity for cultural intelligence (such as immigration, cultural diversity, languages spoken, and international trade) to explain the effect of country of origin on cultural intelligence in the professional community. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

略论跨文化商务谈判差异及影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在国际间商务交往活动日益频繁的今天,跨文化商务谈判中的文化差异和影响问题也日益凸显.为促进中国的跨文化商务谈判多获得成功,应注意跨文化商务谈判中的语言差异及其影响、思维差异及其影响、观念差异及其影响、谈判风格差异及其影响等问题,以在国际贸易中取得较大的主动权.  相似文献   

This article reviews the dynamic demographics of the international business classroom across five Anglo countries: the U.S.A., the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Figures indicate that business education is becoming increasingly international, and that the countries of origin of international business students are changing. Cultural impacts of this increasing internationalization upon international business pedagogy—as well as issues of generational expectations of the classroom experience—are considered, benefits and challenges of the increased cultural diversity in the classroom are discussed, and practical suggestions for instructors teaching in future international business classrooms are detailed.  相似文献   

邓莉 《江苏商论》2012,(2):80-82
跨文化交际是对外贸易活动的必然,文化差异在对外贸易活动中表现在语言行为、非语言行为、价值观和风俗习惯等方面的差异。在对外贸易活动中,要意识到跨国交易中的文化差异并加以克服,同时进行积极的跨文化沟通和交际,首先应当树立文化差异意识,努力提高外语水平,坚持相互尊重、公正平等的原则和加强交流与沟通。  相似文献   

Why An International Code of Business Ethics Would Be Good for Business   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many international business training programs present a viewpoint of cultural relativism that encourages business people to adapt to the host country's culture. This paper presents an argument that cultural relativism is not always appropriate for business ethics; rather, a code of conduct must be adapted which presents guidelines for core ethical business conduct across cultures. Both moral and economic evidence is provided to support the argument for a universal code of ethics. Also, four steps are presented that will help ensure that company ethical standards are followed internationally.  相似文献   

This study examines the process and mechanisms of realized international scaling of born-digital firms through the business model lens. In an explorative multiple-case study of Finnish firms in cultural industries, it finds that born-digital firms adapt their business models through an iterative process to achieve practically scaled operations. The research unpacks the mechanisms guiding the process of business model adaptation and highlights the role of dynamic capabilities in their employment. The findings extend existing theorizing on scaling by offering a conceptualization of realized international digital scaling and the role of the business model in its implementation.  相似文献   

Effective communication between international business partners is critical for global success. Underlying national and organizational cultural differences in international business relationships creates hurdles to effective communication, hindering performance. To assist managers in understanding this issue, a model of communication effectiveness for international relationship development, derived from industry examples, theory, and a dataset consisting of 123 qualitative interviews conducted with American, Canadian, Chinese, and Japanese managers is presented. Further, in order to assist managers in the task of developing more effective communications, a six-step process aimed in directing managerial action is presented. By proactively managing its communications, a firm can develop stronger international business relationships facilitating the rapid response to market opportunities and challenges.  相似文献   

This article begins with a detailed analysis of how the choice situation of a social contract for international business ethics can be constructed and justified. A choice situation is developed by analyzing conceptions of the multinational firm and the domain of international business. The result is a hypothetical negotiation between two fictional characters, J. Duncan Grey and Elizabeth Redd, who respectively represent the interests of businesses and communities seeking to engage in international trade. The negotiators agree on ethical principles governing wages, the environment, and compliance social and cultural norms. These principles are then shown to rest in wide reflective equilibrium with considered moral judgments on international business ethics, which are drawn from international agreements, such as the UN Declaration on Human Rights, and voluntary business initiatives, such as the Global Sullivan Principles and the UN Global Compact.  相似文献   


The objectives of this paper are (1) to review the concept of cultural metaphors, (2) to propose a specific application of cultural metaphors in the teaching of international business concepts and (3) to report two situations in which this application was used. The paper concludes with recommendations for further development of this teaching methodology. The applications involved the exchange of metaphors between students at a French university and students at a university in the United States, in 2001 and 2004, which they had developed to describe their respective cultures. The courses were in the field of international business management.  相似文献   

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